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Destiny's Path

Page 3

by Kimberly Hunter


  Looking over the blood tests one last time, Flynn noticed that they were finally normal. Well, normal considering what she now was and how close she had come to dying. He was still surprised that she didn’t die. By all rights, she should have. An attack from one of their oldest Pack members was a guaranteed death sentence. But the real surprise happened once she stabilized. She was his True Mate. What were the odds? Hell, he was still trying to wrap his mind around it.

  Out of all the Mated couples in the Pack, only eight were True Mates. Very few ever experienced it. Now here he was, True Mated to a human turned by a Pack Elder. Their race was a well-kept secret from humans for many reasons. Now they had to tell this woman what she now was. Tell her that what she thought a horror movie monster was, in fact, very real.

  He reached into the drawer of the desk he was sitting behind and pulled out her clutch purse. Gabe had the forethought to grab it, thank God, or they would never have learned who she was until she awoke. He then pulled out her driver’s license. Sasha Edwards was her name. A beautiful name for a very beautiful woman. Just gazing at her features was enough to make him hard as a rock. Unfortunately, keeping a hard-on was going to be his lot for the foreseeable future. And after he explained everything, Flynn felt sure that any physical relations he’d had in mind would not be happening.

  Putting the license back with a deep sigh, he laid his head back on the chair. How the hell was he going to explain about her new nature and the fact that she now had a True Mate to boot?

  That thought was put on hold when a knock sounded at the office door.


  His twin brother and Pack Alpha, Roan, strolled in, taking a seat in front of the desk.

  “Any change?”

  “No.” Flynn shook his head. “She’s still in the coma.”

  Roan nodded. “How are you doing?”

  Flynn had to chuckle at that. “At this moment, like my skin is crawling and my dick is about to explode.”

  “Sorry about your dick, but you know you can’t be separated from her that long,” he admonished.

  “It’s only been an hour or so. The feelings haven’t gotten that bad, and I know when I should get back to her.”

  “Did Garret tell you anything else?”

  “Only that if we stayed separated for an extended length of time, I’ll feel a lot more than my skin crawling. The permanent hard-on is a bonus.” He snorted, not feeling very lucky about that. And jacking off didn’t help. It made it worse, like his body knew it wasn’t getting what it needed and from the right source.

  He let out a deep sigh, more than thoughts of his True Mate tumbling around in his brain. So far, he had kept his time away from Sasha minimal, but he still had a practice to run. Thank God his partners understood. They were taking up his slack. Not to mention the task of l informing his mother her father had been put down because the voices in his head told him to attack a human. She took it better than he thought she would, all of them knowing that he would need to be put down eventually. Still, it was hard. Losing a family member like that was bad enough, but the circumstance just made it worse. “You’re still in shock, aren’t you?”

  Flynn gave his brother a penetrating look, then let out another sigh and stood, pacing the room.

  “What do you think? I mean, I’ve searched my whole life for a Mate. Now, she just happens to fall in my lap. And not just my Mate, but my True Mate. I…I…” He took a deep breath and let it out slow. “I’m scared, Roan. Scared that she won’t be able to handle all this.”

  Roan got up and came to him, putting both hands on Flynn’s shoulders. “She has survived the bite of an Elder, a feat no female has ever managed to accomplish. And from the conversations both of us have had with Gabe, she is strong willed. Don’t borrow trouble, my brother.”

  “I know, I know.” He smiled wanly and returned to his seat. “It’s not like I’m trying to borrow trouble or be negative, but I’ve read all the accounts, Roan. Humans just can’t handle what they don’t understand. And while I’ve cornered Gabe at every opportunity to learn more about my True Mate, her strong will and even stronger personality won’t help if she doesn’t accept her new life or me. And the fact it was our grandfather that attacked her because of his delusions certainly won’t help either.”

