The Formula_How Algorithms Solve All Our Problems... and Create More

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The Formula_How Algorithms Solve All Our Problems... and Create More Page 25

by Luke Dormehl

  Adams, Douglas 2

  Adorno, Theodor 179, 205

  Adventures in the Screen Trade (Goldman) 161

  Affectiva 193

  Against Autonomy (Conly) 138–39

  Agrippa (Gibson) 238n

  Akrich, Madeline 136n


  and Amazon’s “fulfilment associates” 44

  and astronaut selection 24

  and black-boxing 151–52, 227–28, 235–36

  and call centers 21–22, 24–25, 49–50

  cars driven by 141–42

  in CCTV cameras 145–46

  and death 96–98

  and differential pricing 50–53

  and differentiated search results 47–48

  and discriminatory practices 53–54

  for divorce 130–31

  for drunk-driving detection 131–33

  and early computer dating 82

  and emotion sniffing 51–52

  and equity market 210–11

  and exclusive highways 48–49

  explained 1–6

  for finding love and sex 61–95 passim, 98–105; see also ALikeWise; BeautifulPeople; Bedpost; eHarmony; FindYourFaceMate; FitnessSingles; Internet: dating; Kari; LargeAndLovely; love and sex; “Match”; Match .com; OKCupid; PlentyOfFish; SeaCaptainDate; Serendipity; TrekPassions; UniformDating; VeggieDate

  Flu Trends 238–39

  to forecast crime 119–24; see also Berk, Richard; law and law enforcement

  and gaming technology 32–34

  “genetic” 203–4

  growing role of 210

  Iamus 206–7

  inferences of, and conceptions of self 36–38

  and Kari 98–103; see also love and sex

  and legal documents 129–30

  and London Symphony Orchestra 206

  and “The Match,” see “Match”

  measuring students’ progress with 39–41

  and medic 211

  and money laundering 18–19

  and offence 224–27

  and police work, public policy and judicial system, see law and law enforcement

  and recruitment 25–31

  and same-sex couples 147

  and student grades 208, 212

  and terrorism 149–50, 153

  as “tricks” 221–23

  and “truths” in art 182–83; see also art and entertainment

  TruthTeller 237

  and Twitter 35–36, 38

  upward mobility programmed into 46–47

  why we trust 149–51

  ALikeWise 79

  Amabot 214–15

  Amazon 85, 188, 198

  and disappearing gay-friendly books 232

  e-books sold by 179–80

  “fulfilment associates” at 44–45

  how algorithms work with 1–2

  and Solid Gold Bomb 224–25

  two departments of 213–15

  work practices at 44–46

  Ambient Law 131–33, 137, 143–44

  Amscreen 20

  Anderson, Chris 56, 191n, 223

  Angela (Quantified Self devotee) 14

  see also Quantified Self movement

  Aniston, Jennifer 69

  Anomo 89–90

  Apple 133

  Apple v. Samsung 127–28

  Apprentice, The (US) 89

  Aquinas, Thomas 183

  Aron, Arthur 101

  art and entertainment 161–207

  and dehumanisation 203–4

  and films via Internet 179–80

  and mass market 175–77

  and Salganik–Dodds–Watts study 172–73

  and “superstar” markets 173 see also Epagogix; individual participants; individual titles

