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D W Griffith's The Birth of a Nation

Page 65

by Melvyn Stokes

  style-substance dichotomy, 284

  Rohauer, Raymond, 262

  A Romance of Happy Valley (film), 264, 273

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 270

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 35, 212, 213, 215

  The Root of Evil (Dixon), 52

  The Rose of Kentucky (film), 201, 231

  Rosen, Marjorie, 5–6

  Rosenwald, Julius, 165

  Ross, Edward A., 213

  Rothapfel, S. F., 235

  Rothman, William, 280

  Russell, Sylvester, 132

  Ryan, Phil A., 261

  Sadoul, Georges, 5, 279, 280

  St John, Adela Rogers, 97

  Saint-Saëns, Camille, 106

  Sally of the Sawdust (film), 267

  Salter, Harry, 66

  Sanborn, Frank B., 146

  The Sands of Dee (film), 73, 85

  Sanford, Walter, 159

  Sarris, Andrew, 262

  The Saxons in England (Kemble), 211

  Saxton, Alexander, 209

  Scarface (film), 7, 8

  Scarlet Days (film), 264

  Schaeffle, Howard, 140

  Schenck, Joseph, 267

  Schickel, Richard, 11, 59, 66, 71, 77

  on Biograph, 69

  on editing Birth, 102

  on Gish, 85

  on Griffith’s later films, 266, 267, 268

  on Griffith’s racism, 147, 282–3

  Klan and audiences, 224

  on NAACP’s legal grounds, 130

  on Stern, 256

  Schieffelin, William J., 145

  Schlegel, Friedrich von, 210

  Scholtz, Abe, 101

  Schreiber, Belle, 221

  Scorsese, Martin

  The Last Temptation of Christ, 8

  Scott, Emmett J., 166

  Scott, Robert K., 204

  Scott, Sir Walter, 12

  Ivanhoe, 211

  The Lady of the Lake, 203

  The Sculptor’s Nightmare (film), 67

  Selig Films, 75, 77

  multireel productions, 114

  Selywn Theater, New York City, 239–40

  Selznick, David O., 9, 259, 261

  Sennett, Mack, 70, 270

  Civilization, 166

  The Seventh Son (film), 188

  sexual morality

  audiences in cinemas, 6

  censorship, 132, 147

  Dixon and, 205

  early cinema and, 7

  Mayor Curley’s objections, 142, 150

  miscegenation issue, 7, 216–22, 234

  Shaw, Albert, 32

  She Done Him Wrong (film), 7

  Sheldon, Edward

  The Nigger, 156

  Shepard, David, 278

  Sherman, Harry, 119

  Sherman, General William T., 29, 185

  Sherwin, Louis, 117

  Shillady, John R., 228

  Sholtz, Abe, 71

  Short, William H., 251, 252

  Shubert Theater, Boston, 237–8

  Sieder, Jill Jordan, 10

  Siegmann, George, 85, 88, 217

  Sight and Sound (journal), 190–1, 254, 256–7

  Silva, John, 11

  Simmon, Scott, 11, 231, 283

  Simmons, William J., 9, 232–5

  Simpson, O. J., 10

  Sims Act, 132

  Sinn, Clarence, 108

  Sinnott, Michael (Mack Sennett), 70

  The Sins of the Father (Dixon), 52–3

  A Siren of Impulse (film), 85

  Sklar, Robert, 251


  Boston anti-slavery campaign, 141

  Dixon and, 27–9, 39–40, 42

  errors in Birth, 205, 206

  Griffith family and, 59

  Lost Cause view, 179, 180, 182, 186, 213

  portrayal in Birth, 17

  reality of, 184

  scenes edited out, 104

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin and, 35–6

  white women, 220–1

  Slide, Anthony, 85, 275

  Smith, Alfred E., 241

  Smith, George W., 230

  Smith, Gladys, 84

  Smith, Harry C., 155–6

  Smith, James (Jimmy), 71, 101

  Smith, Rose, 16, 101

  Snuff (film), 8

  Snyder, M. P., 238

  Social Darwinism, 212

  The Soldier in Our Civil War (Mottelay and Campbell-Copeland), 176–7

  The Songbird of the North (film), 188

  Sorlin, Pierre, 13, 184

  The Sorrows of Satan (film), 267

  The Souls of Black Folks (Du Bois), 167

  Spanish-American War, 40, 207, 212

