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Lake Effect

Page 9

by Johannah Bryson

  Shelby swallowed. Here it was, the moment of truth. His deep brown eyes looked at her with a hard, steely resolve. Clearly he was not pleased to see her.

  “I was taking window measurements in the guest room.” She squeaked the answer out, looking him straight in the eye. She swallowed hard and waited for his response.

  “You’re my mystery investor?”

  “Yes.” She tried to stand taller and felt the heat creep up her neck. Dammit! This was no time to feel weak. Remembering his houseguest upstairs she stood straighter still and found her resolve.

  “Isn’t that a coincidence?” he mused. “Or is it?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She squeaked the question, which irritated her to no end. Get a grip, Shelby, you can handle this man.

  “Oh, I think you know what I mean. Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted? You tell me.”

  The answer dawned on her, driving her anger at him up another notch. “Do you seriously think I planned all of this? That I purposely sent Norman up that hill? Oh, you’re quite full of yourself aren’t you, Mr. Packard?” She was so angry now she practically spit his name out at him.

  “You’re not the first woman to try and get something from me, Miss Aylesworth. Although, I will tell you, you’re the first one to go about it in such a creative way. Maybe you didn’t send Norman to push me in the pond but it has worked out rather nicely for you hasn’t it? Why didn’t you just pitch me your ideas from the beginning? You could’ve saved us both a lot of trouble.”

  “You know I’ve always loved this house. I never made a secret of that. But, if you think for one minute that I manipulated this entire situation then you are out of your mind. I read about your ideas in the paper and thought my ideas were just as good as anyone else’s. Clearly I was mistaken. I don’t need anything you have, Mr. Packard, you got that?” She poked his chest with her finger. He grabbed her wrist and held it tightly for a moment before letting it drop from his hand. This was the first physical contact she’d had with him since the night he’d shown up on her doorstep. Her entire body was on keen alert. What kind of a hold did this man have over her that one touch could send her senses into overdrive? No one had ever made her feel this way, both angry and wanting at the same time. The realization was almost painful. “If you think that’s the kind of woman I am then you have sorely misjudged me. I believe there is a clause in your contract that will allow you to cancel the deal. I suggest you contact your attorney and invoke that privilege.”

  She started to walk away only to find herself caught in his grasp once again. Could he feel her response to his touch? Gently, he turned her around, forcing her to look at him, his eyes dark and menacing.

  “In fact, I’ll save you the trouble,” she said. “I’ll call my attorney as soon as I get home and withdraw my proposal.”

  “Oh, no you don’t, Ms. Aylesworth. That would be a breach of contract and could cost you dearly. You’ve already signed the agreement. Why were you sneaking out the back way? Surely you weren’t afraid of running into me?”

  “I heard you come in. I heard you come in with your pregnant girlfriend and if you think for one minute I’m going to stand around while you flaunt her in my face, you can just forget it.”

  • • •

  Wyeth had to use all of his resolve to keep from laughing out loud. Oh, this was rich. Should he explain or just let her stew? Did she really think so little of his character? And could she really have set this entire scene up from the beginning just to get at the manor house? His pride wounded, he opted for the second choice: let her stew.

  “We have a contract, Ms. Aylesworth, one that I intend to hold you to. We will meet here tonight at seven o’clock, as planned, at which time you will present me with your ideas and an approximate cost.”

  He could see the anger flashing in those ever changing green eyes as she listened to his little speech. He could feel his body answering to the challenge in those eyes. He was rock hard standing this close to her. What he wanted to do was take her in his arms and kiss that look right off her face. Hell, who was he kidding? What he wanted to do was much more carnal and ungentlemanly. Thinking again about her little tantrum over Janele of all people, he decided to have a little more fun with her before letting her go.

  “One more thing.” He let his eyes take in her outfit, scanning her from top to bottom. Those yoga pants fit her like a glove. That, along with a tight fitting workout shirt that really showed her curves and those damn glasses riding half way down her nose, had his attention.

