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Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come

Page 28

by Allensworth, Audra

  Charlie pulled up a chair, “Alden, we ain’t done anything to cause that. We have always done what you told us. So I am not trying to be mean, or piss you off, but if you are going soft, it is because you care about us. That isn’t our fault.” Ceara nodded her head in agreement.

  “Yeah, I know kid… that isn’t what I was saying. What I am saying is, I started caring more about comfort than surviving. I am to blame for Beth, not Colt.”

  Colt stepped out the back door, “Well, if the grave robber can add his two cents… We are here now, so the ‘what ifs’ are over. We can’t pack up and move before the wanderers attack, so we may as well get ready for it. When I said I won’t leave the house, I meant it, but I will fortify the house more and take out as many of those things as I can.”

  Tabitha joined them, “Bitching, talking, or kumbaya singing isn’t doing shit. How about we make a plan? Today proved they are closer than we thought, or there are more groups around. Either we stand or we leave, but we still need a plan.”

  Alden sat back again, “I need to think on this, with the attack today, things have changed. Who has first watch?”

  Colt held up his hand, “Beth and I did, but I can do it alone.”

  “I am capable of doing my duties, thank you.”

  Everyone jumped except Alden, when Beth joined them on the patio. “I came out to tell everyone that dinner is done.” She smiled to Tabitha and Ceara, “Even though some of us forgot they were making a special dinner.”

  Tabitha and Ceara jumped up, “Sorry, forgot all about that, come on, Ceara.”

  Alden stood up, “Well, no one has to tell me twice… let’s eat.” When Charlie got up, Alden motioned for him to wait, “You stand watch while we eat, as soon I’m done, I’ll relieve you.”

  Charlie nodded, “Okay, keep a plate hot for me.”

  Alden smiled, “I’ll see what I can do.”

  An hour later, the dinner was done, and kitchen was cleaned. Beth came in the living room with a glass of tea for herself and a cup of coffee for Alden. “I will have watch with Colt, so you guys need to get some sleep. To be honest, I really don’t think I want to spend much of my remaining time sleeping.”

  Alden took the cup and gave a sad smile, “I know honey, you doing ok?”

  “I have a few pains, but I’m keeping my thoughts written down so they don’t get mixed up. I will have a talk with Colt tonight, he needs to stop the self-pity and blame game he is playing.”

  Alden stood up, to head to his room, “Beth, his feelings are his, and he has to live with them. You can’t decide how he deals with them.”

  Tabitha tossed the dish towel on the counter, “I have second watch with Alden, so I am headed to bed, kiddies, Night, all.”

  Charlie and Ceara laughed and said their goodnights to the others as well. Beth held out her good hand to Colt, “Care to have a game of rummy?”

  Colt, without hesitation, took her hand and squeezed it tightly. “Honey, I have to make this house safer; and playing cards isn’t helping.” His nerves were completely shot, and his stomach was in so much turmoil that he could taste dinner coming back up.

  Beth continued to look at him with all the love and sincerity that she had within her; then spoke, “Colt, please… everybody is trying to settle down and get ready for bed. There is absolutely no way that you’re going to make this place any safer without keeping us awake. Isn’t that why we were just discussing who takes watch? Something else, Colt, just what exactly do you think that you could do right now to make this place any safer than it already is? Please, just give me a little time. I think we both need it, don’t you?”

  Colt looked around the room, “Yeah, I guess you’re right, not sure what I would do tonight.”

  He followed Beth to the table and watched as she shuffled the cards, “Does it hurt to use your hand?”

  “Just a little, it is getting worse and I know that. I think the fever is starting too.”

  Colt reached over, placing his hand on her forehead, “It is… You know it won’t be much longer, right?”

  Beth started dealing the cards, “I know, but if I can document how this actually feels, it could be helpful.”

  Colt grabbed his cards to avoid her look, “Yeah, cause we have run into so many scientists and doctors in the last year.”

  Beth smirked, “Very funny, smart ass, the point is you don’t know who you will run into. Just think about the radio Alden and Charlie have been listening in on. We know there are other groups; Alden has it narrowed down to three that he is really watching.”

