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A Naval History of World War I

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by Paul G. Halpern

  129.Beatty to his wife, 22 September 1918, Ranft, The Beatty Papers 1:554.

  130.On this point both Roskill and Marder agree. See Roskill, Beatty, 260–61, 271–72; Marder, Dreadnought to Scapa Flow 5:172 n. 11.

  131.A very full account in English is in Horn, German Naval Mutinies. Short accounts are in Philbin, Hipper, 163–73; Herwig, “Luxury Fleet,” 249–53; and Marder, Dreadnought to Scapa Flow 5:172–75.

  132.Accounts of the negotiations of the naval terms from different perspectives are in Corbett and Newbolt, Naval Operations 5:370–77, 413–18; Marder, Dreadnought to Scapa Flow 5:175–87; Trask, Captains & Cabinets, chap. 9; Klachko, Benson, 120–26; Roskill, Beatty, 269–75; Lady Wemyss, Wemyss, 383–95.

  133.A detailed account conveying the atmosphere is in Roskill, Beatty, 276–79. See also “Procedure regarding carrying out of naval terms of armistice,” n.d. (November 1918), and Beatty to Eugénie Godfrey-Faussett, 26 November 1918, in Ranft, The Beatty Papers 1:562–69, 572–74.

  134.Corbett and Newbolt, Naval Operations 5:380–81; Patterson, Tyrwhitt, 209–10; Gibson and Prendergast, German Submarine War, 330–33; Tarrant, U-Boat Offensive, 77; Rössler, The U-Boat, 88.

  135.Quoted in Philbin, Hipper, 174–76.

  136.Good descriptions are in Marder, Dreadnought to Scapa Flow 5:190–94; Lord Chatfield, The Navy and Defence, 173–77. Chatfield was Beatty’s flag captain; Herwig, “Luxury Fleet,” 254–55; and Chalmers, Beatty, 346–49. Chalmers reproduces Beatty’s orders for Operation ZZ, 440–45, appendix v.



  A broad survey such as this must by its very nature be based largely on published sources. There are, however, a number of places where archival material has been used and cited in the notes.

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