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All Bets Off: Betting On You Series: Book Five

Page 16

by Winters, Jeannette

  Beckett understood that. He came from a family where most of the men were retired Marines. It took a very special women to be willing to put up with them. I wouldn’t wish me on anyone, especially someone as sweet as Danielle. “It’s one we fight alone.”

  “No. It may be one you chose to fight alone, but that’s your choice. You don’t have to do it any longer. You have an amazing woman waiting for you to get your head out of your ass and tell her you love her,” KJ stated.

  He was taken aback. The last thing he’d thought she would want to talk about was Danielle. If he’d known that was what was on her mind, he would have boarded the plane without giving her the time of day. Whatever was going on between him and Danielle was their business. No one else’s.

  “I’ve got someplace to be, KJ,” he said gruffly and started to pass her. She reached out and grabbed his arm. Not a wise choice; the last person who had done that landed flat on her back.

  “If you won’t hear me out for you, then hear me out for her and Jamie,” KJ demanded.

  He closed his eyes. Thinking of her right now was going to distract him from thinking about the meeting later today with Sarge and the so-called informant. Beckett knew he wasn’t being fair to her or Jamie. They deserved so much more. He wasn’t able to give them a normal, happy life. “KJ, this isn’t a topic I want to discuss with you or anyone else.”

  “Beck, I’ve been there. Not that long ago my entire life felt like it was in ruins. I was functioning but really more like a robot going through the motions without feeling or thought, knowing that I would lose control, and I wasn’t sure if I could regain it. I know we’ve had different experiences. But then again, we’ve had the same ones too. So, coming from someone who has walked in your shoes, I need to give you some advice.”

  You and everyone else. I am tired of advice. Why can’t everyone just let me live my life in peace? “KJ, I’ve got this. Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt her.”

  “Beck, I’m not worried about you hurting her. She is more resilient than you think she is. I’m worried about you,” KJ said sincerely.

  He arched his brow in surprise. “Me? I can take care of myself, KJ.”

  She crossed her arms in front of her and said, “This is not about taking care of you, Beck. No one is going to mess with you. But sometimes life completely shakes you up, throws you off balance, and re-arranges everything you thought you knew so you can be where you’re truly meant to be.”

  Oh, my life has sure done that. But where I’m supposed to be has yet to be determined. There was no way she was going to convince him that everything, including losing a leg and some of his men, happened in order to bring him to this place and time. The only guilty person was some fucked-up individual who placed no value on human life, not his or anyone else’s. “Got it. Now can I go?” His sarcasm wasn’t missed.

  “Think about it, Beck. Your life can be so much more than you’re allowing it to be. If you opened your eyes, you would see that.”

  He didn’t want to take a deeper look. What he already saw troubled him. He was forty-two, and on some days he felt broken on the inside as well as on the outside. Things were getting better, but they were never going to be perfect. He wasn’t willing to put Danielle in the mix, so when the nightmares returned, she would have to deal with them too. No, alone was exactly where he was meant to be.

  He’d spent the entire trip sitting alone in the back, despite Gunny’s threat about rolling the plane upside-down, just to fuck with him. It was just great that he was surrounded by people who didn’t seem to respect his wish for privacy.

  Thankfully he was back in New York and on his way to meet this so-called contact with the information he had been searching for. He was on full alert, and his men were watching the outside of the hotel. If this wasn’t as they had been told, the man was not walking out of there alive. This better not be a waste of time.

  He knocked on the door and waited. This wasn’t the best part of town, but he was ready for anything. What surprised him was who answered the door. Whoever he was meeting with had their own security. Let the games begin, because if you fuck with me, you’d better have more than just this guy.

  Beckett was led into the living room and told to sit and wait. He was better at giving orders than taking them. Besides, he wasn’t willing to relax and let his guard down. Something wasn’t right here. The bodyguard was not from the US. Whoever he was meeting had an odd choice of friends. Over the years, he’d had his share of dealing with people like this. It usually didn’t end well. Mostly for them.

