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Of Mess and Moxie

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by Jen Hatmaker

  PRAISE FOR Of Mess and Moxie


  The most important readers to me are my actual readers because I am a literal person. While I can appreciate celebrity endorsements, well, as I explained in the intro for Moxie: “This one’s for the girls.” The opinions I cherish belong to my real girls—real readers, real women who read this book from cover to cover. With great affection, I give you endorsements from the girls who volunteered to help launch my last book then accidentally stuck around, basically became a little church, and showed up strong not just for this book but for each other and definitely for me—Jen the person, not just Jen the author. They are the friends you wished lived next door. Here is what they thought of Moxie:

  “I see myself so clearly in Jen’s stories that I feel spied on.”

  — ALLISON PICKETT, mom of four wild ones, the loudest and palest person in the room, ravenous for good books but mostly cake

  “Never have I read a book that spoke to so many of my own fears or anxieties about being a wife, a daughter, or a believer.”


  “The perfect blend of hilarious and touching. Jen Hatmaker’s poignant insights are a breath of fresh air for every woman trying to navigate the Christian life in this age of impossible expectations.”


  “Freeing and yet encouraging. It’s time to free ourselves of the bondage in which we’ve placed ourselves and rest: rest in His goodness and in the goodness of others.”


  “Jen Hatmaker proves once again that she is for us, and she gets us. This is the type of book that makes you want to get on the phone with friends and say, ‘Here, let me read this to you.’”

  — HOLLY WAUGH, writer, blogger, lover of Jesus, Hot Mess but full of all the moxie I need

  “Makes you feel like you are sitting on Jen’s front porch, drinking a glass of wine, eating chips and salsa, and having conversations that have you crying at one moment, laughing the next, and then lastly screaming, ‘Let there be Moxie! All is well.’”

  — GWENDOLYN HOWES, lover of fine wine, craft beer, and food that she doesn’t cook, spark plug that organizes and is always going to Carolina in her mind

  “Reading this book is like sitting on the porch with a friend who looks you straight in the eye and says, ‘Me too, I’ve been there, and here’s what I’ve learned.’ And those are my favorite kind of friends.”


  “Jen Hatmaker is America’s girlfriend. She is right there at the sidelines, high-fiving us as we run our race and cheering us on as we live our messy lives.”


  “I have laughed hysterically. Out loud. In public. I have cried big weepy tears. Out loud. In public. Moxie is refreshing: an author being raw, unguarded, and real.”


  “This sixty-something is over the moon in love with Of Mess and Moxie! If you’re a woman with a beating heart, this book’s for you.”

  — LINDA HIBNER, a Jesus-Made-Me-Righteous Chick, Russ’s girl, Everyone’s Nana, and a 4th Act start-again writer

  “I highlighted phrases, dog-eared pages, underlined passages, attached post-it notes, and wrote exclamation marks in the margins because so much of it spoke to me. Jen has so much love for women . . . and that love comes through on every page.”


  “Every chapter left me wanting more. I will shout to the heavens and from all the rooftops in Oklahoma to buy this book. Don’t stop, Jen, keep it going—we need more Moxie in our Mess.”


  “Full of kindly advice, straight talk about everything from parenting to religion, and some pretty delicious recipes. Jesus loves you, Jen loves you, and if you don’t love yourself before reading this book, you will by the time you’re done.”


  “Jen’s observations are both witty and insightful—who else can explain why it’s okay to grieve the atrocities in Syria yet still obsess over Gilmore Girls? A gem that you’ll want to share with everyone you know.”

  — MINDY CHRISTIANSON, English teacher, #boymom, and lover of books and coffee

  “Has heart, passion, a little bit of mess, and a whole lot of moxie. Jen Hatmaker is the friend we all wish we could meet for coffee. With her trademark honesty she relates her experiences in the church, in friendships, in family, and on television, with biblical truths and encouragement for all her sisters around the world. This one’s for the girls, indeed. Moxie on, Jen.”


  “This book had me in such hysterical laughter that my husband kept reading over my shoulder and laughing along with me.”

  — CLAIRE MUMMERT, mom, wife, hobby collector, amateur theologian, baker, and pursuer of sarcasm

  “I laugh out loud, husband says, ‘You’re reading Of Mess And Moxie?’ Same conversation happens with the tears.”


  “This book reads like a family reunion—the kind you want to be a part of. You’re in the family. Dive on in and make yourself comfortable.”


  “I dropped everything and read it in twenty-four hours. This book not only made me feel all my feelings, but reminded me that all my feelings are gifts from God. Thank you, Jen Hatmaker! You are the Queen!”


  “No matter age, social status, or beliefs, you will be challenged and changed by this book. Of Mess and Moxie will make you ugly cry, it will make you laugh, and most importantly it will speak life to you.”


