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The New Beginnings (Books #1-3)

Page 45

by Michelle MacQueen

  “This is Sadie.” Mack gestured to the girl who was now sitting in his lap in a tiny red dress.

  “Hey.” Josh shuffled his feet, slightly uncomfortable by their display. He wasn’t a prude. He’d been with his fair share of women, but he was never so cavalier about it. And it’d been a couple months since he even wanted to go out with Mack and take advantage of his status as a professional athlete.

  There was a loud crack, and Josh moved to the window to watch as the storm clouds built and warred with each other for dominance.

  “They’re a little much, aren’t they?” Mel came up beside him and he knew she wasn’t talking about the clouds.

  “I’m used to it.” Josh shrugged.

  She laughed, the low sound pleasant and inviting. Josh smiled at her.

  “I just wanted to let you know ahead of time, I’m not going to sleep with you tonight.”

  “What?” he sputtered.

  “I’m not a - what do you call them - puck bunny?”

  “Thank God for that.”

  “It’s just, Sadie dragged me along and I thought the ball could be fun, but that’s it.”

  Josh regained his composure and chuckled, finally seeing the humor in the situation. He liked her bluntness. “Alright, but listen, there’s kind of this girl I’m falling for, so I’m hoping to find her as soon as the team stuff ends.”

  “Then this is the perfect date because I planned on ditching you anyway.”

  Josh laughed at her candor.

  “Good, now that we’ve got that cleared up,” she said. “We should probably go unless we want to get caught in the rain.”

  “Yeah,” Josh agreed. “Can’t have Mack melting before we get there.”

  They made it before the rain started, and Josh and Mack were immediately dragged away from their dates to do some team stuff. There were some pictures, and then some mingling with the foundation’s biggest donors.

  The ballroom was massive, with smaller rooms off one end for those who wanted a little more quiet. The foundation pulled out all the stops to make the night amazing. It was a winter theme, as that was coming very soon. Ice sculptures guarded the entrance, and the entire space was bathed in a soft blue light. The arena chefs were responsible for the food, and they went all-out. Everyone was happy.

  “Boys.” Coach Scott came up behind them and put a hand on each of their shoulders. “It’s good to see you outside of the rink for once.” He eyed the drink in each of their hands. “Mackenzie, if you get sloppy tonight, so help me God. Walker, he’s your responsibility.”

  “Sure thing, Coach.” Josh smirked at Mack as their coach disappeared into the crowd.

  “I’m a grown man,” Mack grumbled.

  “I’d watch it if I were you. You’ve been on thin ice with Coach all season.”

  “Whatever.” Mack took a long drink and led them over to stand with Olle, Carter, and Zak.

  “Saw you two come in with some fine specimens,” Zak said.

  Josh cringed. Viktor Zakharov had now been in the country long enough to pick up on the way some Americans spoke. He tried to emulate Mack when talking about women, but it sounded super-weird with his thick Russian baritone. Until he started hanging around with Mack, he was a quiet bear of a man. Now, they’d created a monster.

  “Mine isn’t really a date,” Josh admitted. “We were kind of forced on each other.”

  “Then you wouldn’t mind if I took a shot at her?” Zak’s eyes were hopeful, and Josh couldn’t help but nod his head in agreement. He couldn’t wait to see Mel’s reaction to his Russian Mackisms.

  “Hey, Josh.” Mack elbowed him. “You know they were coming?”

  His eyes snapped up to where Mack was looking, his jaw hanging open. Taylor hadn’t seen him yet as she made a beeline to her father with Abigail and some guy following close behind. Her dark green dress hung to her knees, revealing perfectly toned calves. It hugged her hips, making their sway almost hypnotic. His eyes moved up her frame to where the dress dipped low, revealing just enough skin to tease, but not enough to satisfy.

  She looked beautiful with her short hair curled perfectly and her makeup hiding every flaw - not like he thought she had any. She’d ditched her glasses for the night too, but Josh was surprised he missed them.

  “Who are those lovely creatures?” Zak asked.