  Spears, Jack, 68, 174

  Spielberg, Steven

  The Color Purple, 262

  Spingarn, Joel E., 135, 138, 167, 168

  Spirit of ’76 (film), 272–3

  Sproul, William C., 230

  Staiger, Janet, 9, 12, 13, 253–4

  Stalin, Josef, 254, 256, 257

  Standard Union (newspaper), 117

  Stanley, Max, 85

  Stanton, Edwin M., 44, 45, 82

  The Star of Ethiopia (pagent), 167–8

  Starfield, Panny, 284

  State (newspaper), 51

  Stephenson, David C., 241

  Stern, Seymour, 13, 103, 104

  anti-communist argument, 254–8

  Griffith’s library and, 191–2

  Sterne, Elaine, 163, 164, 166

  Stevens, Thaddeus A., 174, 189, 205

  Stewart, R. W., 133

  Stone Film Library, 246, 259

  Storey, Moorfield, 141, 142, 143

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher

  Dixon responds to, 54

  film versions, 53

  influence of, 35–7

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 12, 13, 35–8, 41–2

  Strand Theater, New York, 4

  Stroheim, Erich von, 88, 275

  The Struggle (film), 268

  Sturges, Preston, 268

  Sul-te-Wan, Madame, 87

  Sullivan, Lewis J., 147

  Sumner, Charles, 17, 21, 88, 174

  The Sun (newspaper), 117

  The Sun Virgin (Dixon), 270

  Sweet, Blanche, 70, 85

  Swords and Hearts (film), 68

  Tacitus, Gaius Cornelius, 216

  History of the Germanic People, 211

  Taft, William Howard, 207

  Tarbell, Ida M., 187–8

  Tarkington, Booth, 116

  Taylor, Clyde, 11, 284

  Taylor, Sam, 267

  Taylor, Stanner E. V., 71

  Taylor, Tom

  Our American Cousin, 189

  Teague, George, 102

  A Temporary Truce (film), 72

  Ten Eyck, Robert E., 236–7

  Testimony Taken by the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 192

  Thacher, Thomas C., 149

  Thal, Ted, 9, 261

  That Royle Girl (film), 267


  Civil War melodramas, 177

  rivalry with cinema, 4

  Thelma (film), 269

  Thompson, C. Mildred, 191

  Thompson, William H., 151–2

  The Three Musketeers (play), 63

  Thurstone, L. L., 252, 253

  The Toll of the War (film), 188

  Totaro, Donato, 284

  Tourgée, Albion Winegar, 206

  A Fool’s Errand and “The Invisible Empire,” 192–5

  trade unions, 254

  The Tragic Era (Bowers), 191

  The Trail Rider (film), 269

  The Traitor (Dixon), 52

  Tremont Theater, Boston, 141, 144, 145, 150

  Triangle Picture Corporation, 166, 270–1

  Triumph of the Will (film), 8

  Trotter, William Monroe, 144, 238

  Boston campaign, 141, 145–7, 149, 228

  True Heart Susie (film), 264

  Truman, Harry S, 255

  Tulley, Judge, 237

  Tumulty, Joseph P., 14

  Turner, George Kibbe, 220

  Turner, Nat, 213

  Turner, Sharon

  History of the Anglo-Saxons, 211

  Turner Classic Movie Channel, 10

  Tuskegee Institute, 144, 151

  alternate film project and, 164, 165

  Twilight Revellers, 62

  Tyler, Elizabeth, 235

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 12, 13

  Dixon responds to, 35–8, 41–2, 54

  film versions, 53, 124

  play version, 47–8

  Underhill, John G., 165

  United Artists, 265

  United Daughters of the Confederacy, 179

  United States

  Cold War attitudes, 255–8

  context of nationhood, 206–16

  cultural diversity, 207–8

  desegregation of schools, 9

  government offices view Birth, 3

  historical aspects in Birth, 14

  migration and immigration, 214–15

  party politics, 40–1

  racial legislation, 131–2

  setting and plot of Birth, 6

  social change, 159–60

  Southern thought on race, 40

  wartime solidarity, 227–30

  Washington screenings of Birth, 111–13

  See also Civil War; Reconstruction

  Universal Films, 265

