A Kiss Before Lying 2 (A BWWM Romance)

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A Kiss Before Lying 2 (A BWWM Romance) Page 13

by M. Skye

“Draya, I told you where I stand.”

  “And I’m telling you that you’re going to do this if you want this baby and me. I don’t have time for loose ends, Liam. If you want me, this is what I need. I’m not caving. We need a fresh start.”

  Watching him nod his head and then wrap his arms around her, she let out a deep breath. “I’ll go, but not today,” he pulled her closer, looking over at Kimmy still laid out. By this time, Ashton had walked over and put her foot on Kimmy’s back, holding her down and appeared content to keep her there until the police came.

  Closing her eyes, Draya knew that this whole thing could have possibly separated them, but she couldn’t let herself get distracted. With Liam was where she belonged and now that they had everything out in the open, she was going to live her life like it was meant to be; happy and in love with a man. Her man.

  Chapter Thirteen: Coming To Terms

  Standing outside the room, Liam looked inside to see his mother stroking Will’s sleeping form. He had been standing out there for the past twenty minutes trying to figure out what to do. He knew he had promised Draya he would visit, but now, he saw it as a mistake. He wasn’t sure he could handle it.

  After a night like the one before, he should be on top of the world, but he was a mess inside. After Kimmy was arrested, he and Draya had gone to the restaurant he picked. They danced, he proposed, she accepted, and they made love to the sound of Eric Benet all night long. It was like the bizarre incidents had never happened and they were like any normal couple that couldn’t keep their hands off each other. When he woke up in the morning, he was faced with honoring the promise he made. He had to do whatever it took to make her feel secure.

  Leaving her in the extremely comfy bed at the hotel he booked for their special night, he got dressed and headed to the hospital. While he knew bringing Draya would have helped with his jitters, he also knew how uncomfortable she would be. She may have pushed for him to regain a semblance of normalcy with his brother, but she was far from forgiving. Now that she understood Will’s struggle with schizophrenia, she was a little more open to their relationship, but he knew she would never want to be around him again. He understood that. Will had taken her chance at a real relationship with her father and helped Kimmy terrorize them for the better part of seven months.

  Thinking about Kimmy, Liam felt his head spinning. He had no idea that one little encounter with her had sent her down a path this dark. He knew he had angered her, but to involve everything and everyone he and Draya loved in her madness was ridiculous.

  After the police had arrived to arrest her, she admitted to setting the fire at Draya’s restaurant, vandalizing her car, and also having keys to Draya’s house to come in and leave the flowers and her menacing notes. She had convinced Will to swipe Liam’s set of keys and everything else she gathered on her own. To Liam, it was all crazy. He had let her know, in so many ways, that he wasn’t interested.

  He had continued to train her, but she hadn’t acted affected at all. Honestly, he had almost forgotten about the night in the locker room. Now, he knew it was all an act. He knew she was just sitting up, pretending to be over it just to get insight on his life.

  Hell, it should have been obvious, but he was so blinded by happiness that he missed the fact that the girl was obsessed with him. Now he knew that every big moment he and Draya had shared, she was in on it because he had allowed her to be. She was even the one to suggest that the whole crew go to Andrew’s funeral. It seemed to all be a game to her.

  Coughing into his hand, Liam let the negative thoughts float through his head. He had been trying so hard to remain positive and throughout all this, he knew he was still blessed. He had a beautiful fiancé and a baby on the way. Despite the fact that he was flat broke, he still had hope. Now he could build his own empire with Draya. He wasn’t going to have to rely on his family’s wealth; he wanted to provide for his family all on his own.

  While he was standing there, still trying to figure out what his next move would be, he felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped. He hadn’t noticed his mother coming out of the room, but after turning he realized it wasn’t her. Letting out a deep sigh, he crossed his arms only to see the pain all over her face. Alea obviously felt bad for what she had done, but he was past being concerned for her at this point. Now, all he wanted was for her to disappear.