  As he stood waiting, an older gentlemen came out of what he assumed was the bedroom, sat in the chair, and pointed to the couch. “Please sit.”

  Beckett eyed the guard, letting him know he wasn’t losing sight of him. Once he was seated, Beckett said, “You know why I’m here?”

  The old man nodded. “Yes, I do.”

  “Then let’s not waste any time. Start talking. What do you know about the murder?”

  The elderly man called his guard over, whispered something to him in another language, and the man stood and left the room.

  “Mr. Davis, what I am about to tell you must be kept in confidence.”

  You’re not making the rules here. “I’ll decide once I hear what you have to say.”

  “This has all been, unfortunately, a difficult situation.”

  Beckett’s jaw tensed. “A man and woman were killed. That is beyond difficult, don’t you think? What I want to know is what you have to do with this.”

  The man looked him in the eye and spoke in a tone that carried a hint of pain. “My grandson had brought shame to our family with his drug addiction and violent temper. When he returned to the consulate, he was a babbling fool and told one of my men what he had done. He told them to go clean up his mess. My grandson did not understand loyalty and honor, as he quoted his rights to political immunity. When my men returned and confirmed what had happened, and how they saw a young child sitting alone with his deceased family, I knew what needed to be done.”

  Beckett watched the old man rise from his seat to stand tall and proud.

  “You seek answers. Now you have them.”

  “Where is he now?” Beckett knew of his country and their understanding of honor and respect. Their laws were not like those in the US. He could imagine what had transpired but needed to hear it for himself.

  “He shall never bring disgrace to the family again.”

  It was the only answer he would be given, a punishment equal to the crime as far as he was concerned. He nodded to the old man, in agreement that this was over. There was nothing left to be said. Beckett rose from his chair and left the room. He had done what he’d promised himself he would do. That wasn’t what he’d thought he’d uncover. All he’d wanted was whoever was responsible for causing pain to Danielle and Jamie to be punished. He was able to accept the answer, but it wasn’t something he could take to Danielle. She would want him to be brought to justice through the legal system here. He didn’t think telling her the truth was going to give her the closure she wanted.

  As he left the building, he gave the all-clear signal to his men. It was no longer time for action. He needed to be away for a few days. Time to head to West Virginia and regroup. The next time he saw Danielle, he was going to be very tactful with his choice of words. The last thing he ever wanted to do was cause her more pain. And somehow I’m not sure I’ll be able to avoid that. Fuck.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Bethy is doing great with her treatment. It won’t be long before she can go back to Rhode Island,” KJ said.

  Danielle hated the thought of that sweet little girl going back into the foster system. There had to be something they could do. “KJ, I have a crazy idea.”

  “I can’t even guess because you are the sanest person I know,” KJ replied.

  Danielle laughed. “That’s not saying much. I’ve met your friends, remember?”

  KJ shook her head. “My husband i
s the worst of them. Okay, getting serious now. What is this crazy idea of yours? And should I sit before you tell me?”

  I think we both should. She nodded. “Yes, because this might take some serious brainstorming on both our parts. So Bethy has no one. And there is just Jamie and me. I have plenty of room here. I could give her my room and sleep on the couch, or get twin beds for my room.”

  KJ put up a hand. “Slow down a bit. What are you saying? Because you’re right, you are talking crazy, or maybe just too fast. Why don’t you start from the beginning?”

  Where to start was harder than she thought. She wasn’t sure if she was a good fit. How would anyone give her custody of another child when the one she had still didn’t speak after a year? All she knew was how well Bethy and Jamie got along. Both of them were so alone in the world, and they both needed the one thing she could give them. Love.

  “I’ve been spending a lot of time with Bethy. Okay, I mean every day. She and Jamie act more like brother and sister than two kids who have only spent a few weeks together. So I thought that, maybe with your help, we could make this a more permanent arrangement.”