  “Hands off, Zak.” Mack shoved him irritably. “The one in green is Coach’s daughter. And the one in pink is mine.”

  “That guy might have something to say about that,” Josh cut in as he saw an arm snake around Abigail’s waist.

  Mack stormed off and someone else took his place. “Who’s that?”

  He jumped when he heard Mel’s voice. “The most beautiful girl here.”

  “I’ll try not to take offense at that.” She laughed, pushing him forward. “Go to her.”

  The music pumped through the ballroom, but Josh stopped listening to the words when Taylor’s eyes locked with his. He started towards her, but she turned and fled.

  A hand swatted him on the shoulder so he looked down in surprise. “Go after her, you idiot,” Mel yelled above the music.

  And go after her he did.

  She was just as perfect as the girls Taylor saw online. Long legs that peeked out from the slit running up her beautifully elegant dress. Sleek hair that swayed as she walked and thin arms that shoved Josh playfully.

  Taylor saw them come in together earlier, and a knot formed in her stomach. Now, witnessing them talking and laughing, she felt like she was going to hurl. Clutching her stomach, she practically ran back to where Abigail was standing.

  “Colin went to get another drink,” Abigail informed her. That wasn’t such a bad thing. Taylor had been feeling like a third wheel since they left their dorm.

  “Hey there.” They both turned to find Mack leering at them. “You both look sexy as hell.”

  Mack stepped closer to Abigail and bent to whisper something in her ear. To Taylor’s surprise, Abigail laughed, slightly breathless. He played with one of her blond curls until they heard someone walk up behind them.

  “Seriously, Abigail?” Colin growled.

  Abigail jumped away from Mack, putting a hand on Colin’s arm. “It’s fine, Grant was just saying hi.”

  “Grant?” Colin said, his eyes narrowing. “This is the guy?”

  Abigail’s silence gave him the answer he needed.

  “What’s going on?” Taylor jumped as Josh’s voice vibrated in her ear, his breath tickling her neck.

  “Turf war,” Taylor said tersely, feeling his closeness box her in.

  “Why can’t you just stay away from her?” Colin was saying. “She told you she wants nothing more to do with you.”

  “If she’d said that, I think I’d remember.”

  Colin turned on Abigail. “You said you were going to tell him.” His voice was low, but they’d attracted a few onlookers. “Did you fucking lie?”

  “No,” Abigail pleaded. “Colin, I just…”

  “Leave her alone.” Mack wedged himself between Colin and Abigail.

  They should have seen it coming. Should have been able to stop it. But there, in the middle of the team foundation’s biggest event of the year, Colin pulled back his arm before punching the star player in the face. Mack reacted quickly by hitting him back.

  Colin got the worst of it. Hockey players are bred to withstand bone-crushing hits - they can take a few punches. Preppy college boys aren’t built that way.

  Carter came up, wanting to help his teammate, but Josh held him back.

  “That bit about jumping into the fight,” Josh said. “Leave that for the games.”

  Olle came running over along with Coach Peterson, and they managed to help Josh stop the fight by wrestling the two men away from each other. Abigail stormed away and Taylor knew she wouldn’t be back. Colin was kicked out.

  “You too, Mackenzie,” Coach said. “I want you to get the hell out of here. I’ll decide what to do with you later.�

  Taylor stood in stunned silence until Josh took her hand and pulled her through the crowd. “Should we go after them?”

  “No,” Josh said. “Definitely not. I want you to dance with me.”

  “What about your date?”

  “It’s not like that.” He spun around to wrap his arms around her. “Come on. I’ve missed you.”

  She pressed her palms against his chest, smoothing the front of his jacket and then looked up at him. “Okay then.”


  “I’ll dance with you, Josh, on one condition.”

  His eyebrow quirked up, amusement in his eyes. “And just what would this condition be.”

  “Kiss me.”

  Surprise sprung to his eyes, but his smile grew. He leaned closer, and Taylor’s skin buzzed with anticipation. He stopped when his face was just inches from hers. If she moved their lips would meet, and that thought alone sent her over the edge.

