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A Kiss Before Lying 2 (A BWWM Romance)

Page 11

by M. Skye

  Laughing and running a hand down the side of his face, Draya shook her tears off and he liked the smile she displayed. “You’re okay with this?”

  “I’m nervous, but I’m also excited. I don’t know how I’m going to pull off being a father, but I will give this child everything my father didn’t give me. I’m going to have a little piece of you and me running around. The only thing that would make this better is if you would agree to...”

  Before he could get his request out, she stood off his lap and turned her back. “Don’t say it. Don’t ask that right now.”

  “You don’t know what I’m going to ask.”

  “If it’s about marriage, then no. I won’t let you ask me that right now. It’s not what I want.”

  Tilting his head to the side, Liam felt defeated. He knew what she was thinking and he knew it sounded bad, but he really did want this. He hadn’t known he would want it before her father died, but he knew he was in love and would never have these feelings for anyone but her. Seeing how she reacted, he could only feel like his misjudged the situation. Maybe she didn’t feel the same. Maybe his love was a little deeper than hers.

  “Then okay,” he sighed. “I can respect your feelings on the matter, but I won’t tell you that I’m not disappointed. We’re having a child and I want us to be a family. My love for you isn’t just because of this baby, Draya. I loved you before that and I will definitely love you after.”

  “Is it enough, though? Liam, I want… I want you. I wanted more time. I needed to make sure this was what you wanted because I… I know that I don’t want to live without you. I’m just not sure if you’re there.”

  “I’m there,” he smiled, running his hand down her cheek. “Those days you were gone, I didn’t sleep. I was sitting right in there on that couch staring at the door, clutching my phone. I prayed that you would come back and I promised myself if you did, I would never let you walk out that door again without me.”

  “We don’t have to be married to be a family. We can have our child, I’ll even live with you. But I won’t say yes to a proposal because I’m pregnant. This is not the Stone Age; we can be together without all that.”

  Not really being able to hide his disappointment, Liam stood and walked to his dresser pulling his top drawer open and pushing a small ring box underneath his socks. After talking with his mother and the conversation he had with Draya on the beach, he had figured he would have been a fool to let her slip through his fingers, but he was waiting for the right time to ask. He knew his current situation was something to take into account.

  Liam still had his money issues and although Will had confessed to killing their father, he had still done the most stupid thing possible by signing over his fortune to Alea. To get his money back, he was going to have to encounter her again and he just wasn’t ready for that yet. The night things went down with Will she had tried to talk to him and said it was important, but he had dismissed her without hearing a single word. Draya had even tried to tell him what was said during the time she spent with Alea but he had shut her down. He really had no desire to ever see Alea again because of all the drama being involved with her had brought, and he didn’t want Draya or his baby anywhere near her.

  Draya seemed to have changed her outlook on the situation with Alea, but he was no fool; he knew her too well. It was as if ever since he let Alea meet his dad things had gone downhill in his life until he met Draya. He had to admit, meeting her was the best thing that ever happened to him.

  The truth was he had picked out a ring for her the day after her father’s funeral, and he had planned to ask her later tonight at a nice dinner he had set up. His request was just for her to join him for dinner, but now that he knew her views on everything, he thought it might not be such a good idea. There was no use in wasting his time on something she obviously didn’t want.

  Pushing the drawer shut, Liam tried to adjust his expression to not reflect his mood; but he knew it was going to be impossible. Turning around and walking over to her, he ran his hands down her arms and smiled. “It’s okay. You don’t have to worry about that. I’ll do whatever you need and I won’t do a thing to make you uncomfortable.”

  “I want you to be comfortable too. Rushing into something is not the right thing to do. I won’t make you grow to resent me later if you decide this isn’t what you want.”

  Pulling her against him, he exhaled into the air. “We don’t have to rush, but we have to decide something. Ready or not, we have a child on the way and when he gets here, I want our home to be stable. I want two loving parents under the same roof. That I won’t cave on. We’re already practically living together and I want you to get the rest of your things and bring them here.”

