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Gritty Page 7

by Colleen Baxter Sullivan

  We ate a wonderful meal consisting of Croque Monsieur, followed by my favorite dessert Pudding Chomeur. Wow, was all I could say! It was delicious. These two were going to be great culinary compliments to each other. I would definitely stop by more often.

  I said my goodbyes and as I was walking down the hall I noticed the door to Lexus’ room was open and there for all to see were two bathrobes, his and hers. No wonder they were so happy. I worried that Lexus might be getting in deeper than she bargained for. This was no ordinary man… he was living the streets and with a past yet to be discovered. Having a late night fling was one thing but risking your safety was another. I would talk with her when we had a moment alone but I knew she would not listen. So it would seem our Mr. Haze swung both ways.

  My cell was vibrating and I answered it thinking it might be Richard. “Okay, I’ll be there in five.” It was Marc and something was up. Something serious! His voice sounded really upset. As I headed toward Nick’s I placed a call to Richard to tell him what was happening. He wanted to meet us and I told him I’d catch up with him later. Marc said it was personal and he wanted to meet with me as unobtrusively as possible. I could hear the sulk in Richard’s voice but he agreed to delay supper as long as I told him everything.

  I agreed.

  * * * *

  Winter was turning to spring. Nick’s was starting to take on an almost summer crowd atmosphere. It was fast approaching happy hour and the clientele were lost in chatter which seemingly defaced the gloom of the outgoing season. There were a few new faces and the familiar ones took ownership of their favorite seats as if they were nailed to them. The smell of chicken wings and the clattering of beer mugs made it a very appealing place to be. I relished in it. Looking over the mass I saw a hand gesturing me to go over.

  “Thanks for coming. I have information that might change your mind about taking on this case.”

  “Nothing will change my mind. What do you have?”

  “Didn’t you tell me that Gritty had a wife that was hit while crossing the street?”

  “Yes, that’s right. She supposedly fell into the street, standing too close to the edge. Gritty is sure she was pushed.”

  He slowly reached into his briefcase and pulled out a file. “I’m not sure you will be pleased with my findings but this is what I uncovered. Adam, you must never show this to anyone. It is private police business and I could lose my job if they suspected that I released this information.” He slowly slid the file across the table. I wanted to grab but that might have startled him. I am sure it took a lot of courage and concern on his part to come forth with this. I reached and opened it as if checking for the price on a book cover. My heart was racing with anticipation. What could he possibly know? I began reading.

  I almost shouted in disbelief. “That’s impossible! Are you sure this is the correct file?” I frantically started to search the folder for a date. “Perhaps you have someone else? This is not him?”

  “I hate to burst your bubble, but with a name like that… there is only one Grenville Haze, born in Grenville during that time period. It’s him, plain and simple! Check the last page. His picture is there somewhere.”

  It was him alright. A younger version but it was definitely Gritty. The feelings of betrayal started to surface. I believed in this man. Did Gritty think if he made it more believable I would take on his case? That’s crazy, because he did not want me to start a case. That was totally my idea. What the hell then?

  “Adam, I am pretty tight with the arresting cop on duty that night. Do you want me to talk with him and get a clearer insight as to what really happened? He might have noticed something that could be crucial to the case.”

  “Case! There’s no more case. I’m done. I hate being lied to. I’ve been there before and it won’t happen again, I’ve got to go now. I am not very good company. I feel sick to my stomach.”

  “You stay away from Lexus and the house. Cool down before approaching anyone. Think about it and then plan your next move. Are we clear on that?”

  “Yeah, loud and clear! Marc I’ll touch base with you tomorrow. And thanks. I really do appreciate your finding this information; I’m just really pissed.”

  The fresh air hit me and the knowledge of what I had just attained was reeling around in my head. How could it be? No wife! Gritty was never married. Why the need to lie? There was a file opened at the precinct on the day in question but it was he who was the perpetrator. I am sick with the allegations made against him. She refused to press charges but then again that happens most times in cases of that nature.

  Gritty had supposedly assaulted a woman and then pushed her to the curb. Well, one thing was accurate: there was a curb and there was a woman.

  There was just no wife.

  Chapter Seven

  I was rambling on so fast that I thought Richard might not understand. He was a smart man and a lot quicker than I gave him credit for. Dinner was served even later than anticipated because I thought of nothing else but reliving what I had just heard. I remember eating something but could not tell what it was or when we ate it. All I recalled was my loving husband comforting me and in his gentle manner reassuring me that things would sort themselves out.

  “Don’t give up sweetheart! This is war. Those are fighting words! How dare he lie and set you up. What was his reasoning? Didn’t he think that you would eventually find out the truth? I know this is not what you want to hear Adam but let’s put some perspective into this situation.” I put up my hand to stop him but he continued.

  “Hear me out! The case is not about whether or not his wife was pushed off a curb. That was only a ploy to get your attention. The case is about the drug industry. There is a bigger picture out there. His so-called wife is only a small speck on a sandy beach. Perhaps, I am saying just perhaps, he wanted to make it more dramatic than it was. He wanted to make it more believable so he pulled out the sympathy card and validated his story about a wife. Do you see where I am going with this?”