  KJ’s eyes widened. “You mean like a foster parent?”

  Danielle shook her head. “Like an adoption. I know I don’t know anything about these types of things, and there will be some financial and legal things to figure out, but I really don’t want her going back. I can’t offer a lot, but—”

  KJ raised her hand, cutting her off. “What you have to offer is more than any child could hope for, Danielle. You are an amazing woman, and from what I see with Jamie, one hell of a mother. Of course, you have my support.”

  Danielle teared up. No one had ever called her a mother before. She had always referred to herself as “aunt.” “Thank you, KJ. I’m not sure where to even start.”

  KJ extended her hand to Danielle, who took it. “I know just the person to answer every question you might have, and she and Trent arrived about an hour ago. Talk about perfect timing.”

  Elaine? She scares me. But that wasn’t going to stop her from asking the questions she needed. All she wanted was to provide Bethy and Jamie a secure, happy home. “KJ, I never asked if it was okay for her to be here with us. I’m sorry about that. I mean, you all have been so kind, really more than kind, and I don’t want to take advantage of that.”

  As they walked down the hall, KJ answered, “Danielle, nothing has happened by chance. Not that long ago I told another dear friend of mine this same advice.” They stopped, and KJ continued, “Life sometimes shakes you up, and you feel as though nothing will ever be the same. But it isn’t meant to be. It was meant to change you so you can finally be where you’re truly meant to be.”

  Wow. I never knew KJ was so deep and philosophical. So much for being a tough Marine. Danielle wasn’t sure she believed in fate, but what she did believe in was hope. She was filled with it each day. And right now she was hoping Elaine was going to have the contacts to pull this off.

  When they arrived at her suite, Elaine was sitting down, rubbing her abdomen. Trent was chasing their son, Brad, around the room filled with soothing classical music.

  “Maybe this isn’t a good time,” Danielle whispered to KJ.

  “It’s a perfect time. Elaine needs the distraction anyway.” When KJ reached Elaine’s side, she asked, “How far apart are the contractions?”

  Contractions? Is she having her baby here? Why not in New York?

  Elaine said, “Still twenty minutes apart. Looks like it’s going to be a long night. How are you, Danielle? Hope you’re all settled in. We meant to check on you before, but things have been busy, and as you can see, I’ve been a bit preoccupied.”

  Yeah, I’d say so. “Everything’s perfect. Thank you.”

  “So what brings you two here? You look like you have a lot on your mind,” Elaine said.

  “Nothing important. We can always talk another time,” Danielle replied.

  KJ shook her head. “Danielle wants to adopt Bethy and would like our help in doing so.”

  Elaine half jumped out of her chair, her smile lighting up the room. “Trent, come here. Did you hear that?”

  Trent came to stand by his wife’s side. “I did. What can we do to help?”

  Danielle didn’t even know where to start. “I was hoping you could put me in contact with someone who can help me through the process. If possible, I would like Bethy not to have to leave here and go back to Rhode Island. I don’t know if that’s possible, but that’s what I want to ask.”

  Elaine and Trent exchanged a look that only spouses can. It was as though they could read each other’s thoughts. Trent nodded and said, “Consider it done.” He bent and kissed his wife lightly and left the room.

  She wanted to ask what that was about, but Elaine had another contraction. “Correction on my prior statement. About ten minutes apart now.”

  Oh, God. I faint at blood. I can’t be here for a baby’s birth. “I should go.”

  When she went to leave, KJ grabbed her wrist and said, “Not now. We still have plenty of time.”

  As the contraction ended, Trent came back into the room. “That was fast. What did he say?” Elaine inquired.

  “Bethy stays here until the adoption is complete. That paperwork should take about ninety days. They’ll fax everything over to me by the end of the day.”

  Elaine reached for her husband’s hand and pulled it to her lips. “Thank you, babe.”

