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Craving Red: Paranormal Erotic Retelling of Red Riding Hood (Erotic Kingdom)

Page 4

by Scarlett, Rosalind

  But Dane also knew that if he was to kiss her, he would not be able to maintain his already shaky hold on himself to not allow his feelings to interfere with his duty to the pack. He knew that once he kissed this exquisite woman, there would be no turning back. And he certainly would not be able to stand by and allow her to be taken by the other pack mates, because in his mind she would belong to him.

  But she did not belong to him. She was the property of the pack. And that brutal truth ate at him as nothing ever had. He expelled the thought from his mind.

  “No, Kaia, I can’t,” Dane told her, hoping the regret he felt wouldn’t be transparent upon his face. There was no need for his feelings to cause her confusion, too. He should be the only one to endure this suffering. She didn’t deserve it, especially with everything else she was already forced to endure.

  Kaia tried to read Dane’s face, wanting so badly to understand what was going on with him. But it was completely stoic. He revealed nothing.

  He doesn’t want to kiss me? I guess I don’t mean anything to him, after all. How could I have been such a fool to ever believe I did?

  Just then, the flap to the tent moved aside and one of the other men stepped in, not one that Kaia had seen before. Dane promptly turned away from her to glare at him.

  “What is it, Viggo?” Dane interrogated, the annoyance clear in his tone.

  “Thorin needs to speak with you,” he said, never taking his eyes from Kaia’s exposed body. Dane glanced back at Kaia, concern upon his face.

  “Don’t worry, young wolf. I’ll be happy to take her back for you.”

  Kaia was disappointed to hear that, but felt a little better when the tone of Dane’s voice also hinted at his disappointment in the premature ending of their session together.

  “Fine,” Dane said. “But you better be good to her. Handle this one gently.”

  “Oh I will be good to her, alright,” Viggo replied, the implication clear in his voice.

  A shudder of revulsion crept up Kaia’s back. She prayed he wouldn’t try anything with her.

  Dane’s eyes connected with hers for a moment before he turned to go. She wished she knew what he was thinking. Watching him go, her heart sank a little, even as she endeavoured to remind herself how she loathed his arrogance.

  But why, she asked herself? Is it because he showed me a bit of pleasure, or could it be more than that? I could not possibly like him. Could I?

  Viggo turned towards her, a wicked smile playing upon his lips. “Well, aren’t you a hot little female. I can definitely see why that pup is as taken with you as he is.”

  Taken with me? He couldn’t mean Dane, could he?

  Viggo stalked towards her. Kaia stumbled back, but knew she had nowhere to go. Reaching her, his hands went to her hair and yanked her head back. Kaia squealed. His greedy mouth went to her neck, slobbering at her throat. His hands moved to her breasts, squeezed hard, making her cry out in pain.

  “Yes, you certainly are a fine one.” His hand rambled down her torso, not stopping until it reached her groin. He wasted no time in wriggling a rough finger inside her sex. Kaia gasped. Viggo mistook it for pleasure. “Mmm, and a ready one, at that. I say either our boy is doing a superb job with you or you are just one hot-to-trot female, in which case, we are about to be some mighty lucky bastards. Since you are so willing, it would be a shame to waste it. How about you give me a little sample, huh?”

  Kaia knew it wasn’t really a question, but she looked at him as though she did not understand. Viggo’s smile disappeared and his voice turned bristly. “That means get down on your knees bitch and suck my cock!”

  Kaia could hardly believe this was really happening. Her stomach twisted in disgust. Knowing there was not a thing she could do to get out of it, she dropped to her knees before him, his eager cock pointing at her face.

  “Good girl,” he said still grasping her by the hair, his voice smooth again and teeming with lust. “Now take it into your mouth and suck me good.”

  Kaia had to choke back the tears which threatened. But the last thing she wanted to do was appear weak. That would only give him more power. Swallowing back the hard lump in her throat as she prepared to do what must be done, she forced her mouth to open. Viggo pushed her head forwards so that the engorged purple head of his hot, hard organ made contact with her lips. Kaia’s body wracked with disgust.

