A Kiss Before Lying 2 (A BWWM Romance)

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A Kiss Before Lying 2 (A BWWM Romance) Page 12

by M. Skye

  “How long have you been planning this? This isn’t because of the baby, right? Do you really want to marry me because we love each other?”

  “I bought you the ring after your father died. After our talk on the beach, I knew you were it for me and I wanted to make it official. I was afraid to ask you because I am not exactly where I need to be income-wise, but I will do whatever it takes to provide for you. I hope you believe that. You’re not going to have to carry us. I know you don’t mind, but I do. I was never raised to let my woman take care of me. You should always feel like you’re taken care of.”

  “I feel that way every time I’m with you. I know how you are and that you like to do things on your own, but I’m here to help. Besides, Alea said—”

  “I appreciate you so much, but you deserve the best. I don’t want you believing her lies. She has never had an honest bone in her body. She is up to something and I won’t base our future on her wising up and doing the right thing. I know it’s going to be hard at first but I promise you it won’t last long.” Scratching her head, Draya shrugged and Liam touched her cheek. “What’s wrong?”

  “How did you know?”

  “Know what?”

  “That I was the one.”

  “I knew that missing out on you would be the biggest mistake of my life and I didn’t want that to happen. I would have married you before all this, but now, I don’t want to wait. I want my child and his mother to share my name. I want us to be a real family.”

  Giving him a gentle smile, Draya ran her hand down his face and leaned her forehead against his. Exhaling into the air, she stood from the bed and threw her hair to the side. “You had better get ready for tonight then. I think I need a steak.” Running her hand over her stomach, she let out a yawn and looked back at him. “I know how skeptical you are about red meat, but I’m really craving it. Our baby makes me want so many things I normally wouldn’t eat when she’s hungry.”


  “If you get to claim a boy then I can wish for a girl.”

  “I can be okay with that,” he laughed. Standing and running a hand down her face, he leaned in for a sweet kiss and left his palm on her cheek. “You can have whatever you want. I just want a healthy baby, but I would be lying if I said a boy wouldn’t be a dream for me.”

  “I want you to have that, so I’ll make you a deal. If I get a girl, then we can try again for your boy.”

  “You want more?”

  Nodding her head, she gave him a smile that made him crazy. “I’ve always wanted at least two. I wanted any family I had to be like the one I grew up in. It might have gotten crazy over the years, but growing up I was close to my sister. I looked up to her and she protected me. I want that for my children.” Tilting her head to the side, she ran a hand over her chin. “There is a lot we need to figure out about each other, huh?”

  “We do, but it’s okay. We’re not always going to agree on everything, but I’m okay with the arguments. We’re human, we’re going to make mistakes, but I don’t care about anything besides you and this baby. We are in this together and I want you to know that I’ll always be here.”

  “I know, baby, I know,” she ran a hand down his face. “I just want to be sure this is what you want.”

  “It’s all I have.”

  Feeling something wash over him, Liam stepped back, dropping his hands to his sides. “Well, we should get going. I’ll be in the shower.” Attempting to make his speedy exit, he was stopped by her hand. “What’s going on, babe?”

  “I know you have mixed feelings about everything right now, but you can tell me, Liam.”

  Liam knew she wanted to talk about them, but the truth was he was fine about all that. His mind had somehow jumped to Will, and he felt himself getting angry. After getting shot, Will was rushed to the hospital, where they stabilized him. He was in and out of consciousness, but the police had informed them that once he was well enough, he would be indicted for the murders of both Liam Senior and Andrew. Liam and Brenda had told them everything, including the fact that Damien had been set up, and he was released.

  Brenda, despite her ill feelings about everything, hadn’t left Will’s side, except for their trip to the prison to visit Damien, but Liam had yet to visit him. Things were still too raw. Will had almost cost him Draya, and he would never forgive that. He would never get over the betrayal. He didn’t think they would ever get their brotherly relationship back. It was all too much.

  Tilting his head back, he let out a sigh and crossed his arms. “I’m not sure what there is to say. I am so happy you gave me another chance and I’m going to make sure you never regret it, but I can’t forget everything that happened with Will. He’s going away, we made sure of that; and we got an innocent man out of jail. I want to be okay with how things are, but a part of me still wants to know why he did any of it.”

  Dropping her head a fraction, Draya took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. If I hadn’t been such an issue, you would still have your brother.”

  “Don’t you do that,” he held up his hand. “Don’t you ever apologize for coming into my life. You are beautiful, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I need you. I need you almost as much as I need air, and he tried to take that away. I won’t feel bad for not giving a damn. You are my family now; you are my life.”

  “I understand all that, but your mom says Will isn’t well. She says he is supposed to be on medication that he had not been taking. What he did was wrong, and I will never feel comfortable around him, but he is your brother. Maybe you should—”

  “I’m not going down there,” he cut her off. “I’m going to get ready to take you out. I don’t want to talk about him anymore. This night is for us.”

