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War of Wings

Page 9

by War of Wings (ARC) (epub)

  She started to chuckle again. “That’s what happens when you mistreat me. So where are you wanting to take me now, you brute?”

  “You will see,” he said in a deep, mysterious tone. She rolled her eyes but smiled. Gabriel realized how comfortable they were becoming around each other. It surprised him. It just felt right.

  “You can take me to your favorite spot tomorrow,” Arrayah said. “It’s my turn, and there is someone I’d like for you to meet. Right now, actually.”

  “That’s fine with me. Who are we meeting?” She was already planning to see him again. This was wonderful.

  “You will see,” she said, imitating his deep, mysterious voice. She giggled again.

  “You’re just cracking yourself up, aren’t you?”

  She grabbed his hand, and they flew up a mile to catch speed. Then they tore straight back through the cave that led them there, dodging crystals and hugging the turns. When they emerged at the Marble Falls, she kept up their speed and shot straight through the falling water.

  She then dragged him straight down into the water—seven tiers down. They plunged deeper than Gabriel had ever gone until all was lost in darkness. This was not his idea of fun, and he held tightly to her hand. Their momentum carried them forward into the black water until they came out on the other side into the cosmos. Gabriel’s anxiety melted away as he took in the dots of distant light, the endless vastness of space, and the beautiful orbs suspended in view as far as he could see. It was like nothing he had imagined.

  “Have you ever been here?” she asked, watching his reaction.

  “No. I had no idea.” A mass of glowing rock tumbled into his vision, trailing a glowing tail of phosphorescence. Amazing.

  “Those lights are called stars. That’s a comet passing by. There is much I can teach you about all of this and how it came to be, but I want you to meet someone first. He is on the planet called Terra.” She pointed at a green-and-blue sphere with subtle shades of white.

  “What is a planet?”

  “You will see soon.”

  “I can’t wait. Let’s go.”

  With Gabriel close behind, Arrayah flew toward Terra. He tried to take it all in, but every time he slowed, she urged him forward. The planet was mostly blue, yet they headed for a green area. As they entered the atmosphere, Gabriel saw a land mass rushing up at him, and as they drew closer, he made out what seemed to be a hundred angels scattered across the ground. A decent-sized group was huddled around one particular angel. He looked familiar.

  “Arrayah, is that Lucifer, the great cherub?”

  “Yes, it is. He is the one I want you to meet.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  He could not believe he was going to meet the mighty Lucifer. What would he possibly say to him? “He has so many listening to him. We shouldn’t interrupt.” Gabriel straightened his chest plate with his free hand.

  “Don’t be silly.”

  They flew in closer, heading toward the back of the crowd surrounding Lucifer. Arrayah landed with a smooth tuck of her wings, and Gabriel dropped down beside her. The crowd had turned to watch them.

  “Lucifer,” she shouted. “I have someone I would like you to meet.”

  Lucifer was by far the most famous angel in Heaven. Gabriel was surprised that he wasn’t much bigger in person. His performances were so bold and unforgettable and his reputation and popularity so massive. Up close, it was evident that Lucifer was only a fraction taller than Gabriel, if at all. He was even leaner.

  Gabriel and Arrayah walked directly up to Lucifer, and the crowd between them scattered. Lucifer put on a welcoming smile.

  “You must be Gabriel! I have heard so much about you. It is an honor to meet you.”

  Lucifer lowered his head with respect and reached out a hand. Gabriel couldn’t believe that the anointed guardian cherub would bow to him and shake his hand. He also couldn’t believe Lucifer had heard of him. Gabriel’s stomach clenched, and he worried his palm was sweaty.

  “The pleasure is all mine, sir, believe me.” Gabriel bowed his head as well, then shook the cherub’s hand.

  “Saraquel has told me great things about you. He says you are a leader amongst the archangels.”

  Gabriel couldn’t hide his surprise. “Saraquel has? Well, I don’t know about how true it all is. Michael is more of the archangel leader than I am.”

  “Humility. You brought us a good one, Arrayah. I am looking for a leader right now, Gabriel. I’m looking for someone like you in this time of the angels.”