  “I want to be with you, Liam. I just... I don’t want you to feel trapped. I want you to be with me because you want to. I don’t want you to feel like you have to be. It’s hard enough trying to survive an unplanned pregnancy.”

  Listening to her talk, Liam knew she was still feeling some type of way about his involvement with Alea. Back when the issue first came up for him, he felt that leaving her in the dark about it was for the best, but now, he saw it was a mistake. He just hoped she didn’t always question his dedication to her. Alea was a thing of the past and she was his future.

  “I’m with you,” he held her tighter, “because I love you. I messed up so bad, baby. I should have told you the moment I knew things were getting serious between us, and for that, I apologize. I was wrong, and I own that, but don’t question how I feel about you. We were doing so good before all this. Yes, I’ve caused you pain and cost you something I can never replace, but I’m here. I know I will never make up for my brother killing your father and I know there are times when you will look at me and see him, but I need you. You are the first person I think of when I wake up and the last person I think of before I go to sleep at night. I can understand where your doubts are coming from but don’t. Don’t do this.”

  “I don’t blame you for what he did. You lost something just as well as I did, baby. I don’t ever want you to think that.”

  Letting out a sigh of relief, Liam ran his hand over her cheek. “I want this, I want you.”

  “I want to believe you. I want us to be happy, but what if... What if you are just doing the right thing?”

  Laughing, he sat her back down on the bed and laid back with her cradled in his arms. “I rarely know what the right thing to do is. That’s why we’re in this fix. If I knew what the right thing to do was all the time, then you would trust me. You wouldn’t be scared if I knew how to be a better man. I’m not doing this because I have to. I need to be with you; I just wish you felt that.”

  Running her hand over his chest, she sat up and looked down at him. “Is that what you think? I want you to need me because I need you. I’m scared, I’m so scared. I just don’t want to screw this kid up because we’re not enough. I just want us to be enough.”

  Stroking her cheek, he gave her a smile and she smiled back. “We’re enough.” Pushing her hair back, bringing her lips down to meet his, he kissed her, taking in her deep breaths. Sliding his hands up her shirt, he sat up kissing her neck as he ran his hand over the clasp of her bra. Letting the straps drop at her sides, he ran his hands up to toss her shirt and bra into the air. Running his eyes over her beautiful body, he marveled the woman before him. He could only imagine how much more beautiful she would become to him as their baby continued to grow in her womb.

  Kissing her neck, he snatched her head to the side and laughed against her overheated skin. Letting his hands roam down her sides, he found the snap of her jeans and popped them open. Rolling her on her back, he pulled back for a second and allowed her to toss his shirt over his head. Dancing his tongue down her neck, he bit down and listened to the pleasure mounting in her voice. It was raspy, deep and thick with lust and he couldn’t wait to hear more. He needed her screams to explode throughout the room.

  “Oh, Liam,” she moaned, raking he
r nails up and down his back. Snatching her pants down her legs, he tossed them across the room and decided not to waste any more time and ripped her panties off, letting out a loud growl. “Slow down, baby,” she hissed, wrapping her legs around him, and he backed off her, standing off to the side of the bed. He knew he had gotten overly excited, but he had missed her body and how it felt under his.

  “Sorry,” he laughed. “It’s been a few days and I just want you so bad. I guess knowing you have my baby in there is making me a little crazy. I just can’t wait to touch you.” Dropping his pants seductively, he whisked his hand across his boxers and they went floating in the air. Watching her watch him, he let out a silly grin and walked back to the bed.

  He was prepared to climb on and run his tongue all over her, but she stunned him by grabbing his solid length, pulling him to her and flipping him on his back. Sliding down his body, she found his pulsing need and curled her tongue around him. Biting down on his lip, massaging her scalp with his fingers, he hissed into the air.

  “Uhh, baby.” She had never given him this much pleasure orally. He had doted on her and made it damn near impossible for her to give him this, but when she did, it was incredible. This time exceeded that; it was pure heaven.

