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A Kiss Before Lying 2 (A BWWM Romance)

Page 14

by M. Skye

  After finding out the sex of the baby, he went all out. They were still living in his apartment, but he had the guest room filled with stuff for their baby girl, Henley, and was coming home with new things every day. Although he had wished for a boy, he seemed to be thrilled about Henley. He had really stepped up.

  Turning to walk into the church, Draya took a deep breath. It was a sunny day, but she had chills. She hadn’t realized how nervous she was until they hit the steps. Pulling the door open, she was surprised to see a familiar face; Damien. She hadn’t expected to see him there and she was nervous about what might happen. They were in a church, but there was no guarantee that things wouldn’t go left.

  Attempting to walk past, she was stopped when he reached out to grab her. Clearing his throat, Liam made his presence known. Watching Damien’s head nod, Draya felt a little more at ease, but that all vanished when Brenda appeared. She knew the air was thick between all of them, but she wanted to escape this awkward situation; she wanted everyone to move forward.

  Offering up a subtle smile, Draya clutched Liam’s hand tighter. “Hello, Damien. How are you?”

  Returning her smile, he scanned the group before speaking. “I’m well. Look, I just wanted to say thank you again,” he narrowed in on Liam. “I know that we are probably never going to like each other, but I appreciate you clearing my name. I know it’s a little late, but I’m changing my life. I understand that I’ve made mistakes, and it’s high time I got right with the Lord. My first step is to make amends with the person I hurt the most.”

  Turning to face Draya, Damien cleared his throat and scanned the group before continuing. “Draya, I’m sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I apologize and I wish you the best. I know my apology doesn’t mean much, but I really mean it. I put you through a lot and I was hurtful for no reason, but I want you happy; I need you to be.”

  Feeling a tear slip down her cheek, Draya cursed her weak emotions and nodded her head. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry too. Both of our lives got turned upside down and I’m glad we’re able to part on a peaceful note.”

  Looking to Liam, Draya saw his head nod in approval and she reached out to place a hand on his shoulder. As she touched him, he slipped her hand down and gave it a gentle squeeze. Cracking a huge grin, he let out a light chuckle and dropped her hand. “You’re going to make an excellent mother. You look so happy, Dray, and I’m glad for that. Let him make you happy. Let him be everything I couldn’t. Just so you know; if I had the chance and if I could have given you a family, I would have. Things just didn’t work out that way. I would have given anything to have been the one.”

  Stepping away, Damien gave her one last look and nodded to Brenda before entering the sanctuary. While everyone else seemed to dismiss the action, Liam hung back and Draya could hear him questioning Brenda. While Draya could only make out every few words, she heard Liam clearly when he warned Brenda not to get anything started. As much as she loved Brenda, she knew she had the instinct to go left at the drop of a hat. Liam was right to be suspicious.

  Waiting for Liam by the door, Draya was delighted when he came and grabbed her hand. She wasn’t afraid, but she felt much better having him at her side. She knew she always would. He had been her rock and she couldn’t have asked for a better man to share her life with.

  Taking a seat, Draya looked over to see Brittney and Austin with their son, AJ, and reached over to give her a hug. Brittney had given birth over a month ago and was already back to her pre-baby weight. Draya only hoped she would be as lucky. As it stood, she had only gained weight in her belly; she hoped to keep it that way. Even though Liam was still her trainer, he didn’t let her do much of anything. Her doctor had told them that water aerobics would be great for her, but Liam was relentless. He didn’t even allow her inside the gym and made sure to keep an eye on her.

  While everyone got settled, Draya looked up to see Rico and Deja making their way in right behind Ashton. Rico had told her after witnessing the problems in her life, he had decided that life was too short and gave Deja another shot. They seemed happy and she was glad for him. She had never admitted it, but she always hoped they would get another shot. She actually liked Deja, despite her indiscretion. She was always rooting for them.

