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Sinful Attraction: An Opposites Attract Romance (Temperance Falls: Selling Sin Book 2)

Page 10

by London Hale

  The woman on the other end—the boss of what I would call my side job—chuckled. “She’s calling for you.”

  “I figured since she’s the only calls I take.”

  “Should I put her through?”

  I shoved open the door and let it slam behind me, pausing only long enough to lock it. I did not want to be interrupted. “Absolutely.”

  “Give me five, sugar.” My boss disappeared, leaving me with nothing but silence on the line.

  I kept the phone to my ear as I stripped off my sweats and tossed them across the room. The same room that had been mine during my senior year in high school. I hadn’t expected ever to live here again, to bring my life back to Temperance Falls, and especially not to live over the garage at my childhood home once more. I’d run as soon as I’d gotten out of school, had headed to the mainland to start a life. I’d been a bartender, a waiter, had worked in retail and offices, been a balloon-animal maker and a carnival ride jockey…but it wasn’t until I’d gotten a job working on the phones that I’d found something I liked to do.

  No career day bullshit had prepared me to be a phone sex operator, but it was a damn good job. I made bank talking to women—and sometimes men—from all across the country. Well, mostly talking. Sometimes things got heated. Sometimes, they got damn well steamy. The first call I’d received from Kate? That had been downright sex with words. Luckily, she’d called again. And then another time, always asking for me. Always giving me little glimpses into her world as we talked about life, about our frustrations, and about how wet her pussy would be if I got my tongue on it. I’d fallen in love with her over the phone.

  Too bad she had no idea who I really was, or that I’d moved home just to be close to her.

  I was completely naked, lying on my bed with my hand already around the base of my cock, when I finally heard her breathing come across the line. I knew how this would go. She’d wait for me to say something, give up her assertive personality to be the timid one between us. I played along because it was what she needed, but I looked forward to the day when she took control with me. I ached for it.

  “Hey there, Kitten. This is a surprise.”

  Fuck, her breathy sigh made me want to strip her down and find out what else I could do to get her to make that sound. What parts of her body I could tease with my fingers and tongue to elicit such an adorable response.

  “I know it’s not our usual day—” she started, but I cut that shit off quick.

  “You can call me anytime. You know that.”

  “I do,” she said, and the telltale rustle of fabric told me she was probably still in her suit. The one I’d seen her in just fifteen minutes ago on the television. “It’s been a rough day, and I needed to hear your voice.”

  I let my fingers run along the length of my cock, dreaming of what it would feel like if they were hers. I wanted that so much, wanted to know if she’d be gentle or demanding. Would she stroke me from the base to the tip, play more with the head? Would she take me in her mouth and swallow me down as I came? I sure as hell hoped so, and I couldn’t wait until the day I found out.

  “So,” I asked, ready to play the role. Ready to give her what she needed. “How was your day?”

  Her groan was expected, as was her tired response. “Brutal. Thank God I wore my nude shoes today because I had to stand a lot. My legs are killing me.”

  Yeah, she’d had to stand behind that podium arguing with the council. My Kate loved her heels, but they wreaked havoc on her sometimes. Especially the pink ones. I had no idea what the pink ones looked like, but I was going to burn those fuckers one day. They caused her too much pain.

  “If I were there, I’d rub those long legs for you. I’d run you a bubble bath first, though. Maybe get you a glass of wine. I’d always have your favorite ready because you work so damn hard.”

  “I know you would,” she said, her voice growing softer. Warmer. She loved this script.

  “And when you were all warm and relaxed—and maybe a little tipsy—I’d lay you on the bed and rub my hands all over you. Rub out any knot. Would you like that? You think me touching every single inch of you would help you relax?”

  “God, yes, Banner.”