  His warm breath blew across the small space between them as he spoke. “What if I don’t want to meet this condition?”

  “Oh, you do.” She had no clue where this confidence was suddenly coming from, but it felt liberating.

  His fingers dug into her sides as he pressed his lips against hers. On instinct, she snaked her arms up around his neck and pressed closer, opening her mouth to him.

  Too soon, he pulled slightly away. “I think I met your condition.”

  “Uh uh, not yet.” Kissing him again, her mind went blank. She didn’t care that they were in the middle of a crowd of people. She didn’t care that her parents were in that crowd and that her friend had just caused a very public fight.

  That moment was what she’d remember of the night. The night she got to put on the beautiful dress and feel like everything was okay for now. She wasn’t the girl who’d spent the last year and a half throwing away every part of herself. She was now the girl who had it all back. Just for tonight, she would be happy.

  Josh ended the kiss again. “All I’ve been able to think about since last week is kissing you. You have no idea what you’ve been doing to me.”

  Taylor buried her face in his shirt and smiled. He smelled good.

  They danced for a while as she listened to the steady drumming of his heart. It soothed her and excited her at the same time.

  “Oh crap,” she said, remembering something. “Abigail was my ride.”

  “I can take you.” He brushed her bangs out of her face.

  “Haven’t you been drinking?”

  “Water,” he said. “Scout’s honor.”

  “Okay, can we leave?”

  “Had enough of me?” he joked.

  “I didn’t say I wanted to go home.” Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. “I totally did not mean that to sound all ‘take me to bed’.”

  Josh’s laughs vibrated through her body and he couldn’t stop.

  “I just want to hang out with you.” She slapped his arm, but when she tried to step away, he spun her back around and kissed her quickly.

  “Let’s go.”

  “What about your date?” she asked.

  “Hold on.” He disappeared for a moment before taking her in his arms again. “She’s dancing with my buddy Zak. He’ll take her home.”

  “Perfect.” She grinned, reaching up on her toes to kiss him again.

  “Perfect.” He agreed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Ready?” Josh asked, taking her hand in his.

  “As I’ll ever be.” She grinned.

  They pushed open the door and started to run, their feet pounding into the pavement in time with the rain. It was a downpour. That was the only thing to call it. Thunder rumbled in the distance seconds before a flash of light lit up their path. Taylor jumped, her slick hand sliding from Josh’s.

  By the time they got to the shelter of the parking garage her perfectly curled hair was drenched and sticking to her face. Her makeup was surely ruined. The dress that had made her feel so beautiful minutes before now clung to her thighs as the water pooled at her feet.

  Their chests heaved as they fought to breathe normally, both grinning like idiots.

  “That was fun.” Josh laughed, pushing his wet locks away from his face.

  “How is it that I always end up so wet when I’m with you?” She stopped talking and her face heated up as her words replayed in her mind. It didn’t help that Josh was laughing so hard his face turned red.

  “I didn’t mean…” She grasped for words. “It’s just that the first time I met you I was in a pool. And then the first time I went to your place, it was raining, and we got soaked.” She pinched his arm. “Ugh! Come on, Josh.”

  “I’m sorry.” He held in another laugh as he pulled her to him and pinned her against the car. Trailing kisses along her jaw, all humor was gone in an instant.

  She tilted her head as his lips moved down to her neck. His breath was hot on her skin as he spoke and she tugged him closer until his hips were flush against hers. He chuckled, and the vibrations ran through her body.

  When he kissed her again, she shivered, making him pull away and take his warmth with him.

  “You’re freezing,” he whispered. The hair on her arms stood on end as he ran his hands up and down. “I’d give you my coat, but it’s kind of soaked.”

  “I left mine in Abigail’s car.”

  “We’ll go to my place and dry off.”