  Conceding her defeat, Draya shrugged her shoulders and went into the bathroom, closing the door. While Liam had thought he was going to get his shower first, she slipped in before him and was out within five minutes. While he went in to turn on the water, he saw her going through her drawer, looking for underwear. Watching her from the corner of his eyes, he loved how she looked so at home. His next step was going to be to find them a new place, a bigger place, she deserved it.

  Hearing a knock at the door, Liam yelled out, and Draya threw her robe on to get it. He had assumed it was Ashton coming by and left her to handle it. He knew it was about to get crazy with all the women in his place, and he hoped after getting out of his shower, he could just slip out to leave them to the madness. He loved Draya, but even he knew how it could be with all of them in one room. Now that Draya and Ashton were back on good terms, he had seen a lot of her, and he was glad for that. He knew Draya missed it. This was going to be a great start for them, he could just feel it.

  Chapter Twelve: When The Curtain Drops

  Tying the belt of her robe, Draya raced to the door. She was anxious to get her night started and she hoped Ashton didn’t give her too much grief over this whole proposal thing. She knew she had ruined Liam’s little surprise, but in the heat of the moment, while he was making her feel so many things, all she could think about was being with him; forever. While he was making her climax for the second time, she could envision them, holding their baby. She could see him holding her hand the entire way, and she wanted that reality. She realized he was all she had dreamed about and more.

  Yelling out that she was on her way, she slipped on her panties, hating that she wasn’t at her place. There, Ashton still had a key, although she wasn’t sure how long she would need it. She imagined now that she and Liam were kinda engaged, he would want her moving in immediately, even though she pretty much already had. The only nights they had spent apart since the first night she called him over was when that whole Alea thing popped off. Even when they were easing through the motions, they were splitting nights between their two places.

  Swinging the door open, Draya smiled, seeing Ashton on the other side. Letting her in, she pushed the hair out of her face, only to have her hand caught by Ashton. Moving her arm aw
ay from her neck, Ashton ran her hand over it and laughed. Feeling a little sting, Draya realized that she was looking at a fresh hickey she had gotten during their last round.

  “You’ve been busy, huh?”

  “Liam is in the shower,” she tried to change the subject. “I’m sorry I ruined everything, but I know what he’s doing.”

  “What?” Ashton’s face contorted. “How did you find out?”

  “I asked him first. I asked him to marry me and he said no.”

  “Shut up!” Ashton yelled. “You asked him? Baby sis, he has to have you pretty sprung. I’ve never heard you ever speak about marriage, let alone proposing.”

  Realizing that she hadn’t told Ashton about the baby, Draya took her hand and they sat down on the couch. “This isn’t why, but you’re going to be an auntie. Liam and I are having a baby, and we love each other. I’ve never felt this way, and with everything that has happened, I don’t want to wait. I think I’m ready.”

  Dabbing her eyes that were tearing up, Ashton reached over and pulled Draya into a hug. “A baby. My baby is having a baby! I’m so happy for you!”

  “I’m really happy, Ash, and I’m glad you can be here for all this. I missed you.”

  “I missed you too, and I’m sorry. I let stupidity get in the way of us, but not anymore. I’m going to spoil my little niece and give her everything you and Liam won’t,” she laughed. “I’m just going to be there, baby girl. I promise.”

  “No more talk about the past. I want us to move forward and I want to be better sisters. We deserve it, and I think we can do it.”

  “I think so too. I just had to put it out there that we’re getting a girl. I don’t think I can deal with a little mini Liam. He would be such a heartbreaker you would be getting calls from daycare.”

  “God,” Draya sighed. “I’m going to have a baby. It doesn’t seem real.”

  “It’s real, boo. Just be glad you’re having it with Liam and not that other dud.”

  Hearing Ashton say that Draya’s mind was taken to Damien. He had been released a few days earlier and he had attempted to get in touch with her, only to be blocked out by Liam and Brenda. A condition of them telling the truth was that Damien stayed away from her, and as extreme as she thought it was, she knew it was for the best. That chapter of her life with him was over, and like Ashton said, she was lucky to be having her baby with Liam and not Damien. Bringing a child into their mess would have been just another problem she didn’t need. At least now, her child could have a shot at a normal life.

  Sitting in silence for a little while, Draya zoned out until she heard another knock at the door. Not knowing who it could be, she stood to receive it and swung the door open. Peeking out, she was stunned to see a woman standing in the hallway, holding a bouquet of lilies. Shaken to the core, Draya took the flowers and tried to shut the door, only to have to person swing her hand out and grab it. Pushing harder, Draya was caught by surprise when the door was pushed back at her, knocking her to the floor.

  Witnessing the action Ashton jumped to her feet, only to be cut off by a gun cocking in front of them. Reaching to slide Draya away, Ashton was halted when the woman began to speak. “I hear congratulations are in order. Here.” She threw the flowers at Draya and she moved away from them like they were poisonous. Looking at Draya with an evil scowl, the girl cocked her head to the side and huffed. “When someone brings you a gift, you should accept. I’ve been giving you these gorgeous flowers for months now and haven’t gotten so much as a thank you from either you or Liam.”