  Aaaannnnddddd…bingo. She was ready. Her voice always took on that moany edge when she was aroused. Just a couple months more, and I’d hear it in person. Hell, I’d get to hear that voice saying my real name. I couldn’t fucking wait. But for now, she needed me to play a part for her, and I was damn good at my job. “What can I do tonight? What do you need from me to make it all better?”

  She was silent for a long minute, long enough that I began to wonder if I’d missed something big at the council meeting. Long enough that I worried something else was up. But finally, she sighed.

  “I need you, Banner.” Her voice had dropped, her words going slightly breathy. Her close voice. Her fully-into-the moment voice. Yeah, she needed me, all right. Needed me in the same way I’d been needing her since I first saw her walk into that meeting earlier tonight.

  “I’m always here for you,” I said, easing up on my phonesex voice. The one I used to wind her up. The one my boss called “the panty-melter” voice. Kate knew it as the voice of Banner, the man she called when she needed a release. The man she paid weekly to have phone sex with her.

  “I need your words,” she whispered, sounding altogether aroused. “I just want to let go. I want to come with you tonight. I need it.”

  I tightened my grip on my cock, trying not to blow right then. “Oh, Kitten. You know I can give you that. I’d give you anything, sweet girl. So tell me…how quick can you be naked and sprawled out on your bed for me? I’ve got all the time in the world for you, and I think I need to pay some close, personal attention to your pretty pussy tonight.”

  Did you miss the first book?

  The Experience Counts series kicks off with Daddy’s Best Friend

  Book one of the Temperance Falls series features a rough and tumble cop fighting his attraction to his best friend’s daughter.

  You don’t want to miss this one.

  She’s temptation personified

  Nathan’s always been more than just my dad’s friend. I never thought he’d see me as an adult, especially not after avoiding me for so long. But one hug, one moment feeling every inch of him against me, shatters that illusion. Consequences no longer matter—I’m eighteen, and I’m willing to risk everything for my shot with him.

  He’s not going to resist anymore

  I never should’ve seen Eve as more than my best friend’s daughter. As a cop, I know it’s wrong. It’s my job to protect her from guys like me. Chasing her could cost me my career—not to mention the only family I’ve ever known—but I can’t hold back another second. One taste, and I want her. To hell with the fallout.

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  Chapter One


  I wasn’t sure what shit I’d done in my life to be put in this kind of hell, yet there I was. Trying to remain unaffected while Eve—my best friend’s daughter and the object of every wet dream I’d had for the past year—walked around in a tiny white dress that barely covered her ass, her legs on full display and her tits pouring out of the neckline.

  I’d managed nearly a year without setting foot in this backyard, but Eve’s graduation party was something no amount of excuses would permit me to miss. It wasn’t like I could say to my best friend, “Hey, man, sorry I can’t come. I’m afraid I’ll spend the whole time picturing ways to fuck your daughter.”

  Turned out that fear wasn’t unfounded. I was sure if I got close enough to her, I’d be able to see the outline of her nipples through the material of her minuscule dress, because God hated me. Said dress was reminiscent of the nearly nonexistent bikini that had turned everything to shit in the first place.
So much so that I’d think she was doing it on purpose if not for the looks she kept shooting the shithead currently panting at her side like a goddamn puppy.

  As I watched the two of them together, it took every ounce of self-control I possessed not to storm over and crush his windpipe with my bare hands. The last time I’d see him had been when I’d stopped them for public indecency. I’d never forget the kick to the gut I got when I’d shone the flashlight through the fogged-up window into the back seat of that little shit’s car and seen Eve readjusting her clothes, her cheeks flushed pink, her lips bright red and swollen, her nipples hard enough to cut glass.

  “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath, taking a long pull from my beer, wishing it were whiskey instead. Hell, I’d take any hard liquor at this point—I wasn’t picky. Not if I had half a hope of getting through Eve’s graduation party with my sanity intact.

  “Nate, glad you could make it,” Brandon said, clapping a hand on my shoulder.