  Roan leveled a look at him. “Well, whether she accepts or not, the deed has been done. She cannot be allowed to return to her old life, nor will she be able to live apart from you. Your bond prevents that from being even a possibility. So all we’re left with is making her transition as easily as possible and giving her time to adjust. As for Grandfather, we’ll explain and hope she understands.” He held up a hand when Flynn would have spoken. “I’m more than aware of your fears, brother. Were I in your shoes, I would have them as well. Relying on Gabe’s interpretation of his time with her isn’t exactly the best way to approach her either. But guessing what her reaction will be doesn’t solve anything. Until she wakes from the coma, we won’t really know anything.”

  Thinking about it, Flynn rubbed a hand over his face. His brother was right, of course. Guessing that she would react negatively wasn’t going to help matters. For all any of them knew, she could embrace her new life and live happily. It was against the odds, but it could happen.

  “Sorry, I know that all this is just conjecture until she wakes, but I can’t help but worry.”

  Roan nodded. “Understandable, and taking such long breaks from her side probably hasn’t helped either.”

  Flynn chuckled. “Yeah, that too.” He shook his head ruefully. “Look at me—I’m your Beta, and I’m acting like some weak pup.”

  “We both know you have never been weak, even when you were a pup.” He grinned. “You’re just worried is all, and it’s natural. Hell, I’d be concerned if you weren’t. Don’t be so hard on yourself. This kind of situation would make anyone act out of character.”

  He was right. Again. The ass.

  “You’re welcome.” He smirked.

  Shaking his head with laughter, Flynn was about to tell him where he could go when he heard the scream. Like a flash, he felt Sasha’s fear. He was out of his seat and up the stairs before he could think. His Mate needed him.


  The screaming woke her. It didn’t register that she was the one doing the screaming until she felt a pair of strong arms surrounding her, trying to soothe her.

  “Shh, it’s all right. Calm down, baby. You’re okay.”

  The gentle voice settled her enough to recognize Gabriel as the one holding her. She could tell by his smell, not by his cologne or aftershave, but by the smell of him, his skin, his hair, even his breath.

  That freaked her out a little, yet it was soothing at the same time. Strange but true. A part of her wanted to trip out, yet another felt like it was something natural and okay.

  “Sasha, are you all right?” Gabriel asked, pulling back to look her over.

  “I’m not sure, to tell you the truth,” she croaked, her throat a little scratchy from the screaming.

  Gabriel reached over to get her a glass of water off the nightstand, and she got a good look at where she was. It wasn’t a hospital room, that was for sure. More like one of those rooms you saw on television, with all the windows making it light and airy. It was large too. More than enough space for the massive sleigh bed she lay in and all the matching furniture: nightstands, chest of drawers, armoire, and an overstuffed chair in the corner. She could also tell that this was a man’s room. No cutesy stuff, just the bare minimum.

  “Here, but drink slowly.” He helped her sit up, then handed her the tumbler.

  She took a couple of small sips, letting the cool water soothe her parched throat. “Ah, that’s good.” She took a few sips more.

  “Better?” He propped some pillows behind her so she could recline in comfort.

  “Much.” She lay back, closing her eyes for a minute to get her bearings. It didn’t help much. She had questions an
d needed answers. “What happened, Gabriel?” Opening her eyes, she caught his pained expression.

  “You don’t know how sorry I am that this happened, Sasha. I mean, if there was any way that I could undo it, I would.”

  She could smell his apprehension. She didn’t know how she knew that, but she knew that what she smelled coming from Gabriel was fear. But fear of what? That was the question, wasn’t it?

  “Look, all I want are answers, okay? And if that scares you, then I’m sorry. But someone is going to tell me what’s going on.”

  Gabriel got up from the bed, shock registering on his face. He started to pace with agitation. “I’m sorry, Sasha, but I’m not supposed to tell you anything.”


  “I mean Flynn and Roan are the ones who could better explain everything,” he said hastily.

  This was so not the man she met at the bar. He’d been so sure of himself there. Here he seemed less in control, submissive even.