  film to challenge Birth, 163–4

  An Unseen Enemy (film), 84

  Up From Slavery (Washington), 166

  Usai, Paolo Cherchi, 13

  Vance, Mark, 4–5, 278

  Variety (newspaper), 118, 278

  vaudeville, 114

  Velez, Lupe, 267

  Vesey, Denmark, 213

  Villa, Francisco (Pancho), 227

  Villard, Oswald Garrison, 137, 140, 168

  violence and unrest

  in Boston, 146–7

  Laurens riot, 204

  objection to film portrayal, 8

  in Philadelphia, 154, 155

  postwar riots, 231

  resulting from Birth, 160, 161, 249–51, 278

  war in Birth, 208–9

  See also Ku Klux Klan

  Vitagraph Company, 72, 77, 106, 114

  Waco Herald (newspaper), 176

  Wade, Wyn Craig, 232, 233

  Wagenknecht, Edward, 75

  Wagner, Richard, 107–8

  Wake Forest College, 31–2, 34, 39

  Wald, Lillian, 136–7

  Walker, William, 223

  Walling, William English, 165

  Walsh, David I., 146, 148

  Walsh, Raoul, 88, 275

  as Booth, 96, 174

  on shooting Birth, 92

  Walthall, Henry B., 19, 70, 101, 181, 274, 279

  cast in Birth, 83

  Walton, Lester, 132, 140, 237

  Wark Productions, 264

  The Warriors (film), 8

  Wars of the Primal Tribes (film), 74

  Washington, Booker T., 42, 138, 139, 144, 146, 151

  alternate film and, 165, 166

  death of, 169

  factions and rivalries, 224

  Up From Slavery, 166

  Washington, Geraldine, 277

  Watson, Tom, 232

  Way Down East (film), 265, 266, 274

  Weber, Carl Maria von, 107

  Webster, Daniel, 209

  Weinberg, Herman G., 279

  The Welcome Burglar (film), 76

  What Drink Did (film), 219

  Wheeler, General Joe, 58

  When Knights Were Bold (film), 67

  When Lincoln Was President (film), 188

  Where Men Are Men (film), 269

  White, Justice Edward D., 112, 149

  White, Mimi, 174

  White, Walter F., 231, 235, 239, 240–1, 245

  ACLU and, 247–8

  against remake, 259, 260

  on reaction to play, 52

  on sound version, 243

  The White Caps (film), 231

  The White Rose (film), 266, 273

  Wibecan, George E., 137

  Wilkins, Roy, 261

  Willard, Jess, 220

  Williams, Charles B., 156

  Williams, Linda, 13, 177

  Playing the Race Card, 12

  race and national identity, 222

  Williams, Martin, 11

  Williamson, Joel, 40

  Willis, Frank B., 156, 157

  Wilson, Butler R., 146, 150

  Wilson, D. L.

  Ku Klux Klan (with Lester), 192

  Wilson, Ellen Axon, 111

  Wilson, R. Butler, 237, 238

  Wilson, Tom, 87

  Wilson, Woodrow, 141

  Anglo-Saxonism, 211

  association with Dixon, 32–3, 149

  commutes Goldstein’s sentence, 273

  Dixon’s praise of, 34

  A History of the American People, 21, 175, 192, 198–200

  named as film’s supporter, 142

  photograph of, 112

  Southern origins, 207

  views Birth at the White House, 111

  Wimpenny, O., 98

  Winchell, Walter, 260, 261

  The Wind (film), 274

  Windows (film), 8

  Wing Toy (film), 269

  Wise, Rabbi Stephen S., 137

  Within Our Gates (film), 11, 12


  black characters in Birth, 223

  miscegenation issue, 216–22

  suffrage, 236

  Woods, Frank E., 71, 79, 81, 104

  Woods, Robert, 88

  World War I, 208

  Goldstein’s trial, 272–3

  national solidarity and race, 227–30

  Wortman, Frank (Huck), 90–1, 177

  Yacowar, Maurice, 224, 281–2

  The Yaqui Cur (film)

  Year of the Dragon (film), 8

  Young Men’s Hebrew Association, 245

  Zakham (film), 8

  Zemeckis, Robert

  Forrest Gump, 263

  Zittel, C. F., 117, 204–5

  Zukor, Adolph, 73, 78, 265

  Griffith signs with, 264, 267

  merger with Triangle, 271

  Queen Elizabeth, 106




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