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All Bets Off: Betting On You Series: Book Five

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by Winters, Jeannette

  “Guess these two made the decision for you, Danielle. Now go to bed. Take care of yourself. This is supposed to be a vacation. Everyone will be here later today, and you won’t want to miss out on any of the fun.”

  Once they were out the door, Danielle opted for the couch as opposed to the bed. Sleep wasn’t what she needed. A deep need was building up in the pit of her stomach and was torturing her. Last night she had thrown him out of her suite, but if it hadn’t been for Jamie being there, she probably would have dropped her towel and welcomed whatever he had to give her. God, what’s wrong with me? How was it that a man she’d just met had her all tied up in knots? Danielle wasn’t innocent, but she wasn’t someone who normally got swept up in a sexual fantasy from thinking about a man either.

  She had overheard Beckett say he was only going to be here for the weekend, not the entire week like she and Jamie. This was a good thing. Her nerves would calm down, and maybe she would be able to enjoy all that this beautiful island had to offer. This was a once-in-a-lifetime trip for someone like her. Her lack of interest to leave the room had nothing to do with anything but her own fears. KJ was right. Staying in her suite was the wisest choice today. What if he wants me? What if he doesn’t?

  She’d been there less than twenty-four hours, and already all her control had vanished. Not just over herself, but also the orderly little world she had made. It was hard to complain about it because some wonderful changes were happening right before her eyes. But change wasn’t always easy to accept. Not when you were the one who was there all along, trying every day, yet all your hard work and effort seemed to have no results. Then, out of the blue, someone walked into their lives and boom, magic happened. It’s so not fair. Why him? Why not me?

  Danielle was happy for the breakthrough, but she longed for the day her nephew would hug her again or even reach out to her. What was it that stopped him? Would he ever let her in? Was this wall ever going to come down? If only you would talk to me so I could understand what I need to do.

  Beckett wasn’t the only one who had made a connection with Jamie. KJ and Drew had visited them several times over the past year. She figured it was because they missed their dog. Who wouldn’t? Blossom was amazing. But it was so much more than that. They took a real interest in Jamie, and he seemed very receptive to the attention. Although he still kept his distance, he wasn’t afraid to go out with them alone, and this morning was evidence of that again. Thank God I met you guys last year. I don’t know what I would have done without you.

  Her eyes were almost closed when she heard the knock on the door. KJ had said she would have breakfast delivered, but she wasn’t hungry. Not for food at least.

  Pulling herself up off of the couch, she went and opened the door. Great. Just what I needed this morning. “What are you doing here, Beckett?”

  “KJ said you weren’t feeling well.”

  Thanks, KJ. How do you think I’m going to sleep with Mr. Sexy here? “I’m fine. Just tired.” Inviting himself in, he brushed past her, leaving her standing, holding the door open. Please come on in. Make yourself at home, why don’t you?

  He sat on the couch and asked, “Were you thinking of me?”

  Danielle stopped dead in her tracks. Oh no, you didn’t. “If you mean about how absolutely rude you were by entering my private quarters without knocking, then yes.”

  Beckett laughed. “I knocked today. Does that make any difference? Are you going to welcome me with open arms?”

  God, you’re awfully confident. Of course, she could already feel her pulse beating faster. If her body wanted to betray her, that was fine, but it wasn’t going to rule her. No matter how appealing ripping your clothes off and climbing on top of you sounds.

  “Is there another reason for this unexpected visit? If not, then, as I said last night, you know where the door is.” Danielle stood watching him, her arms folded across her chest.

  Beckett patted the seat next to him. “Yes, there is. Why don’t you come and sit by me? Or do I scare you?”

  The way he looked at her, devouring her with just his eyes . . . yeah, he scared her. If she sat close to him and he touched her, she would be lost. Any resistance she had would vanish. Walking over, she decided to take the seat across from him. Choosing not to answer his question, she directed the conversation back to him. “So what brings you here?”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone, handing it to her. “I figured after yours went for a swim in the tub last night, I owed you a replacement.”

