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Destiny's Path

Page 9

by Kimberly Hunter

  He looked at her with pain-filled eyes, wanting desperately to spare her the truth. His handsome face was pinched with worry.

  “Tell me, Flynn.” She placed her hand on his arm.

  He took another deep breath and then plunged ahead. “The first time is always painful. Your body has never altered its form before. Everything is used to being one way. The transformation changes that by reshaping your entire being. Bone, muscle, tendons, skin, even organs. Then adding to that with fur, four legs, and a long muzzle filled with sharp teeth, and a tail.”

  “So I can expect it to hurt. Is that what you’re saying?”

  “No, what I’m saying is that for you, it could be worse,” he replied stiffly, clearly upset at the thought of her hurting that much.

  “Because of James’s age.”


  “And you’re not sure how much worse, because ones like me don’t usually survive.”

  “Yes,” he choked out.

  “Well, then. I guess I’ll just have to prepare myself for the worst and eat as much as I can, huh?” she said glibly, winking at Dillon. He seemed to be the only one not totally upset. That helped ease her nerves a bit. A tiny bit.

  “She’s right, Flynn. We really won’t know until the time arrives,” Gabe said, trying to sound hopeful.

  “He’s got a point, son. And she’ll have all of us there to help, so she won’t be alone with this,” Charlie agreed, also trying to instill a note of confidence into this deep discussion.

  No one voiced aloud about how the worst might happen, though, and how to deal with it. Sasha didn’t want to dwell on the worst-case scenario, so she let it go. No need to jinx things now. Lord knew she had enough on her plate to deal with as it was.

  “So, when’s the next full moon?” She was almost afraid to ask.

  “In four days,” Roan answered.

  “Great. Plenty of time to prepare,” she said, trying to sound cheerful.

  “Sasha—” Flynn started to say something, but she cut him off.

  “Flynn, please. I need all the positive thinking I can get right now, okay? You’re the doctor. Use that skill to help.” She squeezed his arm in reassurance.

  He brought her knuckles to his lips. “I’ll give you every skill I possess,” he murmured huskily, effectively ending their discussion of her upcoming change.

  She snatched her hand back, still feeling his warm lips. “Cut that out.” She blushed.

  “Goodness, will you look at the time?” Charlie chimed in, eliciting a laugh from everyone. “Dillon, you have school tomorrow, and it’s way past your bedtime.”

  “But Mom, I want to hear more about my new sister,” he whined with a huge yawn.

  “No buts, young man,” Charlie admonished sternly. “Your new sister isn’t going anywhere, so you’ll have plenty of time to get to know her better. Now come here and give me a hug, then off with you.”

  “All right,” he huffed and went to hug his mother, getting a peck on the cheek in return.

  Gabe stood as well. “I’ll take him up, Charlie. Seems I promised to tell him something.” He smiled after hearing a big whoop of joy come from Dillon.

  “Yes!” His smile was wide as he ran around the table to hug Roan. Seemed he was awake now.

  “Night, scamp.” Roan returned the hug, ruffling his brother’s hair.

  He then ran to Flynn, getting another hug. “Night, pal.”

  Dillon went to the door, then stopped and turned, like he forgot something. That’s when he smiled brightly and hurled himself at Sasha, almost knocking her out of her chair.

  “Ooomph!” She grunted at the impact, wrapping her arms around his wiry little body to prevent them both from toppling.

  “Night, Sasha. I’m glad you’re my sister,” he said, sniffing her. “Mmm, apples. Just like I thought.” Then he leaped away and was gone in a blink.

  Gabe was close on his heels, laughing on the way out. “Be back shortly.”

  “Seems you’ve made more than one conquest tonight, Sasha.” Charlie grinned, getting the dishes cleared away.

  “What was with the sniffing and apples thing?” She laughed, still a bit stunned.

  That was when Flynn and Roan told her what Dillon had said earlier and also about Alphas and smells. She wasn’t really sure about the Alpha thing, so she let it go. That thought was better left alone for the moment. She did want to learn more about her senses, though, and smell seemed to be a good, safe place to start.

  “So everyone has a certain smell, right?”

  “Right. Matter of fact, we can try it now,” Flynn said. “What do you pick up from Mother?”

