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Destiny's Path

Page 6

by Kimberly Hunter


  Now the big moment, she thought, giving her hair one last look. She closed her eyes and let the towel drop.

  “Okay, just breathe.” She slowly opened her eyes. What she saw made her gape in shock.

  Chapter Four

  “That is not me,” she whispered, covering her mouth in astonishment.

  She had always been a bit thick. Not fat or chunky, but not as thin as she wanted to be. The mirror showed her otherwise.

  From top to bottom, she had the body she had always wanted but could never achieve no matter how many diets or exercise plans she went on. Genetics wouldn’t allow it. But then, she had different genetics now, didn’t she?

  If she doubted all she had been told earlier, the trim waist, flat tummy, lean hips, and nice butt brought it all into perspective. Even her skin was smoother, the paleness now a light cream. And her eyes. The green seemed brighter, with the band of blue around it darker. Seeing was definitely believing.

  “What a trip.” Her voice was full of wonder as she continued to look in the mirror.

  After taking a last look at the new, improved her again, she got dressed. And everything fit perfectly. She took another glance in the mirror again, fluffed her hair, and then walked out to meet Flynn.

  “Nice,” Flynn said, eyeing her all over. “And here I thought you looked good wearing my pajama top. And the towel.”

  Her cheeks pinked at that. “Yes, well, I feel good, but weird at the same time.”

  “How’s that?”

  “This isn’t the me I left home with.” She smiled ruefully.

  He walked over and took her hand in his. “Don’t worry. Everything will be okay. And if you get to feeling uneasy about it again, just look at it as a new improved diet plan with guaranteed results.”

  She laughed a little shakily at that.

  “Come on.” He tugged her hand. “Everyone is waiting downstairs.”

  They walked out the bedroom still holding hands, down two sets of stairs to the bottom floor. Flynn led her through a swinging door on their left to a dining room. It was a good-sized room with a dark walnut table for twelve and matching china hutch and sideboard with various potted palms scattered around. Gabe, Roan, a boy about twelve, and two women—one blond and one redhead—were waiting for them when they arrived. The table was set for a feast.

  “Well, don’t just stand there, Flynn. Introduce your True Mate,” the red-haired woman said with a smile.

  “Of course.” Flynn’s pale eyes were alight with happiness as he looked at Sasha.

  She smiled back, not sure what to think of that look and what it could mean.

  “You know Gabe and have already met Roan.”

  The two stood up. Roan inclined his head formally, and Gabe smiled. The first true smile she had seen from him since she awoke. She returned it and then caught a whiff of something, a subtle undercurrent, but wasn’t sure what it was. And since she was new to this smell thing, she let it go, thinking it was nothing as Flynn continued the introductions and Gabe and Roan sat.

  “The little scamp beside Gabe is our brother, Dillon.” He pointed to the boy, though she had already guessed who he might be. The boy’s hair was a bit redder, but she couldn’t mistake those eyes.

  “Are you really Flynn’s True Mate?” Dillon asked.

  Out of the mouths of babes, she thought as everyone looked at her expectantly. “Well, I guess I am.” She was beginning to feel it was true now that she had admitted it out loud.

  “Cool.” He smiled with awe.

  Flynn and the others chuckled at Dillon’s response. “And the beautiful redhead is my mother, Charlaine LeGuer.”

  “Call me Charlie, my dear.” Flynn’s mother rose, came around the table, and, pausing in front of Sasha, gave her a big hug.

  The woman didn’t look any older than Sasha and still had a figure after having three sons. She hadn’t given them their eyes, though. Hers were a clear green.

  “Haven’t you forgotten somebody?” the blond asked. Sasha could smell the woman’s anger and something else. Lust?

  “What is she doing here, Roan?” Flynn looked extremely pissed.

  “Why, I…” she started to say, only to have Flynn cut her off.

  “I didn’t ask you. I asked Roan.” Flynn gave her a cold, steely glare that shut her up.

  “She came in the guise of wanting to meet Sasha. And since it wasn’t a total lie, I allowed her to stay so the rest of her little ruse could play out,” Roan answered.

  “Now, that’s just not fair, Roan. I only wanted to see if it was true about Flynn having a True Mate.” The woman pursed her red lips into a mock pout.