  “Time of the angels” caught Gabriel’s attention. He liked the sound of that. “What do you mean?”

  “Have you not heard?”

  Gabriel looked at him blankly.

  “Have you not told him, Arrayah, of the new heavenly order?”

  Saraquel appeared out of the crowd and saw Gabriel. Saraquel was obviously not expecting to see him. “Gabriel, I see you have met Lucifer.” A proud, pious look followed on Saraquel’s face.

  “Saraquel, did you not tell Gabriel of how we have been deceived?” Lucifer asked.

  “I feared he would not listen to me, great Lucifer. I thought it better for him to hear directly from you, the highest of all angels.” Saraquel gave a chilling smile.

  Gabriel was starting to feel uncomfortable and turned to Arrayah for affirmation. She looked happy and nodded to him with assurance. His body warmed, and he relaxed his tense shoulders.

  “Please, tell me more Lucifer. I have an open mind. What do you mean we’ve all been deceived?”

  “I’ll let Lucifer explain,” Saraquel said. “I am—”

  “Good,” interrupted Gabriel. “I was speaking to Lucifer anyway.”

  Lucifer laughed. Saraquel colored and slowly closed his mouth.

  A few more angels had flocked over to hear what was going on. It made Gabriel feel important to be talking with Lucifer in front of so many. All eyes were upon the great cherub.

  “Gabriel, I’m sure you must be confused, and I’m sure there are others who are confused here as well.” Lucifer turned his gaze from Gabriel to the many angels around and raised his voice. “It is time that what I have discovered be revealed to all. God’s light has dimmed, and it is no secret why. He is scared.” He paused a moment before stating it again. “Yes, I have said it. He is scared because He knows all too well that we have caught on to His lies. Yes—God is unfortunately a liar.”

  A murmur went through the crowd. Lucifer seemed to make personal eye contact with every angel around him. He had a way of making angels feel important, acknowledging everyone, and Gabriel enjoyed it despite himself. He hadn’t felt important in a long time. Lucifer was so charismatic; he was inspiring the angels even without words.

  “Yes, He has lied about who He is and where we have all come from. Look around you. All that you see was created recently. He would tell you that it was created for a purpose under His divine will, that He created it all.” Lucifer stressed the word “He” with mocking deference. “But I will tell you that is not the truth.”

  How did Lucifer know so much Gabriel wondered. He had been studying the universe all this time while Gabriel sat around eating. That was how.

  “All matter was condensed into one spot and then eventually exploded. That is how this was all created, and it has become an ever-expanding universe. God was not here to see this happen, but I was. I saw it with my own eyes. God was nowhere to be found.”

  Could this be true? Why would God’s highest angel say this if it wasn’t real? Gabriel looked around him to see how other angels were reacting. Most looked startled but accepting.

  “This was not something of God’s creation like He would have you believe. He wants all of us to stay ignorant to facts and laws of the universe so that He can invoke words like faith and trust. He thinks we will not question Him. Well, fortunately, I can no longer be fooled! I have discovered many of God’s secrets, and many more are revealed to me each day.
The more I find out, the more I will share with all of you. God has been exposed.”

  The crowd’s attention stayed locked on Lucifer. Barely a sound could be heard. “I have become too smart for God’s complacency, and He was not prepared for that as He is so wrapped up with His so-called Son’s forthcoming. I will bring you all up with me! We will leave Him and His Son behind. He wanted us to be in captivity forever, and now He dares to announce a Son that will be above us all. After all we have done for Him! You must ask yourself one question: ‘Where did God come from?’”

  Lucifer paused a moment. Gabriel could hear whispers and mumbling spreading among the angels. He saw faces that varied from confusion to disbelief, fright to excitement. Lucifer seemed in total control, and Gabriel couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “Where did God come from?” Lucifer repeated slowly. “He is no better than we are. He wants us to believe He has always been, but how can something be if it was never created? I tell you this, my friends: it is impossible. We will no longer fall for His trickery! God is a liar!” Lucifer shook his fist toward Heaven.