  She stopped getting the last of the dishes, even though Sasha did offer to help, and stood still as Sasha sniffed the air from her direction.

  “Vanilla, like sugar cookies.”

  “Very good,” Roan praised. “What about Flynn?”

  That was easy. “Clean air and fresh-mowed grass.”

  “Right on. Now what do you get from Roan?” Flynn asked.

  Sasha sniffed, not really picking up any particular scent from him, just getting a wave of power, like a warm electrical current that made her senses tingle. She closed her eyes and concentrated, inhaling deeply. There, a faint whiff of pine floating under the currents of power.

  “Pine, though almost undetectable, and power.” She opened her eyes to the shocked faces of Charlie and Flynn.

  “Excellent.” Roan beamed, obviously pleased and looking not all that surprised.

  She looked at Flynn in confusion, not having a clue as to what was going on. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “That’s some nose you have there,” he replied with a chuckle, his expression saying he was proud.

  “I’ll say. I can’t usually smell Roan like that unless I’m in wolf form. And even then, I have to be beside him,” Charlie added.

  “Oh, well, I almost didn’t catch the scent at all. It’s very faint,” she explained.

  “That’s because he’s the Alpha. Great power and all that,” Flynn joked with a smile lighting his pale eyes.

  Roan ignored him. “It goes back to the beginning of our race when the Alpha would mask his scent from his enemies with pure power. It was virtually undetectable if you didn’t know what to smell for.”

  “Very effective camouflage.” She nodded, impressed. “Can you smell him?” she asked Flynn.

  “I’ve always been able to. Though when we were kids, I always thought he smelled like dirt.”

  “That’s because you were smelling yourself. He was always rolling around in the dirt, grass, and leaves, just about anything,” Roan countered, directing that last bit to Sasha.

  “Now I know who the older twin is.”

  “And just how would you know that?” Flynn asked with a mock haughty tone.

  “My sister Alex is only a year older than me, and she acts just like Roan. With that superior, she-never-got-dirty-as-a-kid attitude.”

  “Right on target about that one.” Flynn laughed. “Growing up, it was virtually impossible to tell us apart unless you smelled us. Or until we went outside. Then it was easy.”

  “And I have the cleaning bills to prove it, too.” Charlie sighed and shook her head like a woman greatly put upon, getting a round of laughter in response.

  “I’ve met several pairs of twins, but never any so different from each other. You two may look alike, but that’s where the similarity ends.”

  “That was my father’s doing,” Roan began to explain. “All twins, even identical ones like Flynn and I, have their own personality traits, but my father also wanted each of us to be our own person. To not rely too heavily on each other.”

  “He knew Roan would someday be Pack Alpha, and as such, started to train Roan early,” Flynn added. “But he did not keep us separated. He knew we shared a bond; all twins do. But like Roan said, he wanted us to be an individual, to pursue our own interests. It’s made both of us stronger and an asset to the Pack.”

>   Sasha nodded in understanding. “But why didn’t he train you both? Twin Alphas would have been quite a feat.”

  “It would have been quite a disaster.” Roan chuckled.


  “Being Alpha is a solitary position for the male. Sharing that power would be too much conflict. No two Alphas rule the same,” Flynn explained. “Besides, I never wanted the position anyway, and Father knew it.”

  “I remember going on runs after our First Transformation, just the three of us, deep in the woods. Father would tell me all the things I needed to know, then tell Flynn that no matter what he decided to do with his life, I would still need someone to trust, someone I could count on. That all good Alphas needed a second in command, a Beta. And Father was right. After I became Alpha, Flynn became my Beta.”

  “And because we both have pursued different paths, it’s ultimately helped the Pack.” Flynn nodded in agreement.

  “Your father sounds like a great man. I would love to meet him.” Just then wondering why she hadn’t before now and why he wasn’t present at dinner.

  The three of them looked at each other, sad expressions on their faces, Charlie most of all.

  “Their father was killed in a plane crash a few weeks after Dillon was born.” Charlie’s voice was thick, her grief still a palpable thing.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that.” Sasha knew exactly how they all felt. She and her father may have not seen eye to eye on a lot of things—being the daughter of an old-fashioned father had its problems—but she had loved him dearly and still missed him in her life.