  “What?” The venom in her voice almost had him feeling guilty. Almost.

  “Dress nice, will you? I want you to make a good impression.” He could feel her eyes boring into his back as he left the room.

  At seven o’clock on the dot, the front bell rang. Wyeth pulled it open and stared in wonder. There stood Shelby, no makeup, her hair pulled back into a severe bun. She wore a long pleated skirt, plain white blouse, a clunky, wool cardigan, and the ugliest brown shoes he’d ever seen in his life. He had to work hard to keep his lips from turning up into a grin and laughing out loud.

  “Ms. Aylesworth, so nice of you to join us, won’t you come in?” He stepped aside and watched her closely as she stepped over the threshold and into the foyer.

  “May I take your, er, sweater?”

  “No, thank you.”

  He had to give it to her — she had guts to show up dressed like this. But despite her best efforts, she still looked sexy as hell to him.

  “Interesting outfit you’ve chosen for our meeting.”

  He was right behind her now and watched as she stiffened her spine, that beautiful blush creeping up her neck. He could see the effect he was having on her and he liked it. Lowering his voice he whispered in her ear.

  “I’d like to take that bun right out of your hair.”

  She turned around so quickly he almost ran into her.

  “There is nothing in our contract giving you the right to comment on my clothing, Mr. Packard.”

  “Well, there should be.”

  Oh yes, those green eyes were shooting daggers at him. Wouldn’t she be surprised when she found out it was his pregnant sister she was meeting, not his lover.

  “I should’ve insisted on a silent partnership,” she mumbled just before going into the study.

  James rose from the chair as they entered the study. Wyeth tried again to keep a straight face as James took in her outfit. His look of horror quickly turned to amusement as he realized she’d dressed like this on purpose.

  “Shelby, so good to see you again. I’m afraid it’s just Wyeth and me tonight.”

  “Yes,” Wyeth cut James off before he could give his game away. “Our other party is not feeling so well, long trip and all. I’m sure you understand.”

  James looked at him quizzically but thankfully said no more. Good to know their frat brother loyalties were still in place.

  Wyeth felt a momentary pang of guilt as he watched a fleeting bit of embarrassment color Shelby’s neck and cheeks. She’d really only put herself in this position because of his goading comment. He’d been so angry earlier that he’d said things he didn’t really mean or believe. He knew Shelby could never have planned their meeting. Just like he knew she wasn’t the kind of woman to manipulate and use him. Still, she had to stop jumping to conclusions. Perhaps this evening would finally put an end to that. He’d tell her, and before this night was ended she’d know the truth, they’d have a good laugh and he’d take great joy in dissembling that God-awful hairdo.

  “I see no reason to prolong this meeting then, gentlemen, if you’ll take your seats.” She looked at Wyeth over the top of her glasses.

  “By all means, Shelby, wow us with your ideas.”

  “I intend to.”

  She pushed the glasses back up her nos
e and licked her lips. Wyeth couldn’t take his eyes off her mouth. He wanted nothing more than to capture that tongue and take his own exploring.

  • • •

  Shelby took a deep breath and began arranging the different items she’d brought with her. She’d done her homework and done it well, she wasn’t worried about that. She was, however, suddenly regretting her choice of clothing. Damn Wyeth Packard. He’d intentionally made those comments, knowing full well she’d do something to embarrass herself. Why was he staring at her like that? If she didn’t know better she’d think that look was carnal. Save it for your pregnant girlfriend, Packard. I’m not fazed by you. Not much, anyway.

  “Before I begin, I think it’s important that I explain my thought process to you both. I’ve taken into consideration what the other bed and breakfasts offer up here, and I think Packard Manor can offer something more, something different.

  “We can use the vineyard theme to our advantage, of course. Everyone will expect that. I think we can do one better by making the manor house a haven for readers and writers, bird lovers as well as wine lovers.”