  “What do you want? Why are you here?”

  “Liam I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I’ve apologized to you and to Draya. Are you ever going to forgive me?”

  Jerking his head to the side, he let out a growl and she jumped. “Forgive you? Your antics with Will and that bitch Kimmy cost people their lives. You almost got Draya killed, so excuse me if I have nothing more to say to you. And for the record, stop trying to gain sympathy with her. I’m not going to let you poison her with your lies. You were never going to turn that money over and you know it.”

  Noticing her hand reach out to touch him again, he stepped back, and she dropped it. “I just want to make things right. Please hear me out. I had nothing to do with what Kimmy and Will did; I wasn’t a part of it. I was only doing what I did to get you back. I just helped cover up your father’s death. Think what you want, but I knew the minute I married your father that I had made a mistake. I was so stupid and greedy. I loved you so much, but being with him, all I could see was that I would never have to worry about anything again. I thought the money would make me happier than the love we shared, but I was wrong. I should have never chosen him over you. It was the worst mistake of my life.”

  “None of that matters now. You did me a favor by getting with him. My life hasn’t been perfect, but marrying you would have been a mistake. Draya is the love of my life and if I had been married to you, I never would have found that. She is the most special person in my world. I’ve gotten over you, but I will never forgive you for what you’ve done. My brother’s life is over now. You knew he was sick and you and that crazy girl took advantage of that. I really hope you enjoy those millions you got out of this because it’s all you will ever have. People like you don’t have good luck.”

  “I have the worst luck,” she sniffled. “I lost you. No amount of money will make that okay. I know my apology doesn’t mean much to you, but I’ve come up with something that might.”

  Watching her nod her head towards the room, he tilted his head to the side. “What?”

  “I’m going to make sure he gets into the best facility to help him, and I’ll make sure it’s known that he wasn’t in his right mind when any of this stuff happened.”

  “If you admit what you’ve done, you’ll go to jail. You will never see the light of day. Are you willing to give up your life for his?”

  “I’m willing to give it up for you. I know you will never love me again and that you don’t trust me, but I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right.”

  “If you want to make things right,” Brenda butt in, emerging from the room, “you will leave this place so that we can put this whole ugly mess behind us. I never want to see your face again. If you do this, I will try to ignore the fact that I want to separate your head from your body.”

  “Brenda...” Alea whispered. “I can’t...”

  “You will. Will doesn’t need you to speak for his character. I have an entire team of doctors who can attest to the fact that he has been off his medication for over a year. The only thing we need is for you to disappear. You’re going to give my son back everything you stole and you’re going to go live your miserable life alone. It’s the only deal you’re going to get unless you want to be in prison for the rest of your life.”

  “I’ve been trying to tell him I was going to do that all along. I already told Draya,” Alea dropped her head and Liam shook his.

  “I want him to have every penny. The house you live in is his and you will give over every dime Senior left for you if you want to keep me quiet. If you disagree, I’ll turn your ass in as an accessory.”

  “No, Mom.”


  “No. She can have what he left her. She can keep it because for as stupid as all this was, he put her through just as much hell as he did us. Maybe she wasn’t in her right mind, maybe she really is sorry. We all know the kind of damage that man could inflict. I won’t take what little dignity he left her with.”

  “Can you seriously condone this woman’s actions?”

  Scratching his head, Liam stood back and took a deep breath, hoping he wasn’t going to regret his next statement. “I’m not condoning anything; I’m just tired. I want her gone. I want this over but I won’t strip her of everything. Let her have the little he left and then she can go.” Narrowing his eyes in on Alea, he nodded and crossed his arms. “Monday morning, I will have everything drawn up and we will be done, for good. I want nothing more to do with you, but I wish you well.”

  “Liam,” Alea sobbed. “I don’t want this to be the last time—”

  “It’s the last time you’re ever going to speak to him,” Brenda interrupted. “Liam, I’ll have my lawyers draw something up tonight and I’ll have it messengered to both of you by the day’s end. Pack your bags,” she instructed Alea. “I want you out of that house by Monday morning.”