  “Jen tells us that we have not failed or done something wrong when things get messy. It is at this point our inner moxie comes out and we push on and show the world what we have inside of us.”

  — SHANNON IMEL, wife for eleven years, mom for eight years, massive sweet tooth, loves to laugh, digs HGTV and Food Network, and loves to take naps

  “Jen’s words just call out to be underlined, circled, arrowed, asterisked, and amen-ed all over the place. You’re going to need a fancy new pen or five.”

  — BETHANY BEAMS, mother of a five-year-old; singer of the third harmony part; lover of people, stories, Honeycrisps, Hamilton, and naps

  “Reading through Jen’s Of Mess and Moxie did something to me. I’m not even sure what all that is yet, but I can sense something really significant and life changing from it. I felt validated, valued, and cared for in the very words she spoke over me.”


  “This book is a treasured gift for my misfit soul.”

  — KELLY SHANK, writer, frequent flyer to Guatemala, wannabe world traveler, wife, and mama

  “All the feels, all the good, all the bad, and how to love people, yourself, and Jesus thrown into one delicious book. This. Is. Everything.”


  “For all of you who’ve felt isolated in a lonely corner of Christianity like I have, this book is for you. There is beauty in your mess, and Jen is here to show it to you with her signature blend of irreverence and poignant grace. Her best work yet.”

  — KIMBERLY POOVEY, writer, speaker, educator, and over-caffeinated toddler mom

  “Jen doesn’t for a second let you think she has it all together, but I promise you will leave this book feeling empowered to go love your friends and enemies with all you’ve got.”

  — ANNA PRICE, Denton, Texas; loves the church, justice, and friends around her dinner table

  “I found myself not being entertained by this book. Yet again, Jen had found places in my heart that needed attention, and this time around, it was painful. Jen’s observations met me where I a


  “It’s fun, witty, serious, sensitive, loving, encompassing, tender, sobering, easy to read, and heart-wrenching—all at the same time. I can’t imagine a woman who can’t find herself nodding along, saying, ‘Me, too!’”


  “From the moment I turned the first page, I felt like I was reading a letter from a trusted friend. The kind of friend who knows exactly what you’re going through because she’s been there too.”

  — LISA BARTELT, Pennsylvania; wife, mom, writer, Woman in Progress

  “Jen serves it all up with a large dose of humor, the wisdom of someone twice her age, and the knack for storytelling that keeps you wanting more. Definitely on my gift list for women ages fourteen–eighty!”

  — ERIN NEEDHAM, wife, mother, teacher, and procrastinator extraordinaire

  “Got me kicked out of bed for my inability to stifle laughter! The beginning drew me in, the middle made me laugh, and the last four chapters left me wanting more. Another JHat masterpiece!”

  — NICHOLE CARRABBIA, Air Force wife and homeschool mom by day; writer, reader, Netflix and Fallon watcher by night; Jesus-lover, mess-maker, and moxie-seeker always

  “There is a vulnerability in Jen’s stories that calls us to be done with ‘faking’ it. Both a breath of fresh air and a sigh of relief.”


  “She switches seamlessly between humorous, inspirational, and memoir-style essays. Somehow, she manages to relate to women (and men!) in every stage of life, making us laugh, cry, and draw nearer to God. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.”

  — RUTH SZPUNAR from Indiana

  “Chronicles Jen’s own pilgrim progress in seasons of growth and change. Jen’s message: You are not stuck. You are not broken. You are not a victim.”


  “Jen’s pleading that it’s never too late to become stronger and ‘you don’t have to be who you first were’ gives readers permission to forgive themselves and live a life worthy of God’s mercy and grace. She does this with self-deprecating and coffee-spitting humor about family, friends, marriage, Netflix, and exercise.”

  — SUZANNE REES, thirty-years-a-wife, empty-nest mom, rescuer-of-shelter-animals, just coming into my own with this Christianity thing

  “My book is dog-eared, underlined, and highlighted. It brings hope, laughter, joy, and yet challenges you. Well done, Jen. You are loved, cherished, wanted, and treasured.”

  — REBECCA LACOUNT, Slice of Heaven

  “Jen Hatmaker lives out of abundance. There is no room for scarcity. Always room for others. In her writing she has a way of making you feel like you don’t have to go find a different table. You belong right here.”


  “Dances through seasons of life with reflections on faith, family, friendship, and the hoods: childhood, siblinghood, spousehood, and parenthood. Jen’s words encourage, inspire, comfort, and refresh. I want to come back to them time and again and soak in them like a bubble bath.”

  — HEATHER BRADY, Austin, Texas

  “I’ve long fashioned myself a bit of a Junior Jesus. I caught my reflection in the looking glass and realized I make a much better sister and friend than I do a superhero. Thanks for encouraging me to take off the mask of ‘rescuer’ and instead brush my teeth and throw my hair in a top knot as sister-friend.”