  She didn’t take the phone from him. It was true that he’d caused the phone to take the plunge, but she didn’t want to owe him anything. Danielle didn’t have the money for a new iPhone, but she would wait until she returned home to get herself a cheap replacement. “Thank you, but that’s not necessary.”

  “So you’re saying your phone still works?” Beckett raised a brow and questioned her.

  No, damn it. “My phone is none of your concern. I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”

  “And how do you think you’re going to get a replacement on this island?”

  “I am not taking your phone, Beckett.” Her tone was firm and final.

  He flipped it over, showing her the case. “Do you think my phone would be pink? Don’t answer that. This is not my phone or anyone else’s. This is your phone. If you don’t believe me, turn it on and check.”

  Doubtful that was possible, she took the phone from him. When she turned it on, it was loaded with her contacts and pictures. How the hell? “This has all my information, Beckett.”

  Nodding, he replied, “Danielle, I told you, this is your phone.”

  “How did you do this? My phone is still in my room, broken.”

  He leaned back on the couch, obviously proud of himself. “I pulled a few strings and got it delivered early this morning.”

  Danielle knew others were arriving today, but no one would have access to her account to get a phone activated. She had to jump through enough hoops when she called with a simple question, never mind transferring all her contacts and pictures. She was grateful that it hadn’t all been lost as she’d first thought because she had so many pictures of her sister in there, but he still had no right. That was illegal. For all she knew, he had scrolled through her private contacts, searched through her pictures. Filled with anger, she stood up and said, “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  He sat there, looking at her. “So you don’t like it?”

  God, he doesn’t get it. With him sitting back so relaxed, she only became angrier. “You need to go. Now!”

  She went to hand him the phone, but tripped on his foot and fell into his lap. She felt him wince, but he quickly lifted her and sat her gently, more evenly, on his lap.

  “If you wanted me to touch you, you could have just asked. I would’ve been happy to oblige.”

  Before she could reply, his lips captured hers in a hot, explosive kiss. Her hands went to his shoulders to push him away, yet she found herself wrapping her arms around his neck and drawing him closer. His tongue forced her to open to him. God, I want you.

  The heat spread throughout her rapidly. She was taking as much as he was. Danielle reached down and pulled his shirt from the waistband of his pants. When her hands began to touch his bare skin, she felt him tense, and then he grabbed her wrist and pulled away. His breath ragged, he said, “We need to stop.”

  Stop? Are you kidding me? He teases, and I say yes, and then he shuts me down? Danielle got off him and threw the phone at him. “You’re right. This is a mistake. Now get out.”

  She didn’t wait for him to leave. Instead, she walked to her bedroom and slammed the door. Whatever game you’re playing with me, Beckett, you can consider it over.

  The look on her face when he’d pulled away from her earlier was one of disbelief. When her hands touched him, it felt so fucking amazing, but he was not ready for her to feel his scars. He wasn’t sure he ever would be. Beckett had healed on the outs
ide, for the most part, leaving the scars on the inside to deal with. And that was his everyday struggle. There was no way they were going to have sex without the subject of what had happened coming up. He was surprised she hadn’t asked about his leg, although he had made a point never to be in a position that she would see him doing stairs or getting out of a chair. Over the last few years, he had mastered the art of appearing to be whole. Only those closest to him could tell which prostheses he was wearing, and he wanted to keep it that way.

  “What the hell are you doing drinking beer at ten in the morning?” Trent asked from behind him.

  And this is why I like to be alone. Don’t have to answer to anyone. “What do you want, Trent?”

  He walked over and sat by Beckett. “Beckett, I really don’t care what you do, but Mom and Dad just arrived, and unless you want to get her in an uproar and start lecturing, I suggest you stop with the one.”