  “And how the hell would they know anything? Were they there? Are they the ones who fought off that big dog?” She hated being kept in the dark about things.

  “I’m sorry, Sasha. I really am.” Gabriel’s expression showed just how sorry he was. But something had caught her attention, or rather her nose. Something familiar, yet she knew she had never smelled it before.

  “Sasha, are you all right?”

  She vaguely heard Gabriel speak, all her senses trained on the bedroom door. That was where the smell was coming from, something sweet, like mountain air and fresh cut grass.

  She had a sense of moving, because Gabriel was at her side, trying to get her back under the covers. She snarled at him, batting his hand away. Then she climbed over the covers, slowly making her way to the footboard.

  “This is not good,” she heard Gabriel mutter, backing toward the window.

  Sasha had no clue what was going on inside her. Whoever was attached to that smell was hers. He belonged to her. As crazy as it sounded, she felt it with every part of her being. Hers. Her mate.

  Chapter Two

  The bedroom door opened, and the world’s sexiest man walked in.

  “Gabriel, I thought I told you to let me know the minute she woke up,” Sexy Man demanded.

  “Uh, Flynn, I think we might have a situation here.” Gabriel’s voice was laced with concern.

  So this was Flynn. Ah, yummy, Sasha thought as he turned to stare at her. His nostrils flared as she gave him a slow and lengthy perusal. And he was yummy, indeed. Tall—about six-four, maybe two hundred and ten pounds—and built. Sasha saw the muscles outlined under his black T-shirt and black jeans. His hair was a dark mahogany, kind of shaggy, like he needed to get it cut, but still sexy. His eyes were the gray-blue of a glacier, set inside classical features, with high cheekbones and a slightly bent Roman nose. Good, sexy, but in no way perfect. And there was something else as well, something familiar, like she had met him before. But that was impossible.

  Her head started to spin as soon as she stood. Gabriel made a move to help her, but Flynn growled, warning him off. Sasha used the footboard to hold her up until the dizziness passed, then made her way slowly to where Flynn stood. They never took their eyes off each other.

  He focused on her completely and from the intent look in his eyes, she knew he appreciated what he was seeing. His gaze burned over every curve of her body.

  She took a big inhale of his scent deep into her lungs, closing her eyes to savor it. She must have swayed because she felt warm, strong hands steady her. She looked up into his eyes and saw shock, bewilderment, but mostly lust and need. It was a heady sensation to see such naked want in this gorgeous man’s eyes. She responded by taking his hands off her shoulders, placing them at his sides, then placing her hands on his chest. Walking around his taut body, she let her hands and fingers linger over him.

  Those light eyes closed, his handsome face showing just how much as she continued. Great Lord, but he was magnificent. All hard muscle bunching and rippling under her hands. She wanted to rip his clothes off and lick every inch. He must have sensed her need, because he growled, gathering her into his arms to nuzzle her hair, his hands moving over her back to her butt. His erection bulged from the front of his jeans. He pulled her tighter, rubbing that bulge between her thighs, eliciting a whimper from her. God, how she wanted this man! Now!

  “Flynn!” She dimly heard someone yell.

  Sasha whipped her head around too fast, and she saw stars. She was falling, but strong arms lifted her and carried her back to the bed, gently laying her down.

  “Really, Flynn, I thought your bedside manner was way better than that.”

  “Shut up, Roan,” Flynn snapped, settling her more comfortably.

  Sasha heard the other man chuckle. All she wanted to do was crawl under the covers and hide. She knew her face was flaming; hell, her entire body was. God, what in the world had come over her? I practically threw myself at some strange man. Gorgeous, but still a stranger. Then another stranger flashed into her mind, his nude body glistening with sweat. She tried to hold the image in her head, but like mist in the sun, it was gone.

  She put her head in her hands and groaned.

  “Are you all right?” Flynn asked, sitting beside her on the bed.

  Jeez, how could she look him in the eye after her shameless display?

  Flynn took both her hands, concern in his voice. “Sasha?”