  The rock in my gut solidified as I turned to look at my smiling best friend. He’d been the only person in my life ever to stick around, and how did I repay him? By lusting after his barely legal daughter. Some fucking friend I was.

  Swallowing down the bile in my throat, I said, “Hey, man. Nice party.”

  The backyard was full of more than a hundred people, fancy shit hanging from the trees and Tiki torches placed throughout his spacious yard. A taco bar and a s’mores station were set up by the outdoor kitchen, and a handful of teenagers tossed beach balls around in the in-ground pool. My only saving grace was that Eve wasn’t one of them. There was no fucking way I’d be able to handle seeing her in that bikini again.

  Brandon rolled his eyes and smiled in Eve’s direction. “Yeah, she didn’t want me to make a big deal about it, but I didn’t want the day to pass without a celebration. I mean, top ten percent of her class, Nate? My girl’s a genius. It’s costing me a small fortune, but when it makes her do that”—he gestured to Eve, whose head was thrown back in laughter, her dark hair falling past her ass and her fingers curled around the forearm of Shithead—“I’ll give her whatever she wants.”

  “Never have been able to say no to her,” I said.

  He just shrugged. Not much he could say to dispute it. Not when I’d been the one by his side for most of the past thirteen years as he’d raised her by himself after her mom split.

  “Have you stopped by to say hi to her yet? She was excited you could get the day off work. She’s missed you.”

  Forget a rock—there was a fucking mountain range in my stomach, the jagged tips ripping through my insides. I was an asshole. A disgusting, perverted asshole who didn’t deserve these people in my life. Eve had already lost her mother, and because I was a sick fucker who couldn’t get a hold of his lust, she had to suffer.

  “Nah, she’s having fun with her friends. I didn’t want to interrupt.”

  He put his fingers in his mouth and whistled, getting Eve’s attention. Once she looked toward her dad, Brandon tilted his head in my direction. The smile that spread across her face hit me with the force of a hurricane. She was genuinely happy to see me, and I’d been spending the past year making any excuse I could to avoid being in her presence.

  I watched with smug satisfaction as she left Shithead behind to run toward us, her tits bouncing and barely contained in the low neckline of her dress. Jesus. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying my damnedest to get my shit under control.


  I snapped my eyes open a split second before her body collided with mine, her vanilla and apple scent surrounding me, immediately turning my cock to steel. My arm automatically went around her to catch her while I shifted my hips enough so she couldn’t feel exactly what she was doing to me, just by breathing.

  “I’m so glad you came,” she said, her head resting on my shoulder as she wrapped her arms around me, her feet dangling above the ground.

  I held her with one arm, all my concentration focused on two things—not letting her feel my fucking hard-on and not crushing this beer bottle in my fist. After a few seconds, I set her down, stepping back and offering her what was probably more of a grimace than a smile. “Congratulations. Sorry I missed your birthday party last month. I had to work a double.”

  “Yeah, Dad told me.” She fingered the edge of her short as hell dress, and I forced myself not to stare at those silky-smooth legs I wanted nothing more than to feel wrapped around my waist. “You could’ve stopped by another time. I haven’t really seen you in almost a year.”

  Except that wasn’t true, and the blush on her cheeks proved she was thinking exactly what I was. The last time I’d seen her had been in the back seat of a brand-new car that cost more than I made in a year. She darted her eyes to her dad then back to me, the nervousness written clearly on her face.

  Before I could reply, the blond shithead strolled up to her, throwing an arm around her shoulder and bringing her into his side. “Hey, babe.”

  She didn’t even glance his way, just kept her eyes on me. My cock twitched in my jeans.

  “Nate, have you met Brock?” Brandon asked. “He and Evie have been seeing each other for a few months. He’s Clark’s kid.”

  Brock. He even had the name of a shithead. And his parents were assholes. Rich, entitled assholes. Clark Wilkinson might be Brandon’s partner, but he was a Grade A douchebag. Despite being bred and groomed in that lifestyle, Brandon had never fit that mold, not in all the years I’d known him. And because of that, neither did Eve. But even with his shortcomings, Brock was better suited for her than I ever would be.

