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Gritty Page 6

by Colleen Baxter Sullivan

“I know this is not the correct protocol but I was in the area and thought that I might drop off my resume. The position for inventory controller is still available, isn’t it?”

  “Actually you came just in time. Mr. Forth is in the office today. He is here to look over the applications and you might have a chance to see him. I’ll call him. It’s worth a try, right?”

  “Thank you. And what is your name? You have been very kind.” Richard sensed that she was much more interested in looking into his eyes rather than performing her daily duties. He had that effect on women and hopefully this flirtation would continue. She did not have the slightest idea that he was only interested in men. As long as he got what he wanted he would play the part.

  “Oh, you can call me Jess. My name is Jessica. I’ll ring Mr. Forth for you,” she said visibly turning a brighter shade of rose. But before she could press the number, Forth came into the reception area looking for coffee. As luck would have it his full attention was directed toward Richard. And as luck would have it, Gerald Forth was interested in men.

  * * * *

  The moment that I entered our apartment; I knew something was up. Richard was as anxious as a schoolboy wanting to show his parents a good report card. This was what I loved about him, his exuberance for life. He was a great person and at times, especially now, I felt I did not deserve him. The last few days having to deal with David was all consuming and it made me appreciate Richard that much more. I knew today; I would have to come clean. I could only hope for his forgiveness.

  “Adam, you will never guess what happened!”

  “No, but I am sure you will tell me!”

  “They hired me; Invor hired me.”

  “Shut up… are you serious? You have no experience in the field. You mean they actually hired you as an inventory controller?”

  “Well sort of. They offered me assistant inventory controller. Still good though! I’m in. So Mr. Smart Ass, I have completed my first assignment… getting hired.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My first instinct was to pull out. I wanted to tell Richard not to take the job. I never thought that he would get it. Now it was real. We were playing for keeps.

  “What’s wrong? I thought that you would be ecstatic about my news. You seem as if you have been hit by a truck. It’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”

  “Of course it is. I am in shock that they would hire you. I guess they really want to train you from scratch. When do you start?”


  “But it’s Wednesday. That is less than a week away! We need to get organized. We can’t mess up here. Gritty’s future is at stake and so is my reputation. Richard, we have to really talk. I have a lot to tell you and I don’t know if you will understand.”

  “Of course, anything you tell me, I will understand.”

  “I’m not so sure.”

  We moved into the den and I poured drinks. I was trying to remain cool and the act of preparing beverages was only delaying the matters at hand. Richard looked at me with concern as I finally sat down beside him.

  “You do realize that before I met you, I had a life much different than I am presently living. I was not always proud of it but because I owed no one an explanation, it was very different from the way I am now.”

  “Adam, I don’t care about your life before us. It doesn’t matter; let’s plan for Monday.”

  “No before that, I must tell you. It might be relevant to the case.” With that said Richard changed his composure and listened attentively.

  I explained it all. I came clean and Richard was free from expression. “Well, say something! Anything!”

  He took a long time before answering. “Did you sleep with him while you were with me?”

  “No. I left before that. I actually ran. I had such strong feelings for you that I wanted out of the relationship as soon as possible. I know it was not fair to David but I did it anyway.”

  “Well the only thing we have to worry about is if he has copies of those contracts someplace.”

  “What? You’re not mad and disgusted with me? I was a con artist. I hated myself for that!”

  “It’s over with, right? Adam, you are my husband. That all took place before us. If you had cheated on me, well that would have been different; you did not cheat! I don’t understand why you never mentioned Lexus to me. She sounds amazing. Will I be able to meet her? What’s her last name?”

  “Of course… it is inevitable with this pending case. I have to tell you that she is really something and I am sure she will love you. Her last name is Turner.”

  I could not help but marvel in the way Richard handled the new set of events. I don’t know if I could have been that forgiving. There was a small part of me that knew Richard wanted to work on the case more than anything, therefore, perhaps the trade-off was more enticing than my slanderous past. I would not mention it again and hopefully it would not surface again.

  * * * *

  I knew the moment that they laid eyes on one another; it would be instant admiration. Lexus went into her flirtatious schoolgirl mode and Richard, his knight in shining armor. I gave them the time needed to get to know one another. Once they realized there was a third party in the room, they sheepishly included me. And if matters weren’t complex enough, in sauntered Gritty. We were a unique foursome but for some strange reason I could see us all getting along. Lexus believed that a great cup of tea solved all the problems in the world. So, befitting to her, she steeped some and served the best scones that I have ever tasted. And as if she read my thoughts, she placed a bowl of her homemade preservatives to tantalize and delight our palates.

  “Gritty, I am going to get straight to the point. Richard is my husband. If you have any problems with that, we won’t be working on your case. I truly feel with the immediate people sitting around this table, we have a great chance to exonerate you.”

  He jumped to attention. “What? You think that I am a gay hater! I don’t give a shit who you are with. Man, I live on the streets: I have seen everything. Don’t assume my position.”