  Damn. Why did I fucking agree to come here? At least, it’s only for another day, and then I’m gone. Beckett downed the last of the beer and got up from the bar. “Another woman telling me what to do is the last thing I need right now.”

  “Another? Didn’t know there was one. I did hear you’re spending a lot of time with Danielle McKesson. Could you finally have found someone who can put up with your grumpy ass?”

  Beckett turned back to his brother, giving him a warning glare. “Was that why you insisted on my being here? You guys trying to play matchmaker? If so, I’m leaving now.”

  Trent burst out laughing. “Okay, bro. When have you ever known me to play matchmaker? I can’t say what women have in their minds, but there isn’t anyone I hate enough to hook them up with you.”

  One thing he loved about his brother was that he never sugarcoated anything. Ever since his injury, he hadn’t been easy to live with. It hadn’t helped that his mother and sisters had tried to dote over him like a child. All that ever did was piss him off. He had been in the Marines for eighteen years and part of the newly formed MARSOC since 2005. He didn’t need anyone taking care of him then, and sure as hell didn’t need anyone now.

  Maybe that was why he and Trent were so close. He’d asked him how he was doing as far as recovery; he hadn’t babied him. Instead, he’d given him a job and said, “If you don’t pull your weight, you’re fired.” He was all business, and Beckett respected that.

  “Okay, let’s go get this welcoming over and done with. I have a date with a fishing pole this afternoon, and I don’t plan on missing it.” Not what I really want to be doing, but sitting around with everyone isn’t where I want to be. There was only one person he was interested in spending time with right now, and that didn’t look like it was going to be happening anytime soon.

  Chapter Five

  “Everything okay?” Elaine’s voice asked from behind him.

  Great. Just great. What part of alone don’t people get? “Did my brother send you?”

  She came up and touched his shoulder. “No. Why? Is there something you wanted to talk about?”

  Hell, no. “What brings you down here then?”

  “Can’t I spend some time with my brother-in-law?”

  He knew it was more than that. Something was going on. If Trent hadn’t sent her, then she needed something. Although she was a master at getting people to do as she requested, he wasn’t in the mood for whatever request was about to come his way. “So you like fishing?”

  She laughed. “God, no. I would be afraid that I would actually catch something. But I would be happy watching you while we talk.”

  “People fish in silence for a reason.”

  “Then I guess it’s time for you to take a short break. I wanted to talk to you about Danielle.”

  And here it comes. He wanted to tell her it was none of her business, that there wasn’t anything to talk about. For all he knew, Danielle had called and told her what a creep he was acting like, first the shower and then this morning. His treatment of her had been uncalled for, but he couldn’t stop himself. He wanted her, and when he was alone with her, he couldn’t think straight. Even though everything in him said turn, leave her alone, he couldn’t.

  “There’s nothing to talk about, Elaine.” Beckett’s tone was dry and cold. Was he trying to convince her or himself? Elaine stood watching for a moment, as though trying to read his thoughts. He turned away from her and looked out over the ocean. “I’m leaving tonight.”

  “What are you running from, Beckett?”

  The word “running” filled him with anger. If she were a man, she wouldn’t be standing right now. He never ran from anything. It was a choice he’d made. He chose to be alone. He loved his sister-in-law, but she was treading in dangerous waters, talking to him like that. Pulling together all the self-control he could, he turned to her and said, “Elaine, I know you believe you’re helping, but you’re not.”

  “I am used to dealing with your brother, so you don’t scare me one bit, Beckett. KJ called me and said that Danielle didn’t seem herself at all. That she looked upset. I figured you might know what was going on.”

  I need off this island. “I thought KJ said she was tired.”

  “Okay, Beckett. You don’t know a damn thing about women, do you? That is the excuse we give when something is troubling us and we can’t talk about it. At first, we thought it was Jamie, but he seems fine. Well, as fine as he normally is since losing his parents. So if it wasn’t that, then that left only one other thing it could be. You.”