  artificial intelligence 126, 217

  AT&T 29

  Atlantic 11

  Avatar 163, 172, 205

  Avaya 49

  Balloon Brigade 33

  Barefoot Into Cyberspace (Hogge) 44

  Barrymore, Drew 167

  Barthes, Roland 186

  Bauman, Zygmunt 81–82

  BeautifulPeople 78

  beauty map 31–32

  Beck, Charlie 106–7

  Bedpost 13, 93–95

  Bedwood, David 97

  Beethoven, Ludwig 202

  Bellos, David 215

  Benjamin, Walter 178–79

  Bense, Max 182n

  Bentham, Jeremy 55, 118

  Berk, Richard 120–24, 236

  Bezos, Jeff 190

  Bianculli, David 189

  Bieber, Justin 202–3

  Blackstone Electronic Discovery 127–28

  Blink (Gladwell) 211

  blogging 30

  and owners’ personalities 38–39

  and word choice 38–39

  body-hacking 13–14

  BodyMedia 94

  books, see art and entertainment

  Bowden, B. V. 184

  Bowden, Mark 11

  Boyce, Vincent Dean 15–16

  Bratton, William 108–10, 113

  Brazier, David 70

  Breathalyzer 143–44

  Brownsword, Roger 138

  Brynjolfsson, Erik 217

  Burberry 52

  Busa, Roberto 183

  California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology 7

  call centers 21–22, 24, 49

  CalWIN 159

  Cameron, David 113

  Cameron, James 162–63

  Carter, Steve 74–76

  Casablanca 86

  Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge 68

  CBS 126

  CCTV 145–46

  CCTV Today 146

  celebrity marriages, predicting breakup of 67–69

  chatterbot 99

  Cheney-Lippold, John 58–59

  Chivers, Tom 135

  Christensen, Clayton 129

  Churchill, Winston 45

  Cisco 49

  Citron, Danielle 150, 153–54

  Claburn, Thomas 239

  Clarke, Arthur C. 221

  Clegg, Nick 225

  Click: What We Do Online and Why It Matters (Tancer) 3, 233–34

  Clinical vs. Statistical Prediction (Meehl) 208

  Coetzee, J. M. 203

  cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am) 12

  Colorado public-benefits system, errors in 153–54

  Community 196

  Comte, Auguste 114–16

  Conboy, Kevin 13, 92–95

  Conly, Sarah 138–39

  cookies 17

  Coughlan, Alexandra 201

  Coupland, Douglas 16

  CourseSmart 39–41

  crime, see law and law enforcement

  Crohn’s disease 10

  Crosby, Michelle 131

  Crowded Room 89

  Cruise, Tom 68–69, 118

  Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly 100

  Cuckoo’s Calling, The (Galbraith) 187

  Culture of Public Problems, The (Gusfield) 142–43

  “cyberbole” 210

  origin of 4

  DARPA 213

  Darwin, Charles 31, 118

  data-mining 10, 41, 67–68, 106, 126, 134–35, 150, 156, 158–60, 183, 187, 223

  dating sim 103–4

  Dawkins, Richard 129

  de Botton, Alain 87

  “De-Scription of Technical Objects, The” (Akrich) 136n

  DeadSocial 96

  death, apps concerning 96–98

  decimated-reality aggregators 45–47

  Deep Blue 29

  deferred acceptance 63

  see also “Match”

  Deleuze, Gilles 54–55, 60

  demassification 21

  DeRose, Steven 194

  Descartes, René 12

  deviantART 37

  Dialectic of Enlightenment (Adorno, Horkheimer) 179

  Dick, Philip K. 118, 226

  Die Walküre 70

  differential pricing 50–52

  digital humanities 3

  “Digital Panopticon, The” (Poole) 55–56

  “Digitizing the Racialized Body” (Hansen) 53

  Disney 181

  “dividuals” 54


  algorithm for 129

  rate of 67, 71–72

  “Do Artifacts Have Politics?” (Winner) 134

  Dodds, Peter 172–76

  Dominguez, Jade 25

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 118

  Dourish, Paul 231

  Dow Jones 219

  drunk driving 142–44

  Eagle, Nathan 85

  Ecker, David 206–7, 219

  eHarmony 71, 74–77, 88

  see also Internet; love and sex; Warren, Neil Clark

  Eisenstein, Sergei 178

  Electric Dreams 103

  Ellul, Jacques 5, 56

  EMD Serono 58

  emotion sniffing 51–52

  Emotional Optimisation 200–201

  Enchanted Loom, The (Jastrow) 96

  entertainment, see art and entertainment

  Epagogix 165–68, 170–72, 176, 179, 191, 203, 205

  Eric Berne Memorial Scientific Award 23

  Essay on the Moral Statistics of France (Guerry) 117

  “Experimental Study of Inequality and Unpredictability in an Artificial Cultural Market” 173