  With Liam sitting beside her, cradling her in his embrace, Draya ignored the eyes on her. Most people gave her subtle head nods and looked to be congratulating her, but when she looked over to see Deena sitting next to Brittney’s mother, Natalia, she felt a chill race down her spine. She knew they were friends, but she still didn’t like the fact that Deena seemed to have her ear. She knew Natalia was probably privy to all her dirty secrets and none of Deena’s. Even though Draya had pretty much grown up in Natalia’s household she knew where her loyalties were; they were with Deena and always would be.

  Draya was distracted when the sermon began, but once the pastor began to speak, the words just flowed into her soul. She had missed hearing him speak, she had missed being there, and above all else, she realized, she missed feeling close to the Lord. She knew she had made her mistakes, but she was working on being a better person. In just a few months, she would be a wife and a mother, and from there on out, she planned to dedicate her life to her family and religion. She wanted to walk the path she was always meant to; she needed this.

  As the sermon wore on, Draya felt Liam’s hand tightening around hers. She knew he had never been big on religion, but this sermon seemed to speak to him. He was much more interactive than he had been in the past, and he even gave a standing ovation during one of the choir selections. In one of their marathon talks, she had told him how important it was to her to get back into the church and he had agreed he would do whatever it took to be a part of that and also make sure their child was as well. For not really knowing each other as well as she thought they should, they seemed to be in tune with what the other needed. While he knew she needed to recommit herself to the church, she knew he needed to make peace with what happened with his brother.

  After sending Liam to see Will, things had gotten better. Although he had committed unspeakable crimes Will was deemed criminally insane and admitted to a psychiatric facility. He wasn’t going to have to stand trial because of the plea he was offered, but he wouldn’t be out for a very long time. Liam had been to see him a couple of times and she knew it helped him to see for himself that Will was doing better. She knew he was hesitant to discuss this with her, but she wanted him to feel free to tell her anything, and it had helped. She had never felt closer to anyone in her life.

  When the service came to an end, Draya felt lighter than she had in months. She knew Deena was filling Natalia’s head with stories about her, and although she had the means to blow her out of the water, she refused to stoop to her level. She was convinced that Deena would get what was coming to her, whether she was the one to render it or not. With all the happiness in her life, Draya refused to focus on revenge.

  On their way out of the church, Draya and her family were stopped by several of her mother’s old friends who congratulated her on her engagement and pregnancy and her mother was able to enjoy a few good moments with friends. After seeing that not everyone was against her and after some intense begging by Brittney and Rico, Draya decided they would attend the community center dinner. Things had been going so well that Draya wanted to keep the momentum going.

  The car ride over was pretty smooth, while Draya only had minimal conversation, Liam seemed to be bursting at the seams. She was glad that he was getting excited about church because she planned to attend every Sunday with Henley. She was glad this would be something they could do as a family.

  Pulling up to the community center, Liam was quick to vacate the car and open Draya’s door. He had gotten that way where he never wanted her lifting a finger, but she always reminded him that she was no one’s invalid. She had let him know that she wanted to work up until the birth, even though he protested. He offered to bring in help until after she had Henley, h
ell, he wanted them to take over with Rico, but she threw a fit. Draya had always been a woman who held her own and she refused to be a stay at home wife and mother who let her husband handle everything.

  Draya had watched her mother go down that road, and although she loved her, she couldn’t live her life. It was how her father was able to call most of the shots when it came to cutting her out of their lives. She loved Liam, but she would never give him that type of power over her. She never thought it would come to that because he was such an encouraging source in her life, but she had to be careful.

  While Liam was helping her out of the car when she looked up to see Deena standing before her with her arms crossed. Watching Liam’s face contort, Draya held her hand up and he backed off a fraction but stayed close. She knew he would never disappear fully.

  “What are you doing here, little girl? I told you I never wanted to see your lying face again.”