  “I don’t want that house,” Liam interjected. “I will never live there.”

  “I don’t want it either. I... I’ll be out. I’ll sign your papers. I just... Liam, I don’t ever want you to hate me.”

  “I don’t hate you, Alea. I just don’t care anymore. I don’t want to sound harsh, but I’ve moved past you and me. I’m going to be a father, I’m getting married. All of my energy is going into making sure they have the best. That’s the only thing I can think about; it’s all that matters.”

  Looking like she understood, finally, Alea nodded and stroked away a stray tear. “I guess this is it then.” Looking to Brenda, she nodded and took a deep breath. “I’ll await your papers, and I really am sorry. I know it doesn’t mean much to either of you, but I never meant for any of this to happen.”

  Giving her a gentle smile, Liam leaned over and grabbed his mother’s shoulders. “Goodbye, Alea.”

  “Goodbye, Liam.”

  He watched Alea walk away, finally closing that chapter of his life. Liam held his breath until she was around the corner. Feeling his body relaxing a little, he turned to find his mother staring him down. “Thanks for coming, Liam.” Hugging him, she paused in her speech and pulled him back to run her hand down his face. “She said yes! My sweet boy is getting married!”

  “Calm down Mother or the whole hospital will hear you.”

  “Then let them hear. I’m excited that you finally brought home a woman worthy of your love. You and Draya are going to have a great life.”

  “I’m glad you love her and for some crazy reason, she loves you too,” he laughed. Hugging her, Liam looked to the room where his brother was sleeping peacefully and felt a rush of emotions flood his brain. Watching him, Liam longed for the closeness they used to have. He knew it was childish, but he wanted his big brother back. He wanted the person he used to feel safe with.

  Running her hand over his shoulders, she leaned against his back and sighed. “It’s okay to love him, you know. He’s made horrible mistakes, but he loves you. They say he can hear us, just talk to him. Tell him what you’re feeling; good or bad.”

  “I hate—”

  “Liam,” she interrupted. “You can’t—”

  “I hate what he did. I don’t hate him, just his actions. I just hate it that I can’t share all of this with him. He was supposed to be my baby’s uncle and the best man at my wedding. He was my best friend and I missed all the signs. I spent so much time with him and I never knew anything about his illness. How is it that everyone but me knew? Was I really that self-absorbed?”

  “You’re not self-absorbed, sweetheart. You had a lot going on. You don’t need to apologize for starting a family and finding the love of your life. If your brother were in his right mind, he would have congratulated you. You don’t have to dismiss all the good he’s been to you because of the bad.”

  “How do I move on?”

  “You move on by taking it one day at a time. Sit down. I’ll give you some time alone.”

  Walking in and taking the seat next to Will’s bed, Liam lowered his head, listening to the beeping monitors surrounding them. Exhaling loudly, Liam ran a tired hand over his face and sat back in his chair. “I really wish we could talk for real. Last night was the most magical night of my life and I just wish I could share it with you. I took Draya to that little spot you showed me for dinner and dancing and then we went to your favorite hotel. She said yes, man. I can’t believe it, but she wants to marry me. There is so much I want you here for and I know you can’t be. I really hate it.”

  Sitting in silence, Liam looked at the monitors again and shook his head. “You’re only thirty-two, man. You could have been so much more than this, but Dad ruined you. I thought he had ruined me too, but I found Draya. If she’s willing to be with me, then I must not be too bad. I figure if I can change, so can you. You can beat this, you can be better.”

  Finally reaching out to touch him, Liam felt his tension easing and cracked a smile. “You always joked that I would be the first one to get married and have kids, and you were right. I’m scared Will. I’m so damn terrified that I’m not going to be everything she needs, but she says she has faith in me. I know I’m not ready to be a dad, but I have to get there. At first, I was counting on you to help me with that. No matter what happened between us, I used to always think you had my back. I’m so pissed at you, but I love you. I’m going to take care of you.”