  Facebook 232, 241

  and Facedeals 20

  and facial recognition 215

  how algorithms work with 2

  jobs at 27

  profiles, and people’s success 30–31

  profiles, traits inferred from 37–38

  Timeline feature on 38–39

  and YouAreWhatYouLike 37

  Facedeals 20

  facial recognition and analysis 20, 33, 91, 146, 151, 193, 215

  and Internet dating 78

  Failing Law Schools (Tamanha) 216

  Family Guy 196

  Farewell to the Working Class (Gorz) 217–18

  Fast Company 3, 35, 128, 220

  on Amazon 44–5

  Faster Than Thought (Bowden) 184

  Faulkner, William 187

  Feldman, Konrad 18–19

  films, see art and entertainment

  Filter Bubble, The (Pariser) 47

  Fincher, David 189

  Find the Love of Your Life (Warren) 73

  FindYourFaceMate 78

  Fitbit 13

  FitnessSingles 78

  Flash Crash 219

  flexitime 43

  Food Stamp Act (US) 154–55

  Ford, Henry 44

  Foucault, Michel 101

  Fourastie, Jean 219

  Freud, Sigmund 11

  Friedman, Milton 218

  Galbraith, Robert 187

  Gale, David 62–63, 66

  Galton, Francis 31–32

  gaming technology 32–33

  Gass, John 148

  Gates, Bill 182

  Geek Logik (Sundem) 67–68

  gender reassignment 26

  GenePartner 77–78

  Generation X (Coupland) 16

  Gibson, William 194n

  Gild 25–26, 29–30

  Gillespie, Tarleton 233

  Gladwell, Malcolm 211

  Goldman, William 161, 173

  Good Morning America 67

  Google 201–2

  and auto-complete 225–27

  claimed objectivity of 220–21

  differentiated results from 46–48

  dynamic-pricing patent granted to 50; see also differential pricing

  employment practices of 41–42

  and facial recognition 215

  Flu Trends algorithm of 238–39

  how algorithms work with 2

  and inadvertent racism 151

  and Lake Wobegone Strategy 27–29

  Levy’s study of 41

  and news-outlet decline 225–27

  People Analytics Group within 41–42; see also web analytics

  and self-driving cars 143, 213

  Slate article on 41

  and UAL 229

  Google Earth 135

  Google Glass 14, 26

  Google Maps 16, 134–35

  Google Street View 227

  Google Translate 215, 221

  Gorz, André 217

  Gottschall, Jonathan 186

  Gould, Stephen Jay 33–34

  Graf, Daniel 135

  graph theory 182

  Grindr 89, 152

  Guardian 84

  Guattari, Félix 48, 54

  Guerry, André-Michel 114–18

  Gusfield, Joseph 142–43

  Halfteck, Guy 32–34

  Hansen, Mark 53

  Hanson, Curtis 167

  Heaven’s Gate 167

  Henry VI (Shakespeare) 125–26

  Her 103

  Hitchcock, Alfred 17

  Hogge, Becky 44

  Holmes, Katie 68–69

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr. 158

  Horkheimer, Max 179, 205

  House of Cards 188–89

  House of Commons, rebuilding of 45

  How the Mind Works (Pinker) 80

  Human Dynamics (at MIT) 85

  Hume, David 199–200

  Hunch 37, 234

  Hunger Games, The 169

  Hutcheson, Joseph C. Jr. 157

  Iamus 206–7

  IfIDie 96

  In The Plex (Levy) 41

  Industrial Revolution 21, 40

  info-aesthetics 182

  Information Age, coming of 21

  Instagram 216

  Interactive Telecommunications Program 15


  and cookies 17

  dating 71, 75–79, 81; see also eHarmony; FindYourFaceMate; GenePartner; love and sex