  She was a beauty; Sasha would give her that. Tall, shapely, with porcelain skin and big, luminous blue eyes. But hers was a cold beauty. Sasha could see it on her face, in those eyes. She was trouble with a capital T.

  “Drop the act, Jenna. Nobody here is buying it,” Flynn snapped.

  “Funny, you always did.” Yep, that was where the lust was coming from.

  “I may not be Alpha anymore, young lady, but this is still my home. If you can’t behave, then you will leave,” Charlie informed her with authority.

  Jenna glared at Charlie but acquiesced. “Fine.” She looked daggers at Sasha. “Jenna Reynolds. Alpha female of this Pack.”

  “Pleasure,” Sasha replied, taking a seat beside Flynn. “Let me guess, an ex-girlfriend of yours?” She leaned over and whispered to Flynn as she got out her napkin and placed it on her lap.

  “Fortunately for me, yes. We stopped seeing each other over two years ago,” he whispered back as he too got his napkin.

  And yet the poor girl just couldn’t take the hint. Too bad she wanted to air all this dirt during dinner, Sasha thought. She had enough to deal without a cracked ex.

  “Don’t worry.” He patted her leg, “I don’t think she’s dumb enough to start anything right now.”

  “I hate to tell you this, Flynn, but her being here already has, and she knows it.”

  Flynn simply nodded, but Sasha knew he was seething with anger. She felt it swirling through their bond, the smell of it sharp in her nose.

  Dinner proceeded as most do. Only the undercurrents at the table weren’t what you would find at a normal dinner, nor were the expressions. Gabe and Flynn were annoyed. Dillon was wary, probably because he had no idea what was going on. Charlie was just plain ticked. And Roan was blank. Just blank. He seemed calm on the outside, yet there was a note of apprehension in him. Curiouser and curiouser. Then the other shoe dropped, just like Sasha knew it would.

  “So, Sasha, I can tell that you and Flynn haven’t had your First Mating yet. When’s the big event?” Jenna asked casually, putting a piece of chicken in her mouth. Obviously, the woman could smell something had happened between the two, but not what. Around the table, the reactions were varied—Charlie gasped in shock; Gabe and Dillon dropped their forks at the same time. Flynn and Roan stared at Jenna as if she had lost her mind. As for Sasha, she was prepared somewhat. She knew Jenna would come off with something that had a little shock value. That was her reason for being there—well, other than Flynn. As his ex, she probably wanted to check out who his new girl was. Maybe even try to get him back if she played her cards right. Flynn’s response to her being here pretty much nixed that idea. Didn’t seem to stop her though. Who knew even the Lupus could get catty?

  “I really don’t think that’s any of your business, Jenna,” Sasha replied calmly and politely, taking another bite of her meal.

  “You were warned, Jenna.” Charlie almost growled with anger.

  “That’s all right, Charlie.” Sasha spoke up, laying down her fork and wiping her mouth. She knew she wouldn’t get to eat till Jenna had her say. Might as well be now. “Roan has the right idea. Jenna isn’t here for a big welcome. Might as well let her get to it then we can finish this delicious meal you made.” She felt six pairs of eyes on her. “What? She’s obviously got something to get off her
chest. So let her do it before the food gets cold. And besides, I’m starving. Much rather hear her now before I get full than after. Less chance of indigestion that way.” She winked at Dillon, earning a bright smile from him. Yep, he’s going to be a heartbreaker.

  Gabe spoke up, clearly trying to hold back a laugh. “She’s got a point, Roan.”

  They could all see Roan weighing his options. “Very well.” He sighed, and then a cold light came into his ice-blue eyes. “But know this, Jenna. You may be Alpha female of this Pack, but that is nothing when compared with me. I won’t tolerate this kind of pettiness, especially around my family. This will be your only warning.”

  Sasha could smell the power behind those words, could actually feel it. Jenna could too, if her ashen face was any indicator. Nothing like a thinly veiled threat to set the tone. She nodded in understanding.

  “Good. Proceed. Sasha needs her nourishment.” The command was terse but effective.

  Jenna stood, placing her napkin on the table beside her plate. Which Sasha thought was a good sign, because now she wouldn’t have far to go when asked to leave. She would already be up.