  She nodded as he opened her door and helped her in before running around to the other side. The nerves Taylor had held at bay all night hit her in full force and she suddenly couldn’t look at Josh. She wasn’t used to this anymore. It’d been so long since she wanted to be with anyone and she didn’t even know what Josh wanted. Did he want the girl he saw tonight? Because that wasn’t her.

  “Hey.” Josh grabbed her hand as he parked the car. “You okay?”

  A tight smile formed on her face and she glanced sideways at him, nodding because she didn’t trust herself to speak.

  “Would you rather I take you home?”

  “No,” she finally said. “I want to be here.”

  They walked into the apartment to find Mack on the couch with his date straddling him.

  “Dude!” Josh covered his eyes. “You have a room.”

  Mack sat up quickly, pushing the girl off him in the process. She let out a squeal of protest, but he stood anyway, with only a pair of boxers hanging from his hips.

  “Sup, Man?” He sauntered towards them, stumbling slightly. “About time you brought a chick home. It’s been too long for you. It’s not healthy. And Coach’s daughter, no less.” He raised his hand to Josh.

  “I’m not going to high-five that.” Josh stared at his friend with disgust.

  “Oh, well,” Mack said. “We’ll be done soon.” He winked at Taylor before going back to resume things with his half-naked girl.

  “Come on,” Josh said, pulling her into his room and shutting the door to drown out the sounds. “I’m sorry about that. He’s an asshole sometimes, but this isn’t him. Something is up, and I can’t figure out what.”

  “You’re a good friend.” Taylor walked further into the room and looked around. It was immaculately clean, unlike the rest of their apartment. The bed sat in the center with a deep red quilt draped over top. A picture on the dresser caught her eye, and she moved closer. It was the redhead she’d seen online.

  “That’s Michaela,” Josh said, coming up behind her. Michaela. The woman who was practically his sister. She heaved a sigh of relief.

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “She is.”

  Taylor moved on to the wall where a number of signed photos of some of the greatest hockey players of all time hung. “Gretzky, Orr, Federov, Bobrovski, Crosby. This is quite the collection.”

  “My pride and joy.”

  She smirked at him over her shoulder, and only then realized he’d removed his shirt. He held a dry one in his hands, about to put it on. Catching his gaze, she gave her head a subtle s
hake before letting her eyes slide down his torso.

  His breath caught as she stepped closer and gently put her hands on his shoulders, letting her fingers trail down his long arms. Arms that were strong and protective. Arms that she knew could hold her together or tear her apart.

  Her touch moved to his collarbone and down over his hard muscles. She traced the ridges of his abs, amazed at her own forwardness.

  She circled around him, running a palm up his back before placing a single kiss on his shoulder. He spun and grasped her by the hips before kissing her deeply. For a second she felt like she was floating as he lifted her off her feet before putting her back down.

  She shimmied out of her sopping-wet dress as Josh kissed her again. His hands warmed her skin. Taylor suddenly felt a wave of pure happiness. As quickly as that thought came in, so did a host of images. The last time she’d felt like that had been different.

  Back then, the feeling didn’t scare her, but now she knew it could be taken away. It wouldn’t last. She stumbled back away from a confused Josh, struggling to breathe. Putting a hand to her chest, she bent over and sucked air.

  “Taylor,” Josh said. When she felt a hand on her bare back, she jumped away.

  Danny was the only person who ever had all of her, and if she took that step with Josh, it was like she was taking something from the boy she’d loved. Something they’d shared.

  “I can’t,” she wheezed, a tear coursing down her face. “I’m sorry.”

  He stood still for a moment longer before stepping forward and gathering her in his arms. “You never have to be sorry,” he whispered against her hair. “I don’t want to make you forget him.”

  “You don’t get it, Josh.” She looked up at him. “This girl - the one with the pretty dress, the contacts, and the made-up hair. I’m not her. I used to be. That was the girl Danny loved. I tried to be her for one night, thinking I could have part of him back. Thinking it was the kind of girl you…” She couldn’t finish that thought.

  “You did this for me?” he asked. “What made you think… wait, you Googled me, didn’t you?”


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