  Giving his hand a squeeze, Liam tried to imagine that things would be okay, but he knew better. No matter what he had decided in the ways of forgiveness, he knew Draya would never allow their child around Will. He couldn’t blame her, hell he was halfway there himself until he remembered the way his brother used to be. He just wished he could have that back. Closing his eyes, squeezing out a tear, he hated feeling so weak. He hated not being able to predict their fates.

  Letting the silence wash over him, he held his eyes closed and took in a deep breath. He sat for minutes wallowing over his mistakes, regretting his past wrongs until he felt a squeeze on his hand. Shooting his eyes over, he gave a half smile, watching Will’s eyes flutter open. Standing to grab his water glass, Liam was stopped by Will’s raspy voice.

  “Hey, little brother.”

  “Hey, Will,” he grinned.

  Chapter Fourteen: Endgame

  “You don’t have to do this, baby.” Caroline stroked Draya’s hand while Liam held on to the other. It had been three months since the whole thing with Will blew up and now, they were all trying to move forward. Draya and Liam had been taking things one day at a time with this baby business and they were in a good place, finally. They were planning their wedding and preparing for their little girl. They had found out what they were having a few days earlier.

  Liam was now back on his feet financially. Alea had taken her share of the money and left town, leaving Liam in control of everything else. He had been given his father’s house but had decided not to live there. They had it torn down and were building a new home for him and Draya. He was going to build her the home of her dreams; he said he wanted it to be perfect.

  “I know I don’t, Mom. But Brenda wanted us to do this, and besides, it’s the church anniversary. Brittney would be upset if we didn’t make it for this. We’re just going to see how the service goes and then we’ll decide if we want to go to the dinner at the community center.”

  Even though Damien had been released from jail and they had all moved on, the church was a place Draya hadn’t stepped foot in for a long time. She felt like an outsider and that everyone was looking at her, judging her for all the things that happened. She was too big of a person to yell out that Deena was just as bad if not worse, so she just stayed away. She really hated it because she loved the church she and all
her friends attended. It was like the church used to be her family before that she-witch Deena turned them against her.

  “I know she does, but this is a little more than what I think you should be doing right now. I will not have these people pointing at you and stressing you out. I have my grandchild to think about.”

  “Mom, they’re going to say what they want,” Draya smiled. “It’s not going to bother me any longer. My life is moving on whether they want to let it go or not. I have a beautiful family, my business is flourishing, and I’m in love. I know I couldn’t have pulled that off on my own. I might not be perfect, but I believe God still loves me. I need to give him some of my time.”

  Giving her hand a squeeze, Caroline swept her hand over Draya’s cheek. “I’m so proud of you for not letting these people make you turn away from the Lord. No one is perfect. They all have secrets, but just because they know yours, they want to shame you. I used to think of these people as our friends, and now, I’m just disgusted by them. Some of the biggest hypocrites I know are sitting in those pews in there.”

  “Even still,” Draya smiled, “that has nothing to do with my relationship with God. I’ve messed up, I own that, but I won’t keep hiding. This is the best time of my life. I’ve never been happier and I have to give thanks for that. Truthfully, I wouldn’t have chosen to come to this particular church, but you know Brenda. She wants me to feel comfortable anywhere I go and she thinks coming here will be the first step. I can understand what she’s doing, so here I am.”

  They were still standing out in the parking lot and even though Draya was on board, she was still a bit hesitant. Brenda hadn’t arrived yet, and although she was okay to face this with just her mom and Liam, she felt better having her there. They had really gotten close.

  Looking around, Draya saw a few people looking at her and felt Liam’s hand tighten around hers. He had gotten extra protective through the course of her pregnancy and she had to admit, it was refreshing to have someone care for her the way he did. He was already taking his duties as a father seriously.


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