  She was on a roll now, warming to her subject. It didn’t hurt that both men sat on the edge of their seats, looking at her plans with great interest.

  “The back lawn here is sweeping, plenty of room for a formal garden — several, actually. This would create a natural draw for the many native and migrating bird species as well as provide fresh flowers for the house and guest suites. In addition to that, you could host weddings, retreats and invite authors up. Really, there is no limit to the different events.”

  “Shelby, this is very well thought out. I don’t know about you, Wyeth, but I am totally impressed.” James sat beaming at her and she returned his smile. Why couldn’t Wyeth be so easy to like? The look on his face was anything but joyful.

  “I see you’ve kept the reflecting pool.” His eyes burned into hers and there was no turning away. For a moment James and the rest of the world didn’t exist.

  “Yes, all proper gardens should have one. I think it would be a nice selling point and a great place to have pictures taken. Don’t you?”

  “Oh yes, most certainly. Of course, we’ll have to be careful, I’d hate to see anyone fall in it and ruin their clothing.”

  Insufferable smartass!

  Wyeth picked up the sample menu she’d painted and hand lettered herself. Would he find it too amateur or would he see the sophistication she was aiming for?

  “This is really lovely.” He held it up to her and passed it over to James. He held her in his gaze a few moments more.

  “Cashew, blueberry pancakes?” James said. “Shelby, I think you need to start practicing this breakfast menu while we’re in town!” So they wouldn’t be staying. Good. The less she had to see Wyeth and his pregnant lover around, the better it would be.

  “Gentlemen, would you excuse me, please?” She had to walk out of there for a moment. If Wyeth looked at her that way again she was going to combust. Both men stood as she exited the room and headed for the main floor bathroom. She rounded the corner from the study, a sense of relief at putting some distance between herself and Wyeth even if it was temporary. Once in the hallway, she was able to calm her racing heart and pull herself back together.

  “Are you okay?”

  Shelby raised her head and stared at the stunningly beautiful woman standing in front of her. “I’m fine. I just needed to step out of there for a moment. I guess my nerves are getting the better of me.” She tried not to stare at the dark haired — and very pregnant — woman. “How far along are you?” Shelby didn’t really want to know the answer to that question. It was obvious without doing the math that this woman had already been pregnant when Wyeth had made love to her at the cottage in June.

  “Seven months, but it feels like ten. I’m just exhausted all the time.”

  Her easy smile and kind demeanor really caught Shelby off guard. She didn’t want to like this woman.

  “I’m sorry I missed your presentation. Wyeth has told me so much about you. I really wanted to see what you’d put together. I thought I’d feel better after a rest.” Shelby noted the way the woman’s hand went protectively to her stomach.

  “I hope you feel better soon.” She left the woman smiling in the hallway and made her way back to the study to gather her things. She needed to get the hell out of here and quickly.

  Thankfully the room was empty when she returned. Taking full advantage of the moment, she grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

  “Are you leaving?” James’s stunned voice caught her from behind just as she opened the front door.

  “Yes, I’m sorry, I’m suddenly not feeling well, I need to go.” Without turning around or giving any heed to his concerned offer of a ride home, she bolted out the door and to her car. A wave of nausea washed over her. This was too much to ask, this was the cruelest twist of fate there ever could be. She let the tears fall unchecked all the way home.

  Lightning ripped through the autumn sky with the promise of yet another storm, and she parked her car just as the first large icy drops started to fall in earnest. She fumbled with her keys and just caught the screen door as a large gust of wind tugged at it. Opening the door, she wasn’t prepared for Norman who bolted out and into the night.

  “Shit!” Hastily she tossed her purse in the door and turned back out into the oncoming storm to find her dog.

  • • •

  “You just let her walk out? Was she okay? Dammit, James, I was only out of the room for a minute.” Wyeth raked his hand through his hair.

