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The Formula_How Algorithms Solve All Our Problems... and Create More

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by Luke Dormehl

  Many Worlds 190–92, 194, 197

  maps 134–36

  Marx, Karl 11, 137n

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 28

  Human Dynamics group in 85

  Serendipity project of 85–87

  “Match” 62–66

  tabulated example of 64

  see also love and sex

  Mattersight Corporation 22–24

  Mayer, Marissa 228

  Meaney, Nick 166–67, 170–72, 176, 205

  Measure of Fidget 32

  Medavoy, Mike 162

  Medicine and the Reign of Technology (Reiser) 142

  Meehl, Paul E. 208–9

  Meiklejohn, Alexander 231

  Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 98–99

  Michael (Quantified Self devotee) 13

  see also Quantified Self movement

  Microserfs (Coupland) 16

  Microsoft 51–52, 132, 192–93, 237

  MIDI 199

  Mill, John Stuart 118

  Ming, Vivienne 25–27, 29–30

  Miniscript 22–23

  Minority Report 118–20, 123

  Mismeasure of Man, The (Gould) 33–34

  Mohler, George 111–12

  money laundering 19

  Morozov, Evgeny 201–2, 226, 243

  Moses, Robert 134

  movies, see art and entertainment

  Mozart, Wolfgang 172, 203–4

  Mumford, Lewis 5

  Murnane, Richard 212–13

  musical dice game 204

  Myhrvold, Nathan 182

  Nara 46–47, 136

  NASA 24


  Nautilus 14

  Negobot 240

  Net Delusion, The (Morozov) 226

  Netflix 52, 127, 176, 188–89, 228, 236

  neural networks 166

  illustration of 168

  neuroscience 159

  new algorithmic identity 55, 58

  New Division of Labor, The (Levy, Murnane) 212–13

  New Statesman 55

  New York Times 40–41, 52, 58, 67, 71

  Newton, Isaac 114

  Nietzsche, Friedrich 70

  Nightingale, Florence 118

  Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future (MacCormick) 222

  Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell) 138, 198

  Nudge (Thaler, Sunstein) 137–38

  Obama, Barack 189, 225

  Odom, Lamar 68

  “(Of the) Standard of Taste” (Hume) 199–200

  OKCupid 77

  On Love (de Botton) 87

  On Love (Stendhal) 70

  On Man and the Development of his Faculties (Quetelet) 117

  online dating, see Internet: dating

  online shopping, see Internet: shopping via

  Onomatics 130–31

  OptimEyes 20

  Orwell 138

  panopticon 55

  Parada, Sergio 99–100, 102–3

  paradox of choice 82–83, 156

  Paradox of Choice, The (Winchester) 82–83

  Pariser, Eli 47

  Parks, Rosa 59

  Pascal, Blaise 70

  Patterson, James 203

  Pentland, Alex 85

  personality types 23–25

  tabulated 23

  Pfizer 58

  Pinker, Steven 80–81

  Pinkett, Jada 69

  Pitt, Brad 69

  Plan of Scientific Operations . . . (Comte) 114

  PlentyOfFish 81

  police, see law and law enforcement

  Pollock, Jackson 185

  Poole, Steven 55

  Popenoe, Paul 72

  Popular Press, 1833–1865, The 177

  Posner, Richard 155–56, 158–60, 168, 169

  Poupyrev, Ivan 181

  Poverty of Philosophy, The (Marx) 137n

  “precogs” 118

  see also law and law enforcement

  predictive behavioral routing 22–23

  “Predictive Policing” (McCue, Beck) 107

  see also law and law enforcement

  PredPol 113

  Present Shock (Rushkoff) 195

  Principles of Psychology, The (James) 17

  Principles of Scientific Management, The (Taylor) 42

  Process Communication 22–24

  Proust, Marcel 83

  psychic energy 100–101

  Punin, Nikolai 178

  Pygmalion (Shaw) 102

  Quantcast 18–20, 55, 107

  Quantified Self movement 12–16

  Queenan, Joe 167

  Quetelet, Adolphe 114–18

  Quora 30

  “Race Against the Machine” (McAfee, Brynjolfsson) 217

  Radin, Max 157

  Raiders of the Lost Ark 161

  Ramsay, Stephen 182–83, 187

  RealCog 120

  see also law and law enforcement

  reductio ad absurdum 37

  Reiser, Stanley 142

  Renoir, Pierre-Auguste 202

  Rifkin, Jeremy 217

  riots, UK (2011) 113

