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The Dirty Hotel King

Page 18

by Cassandra Dee

The car reversed out of the long driveway, and I stuck my face in the window, watching the huge trees and beautiful shadows of the woods slowly move further and further away.

  A single tear slid down my cheek as I said my last goodbye to the cabin.

  I wasn’t looking forward to returning to the “care” of my father. I’d come to realize that while I loved Frank, he wasn’t the end all be all. It was time for me to move beyond his abusive behavior, and to strike out and live my own life.

  His temper was uncontrollable, and the way he spent money was so unpredictable and unhealthy. And since he’d already made one deal involving his daughter’s pussy, I wasn’t sure I trusted him not to make another.

  I promised myself I wouldn’t hate my father for the transaction, but maybe if he hadn’t been so low and dirty, I wouldn’t be heartbroken.

  I couldn’t blame Steele though.

  He meant everything to me. My father had once meant everything to me as well, but that part of my life was over now. I wanted my own life. And I wanted it to be different from the life I’d lived before Steele. Being with Steele had sparked that desire within me, along with many other things.

  I sat back in the car and tried to relax. The ride was rather long, longer than what I remembered it to be.

  My eyes felt tired and heavy and I dozed for a bit. When I felt the car stop, I expected to open my eyes to the rundown neighborhood where I’d once lived, but to my surprise, we were parked outside a luxurious apartment building.

  “Do you have to make a stop or something?” I asked with hesitation.

  Gabriel turned the car off and reached into the glove department to pull out a yellow envelope.

  Turning around he handed it to me.

  “No, Ms. Rosy. This is your new residence that Mr. Steele has purchased for you.”

  My mouth fell open.

  “I’m sorry, what?!”

  Gabriel chuckled softly.

  “In that envelope are your keys and a pass to the apartment’s pool. There’s also a couple of numbers on the envelope for people who can assist you with whatever you need, including myself.”

  I had no words. I looked up with Gabriel in confusion.

  “I don’t understand. I thought I was returning to my father’s home.”

  Gabriel shrugged.

  “Consider it one last gift from Mr. Steele.”

  I smiled and nodded as I held the envelope in my shaking hands. My own apartment? I could barely believe it! I was excited and anxious, but I still felt bittersweet. Did this mean that Steele would come to visit me? Probably not, come to think of it. This was more like a final parting gift. I swallowed heavily, trying not to feel overwhelmed as another wave of sadness crashed over me.

  Gabriel got out of the car to open my door, then hurried to the trunk to take out my luggage.

  With the envelope held close to my chest, I exhaled sharply and walked to the apartment doors. They were large and green with a fresh coat of paint. It was like a sign, like a new beginning that I was finally going to experience.

  I took the key out of the envelope and swiped open the door to a beautifully decorated lobby.

  A receptionist looked up and smiled immediately.

  “Hello! Welcome to City Blue Apartments. You must be Ms. Rosy.”

  I nodded shyly and walked over to the desk.

  “Yes. I have...a room here…?” I asked with hesitation.

  “Yes, ma’am. If you could just fill out these papers right here, we’ll be on our way to your apartment.”

  She handed over two papers and a pen. I smiled quickly and glanced down at the paperwork, skimming it quickly before signing.

  I noticed she had perfectly manicured nails and a nice, slim body. Her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her silk blouse didn’t have a single wrinkle. Jealousy seeped through me. I bet she was the type of woman Steele wanted. Pretty and perfect with neat clothes and a firm ass. Not sloppy and chubby wearing wrinkled clothes like I was rigth now.

  “Do you know when the apartment was purchased?” I asked suddenly. Maybe Steele had purchased it when we were staying in the cabin. It would certainly explain why he spent so many hours locked inside his office.

  She smiled. “Around three weeks ago. The renovations had been completed prior to that, so we would have moved you in, but Mr. Steele insisted on changing the interior design for the bedroom.”

  I nodded and went back to signing the papers. He spent so much time and effort putting me in an apartment. I felt so grateful, and his actions sparked hope in my chest. Had Steele done all of this on purpose so that we could still be together?

  Gabriel came through the doors with the luggage and set it down at my feet.

  “This is most of it, I have to retrieve the rest from the storage closet,” he said to the receptionist.

  She nodded and motioned him away.

  “There’s more luggage? But I only brought one bag with me,” I said, confused.