  “Yes, but he still assaulted a woman!”

  “Allegedly… there were no charges pressed. Right?”

  “We all know Richard, that most crimes of this nature go unpunished because the victims are scared shitless. They don’t want any repercussions so they would rather remain a victim.”

  “Maybe it was an afternoon sexual encounter that went wrong. We don’t know for sure. Then why don’t we hear both sides of the story? Why don’t we ask Gritty?”

  “He lied to me, and that is a cardinal rule for me. I never will take on a case based on lies. I promised myself that after the Lambert case, never to deal with untruths.”

  “Well Adam, you are in the wrong business. These are cases to be solved and lies are there. If there were none, you would have no case. Get it?”

  Sometimes Richard was the most reasonable person I knew. I was very black and white but he always was a soft shade of grey, looking at all the facts before forming an opinion. I would never admit it but at times, I felt that he would make a better PI than me. I had been thinking more and more about putting him in charge of the new office downtown; that is if we ever found one. His demeanor was more professional than mine, which brought with it a certain respectability. I would wait until this case, if there was going to be one, was solved. I would see exactly how Richard adapted to detective work, but what I could see is that he was already having a more mature attitude to the understanding of the people involved. I was acting anything but professional. I was irate and I wanted to confront Gritty but knew I could not even do that because I felt like a useless coward right about now.

  “Okay, so the game plan will go like this. I will start work on Monday at Invor. You will try to get information from Gritty without letting him know what you have found out. In other words, keep what you discovered close to your chest. You have total control because what you know is invaluable. If Gritty is trying to con yo
u in any way, you have total advantage with your newfound knowledge.”

  “I don’t think that I can look at him the same way. I trusted him and he betrayed me.”

  “He didn’t betray you. He just painted a bleaker picture to make his story more believable. I would take that as a compliment. He wanted to impress you. You have to find out what really happened and with this plan of attack, we are well on our way. Don’t give up now!”

  “You’re right! I have invested too much of my time. It has been a very emotional journey and I want to see where it goes from here.”

  “Adam, don’t you think that you get too involved with your cases? You are great at what you do but emotions should always be put aside when dealing with crimes. If you can achieve this, I mean put all personal feelings aside; you will be a great PI. One of the best.”

  “I’ll try but it is not who I am. And who are you to give me advice on how I run my detective agency?” From the look that came over Richard’s face I wished I could have retracted that last statement. I continued, “I will try to separate my work from any feelings that I have for my clients. I will look at them only as a means of livelihood. I will see dollar bills jumping out at me. Although this one is pro rata, basically free, given the subject matter and client involved. Thanks for the great advice.” With that said, Richard smiled.

  “But we agreed that this case could be your ticket to fame!” he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Well, maybe not fame but definitely some kind of exposure. I agree and I will continue what I have started. Tomorrow is a new day and the information that Marc disclosed is priceless. I won’t let on that I know anything more than what Gritty has told me.”

  “That’s my boy!” replied Richard, bending in for a kiss.

  “So, do you think that Gritty goes both ways? You said he had an affair with Gerald Forth and now he seems to be with Lexus.”

  “Oh man, are we still at it? Can’t we take a few moments for ourselves?”

  “No. I want to know what you saw,” prompted Richard, positioning himself for some juicy gossip.

  “Yes I feel he is bi. What does that matter anyway?”

  “It really defines who this Gritty is. Bisexuality comes with a heavy price. Women fall for you and your gay male counterparts fume with jealousy.”

  “That’s not so. Who makes you an expert on the subject?”

  “Go figure… if you like both genres and I know from talking to many bisexual male friends that the women they are involved with don’t fully understand why they can be attracted to a man. And the men are really possessive. It takes a strong man to play these two conflicting sexual relationships against one another. Commitment is not possible to either of the genres.”

  “That is an assumption and you know how I feel about assumptions! I agree it is confusing but as for commitment, if you meet the right person it is genre free. It is only about love. I feel Gritty is just fantasizing and Lexus is there now but she will not be in the picture once he has had enough of her.”

  “The age difference will be a deterrent as well.”

  “Richard did you see her? She is the most beautiful woman, no matter what her age. I know Gritty is playing her. She is lonely and very in need of male companionship. I know for a fact she will get hurt and it is killing me. And besides, they are both in their 60s.”

  “Were you in love with her?”

  I hesitated and felt that he needed an answer. I drew a long breath and started. “Yes. I don’t know what it was. Perhaps a motherly connection, definitely not a physical one. But love, yes I loved and still love her. She has always been there for me and we get each other. She never is in judgement, only support of anything that I do.”

  “Why then did you take so long to tell me about her?”

  “It was nothing against you Richard. She was my little secret and I felt insecure with sharing her. Maybe I thought that she would find you more attractive and focus her attention toward you. I don’t know. She was not part of us, our life together. There was no need to share. I’m sorry. I’ve known Lexus a long time.”