  Just then the flap opened and Dane burst back into the tent.

  Relief washed over her, but then swiftly behind it came the mortification at him seeing her in her current position.

  Dane saw Kaia on her knees and rage welled up inside of him. So many things went flying through his head. As if he wasn’t feeling confused before, he sure was now. Suddenly he felt possessive of her. She was his woman! He wasn’t going to share her with anybody. And she sure as hell didn’t belong on her knees servicing a letch like Viggo.

  “What the fuck, Viggo!” Dane charged across the distance at his pack mate.

  Viggo shrugged his shoulders. “What can I say? This bitch was all eager after you left and started begging me for it. I told her I couldn’t plug her but she could sure suck my hard cock to her heart’s content.”

  “Get up off your knees, Kaia,” Dane said to her, his tone curt, though she knew it was not directed at her. Beyond relieved, Kaia hurriedly did as he told her.

  “Come on bro, why you have to ruin a good time?” Viggo protested. “Ain’t nothing against the law with me having a little fun with the new bitch as long as I don’t violate her virgin cunt, right? It’s not like that hasn’t happened before with the others.”

  Dane stepped closer, until he was right in his face. “Well, it isn’t happening with her. Now get the fuck out of here, Viggo.” He spit the words at him in disgust. “Oh, and by the way, Thorin wants to have a word with you.”

  “Good. I think I might have to tell him about how you have some kind of thing for this new little blonde bitch. Maybe he’ll remove you from duty and reassign her to me. I know I could prime her up real good.” Viggo glanced over to Kaia, assaulting her with his eyes for a long moment. “I’ll come visit you later, sweetheart, to remind you that you still owe me a good cock sucking.”

  “You’ll do no such thing, Viggo! Leave now!” Dane barked firmly.

  Finally, Viggo turned and huffed away.

  Dane turned back to Kaia, pulling her into him. “I am so sorry. I didn’t realise he would do that. If I had known, I never would have left you with him.” He stroked the back of her head to comfort her, or perhaps himself.

  She didn’t know what to say. She wanted to be mad at him for earlier, as well as for leaving her with that creep. But how could she when Dane had come to her rescue like he had? Kaia pressed her body closer to him, absorbing his heat. She hoped that maybe now he would kiss her.

  But he didn’t.

  “I guess I better take you back now for the night,” he said softly. This time she was sure she detected a hint of regret in his tone.

  Does he want to keep me with him? Hold me through the night, possibly? I could only dream. She quickly chided herself for such thoughts, deciding it was only her vulnerability playing tricks on her mind.

  Turning to exit the tent, Kaia grasped his wrist. “Please don’t go yet,” she pleaded softly, gazing up into his eyes. “Will you just hold me for a little while?”

  Dane looked down at her, the corners of his lips straining upwards, pulling her again into the heat of his large body.

  Kaia breathed out a long sigh. Though she knew it would be an evanescent state, she felt safe for the first time since this whole mess had started.

  The response of her body flared again, making the ache in her core grow increasingly demanding.

  When her breathing had finally steadied, Dane kissed her lightly upon the cheek. Peering evocatively into her eyes, he said in a low voice barely above a whisper, “I do regret that we could not have met under different circumstances.”

  Kaia smiled. “As
do I, Dane.”

  Her time with him never seemed to be long enough. Long before she was ready, Dane was leading her out of the tent. Taking her hand within his, he smiled at her, making her heart skip a beat. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anyone else take over my duty with you this week.” Whether he said it to reassure himself or her, neither was sure.

  What would happen at the end of his assignment when she was determined to be ‘ripe for the mating’, Dane didn’t even want to think about. And though he knew he should not be concerning himself in the matter, already his mind had circled around the issue more times than he wanted to admit. But he knew there was no way out of it. The pack would have her. It was just a matter of when.

  Wishing he could rid himself of these misplaced emotions, Dane led Kaia back through the camp and to the cage, remorsefully locking the door behind her. “I will see you tomorrow, Miss Kaia,” he said with a half smile.