  Racking her brain, trying to figure out where she knew this girl from, Draya closed her eyes, only to hear a high-pitched yell. “Open your eyes, dammit! You’re going to listen to me. I’ve done so much to get you out of the way, but you’re still here. Now,” she stomped her foot, “you’re having his baby. All of this should have been mine.”

  Scratching her head, Draya tried to place her face, and then it clicked to her. She hadn’t only seen this girl once, she had seen her in a lot of places and never connected the dots. She was at the restaurant the night it burned, she was at her father’s funeral, and she had seen her at the gym.

  Looking a little closer, Draya remembered something else and let out a loud gasp. This woman was in the building when her locks were changed. It seemed as if this woman had always been one step ahead of her. While it was all coming together, Draya realized Will had only killed Andrew and Liam Senior. This girl was responsible for everything else, including almost hitting them with her car.

  “Why are you here?” Ashton asked with her hands raised above her head. “My sister is pregnant and doesn’t need this kind of stress.”

  Cocking her head to the side, the girl let out a wicked laugh, and Draya realized who she was. “Kimmy, right? Liam trains you, doesn’t he?”

  “He doesn’t just train me,” she waved the gun at Draya and Ashton. “He loves me, or at least he would have if it wasn’t for you.”

  Feeling tears hit her cheeks Draya closed her eyes, fearing that her life would never be normal. She and Liam had already endured so much and this should be a happy time for them, but instead, here she was staring down the barrel of a gun. She was carrying their child, and here she was yet again with her life in danger.

  “I don’t know what you want me to do,” Draya sobbed. “I can’t make him love you any more than I can make him stop loving me. We’re having a baby, we’re together.”

  “I did not spend all these months messing with you to have you end up with him. If I can’t have him, neither will you.” Cocking the gun back, she aimed at Draya and sighed. “I only have three bullets. They were for the three of us, but I guess I’ll have to use one on your sister here. Maybe it’s a sign,” she laughed. “Maybe it’s not my time.”

  “You’re crazy, bitch,” Ashton hissed.

  “No, I’m completely sane,” she growled. “Now, that Will is one crazy bastard. He was obsessed with you and Liam. He watched you more than I did. He really needs to stay on those meds, because without them, he can be talked into just about anything.”

  Letting all the pieces fall into place in her mind, Draya knew exactly what she was hinting at. “You... I don’t know how, but you... What did you do with Will’s medication? You sent him to kill me?”

  “Silly little girl, you would never have put it together on your own. I’m sleeping with Will. I have been ever since Liam rejected me. At first I thought he was just uninterested, but when I saw him with you the second night you trained, I knew you had confused him. He was fooled by the innocent act you kept up and the way you acted all hard to get. It was then that I realized he liked the chase. I had been too available.

  “How did you end up with Will? He could have been a great guy if you hadn’t driven him crazy.”

  “He was already crazy. He killed his father long before I entered the picture. All I did was swap out his meds with placebos and he has been going off the rails ever since. He was mixed up with that selfish Alea bitch before me.” She grinned and Draya, looked at her in confusion. “There is something kinda sexy about a crazy man. They’re so damn intense in the bedroom, but that’s neither here nor there. Liam is who I wanted and you took him. Now you’re all going to die.”

  Listening to the laughter of the crazy girl in front of her, Draya kept her eyes shut. She was waiting for it all to end; she was waiting for the darkness to come. While she still had her eyes shut, she heard the laughter stop and peeled her eyes open. Taking a deep breath, she felt her heart leap into her throat and let out a joyous laugh when her eyes focused in on her salvation; Brittney and the trusty tire iron she laid Kimmy out with.

  “What the hell is this? I leave you alone for a few days and you have another brush with death? I swear you’re keeping me busier than this little one,” she ran her hand over her protruding belly. “What am I going to do with you and Liam?”

  As Brittney tossed her tire iron to the side, Draya rushed into her arms and held her tightly.
“I’ve never been happier to see you! What are you doing here?”

  “Ashton called, of course. She says someone is getting…” Pausing, she tilted her head and began again. “Anyway, I’m happy to see you too, and it looks like I got here just in time. I saw her shady ass walking in with those flowers and I knew she was up to no good. I thought it could have been a coincidence at first, but then I remembered seeing her at the gym before I left. She used to watch the hell out of Liam. I called the police before I came in and they should be here in a few minutes. I bet they are tired of seeing you. What is this psycho doing here?”

  While Draya opened her mouth to explain, Liam emerged from the back wearing a smile that instantly dropped. “Babe, what’s going on?”

  “The better question is what did you do, pretty boy?” Ashton growled. “This chick came in here spouting some bullshit to my sister about how you’re hers. She’s been the one stalking you two, not Will. What’s that all about?”

  Watching Liam open his mouth and close it, Draya shook away her tears and he ran his hand down her cheek. “I did something stupid. It was before you, and it—”

  “I don’t want to hear it, Liam; I don’t care. The past is the past. We’re okay and I just want it to be over. For us to move on, we have to learn to let it go. Now,” she ran her hand down his face, “you have to go see Will. I know you don’t want to, but know this wasn’t all his fault. In his warped way, he loves you. You should, at least, see him one last time before they ship him off.”


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