  “Yes. Mr. Steele included a new wardrobe for you. His assistant helped pick it out, but I’m sure you’ll find some pieces to your liking.”

  I flushed. “Oh,” I said. “Thank you.”

  I finished signing the papers and handed them back over to the receptionist. She looked up and smiled professionally.

  “Alright then. I’ll put these on your file. Let me show you to your apartment.”

  “Wait,” I whispered. The receptionist stopped and looked at me with confusion.

  “Is this apartment permanent?”

  Maybe Steele had something else up his sleeve. This just seemed too good to be true, like I was walking in a dream.

  The woman tilted her head back and laughed, showing perfect white teeth. “Yes of course! I’ve got the keys to your apartment right here. Please, follow me. I’ll show you to your new home.”

  My heart felt numb. How was all of this happening so quickly?

  I nodded and staggered behind the receptionist. We walked to an elevator with large gold doors. When it opened, I saw a large white silk couch set against damask wallpaper.

  Sweat started to trickle down my back. The place was beyond gorgeous, and I couldn’t imagine what it had cost Steele.

  The receptionist pressed a button, and the doors closed. There was a silence that fell between us, and I could feel the receptionist eyeing me. I wondered if she knew how Steele and I knew one another.

  “Do you...know Mr. Steele?” I asked quietly.

  The receptionist looked over at me with the same professional smile. Again, I noticed how perfectly straight and white her teeth were. It was eerie, really.

  “Yes. He and my father are business partners.”

  I nodded, not wanting to hear more. After all, once upon a time, my dad had struck a deal with Randolph Steele. Was this woman also a conquest of some sort? I swallowed again, feeling my eyes fill with tears.

  After what felt like a lifetime, the doors pinged open to reveal the fifth floor of the building. The receptionist and I walked out of the elevator, and I followed her as she headed down the hallway.

  She stopped suddenly in front of a door and turned to me.

  “Here are your keys! I hope you like your apartment. Mr. Steele had it designed to your taste. If you have any questions, please feel free to ring me at the front desk. I’m Rebecca by the way.”

  I smiled and squeezed the keys in my hands as Rebecca turned and walked away.

  I exhaled again and stepped inside the apartment, shutting the door behind me.

  A rush a emotions fell over me. It was hard to believe that I was finally alone after such a confusing morning.

  I felt so weak and limp that I could hardly stand. As I lowered myself to a chair near the doorway, I gasped at the beauty of my new home. Even though I was only in the foyer, I was shocked by its elegance and grace.

  There two steps downwards that led down to the rest of the apartment. I cautiously walked down, shaking like a leaf. I was still tired from traveling, but curi
osity was starting to win out and I got to my feet and began to explore.

  The apartment was beautiful: a two-bedroom with cream wallpaper and golden trimmings. The floors had plush white carpet, and as I made my way further inside, I noticed that the living room was fully furnished with light blue couches. There was a flat screen TV in the living room, and several expensive paintings on the walls. The windows were tall and had extravagant cream curtains that looked like clouds.

  I staggered into the kitchen and ran my hands on the granite countertops. The refrigerator gleamed a dull chrome, and my heart skipped a beat at the sight of a small post-it note stuck to the handle.

  Swallowing hard, I picked it up and read it.

  “Enjoy cooking, baby girl.” Tears pricked my eyes. A lump in my throat threatened to choke me.

  I ran my fingers over Steele’s neat handwriting. Taking a deep breath, I stuck it back on the refrigerator. Extending my hand blindly, I opened the door. It was completely stocked, and I bit my lip in gratitude as I stared at the massive amount of food.

  Tears sparked in my eyes, this time spilling down my cheeks. He knew how much I loved to cook, so he made sure to fill the refrigerator. His personal assistant may have been responsible for making sure the apartment would be suited to me, but Steele had swooped in to leave at least one personal touch.

  I wondered if he would miss eating warm, homemade meals.

  I tried to push the thought out of my head and continued exploring the rest of the apartment.

  The deeper I went into the hallway, I realized just how intricate every detail was, which meant Steele put a great deal of time and effort into the apartment. There were several pictures throughout the apartment of different cities and artwork. I noticed there was even a framed picture of a Steele when he was younger. It almost broke my heart to see the teenage Steele sitting on a tractor with a goofy grin on his face.

  My thoughts went back to when he had told me he volunteered on a farm when he was sixteen. He’d had his first real sexual experience there. Was that why he’d left the photo? To remind me that at one point in time, he had been just as innocent as I?