  “I am so embarrassed.” Might as well get it out. She was never one for prevarication.

  That earned her a soft chuckle. “It’s only natural, dear.”

  She looked up into a face and eyes identical to Flynn’s. “Not natural to me.”

  “Now might be a good time for explanations,” Flynn advised. He still had hold of her hands and was rubbing his thumb in small circles over her knuckles.

  “If you feel she is up to it, very well, then,” Roan agreed. “You know Gabriel, of course.” He nodded at Gabriel, who was still standing by the window, silent with anxiety, his face strained with concern. Though concern for whom, Sasha wasn’t sure. She noticed how his eyes kept darting from her to Flynn and back to her.

  “Yes, we’ve met. He saved me.” The statement caused a sudden rise in tension from the three men. She could also smell their nervousness. It wasn’t comforting.

  “I’m Roan LeGeur.” He smiled, giving a slight bow.

  Okay, she could take the hint. He wasn’t going to be rushed. That was fine. But she wasn’t going to wait all day. She was due an explanation, and she was going to get it. All of it.

  “And the gentleman at your side is my brother, Flynn, as you have no doubt surmised.”

  They were twins; it wasn’t like she was blind.

  “Nice to meet all of you.” Just couldn’t ignore a Southern upbringing. No matter the situation, always be polite.

  “Before we go into detail, what exactly do you remember of the night you were attacked?” Roan asked, his countenance taking on a serious expression now that the pleasantries had been exchanged.

  “Well, I had danced and talked most of the night with Gabriel. We had a really good time, and he offered to walk me to my car after we closed the club down.” Oddly, she felt Flynn stiffen at her side, felt his rising anger. “After we got to my car, I noticed how Gabriel seemed nervous. Then, this big dog came out of nowhere and attacked us. I got bit. Gabriel fought the dog and killed it. After that, I vaguely recall snatches of conversation and faces.”

  She refused to tell them about the dog talking or her dreams. They didn’t need to know about blood loss hallucinations and fever-induced visions. If she told them she’d heard or dreamed, they’d cart her off to the nearest loony bin.

  Though for the life of her, she couldn’t remember the entire dream. The attack, yes, and in vivid detail, but the dream, no. And she knew there was more to it, but it was just out of reach, like shadows at the back of her mind. Well, no big deal; she wasn’t going to tell them about it anyway, so what was the point? />
  “Of all the irresponsible things to do!” Flynn exploded, standing, then making a move toward Gabriel.

  Sasha blinked, so lost in her own thoughts she hadn’t noticed Flynn’s anger. But now she smelled the rage coming off him in waves, and there was no mistaking the deep growl in his voice as he hurled obscenities at Gabriel.

  Roan blocked Flynn’s path, gently laying a hand on his shoulder. “Calm down, brother. Gabriel didn’t know. He couldn’t have known. The process wasn’t complete.”

  “Pardon? What process? And why is Flynn so pissed?” She saw Gabriel’s fear, could smell it, her thoughts of talking dogs and dreams and shadows forgotten.

  Flynn turned to look at her, and she could have sworn she saw his eyes glowing, but he blinked and the glow was gone. Must have been a trick of the light, she thought with a blink of her own eyes, making sure they were working properly.

  “Sorry. You’re right, you’re right.” Flynn stood still, taking deep breaths to calm his rage. “Sorry Gabe, I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Don’t worry about it, man.” Gabriel waved him off, speaking for the first time since all this had started.

  Flynn gave a curt nod and returned to the bed, sitting beside her once more. He picked up both her hands again, looking at her rather sheepishly. “Sorry about that. I’m not one to let my anger get the better of me, but this has been a trying time for me.”

  A trying time for him? She had been through a dog attack and been here Lord knew how long, and he had the nerve to say he’d been through a trying time? “That’s it. I have had it with all the mystery BS.” She yanked her hands away and crossed her arms. “I want to know what the hell is going on, and I want to know now. You hear me? Now.”


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