  — KARIANN LOY LESSNER, wife, momma, friend, minister for children and families, spotty-blogger, fairy-godmother to many

  “For the husbands: Your wife may very well shout out a ‘hallelujah’ or two, and she may also cry in relief and/or solidarity. Embrace it, buddy. You love her in the Mess of life and admire her for her Moxie, so this book could not be more perfect!”

  — BETHANY MARLOW, Castle Rock, Colorado

  “The reminder we all need right now to love each other well. Jen’s words flow from a trusted source: favorite neighbor, loyal friend, crazy aunt, and constructive counselor all rolled into one.”


  “Jen Hatmaker opened the doors and windows for all the people. She weaves her story in such a way that it is easy to imagine you are just gathered for an afternoon chat on the porch. She just keeps showing up to shine her light and beat her drum.”

  — PAMELA WESTVOLD JUSTUS, love warrior, peacemaker, ever hopeful, Spirit-filled educator, messy creative, mostly joyful mom of three beautiful teens

  “Another hilarious, wise, sobering, beautiful piece of literature. If you’ve read her work before, welcome back. It is exactly as awesome as you’re expecting.”

  — ANNALIESE WINK, Grapevine, Texas

  “I’ve tended to collect a mental stone of remembrance from each of my many messy moments. Once those stones begin to stack so high, it’s difficult to see anything but the mess. Of Mess and Moxie came in like a wrecking ball, tearing down those walls and revealing the moxie I didn’t even realize was there all along.”

  — ASHLEY DOYLE POOSER, a sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated mom of three and wannabe writer, generally flying by the seat of her pants in Atlanta

  “My husband said he loved to hear my giggles as I read this book with delight. In between the giggles there were also tears. Jen has a way of doing that.”

  — KATIE CICCIONE, Atlanta by way of Chicago

  “Just when I’m feeling that I’m too old to fit in, Jen assures me that the world ‘needs my voice, my leadership, my presence . . . because no matter my age, I have a role to play. Sisterhood is lifelong.’ You’ll likely need a Kleenex when you read that last chapter, because yes, we are all capable of some serious Moxie even with our Mess. We can link arms and do incredible things.”


  “If you’ve ever felt left out, misunderstood, too much, or not enough, Jen’s your girl.”

  — AUBREY STOUT, wife and mom, who happens to be named after a ’70s soft rock song

  “I read part of this book to my husband. He said, ‘Oh, man. I need to go buy Brandon Hatmaker a beer.’ He said this because Jen is so me. And she’s so you. She’s so all of us. That’s what her books do; they connect us with laughter, struggle, and spirit. Read it, friend.”

  — EMILY DONEHOO, woman who writes at

  “I feel that Jen has found her voice. There is a strength, a maturity, in her words that comes only after struggle and pain. Jen navigates her growth with both humor and humility, owning her struggle, and gaining wisdom in the process.”

  — KAREN MCVEY, priest’s wife, SAHM to seven babies, ages twenty-two to seven, lover of chocolate, queso, and wine

  “No guilt allowed. Jen specializes in this recipe. It is her down-home, comfort-food specialty, folded into the stories of her life and the truths (both beautiful and not so) of modern-day Christianity.”


  “How an anthem for all women should be lived out: head held high, ready to use your moxie to do what Jesus called us to do: love our neighbor as ourselves—our true, messy, come-as-you-are, stay-a-while, laugh, cry, serve, encourage, loving selves.”

  — JENNIEMARIE CISNEROS, wife, mom, coffee-fueled storyteller, bookworm, child of God.

  “Equal parts kick in the rear, punch in the gut, pat on the back, and stitch in the side. Chapter by chapter, Jen builds her case that God’s love for us is wild enough to capsize our fears, deep enough to overcome our messes, and wide enough to include every Outcast and Other.”


  “No matter the stage of life we are in, Jen sees us, welcomes us, and reminds us we are each doing the best we can, leaning on God and one another. Join us at the table: we won’t be the same without you.”

  — KELLY JOHNSON, empty-nest drama mama, aficionado of all things brave

  © 2017 by Jen Hatmaker

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic,
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  Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Nelson Books, an imprint of Thomas Nelson. Nelson Books and Thomas Nelson are registered trademarks of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc.

  Published in association with Yates & Yates,

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  Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®

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  ISBN 978-0-7180-3184-8 (HC)

  ISBN 978-0-7180-3186-2 (eBook)

  Epub Edition June 2017 ISBN 9780718031862

  ISBN 978-1-4041-0631-4 (custom)

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  For my girlfriends, who have taught me

  more moxie than I could dream. You know

  exactly who you are. I could never, ever

  do this life without you. Not one day.


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