  “Thankfully for us,” Draya smiled, “you don’t own anything. I go where I please and I won’t let you make me feel ashamed for doing so. I let you damage a lot of things, but now, I’m better than ever. I have a great life and I’m happy. You can’t say the same; you are miserable and you hate it that I’m not. I’m not going to apologize for the good fortune in my life, but I am going to tell you to get your trifling ass out of my face before I expose you. All my dirt is out but your closet is still full. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Walking past Deena, making sure to bump shoulders with her, Draya reached a hand out for Liam and they linked fingers. While she was perfectly calm, Liam seemed to be ready to snap. She knew he had heard every word but before he could ask a question, Brenda walked up with the rest of their group trailing her.

  “What did she say to you?”

  “Meaningless small talk. She thinks she has free reign to act up every time she sees me, but I don’t care. I’m done with Damien and done with her. As far as I’m concerned if I never speak to either one of them again, it will be too soon.”

  “Humph,” Brenda ran a hand over her chin. “If that’s the way you want it, then so it shall be.”

  Walking away, Brenda strutted into the center and Draya looked to Liam, wondering what was going on. He seemed to be as confused as she was. They all just made their way in, while Brittney caught up to them with AJ in her arms.

  “What is going on? Deena messing with you again?”

  “I knew I wasn’t going to get a warm embrace from everyone. I expected as much from her, but I won’t let it bother me. I just hate she has your mother’s ear.”

  “My mother is smart, Dray. She still loves you and she will never turn against you. She knows we’re not perfect, hell, here I am unmarried with a baby and she loves him. She never made me feel bad even though some of these hypocrites tried to. My own father tried to make me rush to get married when he found out. He may be a pastor, but he has made mistakes and can’t judge you or me. You’re back at church and that’s all that matters, babe. The rest is between you and God. Don’t you let the opinions of some self-righteous woman keep you from doing anything.”

  “I know,” Draya ran a hand over AJ’s cheek. “I’m okay, you guys. You don’t have to think that every time she crosses me I’m going to curl up into a ball of tears. I’m fine, nothing she says means anything anymore.” Reaching her arms out, she motioned for AJ. “Stop being stingy, give me my godson. He hasn’t gotten any loving from me all day.”

  Walking in with AJ in her arms, Draya took a seat and scanned the room. While everyone else walked in and scattered around the room, she and Liam sat with the baby and she imagined what it would be like once their daughter was born. Henley was going to have a lot of love in her life and Draya could hardly wait to share moments like these with their own child. She could just see Liam spoiling her rotten; she was going to be one lucky little girl.

  “He’s perfect, isn’t he?” Draya leaned her head on Liam’s shoulder.

  “He’s one handsome little fellow. I know you were counting on Henley having a girl best friend, but maybe little AJ can still be her best friend too.”

  Looking at AJ, Draya smiled and kissed his chubby cheek. He was the mirror image of a baby Austin. Round, bright brown eyes, caramel complexion and thick jet black tendrils. Thinking about the life he would have, she smiled, knowing his parents were going to love him as much as she and Liam would love Henley.

  “Oh, I’m counting on it,” Draya grinned. “They’re going to protect each other and be there for each other just like their mothers were. They’re going to be more like brother and sister because we’re going to raise them together. Henley and AJ are going to be as thick as thieves.”

  “I like the thought of her having someone to watch her back.”

  While Draya continued to play with AJ, she scanned the room and her eyes stopped suddenly when they landed on Brenda. She was sitting, talking to Damien and when she vacated the table suddenly, Draya felt her pulse racing. Something was up, she could feel it. When she looked over to see Brittney walking towards her, she handed AJ off and stood with Liam.

  Reaching down to grab her hand, Liam walked around her and moved his hand down her face. “I think we should leave. You’ve done what mother asked and I know you feel better, but I think it’s time to get you off your feet.”

  “I’m fine...”