  Kaia nodded her head, disappointed that her time with him was over so quickly. Then he turned away from her. Her eyes couldn’t help but focus on his taut rear as he strode away.

  Damn, he has a nice ass! No, Kaia, you should not be entertaining such wicked thoughts! If you weren’t already, that will surely send you straight to hell!

  As soon as Dane was beyond her sight, she was already looking forward to the next time she would see him. She knew that kind of thinking was dangerous. She had no business developing feelings— or whatever they were— for one of them, no matter how easy on the eyes he might be.

  No, they aren’t true feelings. Just something pleasant to pass the time in this Godforsaken place. Lord knows I have nothing else to look forward to. At least when I am with him I enjoy a bit of seemingly human interaction. He is the only one here who has not treated me like some sort of animal. And his warmth, he always keeps me safe and warm.

  Dane just seemed quite different from the others. It seemed to Kaia that he did not belong in that place with the likes of them. Perhaps it was merely because he was younger and had yet to fully mature into the more dominant nature of the wolf she had witnessed in the others. And though he had no rank in the pack, for some reason unknown to her, Kaia felt an unwavering sense of protection when he was nearby.

  Kaia stopped denying that she actually eagerly anticipated Dane’s visits to her. But she had to admit to herself that it was not merely because he provided her with the necessities of food and warmth. Besides insanely attractive, she found him to be kind and gentle.

  She also found herself entertaining thoughts about him which she constantly condemned for entering her mind. While they might force her to do things against her will, she knew that for her to be wanting to do certain things was a sure ticket to hell if she didn’t survive this ordeal. She knew that, but it didn’t seem to prevent the lusty thoughts from plaguing her mind.

  The next night, Kaia was relieved when she saw Dane treading towards her. At least it wasn’t that scumbag, Viggo. She would rather die than have to deal with him alone again.

  When he reached her cage, a boyish smile touched upon his lips. Without her consent, her heart beamed, provoking her to smile back up at him giddily.

  Bemused by her eagerness, his smile broadened. “I’m glad to see you, too, Kaia,” he said in jest, clearly trying to stifle a chuckle.

  Oh drat! I am behaving as an utter fool. I mustn’t allow myself to be so taken with him.

  Helping her to her feet, Dane led her to the tent which had now become pleasantly familiar. Once inside, he asked, “Is there anything you would like me to do to you today?”

  Kaia’s mind automatically went to the night the wolf had licked her to climax. She hated to admit it, but she wanted to experience that again, although not from a wolf. However, the thought of voicing her wish to him made her flush with embarrassment.

  “Whatever it is, Kaia, you can tell me. I am here for your pleasure.” His gaze penetrated her as he caressed his fingers across her hand lightly, making her feel faint.

  She had to take a deep breath. At last, she mustered up the courage to say it. “I want to feel your tongue…” pausing, she let her hand travel down slowly between her legs. “Here.”

  His roguish smile told her he was more than pleased with her answer.

  “My tongue would love to feel you, my lady.” Then his tone turned more serious. “But first, there is something I promised you I would do.”

  Kaia looked to him questioningly.

  Dane’s hands moved to her wrists. “Since you were such a well-behaved girl during our last session together… I see no need for these.” Manipulating the lock, at last she felt the shackles loosen, freeing her wrists for the first time since her arrival there. It felt so good to be able to move her arms about.

  “Thank you, Dane.”

  He smiled at her. “Now lay back upon the bed.”

  She willingly did as he ordered, her pulse racing with anticipation of what was to come.

  I cannot believe I am not only going to allow this, but worse still, I have actually requested it! God, I AM going to hell!

  Dane wasted no time in positioning himself between her legs, placing his hands upon the inside of her thighs to spread them further apart. Inhaling her in, he murmured to himself, “God woman, your scent is truly intoxicating!”

  Kaia felt so vulnerable there with her legs spread wide before him, fully exposing her most secret spot to a man who was not even her husband. And she had to admit, a part of her loved it!

  From between her thighs, Dane gazed up at her, his eyes full of desire for her. Never had she felt so beautiful as she did in that moment.