  Coming up on her knees, scooping his ball sack in her hands, she coiled her tongue around him, and he shuddered. He had experienced this act with her before, but she had never been so intense or direct. It was as if her mouth was commanding him and he had no choice but to bend to her will. Grabbing the pillow underneath him, he held on as she danced her tongue around him once more.

  “I love you. I love you, baby.”

  He knew she heard him, but she never let up. She was going so hard, everything that was on his mind went blank. He was mumbling his words, stumbling through his speech and when she took him all in, he bit his lip, letting the pleasure flow through him. Grabbing her head, he tried to slow her, but her strokes only intensified and he bit down harder on his lip. His delusions led him to believe he was floating and jerking his hips a little, he let her bring herself down further.

  The wetness of her mouth and the velvety smoothness of her tongue had him on ten. He had never been so close to cumming in his life, and he couldn’t do a thing but lay back and take it. She was driving him insane as he looked up and swore all the colors in the room were melting together. All he could make out through his blurry haze were the bloodshot red curtains that adorned his windows. Everything else was lost in the shuffle of the passion, clouding his brain. He was cumming, hard, and he couldn’t hold back; nor did he want to.

  Grabbing her head, he tried to hold her off, and managed to hold her head still, but her tongue still found its way to tease him in the most agonizing way. Letting her go, he turned his head, yelling into a pillow as his hips bucked involuntarily. Unable to control himself, he just sat back when she took him all the way in, letting his tip tickle her throat. Listening to her steady humming, he bit his lip, clenching his eyes shut as the most glorious climax swept through him.

  “Mmm, damn, baby... just... ugh,” he gripped her head tighter, releasing into her mouth. Watching her take his offering and swallow it before giving him another round of forceful strokes of her tongue made him feel like he was cumming again, but all he managed was a loud hiss into the humidity of the room. Running an exhausted hand down his face, he exhaled and tried to catch his breath. She had really taken him by surprise.

  Giving him a slow forming smile, she crawled up and laid on his chest, running her fingers up and down. Letting out a loud yawn, she closed her eyes and he grabbed her chin. “I hope you don’t think this gets you off the hook. I want you, I want you so bad, and a little head, no matter how great it was, is not going to make me want you any less. Quit trying to change my mind.”

  “I wasn’t trying to change your mind, babe, I was just returning a favor you always give me. I was just showing my appreciation,” she smiled.

  Reaching, grabbing her hair, he rolled her over, planting his hips between her thighs. Holding her head in place, he rolled his hips and dipped inside her immense wetness. Thrusting forward, he got lost in her warm oozing depths and took a deep breath. He had decided weeks ago that she felt better than she ever had, and now, he knew why, the pregnancy was making her body feel miraculous.

  Pushing in all the way, just to pull out, Liam, held her body, molding it with his hands. With each stroke, he became more enthralled to the point that he felt like he needed her body as much as he needed anything in the world. She was his. She was his woman, the mother of his child, and hopefully, his soon to be wife. He knew as long as he lived, he would never want anything more than her. He just needed her to believe it.

  Every curve, every crease, he knew well, but her secretions felt better than he could have ever imagined. Bringing her legs up with each thrust, he leaned down to claim her lips and took in her shallow breathing. Running his tongue over her neck just to bite down on it, he let her moans fill the air and pushed harder before claiming her raspy breaths. Biting down on her bottom lip and sucking it into his mouth, he brought her shaky legs up higher, forcing a loud deep moan that he felt all over his body.

  Digging her nails into his back, she screamed out as he hit a particular spot that made her fold. “Liam,” her raspy voice yelled as best she could and she clung tighter. “Uh, you’re going to make me...” Sliding his hands down, he cut her off, moving his hips to push himself further. Cutting her off wasn’t his intention, but he loved it when she came. She always got so wet that he felt like he was in an endless tunnel, but she always managed to stay nice and tight. How she did it, he would never know, but he was mesmerized.