  His only intention this morning was to bring her the replacement phone. Why hadn’t he given it to her at the door and left? Because you needed to see her, touch her, taste her. Fuck. If he wasn’t sure what to do before, he knew now. “Like I said, Elaine, I’m leaving tonight.”

  “Then I suggest fixing whatever it is you may have said or done before you go.” Elaine didn’t wait for a response, and he watched as she headed back up to the resort.

  Beckett cast his fishing line again. Although he’d thought he wanted to be alone today, it was not comforting. Usually, he could spend endless hours at the ocean fishing, not thinking of anything. Not today. He could blame Elaine for disturbing him, but his mind wandered back to Danielle, as it had so often since the moment he’d met her.

  Her eyes captivated him. They were a shade of blue he had never seen before. And when he angered her, they turned deep and dark, almost green. Just the thought of how sweet her lips tasted and how she opened to him made his cock hard all over again. God, woman. What are you doing to me?

  They somehow had a connection, one he couldn’t explain and didn’t want to explore. There was nothing he could offer her. Beckett was only just starting his security company and not living in the lap of luxury like his brother. He didn’t know where he was going to end up, let alone if this was going to take off as he envisioned. No, this was not the time to get involved with someone like her. She also didn’t come alone; there was Jamie to think of. That obviously was a package deal. He liked the kid and everything, but he couldn’t walk into his life and then walk back out again. Kids needed stability and, from what he’d just heard from Elaine, Danielle seemed to be it for him.

  He reeled in the empty hook again and then cast it without any bait. It didn’t matter at this point; he was only going through the motions, like many things in his life since he’d lost his leg. It was the same thing he picked up on when he looked at Jamie. That kid was repressing something huge and was going through the motions, yet not letting anyone close enough to see. Or so we think, kiddo.

  Shutting out feelings was a skill he had picked up after many years in the Marines. It got him through things he wouldn’t have survived otherwise. So why couldn’t he shut out his feelings for her?

  There was no place in his life for someone like her. He could have taken her earlier, but she was someone who deserved more than a one-night stand. She was an amazing woman and should be treated like one.

  Frustration filled him, and he tossed his pole onto the dock. Why do I h
ave to be a fucking gentleman?

  Jamie was at her side as Drew, Trent, Jon, and Ross stood behind the ribbon, scissors in hand. They were some of the richest and most powerful men in the world, yet, at this moment, they all looked vulnerable. After hearing their speech about what this facility meant and how it was the dying wish of their friend, she understood why they were all so passionate about their work here. People who once had intimidated her now seemed so much more real. Can’t judge a book by its cover.

  She turned to look at Beckett, who was standing a few feet away from her. They hadn’t spoken since their earlier encounter. Was she also misjudging him? Her initial thoughts had been he was a self-absorbed ass who wanted only one thing. But when he could have taken what she had to offer, he didn’t. Why?

  His sudden rejection of her still hurt. She didn’t know why. It wasn’t like they were involved in any way. They had only just met, yet somehow she was drawn to him. It wasn’t only a physical attraction though that was powerful in itself. There was something about him. Even Jamie felt it. She had to tell him no when he tried to leave her side and go stand with Beckett. If Beckett wanted to be with her, then he was going to have to make the first move. She wasn’t going to go over there and risk being rejected a second time.

  Before she could avert her eyes, Beckett turned and caught her staring. Once their eyes were locked, she was flooded with a mix of emotions. How she wanted to be angry, but his eyes were softer than she had seen before. Was he regretting his actions earlier? Why he went from hot to cold in the a blink of an eye was still unclear but, right now, the way he was looking at her made her melt. It wasn’t raw desire, but longing. Had he been thinking of her, as she was him? Beckett winked at her as though he heard her thoughts. The distance between them seemed to vanish with the noise of the others. Although she wanted to turn away, her eyes stayed locked with his. All she wanted was be in his arms with his lips on hers.


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