  Colt jerked his eyes back to hers, “He told you that? Is he wanting to leave?” Colt questioned.

  Beth shook her head, “He doesn’t have to, I watch and I listen. I don’t know if he wants to leave, but it would be a good idea.”

  Colt began to sort his cards, “yeah it will. We have stayed here too long. Hope they make it ok.”

  “They? Why did you say they, Colt?”

  “I meant we, just said they because we were talking about Alden and Charlie. You don’t need to start reading into things.”

  Beth knew he was lying; she had been around him day in and day out for a year. She also knew better than to try and confront Colt, she would simply talk to Alden tomorrow. Beth laid down three kings and discarded, “Your turn.”

  After a few hands were played in silence, Colt stood up, finishing his glass of water, “I’m going to walk outside just to make sure everything is quiet. Be right back.”

  Beth sat back as she threw her hand on the table. She watched Colt walk out the door. She wondered if Colt would really do what he was thinking. Beth knew that Jessica was hard for him, and to have to go through it again, was asking a lot. Beth moved to the window to see if she could see Colt. He was leaning against a tree watching the full moon. Beth leaned her forehead on the window, not just to rest but for the coolness of the glass. She began to wonder if it was fair to ask Colt to go through it again. She just thought he was stronger now, but what if she was wrong. The problem was that Beth looked at things as a scientist, she hadn’t thought about how Colt would be seeing it. She watched as he pushed off the tree to come back in, as Beth went to sit back down.

  Colt came in and plopped down in his chair, “We need to talk, I don’t ever want to do this again. I think you are forcing me to go through it this time, but that is neither here nor there. You made your choice and I will accept it, but now you have to accept mine. I am opting out of this hell hole. I refuse to ever go through this again. If I stick around, then I will just have to watch the others get killed off. It is only a matter of time. Look at everything that has happen so far. First Jessica, then Heath, even Niz, and now you. It will happen to the rest of us, we all know it. I won’t watch anyone else and won’t make anyone watch it happen to me.”

  Beth started to interrupt but Colt held up his hand, “Let me finish. I took the choice away from Jessica and forced her to continue as one of those things, in hopes of a cure. Obviously, it never came, and I had to do what I should have done the minute she asked me to. I didn’t think I could go on without her, I don’t think I could have, if I hadn’t met you. Now I am facing the same thing again, watching the woman I love descend into darkness. I will do this for you because I do love you, but once it is over, I will do what I have to.”

  Beth nodded, “Are you done?”

  “Yeah, but you won’t talk me out of this.”

  Beth shook her head, “I wasn’t going to, I have made my choice, and you will have to make yours. I want you to think about what we have been through. It hasn’t been all bad, though most have been, but there are good memories too. That is what I want to focus on. That is what I ‘choose’ to have in my mind till the time comes for me.”

  “And speaking of that, when the time does get close, I will be the one to end things. I would never ask any of you to do that.”

  Beth leaned onto the table, “You opting out is a coward’s move that I wouldn’t expect from you.
It isn’t right for you to take your own life. Jessica fought and so am I, but you just want to give up. I am not saying that I don’t get it, that it doesn’t make sense. What I am saying is that this group is already down three people and you want to take them down by one more.”

  Colt shrugged, “You said that Alden has found groups to join, so I won’t need to worry, will I?”

  Beth slammed her hand on the table, “They will have to get to that group, Colt! They will need as many eyes and hands as they can get. Why do you refuse to see that?”

  Alden clearing his throat, drew their attention, Beth got up; “Oh my gosh, has it been two hours already... I didn’t even notice.”

  Tabitha came down the hall stretching, “I could have used more sleep.” As if to prove this, she did an exaggerated yawn.

  Alden smiled at her, “Well you are in luck; I think Colt is going to want to have watch with me, so you are off the hook.”

  Tabitha stopped and looked around the room and noticed the tension, “What’s up, Beth?”