  Unfortunately, I did assume his position. I could tell the way that he looked at me. We were brothers in every sense of the word. He might as well come out of the closet.

  “I am sorry. Richard will be starting work at Invor on Monday. It was a long shot but somehow he got in. There is no stopping us now. He can find out information and pass it along to us. I have yet to understand how he got hired but he did.”

  “Shit, you what?” Gritty yelled. “That is the most ridiculous thing that I’ve heard of. These people have no scruples. They will eat you up and spit you out. We are not playing a game of monopoly here. They killed my wife. Lives are at stake and Richard’s could be next.”

  Richard looked in his direction and said, “They must have thought that I could do the job or they would not have hired me.”

  “Do you mind me asking who hired you?”

  “Not at all; it was a Mr. Forth. He was eager to meet me and I was hired on the spot.”

  It took a while for him to answer as if he were putting a lot of thought into it. “I’m not surprised.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “I hate to burst your bubble, but Mr. Forth loves your type, if you know what I mean.”

  “He’s gay!”

  “Take it from me.”

  “I have to ask. Did you and Mr. Forth have any relationships outside of the office?”

  “Yes, he was my lover, only at the beginning though.”

  “What happened when all this occurred? Did he come to your defence?”

  “No. He threatened that if I told anyone about us; he would tell my wife. I loved my wife but lusted men. She would have been devastated if she knew the truth about me. I let him go with the threat of disclosure. Forth joined forces with the opposition and my life changed and the never-
ending maze of corruption led me to my present situation. His job was at stake and I was the bargaining tool. We never talked after that. I was hurt beyond reason. I started to act irrationally and because Invor did not know the real reason for all of it, they thought that I was crazy. I was only playing out the jilted lover role.”

  “You are telling me that you never had contact again?”

  “Yes, that’s right. That’s what I am telling you.”

  I knew that he was lying but I did not know why.

  Richard and I said our goodbyes and agreed to meet up with Gritty when we had something more definite to discuss. Lexus was busying herself for the lunch crowd. We blew kisses and were on our way.

  After we walked a couple of blocks, we looked at each other with scepticism.

  “Adam, I am not a private investigator but I can rest assured that our Mr. Forth is behind a lot of this.”

  “He was a lover and perhaps frightened that he would be found out. I hate to say this Richard but you will have to not only do some heavy detective work but also try to make this Gerald Forth fall for you. If you can do that and have no physical contact, the information that you might attain will be of dire value to this case.” I could see the concern in Richard’s eyes, not only concern but fear.

  “And Adam, did you notice the way Lexus and Gritty interacted with one another? Are you sure they haven’t met before?”

  “What are you saying? That they know each other!”

  “It’s just that they seem extremely comfortable in one another’s company. That’s all! They were exchanging knowing looks back and forth.”

  “I don’t see how they would know each other but on second thought, he did live around the corner from her. No, she would have told me; at least I think she would have.”

  “We must always be on guard. Trust no one!”

  “Richard, you are definitely sounding like a true detective. You might have something there but I would only hope that Lexus’ loyalties are to me. I don’t trust Gritty though. He is lying. I know a liar when I see one. The only question is, what is in it for him? All people have alternative motives for everything they do, whether good or bad. If I catch him in any sort of double crossing … I will drop him and his case immediately.”

  “Time will tell.”

  Chapter Six

  Richard remained quiet as we settled in for the night. I knew he was second-guessing his choices; perhaps even regretting them. What I loved about my husband was how he plunged head first into things before digesting the information presented. At the same time what I worried about was many times this exuberant personality came with a cost… not always positive.

  “Sweetheart, you seem distant. Are you having second thoughts about going in on Monday? Remember this is up to you. I won’t be upset either way.”

  “Shit, they were lovers! That’s crazy. Gritty had a wife and how does that happen? I must admit it does change the probability of the situation. I don’t like the idea of fighting off some horny middle-aged man. I love the prospect of working undercover but the thought of any physical advancements sicken me. I can only hope that I can control his attitude without jeopardizing the case.”

  “If it gets out of hand, quit. You don’t need to subject yourself to that. Richard; I mean it! We will figure something else out.”

  “I’ll do my best. I am sure that I can handle it. Now let’s figure out how I am going to approach this.”

  We ate supper and things looked different with a full belly. Richard felt that the best way to go about it was to get his bearings for the first week or so. He would familiarize himself with the employees and even get Marc to do a background check on suspicious characters. Hopefully he would. Marc being a great friend and also working at the precinct, helped me with many of my cases… although in a personal favor capacity… totally off the records. I could only hope that he would not think this was police business and therefore not get involved. But I also knew his loyalty to Richard and me. He loved living on the edge. I would call him tomorrow and fill him in on the details.

  “Well, it seems like a plan,” said Richard with a renewed enthusiasm.