  With his hands, he gently parted her, beholding the intricacy of her as though it was a beautiful mystery to him. Then he dipped his face closer. With the first feel of his tongue upon her, Kaia thought she had died and gone to heaven. Dane’s tongue traced her opening, dipping into it to savour her nectar. Needing him to go deeper, she pressed against him until his gorgeous was face pressed full against her sex, his tongue submerged in her. Her mouth fell open as she leaned her head back and groaned out.

  Oh my God— if it feels this incredible to merely have his tongue inside of me, I cannot begin to imagine how his generous organ will feel inside of me!

  She felt him smile against her as he stiffened his tongue and began to impel it in and out of her. God, how she wanted him to make love to her! She wanted to feel every part of him experiencing every part of her.

  Kaia whimpered when he ceased the glorious movement, slowly withdrawing his tongue from her. Dane was not blind to what he was doing to her as he ran his tongue excruciatingly slowly up the crevice of her folds. As his tongue glided over her flesh skillfully, it set every nerve in its path aflame.

  And then he reached the swollen button at the apex of her sex and Kaia realised she had not yet experienced a fraction of the pleasure of which this man was capable of showing her. Dane set to blitzing her clitoris, at first circling over it several times before licking it fully with his magnificent tongue. By the time he caught it between his lips and began gently sucking at it, Kaia was panting beneath him, her hands entangling within his dark hair as she squirmed helplessly.

  “Oh, Dane, yes, that feels so good!”

  Her mouth fell open as she cried out and arched back in pleasure, unknowingly digging her nails into his shoulders.

  “Fuck, Dane! Oh my God! Yes! YES!”

  His tongue, his lips, played relentlessly upon her sex, her core growing as tight as it could, unknown ecstasy erupted within her, setting her insides afire, her body convulsing as the smouldering liquid flowing through her, flooding her canal.

  Her golden hair splayed out all about her, Kaia lay there panting out beneath him. She couldn’t at all understand how something so beautiful, so exquisite, could be regarded as so evil.

  With the fire burning inside of me, perhaps this is hell? If it is, then I shall never want to leave!

  God, he must possess magical powers to make me feel the way he does!

  All of a sudden, the floodgates of her heart burst open, drowning her in emotion, overpowering her. Kaia fought back the urge to utter words which she dared not speak to him.

  Dane rose up over her and laid his body fully upon hers. The urge to kiss her was too strong. He had to look away before he did something he regretted. So he settled his face into the soft curve of her neck, redirecting the overwhelming oral urge to a less meaningful spot. Kaia arched into him, her whole body pressing against his, reminding him of his other equally pressing desires.

  Dane was hell bent on driving her crazy. She could feel his hard manhood pressing into the soft flesh of her lower abdomen. The heat burning into her, enticing her own need all the more.

  As though she had read his mind, Kaia reached down, and grasped her hand firm about his engorged cock. He groaned out and bit into the flesh of her neck.

  His organ was so hot in her hand it made her moan. Her sex needed his heat. Needed it now.

  “God, woman, how you tempt me!” Dane growled coarsely through his lust, the rigid heat of his cock pressing against her mound, making her sear with lust for him.

  Kaia wriggled her hips upwards towards him in encouragement, anticipating the luscious feel of him plunging into her. “Then take me, Dane. I want you to take me. Make me yours!” she spurred him.

  Why did she have to say that! Doesn’t she know it makes it that much harder to resist her?

  When he became still and did not respond, Kaia tried again.

  “Make love to me, Dane!” she murmured breathlessly into his ear.

  She was confused when he shifted away from her. Hadn’t he just professed his desire for her?

  He wanted to, God he wanted her. More than he had ever wanted anything. But Dane knew there was no way that he could. Not if he wanted to continue living afterwards, that was.

  He lifted his head to gaze into her beautiful eyes. She could read the conflict splattered all over his face. Her heart sunk for she already knew what his answer would be. “Oh, Kaia, you must know how badly I want to make love to you. But I just can’t do that. To do so would be to go against my pack…”


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