  “I understand and I promise that I won’t push my boundaries with her. I will see her only with you and when you want me to. I will respect your feelings. I’ll swear to that.”

  “Thanks. I feel like a traitor not telling her about Gritty. I also feel that she is having the time of her life. I see the sparkle in her eyes. I don’t want to spoil this for her. I will keep a close watch and if I see him hurt her in anyway, he will have to answer to me.

  “It’s late now. Let’s go to bed.”

  * * * *

  Monday morning fast approached. Richard was exceptionally quiet as he ate his breakfast preparing for his first day at Invor Research. I would go about my business as usual, perhaps clean up some last minute accounts at the office. I had been slacking off a bit as my only concern of late seemed to be with Gritty. I had work to do and clients to attend to. Making up a report about Mrs. Hewitt’s husband cheating on her did not seem very challenging compared to my future possibilities. But it had to be done! What meant nothing to me, I knew was a life changing situation for her. I could only assume that my next assignment from Mrs. Hewitt would be to draw up the divorce papers. I earned a great living being a PI/Lawyer but at times like this, I felt I was solely a paper pusher.

  Richard stood before me with briefcase in hand. Wow, how handsome he was! He looked every bit like the executive he was meant to be. His grey pinstriped suit with lavender shirt adorned in a deeper shade of purple tie and hanky, only added to the image of this breathtakingly beautiful man. “Do you have everything?” I asked with concern.

  “Everything but my confidence. I feel shaky at the knees. I am really excited about my undercover work but hope I don’t screw up. I don’t want to let you down.”

  “It takes a brave man to do what you are doing. You have already surpassed my expectations. And you could never let me down. I want you to promise me one thing though.”


  “If you find yourself in an uncompromising situation; don’t stay around. Just leave. Promise me that!”

  “You mean with our Mr. Forth?”


  “Adam, I will run like a scared rabbit. I am nobody’s hero. I promise to leave but hopefully we are all adults and he will behave himself.”

  “Okay, go before I change my mind about this whole thing.” He kissed me goodbye and I knew that after today would be extremely important as to the eventual outcome.

  * * * *

  I decided to take a shortcut and walk through rue Dalcourt. I had not been back since that last meeting with Gritty. Most of its inhabitants had left for the day, scrounging for their daily existence. I was almost at the exit when I noticed that his box was still there. And once again, there was movement inside. Before I could speed up my pace out comes a very young man. He was not at all intimidating, but rather welcoming. He nodded in my direction and asked if I could spare some change. I complied unreservedly.

  “Thank you. I really could use a coffee.” I hesitated answering and then thought it might be a great opportunity to get some information about Gritty. Who knows, perhaps this charming fellow knew something.

  “My name is Adam. I see the weather is warming up. It sure makes your life a hell of a lot easier, right!” He looked at me as if I were crazy and started to walk away. “Sorry, that was stupid of me considering the circumstances.”

  “What do you want mister? I could really use that coffee.”

  Without thought, I said, “Why don’t you let me buy you breakfast?”

  “I would but I haven’t had my shower yet, and the proprietors don’t usually let us in,” he replied sarcastically.

  “No, stay here and I’ll go get you something. I will be back in five.”

  “Why? What’s in it for you?”

  “Nothing. I am writing an article about life on the streets; I could use your input. Would you be willing to help me?” That was genius on my part … I had to come up with some excuse.

  “Don’t know what to tell you.” He pointed to his box and said, “This is it, plain and simple. Nothing to write about. If you are not back in five minutes, I’m leaving.”

  “I’ll be back.” I ran as fast as I could and brown bagged a treat and returned, relieved to find him still there. He ate ravenously. I could see his heart beating through his chest. I was happy that I brought him a couple of muffins for there was not a crumb left. He exhaled and propped himself up against the wall. It was as if he had just received a fix.

  “I used to know a man who lived in that exact box,” I said.

  “Who Gritty?”

  “You know Gritty?” I questioned.

  “Sure do,” he answered. We shared the box at times. What do you want really? Are you a cop? They came around a couple of times looking for him, at least they said that they were cops.”


  “None of your business mister! I changed my mind. I don’t want to talk anymore.”

  “Okay, I will level with you. I am Gritty’s friend.”

  He looked up in astonishment. “Is he okay? He wanders off at times but it has been awhile now. I was starting to worry. He never came back. I saw him leave with a man.” He looked closer.... Fuck man that was you. I thought I saw you before. Where is Gritty?”

  “He is safe. He is being looked after and is in good hands.”

  “Well, can you tell him Bobby was asking about him? Tell him that I am okay, not that he seems to give a shit!”

  “Okay I will tell him. Maybe I can give him a message. Will he remember who you are?”

  “Shit, I would think so. We got really close in our little home here, if you know what I mean.” Gut feeling but there was no way that Bobby lived in that box. Something was up!


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