  “As some of you know, I had hoped to be more than just Alpha female of this Pack. I had hoped to be Flynn’s Mate,” she began.

  “For God’s sake! Do we have to rehash all of this again?” Flynn asked with exasperation. “Why can’t you get it through your thick skull? I don’t want you anymore and never will.”

  “Let her finish, son. The sooner she’s done, the sooner we can eat,” Charlie said, equally exasperated.

  Flynn threw his hands in the air in disgust and then leaned back in his chair, definitely not happy. But then, who would be? His ex and his True Mate were in the same room. Not exactly the best way to start a relationship.

  Jenna continued. “But we had some problems, and I freely admit I caused some of them.” Flynn snorted at that. “So after we separated, I decided to give Flynn the time and space he needed, hoping we could work things out and move on. Only I wasn’t quick enough. You came into the picture,” she practically snarled, turning hate-filled eyes on Sasha.

  Sad, really sad, Sasha thought with disgust.

  “If it was just the matter of a simple girlfriend, I could have run you off like all the others.” Everyone gasped in shock at that revelation, too stunned to comment. “But you are no mere girlfriend. Oh, no. You’re his fucking True Mate. I mean, what are the odds?” She laughed without humor.

  The odds for Flynn or me? Sasha wondered.

  “I had planned to pop back in his life, throw a little seduction on him, and bingo, we’re back together again.”

  She was clearly delusional. Wasn’t very nice either. In fact, the idea of this crazy bitch touching Flynn made Sasha’s blood boil.

  “Just like old times, ya know?” She smiled dreamily while looking at Flynn. “In bed, in the shower, under the stars after a run with the Pack.”

  “Dillon, go to the kitchen,” Charlie interrupted. Sasha didn’t think it was appropriate for Dillon, or anybody else, to hear this, either.

  “Aw, Mom,” he whined, getting up reluctantly. “Just when it was getting good.”


  “That’s enough, Jenna!” Flynn demanded after Dillon was safely in the kitchen, his anger starting to show. His body was taut with it.

  “Oh, I don’t think so. You see, she has no idea what it’s like to have a man like you between her legs. But I do.” She smiled in feral glee, her eyes starting to glow. “It’s one of the main thoughts that kept me going after our breakup.”

  Sasha looked around the table to see the reactions to Jenna’s blatant and graphic talk, but oddly enough, no one seemed to find it offensive. Everyone seemed more annoyed at her shameless display than anything else. And the fact her eyes were glowing didn’t really freak Sasha out as much as she thought it would. Hmm, odd or just too many shocks in one day?

  “Spare me. From what I heard, it didn’t take you long to replace me. In fact, you were with Craig Gordon a week after I told you it was over.” He waved her off.

  “How do you know that?” she spat, the smell of her anger getting stronger.

  “Give it up, Jenna, all right? We were just using each other, and you know it.”

  “No, no! We’re supposed to be together!” she screeched, not letting go of her fantasy no matter that Sasha was meant for Flynn.

  Flynn snorted in derision at that. “We were never supposed to be together, Jenna. It was all sex. Nothing more, and nothing less. Hell, it wasn’t even good sex.”

  “No! You’re mine, Flynn, always have been!”

  By this time, Sasha was just plain pissed. Jenna claiming him like that sent her over the edge.

  “Uh, guys? I think we might have a slight problem here.” Gabe’s voice sounded uneasy as he saw and no doubt smelled her anger.

  The only ones who bothered to listen were Roan and Charlie. Flynn and Jenna seemed oblivious. Unfortunately, that just made things worse.

  “He’s mine,” Sasha growled, standing up slowly. She could feel power flowing through her, fueled by anger. It was subtle and nothing like she had felt from Roan or Jenna, but it was there, bringing home the fact that she was different now. And she wasn’t scared of this power. She reveled in it, as if it were a natural part of her.

  Sasha’s declaration shut everyone up. Well, except for stupid Jenna. She just made matters worse by opening her mouth again.

  “You! If it wasn’t for you, we’d be together now!”

  “I told you, he’s mine,” Sasha stated calmly but with steel.

  “He’ll never be yours!” Jenna spat and then leaped.