  Beth quietly walked across the room and wrapped her arm around Tabitha, “I’m fine, stop fussing over me. Colt just is wired tonight for some reason.”

  Tabitha gave both Colt and Alden a look, “Oh well, more sleep for me… nighty night!” She allowed Beth to lead her back down the hall to go back to bed.

  Alden went to the kitchen to get his coffee then came back into the room. Leaving Colt sitting at the table, he went to his recliner. “Are you going to join me over here, or did you want to make sure everyone knows just what you are planning?”

  Colt hung his head and got up to join Alden. “Honestly, Alden, this isn’t any of your business.”

  Alden laughed an eerie laugh, “Boy, if you think I give a rat’s ass if you opt out or not, you really don’t know me at all.”

  Colt’s confused look made Alden laugh more, “If you want to opt out, then opt out… I don’t care. What I do have a problem with, is you trying to make that lady feel guilty or responsible for your choices.” Alden leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, holding his coffee in both hands. “You are going to tell that woman that you changed your mind. That you and I had a nice little man to man, touchy feely, happy horse shit talk, and guess what, you saw the light.”

  Colt shook his head, “I never said…”

  “Did I stop talking, or ask your thoughts? No, I don’t think so. Now, you are going to do just what I said and once this is over for her, I will shoot you myself, if you still want to be a whiney bitch and take the pussy way out. But until that time comes, you are going to support her, cater to her, and just pretty much kiss her ass. Do I make myself clear?”

  Colt smirked, “And if I don’t? I’m not going to lie to her. What are you going to do? Kill me?”

  Alden cocked an eyebrow, “No, but let me remind you, there are worse things that can happen to a guy before death. If you hurt her, I will make your life hell till she goes. Does that make it a little clearer for you?”

  Colt looked into Alden’s eyes and knew he meant every word, “Okay, fine… I will do it your way, but if she reads through me, I can’t help that.” Colt stood up, “Are we done?”

  Alden simply nodded, Colt walked away wondering just how he would pull off this act. Deep down he knew it would only be a day before she would have to be put down but that was not something he wanted to focus on. Alden’s voice pulled Colt to a stop, “What now, I told you ok?”

  Alden held out a pair of handcuffs, “I want her protected from herself and to protect us, just in case, she will understand. You can tell her that was part of our talk.”

  Colt took the handcuffs and walked down the hall. As he walked in the bedroom, Beth was still up with her journal on her lap. She looked up and smiled, “I didn’t know if I should come save you or just let Alden help you opt out.”

  Colt gave a weak smile, “Well, I survived the talk just like I survived everything else, by the skin of my teeth.”

  Beth laughed, “Come lay down, you must be worn out.” She glanced to his hand and saw the handcuffs, “hmmm, I was wondering when Alden would want to protect everyone from me.”

  Colt held them out, “I’m glad you know this wasn’t my idea.”

  As she wrapped the first cuff around her wrist, she broached the elephant in the room, “So, what did you decide? Did Alden make you want to end things quicker or change your mind?”

  Colt relaxed back on the pillow putting his arm behind his head, “I have to stick this out, and I have to live for you and Jessica. I just will never love again, I can’t risk it.”

  With the second cuff secured to the headboard, Beth turned to cuddle into Colt’s shoulder but soon found out that the handcuffs wouldn’t allow it. Colt looked over to the cuff, then into Beth’s eyes, “Lay on your side, I’ll wrap around you.”

  Beth shook her head, “No, Colt… the handcuffs just made me realize the danger I am putting you into. What if I change in the middle of the night? Things are getting worse, I can feel it. You even said how fast it could happen. I want you to go sleep on the couch, please don’t argue with me. I would hate myself in the next life for things I did here if you stayed and got hurt.”

  Colt scooted down into the bed as he turned toward her, “I will in a little bit, but just let me hold you for a little while tonight. I don’t think we will have this chance again.”

  Beth turned over and snuggled close to him, “I love you, please don’t give up because of me.”

  “I love you too, I promise to try to look at things different.”