  Watching her eyes roll backward, he bent down to kiss her and let her first orgasm wash over him. While he was drowning in the intensity of her wetness, her legs found their way further up on his hips, and he stroked her deeper, gripping her hair in his hands. Leaning down to kiss her neck, he bit down and heard her gasp, feeding his ego.

  “Oh, baby, I love you. I love you so damn much, Draya.”

  “I love you too, Liam. God, I love you.”

  Pushing deeper, he stroked her in a particular spot that made everything shake. Feeling it against his eager erection, he tapped it again, bringing forth orgasm number two. Letting her wetness overwhelm him, he closed his eyes and held on to her tighter. Panting as the room spun around him, he moved her head to the side and whispered in her ear.

  “I can’t believe you’re having my baby. I can’t wait to hold him in my arms and spend my life with you. Baby, I...”

  Flipping them over, he let her position herself to ride him and his head hit the pillow. Squeezing her ass tightly, he loved the squeal she exhibited. Pulling her forward, he let her sway her hips as he guided her movements. Watching her eyes flutter, he felt her nails scraping his chest and reached for her hand, kissing her palm as she rode him harder and faster. Arching her back, she let her flowing heat appease his virile shaft.

  Rising and falling on him, she dug her nails deep into his flesh and he groaned loudly. Pulling her hand to his lips, he slid her fingers into his mouth and curled his tongue around them. Letting her ride him until his eyes rolled backward, he gave her ass a smack and she shifted a little, making her sweet juices drip between them. Letting her ride him for the better part of ten minutes, he felt his climax coming and knew he had to make a move or it was going to be over way too soon. Listening to the enticing sound of her moistness, he gripped her hips tighter before flipping her on her side.

  They had always been all over the place in the bedroom, but this time was like no other. It was like he couldn’t find a position that satisfied him because he would never get enough. Nothing would ever satisfy him because his hunger for her was all-consuming.

  Clutching her breasts in his hands, he rolled closer to her and she kicked a leg over his. Holding her tightly, he kissed her neck, sucking on it and she moved with him, welcoming his slow, deep thrusts. Biting down on her neck, he w
hispered that he loved her again, and she shocked him with what she said next.

  “Marry me, Liam.”

  Slowing his strokes, keeping them deep and steady, he pulled her head back and kissed her full lips, sliding his hand down her neck. Holding her in place, he thrust harder and stopped, feeling a dizzying orgasm sweeping through his body. As soon as he came, he felt her insides vibrating and knew he had made her cum a third time. Leaning down to place a few sweet kisses on her lips, he tried to catch his breath. Rolling his hips forward one last time, he felt his climax break free and engulf his every thought.

  She felt so good and the sex was great, as always, but the words she uttered in the heat of the moment had him gone. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact that he wanted it so bad that made him imagine the words, but he had thought he heard her say she wanted to get married. In fact, he thought she asked him.

  Holding his eyes closed, he stayed inside her, placing butterfly kisses on her face and neck. Feeling himself twitch, he knew, this was what he needed. He needed her, he needed their baby, and he was going to do whatever it took to provide for them. He was going to give them a good life, no matter what he had to do.

  Still holding on to her, he exhaled with his eyes still closed. Taking a few deep breaths, he tried to hold back his excitement, in case he dreamed the whole thing up. Feeling her slide closer to him, his eyes popped open when she turned to face him and ran her fingers down his lips. Leaning in, offering him a sweet kiss, she pulled back and cocked her head to the side.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “What’s your answer? I asked you to marry me and I’m anxious to know. You can’t leave me hanging here. I’ve never done this before, but I think I’m supposed to get an answer.”

  “I would love to marry you, but we’re not doing it like this. My answer is no.” Watching her expression fall, he rushed to explain himself. “I’m going to get up and take a shower, you’re going to look in that closet and find that stunning red dress I bought you, and we’re going to get ready for dinner. Ashton is coming by to get you ready and then I’m going to take you out, romance you, make love to you again, and then I will get down on one knee. I had it all planned and then you kinda shut me down, but I was still going to try. I wasn’t going to let you go that easily.”


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