  “The main thing is that you learn the job to perfection. That is what you were hired for! It will be as if you are working two jobs at the same time. I am worried about the load. Do you think you are up for it?”

  “I thrive on excitement. I have been feeling useless since we came back from the Maritimes. Hey, I have a job again… no wait, two jobs again.”

  As long as he was happy, I felt that we could pull this off. What I lacked in charm and good looks, Richard was the complete package. He would win over anyone that he came in contact with or any adversity that he might encounter. We turned off the lights and knew there was no going back.

  * * * *

  Marc did not want to discuss anything over the phone. He always felt that at times his phone was bugged. Paranoia was his middle name. I agreed to meet him at Nicks, our usual nesting hole.

  “Where have you been man? It’s seems like forever since I’ve seen you.”

  “I have been really busy with a case. That is what I need to talk to you about. Maybe you can give me some input or advice for that matter.”

  “A murder, break-in, jealous lover… what’s up my friend?”

  “None of the above. In fact, I don’t even know if it is a crime against the law or the imagination of a very disturbed man but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. I also might be taking on one of the largest corporations around.”

  “Go on!” he said with a gleam in his eye. Once a detective, always a detective. And with Marc it was truly evident. It became more so when I started to tell him the story of Gritty.

  “Adam, you’re crazy! What are you thinking? You believe a man living in a box!”

  “Yes. There is something about him. I am going totally by my gut.”

  “What is the case then? Is it the assumed murder of Gritty’s wife or is it loss of earning power due to his dismissal? There is not much of anything here.”

  “Just say that Gritty did have a cure for a so-called disease. That is a crime against all of our human rights... placing money, let alone our trust in Invor’s hands. They control what gets out to the HPFB. The power is all theirs. They hid proof in the field of research to substantiate this cure. That’s just wrong! The number of lives that could have been saved, but no, they want the public to keep dipping deeper and deeper into their pockets, with the hope of a better life. Imagine if it were a relative of yours Marc! How would you feel knowing this?”

  “I have been there. My mother died of cancer at a very early age.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry; I did not know.”

  “Okay, what do you want from me? I suppose you want me to dig up what I can. I will put this Gritty’s name into the system. That is his name, right!”

  “No. It’s Grenville, Grenville Haze.” I hoped he gave me the right name but his track record was not looking too good about now.

  “I’ll get back to you if I pull anything up. If not, there is not much else I can do.”

  I guess the look on my face said it all. Marc’s eyes squinted understanding. Words were not of importance. He quickly got up to make his exit, but before leaving he said, “I know what you want. You want me to dig up stuff on Invor. Am I right?”

  “Come on Marc! We always work as a team. I promise not to bother you, only if necessary.”

  “You know damn well that you will be on the phone with me. How many times? How many cases? And it is always the same! Anyway, I’ve got to run. You show me something substantial… something that I can use to unfold some crime in the form of corruption, and then my friend we will talk. Kapish?”

  “I understand but if I can pull up something, will you help?”

  “You know I will! I just said I would! Give me a call Adam when you have s
omething more to go on. Bye for now.”

  * * * *

  I felt the need to check in on Gritty. Lexus and he were head to head over some recipe that they were testing. The usual bickering followed. I could not help but notice how close they were getting. They were like an old married couple. Their familiarity with one another was just that, familiar. He looked at her as if she were a goddess. Hell, I knew that feeling when it came to Lexus. She was a woman one did not forget easily. She was a strong presence and people wanted to be around her.

  “What are you cooking up now?”

  “Hi Adam. You are just in time for lunch. Pull up a chair.”

  “Don’t mind if I do!”

  “Do you like Gritty’s new look?” asked Lexus with pride.

  I hadn’t noticed but I looked closer and realized that he was letting his hair grow out. The tips seemed to have been highlighted with a blond shimmer. Oh my, she was at it again. Lexus could not let well enough alone. She figured if she changed you; she somehow owned you. She was marking her territory. And unfortunately or fortunately for Gritty he was her object of attention. He also was dressed to perfection, new clothes and shoes.

  “Wow, young fella! I did not notice but you really do look outstanding. You do know now that you have given her Carte Blanche … this is only a sample of what is yet to come,” I said teasingly. The look that they gave each other was beyond familiarity. It was one of adoration or perhaps passion. Shit, Lexus please don’t go there. Leave him alone!

  “Adam how’s the case coming along?” she asked.

  It took me a while to answer but I quickly averted my thoughts. “Nothing much happening other than Richard begins work at Invor on Monday. I must admit he is not looking forward to it. Mr. Forth seems to have spooked him out a little. He does not want to fight off some horny middle-aged guy.”

  “Don’t worry about that! Richard is not his type. Good looking as he is, Forth loves bears.”

  “And what is a bear?” Lexus asked inquisitively.

  “Bears are a type of gay, usually of burley stature. Richard is much too thin and clean cut. And that being said, let’s have some lunch. I am famished,” said Gritty as if he owned the place.


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