  Chapter 18 - With Love, Goodbye

  Charlie woke up with the sun shining in his eyes. As he moved to get up, Ceara moaned, “Honey, you okay?”

  Charlie leaned over and kissed her head, “yeah, I’m just going to get up.”

  Getting out of bed, he threw on a pair of jeans and he opened the door.

  Alden was standing in the hall looking into Colt and Beth’s room. “Pervert…” Charlie said quietly, as he passed by him.

  Alden turned and smiled as Charlie reached the bathroom, “Just checking to make sure neither of them is putting anything in their mouths they're not supposed to.”

  Charlie slapped his hand over his mouth to keep from bursting out laughing, “Damn Alden,” he said has he closed the door.

  Charlie walked into the kitchen a few minutes later, poured a cup of coffee then joined Alden at the table. As he sat looking through the large kitchen window out across the desert, he saw a couple of wanderers aimlessly moving around.

  “You think they’ll come towards us?” he asked.

  Alden sipped his coffee, “I doubt it. I’ve been watching them for about a half hour or so, ever since the sun came up. They bump into each other than change direction, but they haven’t made any progress.”

  Ceara joined Charlie and Alden, she watched the wanderers for a minute, “They are acting different. They never just kept bumping into each other,” Ceara said.

  Suddenly one of the wanderer’s legs just snapped and he fell over and began to crawl across the land. “What the hell was that?”

  Alden took a couple of steps out, “I think those are older ones, they are starting to decompose. The bones are giving out. The good news is that they are starting to die off, or I should say give out. I just wish we knew how old they are.”

  The three walked out to the patio for a better look, Charlie leaned on one of the oak posts of the patio, “You think they are one of the first infected?”

  “I’m thinking so, otherwise we should have seen more like that. I’m sure many others are doing it, since we are out here, we don’t see it,” Alden reasoned.

  Ceara watched the wanderer continue to try to stand but the leg wouldn’t hold him, “Should we go put it out of its misery?”

  Charlie stepped off the patio, “I’ll do it.”

  As Charlie headed out, Ceara went back in the house. As she passed Colt and Beth’s room, she saw Beth sitting up writing in a notebook, �
��Good Morning!”

  Beth put a finger to her lips, and then pointed to the sleeping Colt. Ceara smiled and lowered her voice, “How are you doing?”

  “I was just jotting that down, it’s getting worse and honestly I think this is going to have to stay.” Beth held up the wrist that was handcuffed to the headboard. Ceara got a look of shock, “Why did Colt handcuff you to the bed?”

  Colt woke up and stretched, “Wasn’t me, it was Alden.”

  Ceara came into the bedroom, as Colt got up and pulled on his jeans, “I’m going to get coffee, you want any?”

  Beth smiled, “No, but some water, if you don’t mind.”

  Colt lumbered out of the bedroom, trying to wake up. Beth looked to Ceara, “The handcuffs are a very good idea, Ceara. If I were to… well you know, in the middle of the night, I could hurt several before whoever is on guard could stop me. I don’t want to take that chance.”

  Ceara looked defiant, “What about Colt, you could hurt him. If you aren’t worried about that, then why are you worried about doing it to us?”

  Beth looked to the side of the bed that Colt had just left, “You’re right, I shouldn’t have put Colt in danger. He was supposed to move to the couch but he fell asleep, and honestly, I didn’t want him to leave. I don’t think I will have to worry about it tonight. My fever is very high and I can tell I am dehydrated. I can’t hold any food down and got almost no sleep last night. I think things will have to be done today.”

  “Ceara sat on the side of the bed beside her, “Done, what do you mean, done?”

  Beth gave her a look, “Ceara, you are the youngest here, but you aren’t stupid. You know what will need to be done. We all know. I have been bitten and there is no way I will allow myself to be one of those things. I am charting everything I can, but it is getting close and I know it.”

  Ceara stared out the window, “How is it going to happen?”

  Beth knew that Ceara was fighting back the tears, she reached out and held her hand, “Ceara, I will do it myself. I don’t know when or where, but it has to be done, you know this.”


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