  robo-cizing the world 13–15

  Rochberg-Halton, Eugene 100

  “Role of the Judge in the Twenty-First Century, The” (Posner) 156–57

  Roth, Eric 167

  Rothko, Mark 201

  Rowling, J. K. 187

  Rushkoff, Douglas 195–97

  Salavon, Jason 194

  Salganik, Matthew 172–76

  Salieri, Antonio 172

  Samsung, see Apple v. Samsung

  scavenger-class customers 49–50

  SceneTap 91

  Schindler’s List 171

  Schwartz, Barry 82

  “scripts”, technological 136–37

  SeaCaptainDate 78–79

  Sears, Barry 8

  self-driving cars 143–44, 213

  Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins) 129

  Serendipity 85–87

  “750 words” 13

  sex, see love and sex

  Shakespeare, William 125–26, 182–83

  Shamir, Lior 184–85, 203, 205–6

  Shapley, Lloyd 62, 80

  Shteyngart, Gary 85

  Signal and the Noise, The (Silver) 235

  Silver, Nate 235

  Slate 41, 97

  Slater, Dan 81

  Slavin, Kevin 228

  Smarr, Larry 7–12, 220

  Smith, Dave 208–9

  Smith, Will 69, 164–65

  social discovery 86–90

  “society of control” 54–55

  Socrates 12

  Soddu, Celestino 204

  Solid Gold Bomb 224

  Sony Walkman 14

  Spacey, Kevin 188–89

  spam 58

  Speed 44

  Spielberg, Arnold 164

  Spielberg, Steven 118, 164

  Stable Marriage Problem, see “Match”

  Stairmaster 14

  Stanton, Andrew 163

  Star Wars 161

  Stendhal 70

  Steve Jobs (Isaacson) 36

  Stone, Brad 214

  Strangers on a Train 17

  Striphas, Ted 232, 236

  “Structured Information” (DeRose) 194

  Sugar, Simon 20

  Sundem, Garth 67–69, 234

  Sunstein, Cass 137

  Super Sad True Love Story (Shteyngart) 85–86

  Supreme Court Forecasting Project 158

  Surden, Harry 159, 232

  Sweeney, Latanya 151

a 181

  tamagotchi 100

  Tamanha, Brian 216

  Tancer, Bill 3, 233

  Taylor, Frederick 42

  Taylorism 42

  Technical Man 5

  technological “scripts” 136

  Technological Society, The (Ellul) 56

  Tejeda, Charles 40

  television scheduling 155–56

  Tesco 20

  work practices at 45

  Thaler, Richard 137

  “Theory of Judicial Decision, The” (Radin) 157

  Third Wave, The (Toffler) 20–21, 43, 53–54

  Thomas, Dorothy 228

  Thomas, William 228

  Thompson, David 172n

  Thousand Plateaus, A (Deleuze, Guattari) 54

  Titanic 162–63, 194

  To Save Everything, Click Here (Morozov) 201

  Toffler, Alvin 20–21, 43, 53–54

  Tolstoy, Leo 203

  “Towards Digitally Enabled Genomic Medicine” (Smarr) 11

  TrekPassions 79

  TruthTeller 237

  Tuchman, Gaye 226–27

  Turing, Alan 184

  Turkle, Sherry 56, 131

  Turner, Fred 56–57

  Turow, Joseph 52

  TweetPsych 38

  Twitter 26, 30, 227, 230–31

  and algorithms 35–36

  and hashtags 230

  UAL 229

  UniformDating 79

  Untitled (Green on Blue) 201

  Up in the Air 79

  Vaidhyanathan, Siva 221–22

  Van Gogh, Vincent 185

  VeggieDate 79

  Vico, Francisco 206–7

  Viegas, Fernanda 195

  Virilio, Paul 2, 43, 218

  Vollmer, Walter 149

  Wagner, Richard 70

  Walker, Robert 17

  Walmart 106–7

  War and Peace (Tolstoy) 203

  Wark, McKenzie 235

  Warren, Neil Clark 71–75, 84

  Wasabi Waiter 33

  Wattenberg, Martin 195

  Watts, Duncan 172–75

  wave theory 20–21

  Wearable Computing Group 14

  web analytics 18–20

  at Google 41

  see also Google

  Webb, Amy 84

  Well, Marius B. 225

  Wert, Robert 24–25

  Westminster Review 118

  Wevorce 131

  Who Owns the Future? (Lanier) 90–91, 216

  “will-to-order” 5

  William, Prince, Duke of Cambridge 68

  Wilson, Nathan 46

  Winchester, Dan 82

  Winner, Langdon 134, 136

  Wired 12, 56–57

  Wolf, Gary 12

  “Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, The” (Benjamin) 178–79

  Wulff, Bettina 225, 227–28

  Yarkoni, Tal 38

  You Are Not a Gadget (Lanier) 239

  YouAreWhatYouLike 37

  YouTube 232

  Zittrain, Jonathan 198

  Žižek, Slavoj 236

  Zone, The (Sears) 8




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