  And I hated it.

  Narrowing my eyes, I said, “Yeah, I think I’ve seen him around town once or twice. You drive a brand-new Lexus, don’t you?”

  Shithead looked at me then, and I had the pleasure of watching the color drain from his face. It was clear he hadn’t recognized me before, and now he was sweating bullets, no doubt praying I wouldn’t out him to his girlfriend’s father about the time he fucked her in the backseat of his car.

  I ground my molars together, my jaw ticking with the effort to keep myself in check. Thirteen years ago, I took an oath to serve and protect, and in all that time, my oath had never been tested like it was right now. I wanted to strangle the pretentious little prick with his necktie that probably cost more than my first car, just because of the way he’d been looking at Eve. Like he knew her—knew what her lips tasted like, knew what her smooth skin felt like under his hands, knew the sounds she made when she came. Knew what it was like to be inside all that soft, wet heaven.


  “I’m gonna grab another,” I said, holding up my empty beer bottle and ducking away.

  Just before I went through the back door into the house, I paused and looked over my shoulder at the three of them, if only to remind myself I didn’t belong. Not here at this party. Not in this crowd. And certainly not with my best friend’s eighteen-year-old daughter.

  They were right where I’d left them, Brandon and Shithead talking about something and laughing like old friends, but Eve wasn’t joining in.

  Instead, she was staring right at me.

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  The DILF Sneak Peek

  It’s Summer on the island…

  Book two of the Temperance Falls series turns the attention on Eve’s dad. And her best friend.

  Come, pick a spot on the dock, and grab some lemonade. Things are about to heat up on the island as we bring you the next story in the Temperance Falls world. Read on for a sneak peek.

  She’s the definition of trouble

  For as long as I’ve known him, Brandon has always been the workaholic single dad to my best friend. But one night, one evening alone with him, makes me ache for something I never knew I wanted. Makes me aware that he’s so much more than what I thought. He isn’t just a dad—he’s a DILF. One I desperately wan
t warming my sheets.

  He can’t stop fantasizing about her

  I never should have looked at Genesis the way I do, never should have seen her as more than just my daughter’s best friend. I’m too old for her, too wrong. Dating the fiery redhead with the killer curves could end my career and destroy my relationship with my daughter, but I can’t resist her siren call. One night, and I’m a man obsessed. One night, and I’ll do everything in my power to keep her.

  Chapter One


  There was something disturbing about walking into a hospital when your reasons for being there were completely in the wrong. Still, I did it. Climbed out of my car after rushing across town, all because of a phone call. I’d seen this sort of nonsense on dramatic television shows—the whole one moment changes your life bullshit. But I guess it wasn’t bullshit, not really. Should have been. Would have been, but then I’d spent an evening with someone I shouldn’t have been alone with, and as cliché as it sounded, my world changed. My focus changed. In all the wrong ways.

  So when the phone rang and the news that Lara McKay—mother of my daughter’s best friend—was in a horrible accident, that new focus sent me scurrying to find out what I could do to help. But again, for the wrong reasons.

  Yes, Lara was hurt. Yes, she needed someone to check on her since she had no family here except her daughter. Yes, my being her daughter’s best friend’s father gave me access to more of her life than a casual acquaintance, so I felt comfortable coming when I found out about the accident. That was all fine. What wasn’t fine was the reason I chose to come to the hospital—because it wasn’t Lara.

  It was her daughter.


  One of the sexiest human beings I’d ever had the unfortunate luck to come across. Fiery, wild, bold—Gen wasn’t a woman you could ignore. Especially not when she turned those huge blue eyes on you. It was impossible. Until you remembered she was eighteen years old. Then…not so impossible. Hard for sure, just as she made me every time she looked my way, but not impossible.


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