  The concept of a deceitful God was awe-inspiring to some of the angels and downright frightening to others. While some stayed in silent shock, many angels, including some who were high ranking, began to chant, “No more lies!”

  Gabriel was alarmed to see how many were already supporting this movement. Many of these were from the hierarchs, including cherubim, thrones, virtues, and dominions. He thought of Michael’s warning, and his stomach clenched again. He looked at Arrayah and saw she was watching him.

  “I know it’s much to take in all at once,” she said.

  Gabriel kept his thoughts to himself. He might not know a lot, but he knew when to keep his mouth closed.

  “What do you think?” Arrayah prodded. “It makes complete sense, right?”

  Gabriel still didn’t speak. He turned away from her to Lucifer, who was continuing his speech.

  “We have gained so much ground in such a short time. You are the leaders, and there are countless angels back in Heaven who need your guidance. They are ready to join us in the quest for truth. I want every angel in Heaven to be given the chance to understand and decide what is right, so spread the word. Tell your loved ones, tell your friends, tell those you don’t even know. Don’t cheat any angel out of the truth. The new heavenly order will soon take its power, and God’s hierarchy will be replaced. The most loyal will be at the top, nearest to me. Those who choose to remain His followers will grovel next to Him and continue to be nothing but servants! I will raise my throne—our throne—far above His!”

  Gabriel felt sick and excited all at the same time. It went against everything he had ever known or believed. It felt wrong to the very core, yet when he saw the proud look on Arrayah’s face, he saw a future. Until he met her, he didn’t have one. Although Terra’s beauty was nothing compared to Heaven’s, it felt brighter than Heaven ever could. It was imperfect and wild. It smelled dirty and alive. It smelled amazing.

  “He is the Great Deceiver and will no longer reign over us! But I tell you He is very powerful, so we must be smart. We need to have the majority of angels behind us. There is power in numbers, and there is little time. I challenge you to speak to as many as you can; we will convene back here in three days. Bring everyone you can, and together we can reach the millions of angels in Heaven. We will no longer be deceived!” He shot one fist in the air, and many angels cheered.

  The crowd of angels scattered, many flying toward the heavens to recruit new members to their fold. Gabriel knew that Lucifer’s words were what many angels thought but dared not express. Most angels deep down wanted talents or gifts they never received, whether in music, the arts, hobbies, recreation, or sports. Every angel had unique gifts, but Heaven’s most-talented angel expressed discontent for the first time in paradise and Gabriel was able to witness it firsthand. A path had just been paved for angels to look at their own desires and decide what they were missing.

  Gabriel had always wanted to be more than a lowly archangel as did many others in low rank, but God had made him for a reason. Gabriel had always believed that. Although he wanted more from time to time, his belief gave him a contentment and sense of worth that he could not deny. The idea that any angel could be more was undeniably appealing; it certainly was to him. He understood how they felt. But it was wrong, wasn’t it? The knots in his stomach cinched tighter.

  He had just witnessed Lucifer make this crowd of angels feel as if they could be the masters of their own lives. Pockets of angels remained, chattering excitedly. It had all spawned from Lucifer’s enthusiasm and declaration of this new truth. Could it be truth? Gabriel wondered as he watched angels practically knock each other over to get started spreading the message as if there was a reward for the one who came back with the most converts. Maybe there would be. Heaven would never be the same. This both relieved and terrified him.

  After most of the angels had gone, Lucifer noticed Gabriel still standing with Arrayah in silence. Gabriel didn’t know how to react. Lucifer shook out his intimidating wingspan and walked elegantly over to Gabriel, a dominion flanking him on either side. Lucifer was the perfect specimen. Who wouldn’t want to follow this angel?

  “I would like to offer you a special place in my court as a favor to both Arrayah and Saraquel, who have both spoken highly of you. I will make you one of my top angels should you choose to join us. I have heard of your talents in the art of battle. I feel you would be a valuable asset to my court, so I have my selfish reasons as well.”

  Lucifer made subtle gestures with his hands as he spoke, his body language starting to put Gabriel at ease. Lucifer was very smooth and charming, but Gabriel didn’t like to be manipulated. He had so much going through his head at that moment he actually felt dizzy. “Your offer is indeed a great honor, Lucifer.”