  I could barely pull myself away from the picture. He looked young but he had the same thick, black hair and gorgeous blue eyes. It was no wonder women had always fallen at his feet.

  Tearing myself away from the picture, I ran quickly to the bedroom. I threw open the door and gasped. The room was a huge. The walls were a delicate baby pink and a sparkling chandelier hung from the ceiling. The carpet was white, and there were at least three pink rugs. There was a window seat with pink pillows, and then the bed was huge with tons of decorative pillows.

  My room at my father’s house was barely bigger than a closet. I didn’t even have a bed. Just a single mattress on the floor and one flat, misshapen pillow.

  Why had Steele done this?

  I fell to the floor shaking. I had always wanted my own place. My own home that I could come to and be free inside, and Steele had given that to me.

  How could I not love him?

  “Ms. Rosy?” I jumped, startled at the sound of Gabriel’s voice. He was standing in the doorway with my luggage. Sweat trickled down his face and his eyes looked tired.

  I wiped my eyes and stood up quickly.

  “Oh, sorry. You can put it all right there,” I said pointing to the corner. Gabriel nodded and carried my luggage inside, placing it down gently.

  “Well, that’s all of it. Is there anything else I can assist with?” Gabriel asked.

  I looked all around me and then back at the chauffeur.

  There was a question burning inside me, but I was almost too afraid to ask. Still, I was positive Gabriel could sense what I was about to say. I took a deep breath and forced myself to look into his eyes.

  “Did Mr. Steele say where he went?”

  Gabriel cleared his throat and forced a smile on his old face.

  “Mr. Steele has taken the rest of summer to travel with his business associates, but he sends his greetings.”

  I nodded and tried to smile, but it was no use. The apartment was perfect in every way, but I would have given it up in a heartbeat if that meant a chance to return to the cabin with Steele. I would have given up this luxury for rough hewn log walls and the used wooden table where we’d shared so many meals. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded.

  Gabriel waved goodbye before heading out. I listened for the front door to shut close before I sank to the floor. The carpet felt soft and warm underneath me. I laid down on it, pressing my cheek to the material, and stared at the ceiling.

  What would I do next?

  The bathroom was right behind me, and I sighed and lifted myself up. Peeking inside, I noticed it was just as beautiful as the rest of the apartment. There was a golden sink and shower.

  I sighed and turned on the sink, then splashed my face. The cool water felt good on my hot skin. I couldn’t even bring myself to look at my own reflection because I felt dirty and grimy and ugly. Even though it had only been hours, I was desperately craving Steele’s touch already.

  With a loud sigh, I turned on the shower in hopes that the warm water would cleanse me. Undressing quickly, I let my clothes fall to the floor.

  As I got in the shower, I relaxed as the steaming hot water washed over my frame. I grabbed the soap that was on the side of shower and rubbed it all over my body.

  The water felt heavenly, but I missed taking showers with Steele. His hands would hold me by the hips and pull me close to him. His heartbeat would pound against me, making me feel safe and wanted.

  The first time we made love in the shower had been amazing. Steele’s cock was so huge and it had stretched my pussy perfectly as I moaned with delight.

  But it wasn’t just the physical that I missed. It was Steele I wanted more. The man. I wanted to lay on his strong, muscular chest and listen to his heartbeat. He always held me so tight and firm in his arms. I’d always felt so safe, like nothing could ever get to me.

  I shut the shower off and stood there, dripping water on the new marble tile like a dunce.

  The gold trimmings in the shower reflected off my skin, showering me in yellow light.

  “Steele,” I whispered as tears started to stream down my face.

  I opened the shower door and stepped out. I didn’t even bother to dry myself off. My heart felt too heavy, and the tears made my vision blurry.

  Walking out of my bedroom, I stood in the middle of the living room. There were large windows on both walls, and they overlooked Las Vegas. The fake city, from where I’d come.

  I stepped closer to the window, completely naked and wet from my shower, and pressed my body against the glass. The hard surface was cold and unwelcoming, but I tried to imagine that Steele was holding me instead.

  It was no use, though. After only a minute, chills ran down my body…the kind of lonely chills I’d never felt with Steele.

  Right as I was about to head back into the bedroom, something out of the corner of my eye made me turn.

  There was a large blue envelope on one of the small granite tables.


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