  growing access to 76–77

  and scavenger-class customers 49–50

  shopping via 16–17, 20; see also Amazon

  tracking of user movements on 18

  as transactional machine 46

  and web analytics 18–19, 41; see also Google

  iPhone 36

  Is That a Fish in Your Ear? (Bellos) 215

  Isaacson, Walter 36

  Islendiga-App 88–89

  Jackson, Joe 70

  James, Henry 70

  James, William 17

  Jastrow, Robert 96

  Jeopardy! 158

  Jobs, Steve 36, 87

  John Carter 163, 172

  Jolie, Angelina 69

  Jonze, Spike 103

  JPod (Coupland) 16

  judges 156–58

  judicial behavior, predicting 156–59

  and automated judges 160

  jurimetrics 139–40, 158

  Kahler Communications 24–25

  Kahler, Dr. Taibi 22–24

  Kardashian, Khloe 68

  Kari 99–103, 105

  Kasparov, Garry 29

  Keillor, Garrison 28

  Kelly, John 127–29

  Kelly, Kevin 12

  Kelvin, Lord 31

Alan 77

  Kindle 180, 197–98, 203

  Kinect 132

  Kipman, Alex 132

  Kirke, Alexis 190–92, 194, 197

  Knack 32–34

  Knowledge Acquiring and Response Intelligence 99

  Kodak 129, 216

  Koppleman, Lee 134

  Kranzberg, Melvin 151, 222

  lactoferrin 10

  Lake Wobegone Strategy 28–29

  Lanier, Jaron 90–91, 199, 216, 239

  LargeAndLovely 78

  Lasswell, Harold 5

  Late Age of Print, The (Stiphas) 221

  Latour, Bruno 136, 235–36

  law and law enforcement 106–33, 137–60

  and age and gender 121–23

  and Ambient Law 132, 137, 143–44

  and automated judges 160

  and bail and parole 119–21

  and crime hotspots 110–112

  and drunk-driving detection 131–33

  and legal discovery 125–28

  and “PreCrime” 118–19, 123–25

  and predicting judicial behavior 155–60

  and predictive policing 107–9, 119

  and PredPol 113

  and “RealCog” 120–21

  and relative poverty 117

  and rules vs. standards 141–43

  and school students 125

  Lawrence, Jennifer 169

  LegalZoom 130

  Leibniz, Gottfried 139–40

  Lessig, Lawrence 139

  Levitt, Theodore 217

  Levy, David 104–5

  Levy, Frank 212–13

  Levy, Steven 41

  Lewis, Sinclair 186–87

  Li, Jiwei 35

  Life & Times of Michael K (Coetzee) 203

  Life on Screen (Turkle) 57

  LinkedIn 27

  Liquid Love (Bauman) 82

  Liu, Benjamin 89

  LivesOn 96–97

  London Symphony Orchestra 206

  Long Tail, The (Anderson) 56, 191n

  Lorenz, Edward 171

  Love in the Time of Algorithms (Slater) 81

  love and sex:

  algorithms and technology for 61–95 passim, 98–105, 239; see also ALikeWise; BeautifulPeople; Bedpost; eHarmony; FindYourFaceMate; FitnessSingles; Kari; LargeAndLovely; love and sex; “Match”;; OKCupid; SeaCaptainDate; Serendipity; UniformDating; VeggieDate

  and celebrity marriages, see celebrity marriages, predicting breakup of

  genetic matching for 77–78

  Warren’s researches into 72–74

  and wearable tech 94–5

  see also divorce; “Match”; PlentyOfFish

  Love and Sex with Robots (Levy) 104–5

  Lovegety 87–88

  Lucky You 167–68

  Lust in Space 100

  McAfee, Andrew 217

  Macbeth (Shakespeare) 191

  McBride, Joseph 164n

  MacCormick, John 212, 222

  McCue, Colleen 106–7

  McLuhan, Marshall 88

  Malinowski, Sean 107–14

  Manovich, Lev 177–78


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