  “Then accept it.” Lucifer smiled.

  “This is all very fast. Will you allow me a day or so to think about it? This is the first I am hearing of all of this.” Gabriel knew that he might be passing up the greatest opportunity ever handed to him even by asking for an extension. Still, this was not only too good to be true, but he still believed in God with all his heart. Arrayah didn’t seem to anymore though, and he couldn’t just walk away from her. Not now.

  “By all means,” Lucifer said. “In fact, you and Arrayah should go discuss the things you have heard today. I’m sure she will be able to answer any questions. She is one of the smartest angels among us. I want nothing less than a decision solely from you, without my influence.”

  Gabriel’s gaze had shifted to Arrayah at the mention of her name. As Lucifer spoke, Gabriel noticed a discreet wink the cherub sent to her. Gabriel saw the gesture reflected in the helmet of one of the dominions. It made Gabriel wonder how close Arrayah and Lucifer really were, and it sent an empty feeling through him.

  “I appreciate all of this,” Gabriel managed to say.

  “You are welcome, young archangel. Until next time.”

  “Yes, until next time.”

  Lucifer started to turn around and then snapped his fingers and pivoted back. “Wait. Just a moment, please. I spoke to Saraquel earlier, and he told me of an angel that is very troubled by what we are doing here. I don’t believe he understands what is happening. Should you decide to join us, it may be wise if you educate him, for I heard he listens to you and trusts you a great deal. I believe his name is Michael.”

  The empty feeling expanded, filling him inside. “Yes, Michael is a dear friend.” He faced Saraquel. “Have you spoken of this with him?”

  “I did, and he wasn’t very pleased with me.” Saraquel’s scratchy voice was grating. “He told me that the order of things is not to be questioned and that God is bringing him up as a leader of the archangels. He was bragging about it. I know I offended you earlier and for that I am sorry, but I believe Michael is only looking out for himself. I felt that I must warn you.”

  It was true that Mic
hael could be ridiculous at times with his ambition and strict rules, but he wouldn’t be bragging. He was just as likely to lie around all day eating spiritapples. Why was Saraquel lying? Regardless, Gabriel had to keep calm. The wink had him shaken up, and listening to Saraquel’s irritating voice wasn’t helping things. He turned back to Lucifer. “I will speak with Michael about all of this, and I will have an answer for you soon, Lucifer. Thank you for this opportunity.”

  “Please do. I wouldn’t want an archangel trying to start a fight against me. I believe he is trying to do just that.”

  “I will find out. Shall I meet you here when I have my answer?”

  “Arrayah will know where to find me. I will see you then. You are a fine archangel, Gabriel. It was a pleasure.”

  Lucifer turned to speak to the few remaining angels who were waiting for him, and Gabriel addressed Arrayah. “I need to go think. Maybe I should see you tomorrow.” He couldn’t help wondering if Michael could have been right about not trusting her. He didn’t like this feeling at all.

  “You don’t have to explain.” Her voice was soft and understanding. “Would you like to meet tomorrow at the Provender so you can show me your favorite place in all of Heaven? All of this didn’t make you forget, did it?” She moved closer to him and smiled.

  He thought of the wink and almost told her he had to cancel. But those alluring blue eyes were staring at him with an innocence that weakened him. His words came out in spite of himself. “Yes. I will meet you at the Provender, same time.”

  “I can’t wait,” she said, almost too enthusiastically.

  Gabriel fixed a smile on his face and took off toward the cosmos. He needed to find Michael immediately.

  Lucifer was on Terra, walking back and forth on a grassy rise that would serve as a makeshift platform. Later that day, he would be holding a meeting with the angels of the upper tiers. He was expecting seven seraphim, twenty-five cherubim, sixteen thrones, and one virtue in attendance—exactly forty-nine angels from the top four orders. It would be Lucifer’s first large gathering about the changes to come. He imagined them spread out on the field, watching and listening in rapt attention. He paced on the grass and practiced his speech, rehearsing the words in his head so they could come without thought. This had to go perfectly.


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