  “Shy of physically restraining her, I don’t see what else I could’ve done. She said she wasn’t feeling well, grabbed her purse and bolted. I only just caught her at the door.”

  Janele came around the corner and into the study. “What’s the matter?” She looked first at her husband then her brother. “Have you two fools managed to chase her away already?”

  “She thinks you’re Abby,” Wyeth answered quietly without looking at his sister.

  “She what? And I suppose you just let her keep on thinking that? Wyeth, what the hell is the matter with you? James, did you know about this?” Janele looked accusingly at her husband who had the grace to look at the floor.

  “I was going to tell her. I thought we’d all have a good laugh about it this evening.” Wyeth looked at his sister and waited for her response.

  “Why was she dressed like that, Wyeth?”

  “I ran into her here at the house today and I might have suggested that she dress to impress.”

  Janele surprised him by bursting into laughter. “You’re an idiot, and this entire charade has carried on too far. I suggest you pick up the phone and set the record straight, or let the best thing that’s ever happened to you disappear.” James started to speak but stopped when his wife held up her hand. “You have no excuse whatsoever.” She left the two of them standing in the study.

  • • •

  Wyeth put his cell back in his pocket. Clearly the wind and rain had knocked the lines down and calling wasn’t going to be an option. James had gone up to make amends. He looked out the study window as the storm raged on. Lightening lit up the expansive yard. There, silhouetted against the dark night, stood Norman, soaked and barking.

  Wyeth pulled open the door to the mudroom and called. The dog came right in.

  “Now what are you doing out in this weather? Does your mother know?” Wyeth stilled his hands on the big dog’s back. She’s probably frantic with worry over the dog and upset by Wyeth’s callousness. His sister was right; he was an idiot.

  “C’mon, big guy, let’s get you home where you belong.”

  Norman was having none of it. He walked past Wyeth and found his way straight into the study as if he knew this house better than anyone. He plopped himself right in
front of the fireplace, let out a big sigh, and closed his eyes.

  Wyeth yelled up the steps so no one would be surprised at finding a large dog in the house, grabbed his keys, and headed out to tell Shelby. He was just rounding a curve when he saw her. Her head bent against the wind and rain, the heavy sweater she’d worn weighing her down further. He slammed his car into park and ran out to her.

  “Oh, Wyeth, it’s Norman, he bolted out into the storm and I can’t find him anywhere. Can you help me find him, please?”

  The desperation in her voice cut straight through to his heart.

  “He’s at the manor house. I let him in and dried him off, he’s okay. C’mon, I’ll take you to him.” A look of relief washed over her face and he barely had time to catch her as her knees buckled. He picked her up and put her in the car. He had to get her dry and warm and quickly. They were closer to her house than his. He pointed his car in that direction, pulled into her drive, then carefully carried her in. Thankfully she’d left her door unlocked in her haste to find the dog.

  He carried her straight up the steps and into her bedroom. Memories of the last time he’d been in that room washed over him. So much had happened since that wonderful night. So much had gone so wrong due to speculation and the lack of communication. Wyeth had had enough of that. This time she was going to listen to him. Carefully, he stripped the wet clothing from her body. The important thing now was to get her warm and conscious.

  Holding her in his arms, he grabbed a towel from her bathroom, then finding nothing nearby to dress her in, opened her closet door. There he found several men’s white dress shirts. A picture of her hugging the man with the silver Jaguar came unbidden into his head. He pushed it away and got back to the business at hand.

  Once he’d dried her, dressed her, and tucked her in under several layers of clothing, he headed downstairs. He needed a cup of coffee and to get his own clothes in the dryer or he’d be sick himself. He sent a quick text to James and Janele to tell them where he was and to check on Norman. Thankfully, cell service no longer seemed to be hindered by the weather. He smiled as James told him the collie had moved from the floor to the sofa where Janele was lavishing him with attention and a few goodies leftover from dinner.


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