  It’s true what all the combat experts say. You really can see if someone’s going to make a move on you by watching the eyes and torso. Sasha’s new sense of smell helped too. Seemed impending violence had its own scent.

  When Jenna sprung forward, Sasha was ready. Over the table she went, and right into Sasha’s waiting hands. She put her right hand around Jenna’s throat and her left one on her stomach. Sasha turned, using Jenna’s momentum to help slam her against the wall behind them where Sasha pinned her, both feet off the floor. Lupus reflexes at their very best. Cool!

  “Holy shit!” Gabe exclaimed.

  “My God!” Charlie gasped.

  “Jesus!” Flynn shouted. “Are you totally insane, Jenna?”

  “Release me, or I will cut out your eyes,” Jenna snarled at Sasha, her arms starting to rise. Her eyes were now twin flames of hate. Sasha felt sure her own were also flaming. Lord knew she was hot enough.

  “Touch me, and I’ll snap your neck like a twig,” Sasha warned her, squeezing hard enough to get her point across. “And believe me, after the stunt you just pulled, I have no qualms about doing it.” Jenna put her arms down.

  Sasha had never considered herself a violent person, but she could and would defend herself if needed. With three other siblings and one of those a brother, she learned a good bit about self-defense. Having a good knock-down-drag-out in the front yard did wonders for keeping the long-term peace. At least, it did with her family.

  “All right, Sasha, you can release her now. She won’t try anything else,” Roan told her, stepping up beside her.

  “You sure?” She didn’t take her eyes off Jenna, more than ready to snap the bitch’s neck. She was that angry.

  “Quite sure.”

  “Well, all right. But if she tries anything else, all bets are off.” She released Jenna and let her fall unceremoniously to the floor.

  “Of that, I have no doubt,” Roan replied, grabbing Jenna’s arm and hauling her none to gently to her feet.

  Sasha stepped over to Flynn, who grabbed her and hugged her. “Are you all right?” He buried his face in her neck and breathed deeply, no doubt taking in her scent to calm his racing heart. Sasha felt that he was actually scared for her. And oddly aroused, as evidenced by the bulge poking her in the stomach. Seeing her handle Jenna so easily was apparently a m
ajor turn-on for him. Knowing that made her feel good.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. She didn’t lay a hand on me. I caught her before she could,” she assured him, starting to tremble as her adrenaline faded.

  Flynn pulled back, keeping her at his side, his fear for her quickly replaced by a burning rage. “Of all the crack-brained stunts to pull, Jenna! I should kill you myself and be done with it!” “I’m fine, Flynn. Jenna didn’t hurt me,” Sasha repeated, trying to calm him down.

  “She tried to, and that’s the point.” He snarled at Jenna, his eyes turning to icy fire, every muscle tensed and ready to attack should Jenna try to do anything else.

  “Didn’t look as if she was trying too hard after Sasha pinned her to the wall like a bug.” Gabe snorted with laughter.

  Charlie spoke up. “This is no laughing matter, Gabe. Jenna has committed a serious offense here. She has attacked Flynn’s True Mate. And with harmful intent.”

  By this time, everyone was on their feet. You just couldn’t sit when you had such an excellent floorshow.

  “Yeah, well, somehow I get the feeling that’s not how Jenna here expected things to go down.” Sasha looked Jenna in the eye, daring her to deny it. “Am I right?”

  “You were supposed to attack me so I could issue Challenge,” she spat out.

  “I thought there was a reason she was goading me. Though what this Challenge is, I have no clue.” She looked to Flynn for an answer and saw his face suffused with rage.

  Gabe shook his head. “That’s low, Jenna, even for you.”

  “You wanted to Challenge Sasha? My True Mate?” Flynn roared.

  Oh boy, this is not good, Sasha thought, feeling the rage-fueled power from Flynn and seeing that he was trying to restrain himself from seriously hurting Jenna.

  “Calm down, brother. Now’s not the time to lose tempers,” Roan soothed, though Sasha could sense he too was more than pissed at Jenna’s admission.

  “Sasha has just awakened from the coma, Roan. She hasn’t even gone through the First Transformation yet,” Charlie said, worry etched on her lovely face.


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