  Did I hear that right? She can stay? We can be a family? “Does this mean . . .?”

  Trent finished her sentence for her. “You’ll have a daughter in just a few months. Congratulations, Danielle. We’re very happy for you. Now, if only my brother can smarten up, everything would be perfect.”

  Elaine gave him a playful slap. “Trent, don’t you even start. Beckett does things only he wants to do. If it’s meant to be, he’ll make it so. You of all people should know that.”

  Danielle didn’t need Elaine to tell her that. She had figured that part out about Beckett the moment they met. It was okay. What she shared with Beckett, she gave willingly. Even my heart.

  She loved that man, but the problem was he didn’t love her. He may want her and need her physically, but it wasn’t love. It was better he was so far away. She was filled with joy now at the news Trent just delivered. There was no way she wanted to focus on what she couldn’t have, no matter how much it hurt. She was about to be a new mother.

  Elaine gripped Trent’s hand. And it looks like you are, too, Elaine.

  “I’d better check on Jamie and Bethy. Call me if you need anything. And thank you again.” With that, she slipped out the door before anyone could ask her to be a birthing coach or boil water. Glad I decided to be a teacher.

  That night she sat on the couch, Jamie on one side and Bethy on the other. They were watching a cartoon they had watched almost every day for the last few weeks. Tonight was as if she was watching it for the first time. Everything felt new and better than it had just a few hours before. KJ’s words from earlier came back to her. Am I in the place I was always meant to be or is that yet to come?

  Placing a kiss on both children’s heads, she knew tonight it was; tomorrow was another day. Smiling, she realized Jamie hadn’t pulled away when she’d kissed him. Her eyes watered, but she fought back the tears. Yes, this is exactly where I’m meant to be.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Beckett was great at handling business. Once he knew there was no further risk of harm to Jamie and Danielle, he had called KJ and Gunny, letting them know it was a stand-down. A huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders but not the biggest one.

  After spending a week in West Virginia, wracking his brain about what to say to her, he still had nothing. The words would have flown out in a clear, detailed message, similar to a report for anyone else. No matter how many times he pictured telling her, all he could see were her beautiful blue eyes staring at him. How they would be filled with hurt. Knowing what she would be
going through, how it would open a wound that was just healing, was killing him. He would rather lose another leg than hurt her in any way.

  God, when did I fall in love with this woman? Beckett had never believed in love at first sight, but the moment their eyes met he was lost. He had told himself that if he could stay away, his feelings would subside. Somehow the total opposite happened.

  He would arrive on the Marpe-Agape Island in a few minutes. There was a lot he needed and wanted to tell her. What her true feelings were, he could only guess. And will they be the same after I tell her about her sister?

  Any relationship was supposed to be built on trust. If their roles were reversed and she had done this without his knowledge, he would have been pissed off. But he was thinking like a man. He had no idea how a woman was going to react to it. He had been tempted to accept KJ’s offer to tell her. But that was a coward’s way out. He’d started this, and he would finish it.

  The plane bounced on the waves before coming to a stop by the dock.

  “You were great company, Beck,” Gunny shouted from the cockpit sarcastically. “Can I give you some advice?”

  Why the hell does everyone ask me that? I’m a grown fucking man who led men into battle, but here everyone seems to think I don’t have a clue. “I’ve got this, Gunny.”

  He ignored him, as he normally did. “No, you don’t. I know you’re here to see Danielle. Hey, you two are great together, and I really hope this works out, but look in the mirror first. Your expression is one you’ve seen before, during a mission. I have a feeling that’s not the look you were going for this time.” He laughed deeply. “But who knows, it’s been a while since I’ve been sweet on a girl. Maybe this shit has changed.”

  Beckett didn’t need a mirror to know Gunny was right. He’d been deep in thought, planning mode, and he’d forgotten the most important thing. Feelings.

  As he left, Gunny shouted, “Tell your brother and Elaine congratulations on the new baby!”


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