  “Babe... It wasn’t really a request. You have to go to work tomorrow and I want you rested since you insist on going in. I’ll compromise there, but I won’t here. Let’s go. I have dinner being prepared and I would like some alone time. Can I have that, babe?”

  Draya hated when he tried to tell her what to do, but she knew where he was coming from. At least he cared enough to drag her out of an uncomfortable scene. She knew he saw her eyes on his mother and Damien. As much as she wanted to protest, she knew he was just being his normal overprotective self.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she nodded her head and put her forehead to his. “Of course you can. Let’s say goodbye to everyone and then we can leave.”

  Making their rounds, Liam and Draya said goodbye and when they got to the last table, where Deena was sitting with Brittney’s parents, Draya said her goodbyes and everyone but Deena was receptive. While Draya turned to leave, she was stopped by Deena’s hand on her arm.

  “I told you not to come near me.”

  “And I told you I didn’t care. Take your hand off me.” Throughout the conversation, Draya never let her smile falter, but she could see Brenda watching them. Seeing Brenda’s head nod and looking over in their direction, she saw Damien pick up his cell and a round of alerts went off in the room. Dropping her hand, Deena reached for her own cell, as did Draya and what she read made her mouth drop.

  Stepping back, letting Liam read the text, Draya shook her head and gave Deena a light chuckle. “Wow.”

  “This isn’t funny, little girl. You take back these lies or I’ll end you.”

  Just as Draya was ready to respond, Brenda appeared at her side and reached for Draya’s hand. “I made the rules of this game clear and you chose to break them. Now, you’re exposed. As I stated before,” she dug her finger into Deena’s chest, “I know your secrets; and now, so do they.” She waved her hand around the room of shocked faces. “Have fun explaining to your best friend, how her husband, your pastor, fathered not one, but both of your children.” While Brenda laughed, Deena made a speedy exit through the crowd of shocked faces with Brittney’s father making an exit right behind her.

  “Both?” Draya questioned. “But my dad—”

  “Your father,” Brenda interrupted, “was not that girl’s father; she’s been tested. He made the awful mistake of sleeping with Deena, but she is a liar; she always has been. I swiped your DNA to prove it. I’m sorry, dear, but I had to know what made Deena tick.”

  “Why did you do this? Why is it so important to you?”

  “It’s not,” Brenda smiled, “you are. I knew you would never out your father, but I also knew that sh
e would never leave you alone until she had the right motivation. Now, my dear, she’s going to be so busy explaining all of this that she has no time for you. I want your life with my son to be unbothered; you both deserve it after everything that has happened.”

  “You didn’t only hurt her. What about Natalia? What about Brittney?”

  “I never leave any stones unturned, honey, you know this.” Looking around the room, Draya saw Brittney and her mother standing together, but neither of them looked surprised. They actually didn’t even look upset. “Brittney knows everything. She is a good friend to you; she always has your back. How do you think I got his DNA? Natalia turned it over If her father could have controlled his whore, it would have come out quietly like Natalia had planned. It was time, and now you can feel secure. Brittney’s father is being replaced and I’m sure Deena will never show her face here again.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Damien found out that he was sterile a few years ago. I suspect it was why he was always so angry and why he took it out on you. He had suspected years ago that Deena was sleeping with Brittney’s father and Natalia confirmed it. Brittney connected the dots and confronted Damien, but he denied it at first. He wasn’t ready to admit that Deena had played him for all this time. He was just content to keep sleeping with you to drown his pain. When I visited him in jail he came clean about everything.”

  “He told you about all of this? What are you two friends now?”

  “Hardly,” she laughed. “He just wants to make things right; starting with handling his whorish wife. Brittney wants her father to own up to his misdeeds. It was the reason why Brittney was in his hotel and why she didn’t tell you. At first, she was trying to protect her parents but after she got pregnant, her father let his true colors show. He tried to force her into a marriage just to save face. Brittney loves her father, but she loves you too; she never wanted you to have to go through any of this.”


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