  Charlie smiled wanly. “Thank you, hon. It was hard at first, not having my Mate. But then I thought we shared almost two hundred years together, he gave me four wonderful children and more than a lifetime of memories. I felt blessed to have had the time we were given. And we’ll be together again one day.” A dreamy yet sad smile reached her eyes.

  “Two hundred years.” Sasha couldn’t contemplate being with someone even half that long. “That’s quite a while.” Then a thought came to her. “Just how old are you two?” The question directed at Roan and Flynn.

  “They’re positively ancient.” Gabe snickered, coming back into the dining room.

  Roan and Flynn snorted at that. “So says the guy who is only three years younger than us,” Flynn stated with a grin.

  “And that would make you…?” she prompted.

  Roan paused with a slight smile. “A hundred and fifteen next April the fourth.”

  “Wow!” Her eyes widened, looking at the three of them and not really sure what to say. She wasn’t scared; it was just not what she expected. But then, this whole day hadn’t been.

  Flynn took her hand, rubbing the knuckles in reassurance. His smile and touch helped, but they both knew she was going to need some time to absorb all this before she had too many more shocks. Even she had her limits. Her open mind would start to get a bit too full, too fast.

  “Everything okay with Dillon? No problems?” Charlie asked Gabe, the look on her face telling Sasha that she understood her discomfort and that was why she asked about Dillon. Sasha smiled in gratitude.

  “Nah. After he got ready for bed, I told him the condensed version of what happened between Sasha and Jenna.” He looked at her and chuckled. “You’re his new hero, by the way. Right up there with Wolverine of the X-Men, Roan, The Punisher, and Flynn.”

  “Second after Wolverine. You must be slipping.” Flynn grinned at Roan, a twinkle of mischief in his light eyes.

  “Mmmph,” Roan grunted, not rising to the bait.

  “Oh, and Roan? He asked if he could be there for Sasha’s transformation. In fact, he seemed quite agitated about it until I promised to talk to you.”

  Roan, Flynn, and Charlie all exchanged an odd look.

  “What? Why would he ask to be there? I’m not sure I want a child to see me go through that.” She wasn’t really sure she wanted any of them to see it.

  “Tell her, Mother,” Roan said.

  “I guess I should, especially if he asked to be there.”

  “Tell her what?” Sasha was a little confused. It was a feeling she was getting used to. Unfortunately.

  “Dillon is…special,” she hedged.

  “In what way?” Sasha hoped the boy wasn’t sick or anything like that.

  “Oh, nothing like you would think,” she assured hastily, seeing the look on Sasha’s face. “He’s perfectly healthy. No, he has a certain trait that a few Lupus are gifted with every now and then. Unfortunately, he wasn’t supposed to develop this gift until after his First Transformation.” She took a deep breath. “You see, Dillon has unique…talents.”

  “Like?” Sasha prompted, having a feeling she knew where this was going.

  “Like, he’ll get a feeling sometimes about things that are going on or going to happen or about certain individuals. Or he’ll know when someone’s about to call or come by.”

  “So, you’re saying that he’s what? Psychic?”

  “Not in the true sense of the word, no. He’s just highly sensitive.”

  Sasha thought about that for a second. “Hmm, must be unnerving sometimes to have a child your son’s age say things like that.” Lord knew she would find it strange, but then, she was smack in the middle of strange so she really couldn’t throw stones.

  “Yes and no. There have been quite a few sensitives in the Pack over the course of our history. My father was one, the effects of which caused his mental state to break down with age; so was Gabe’s grandmother, but never one so young. I’m just afraid that after his First Transformation, it could get stronger.” Charlie’s expression was one of concern and a little fear. Normal, Sasha supposed. For Charlie and Dillon, James’ attack certainly brought that fact closer to home than they all wanted as well.

  “Then that’s what he meant by me being Alpha. He really could smell it.” Sasha thought about what Flynn had told her earlier.

  “Yes. And if he feels that strongly about being at your First Transformation, for whatever reason, then I’m afraid he’ll have to attend,” Roan said.

  Sasha shook her head. “I don’t know, Roan. I’m still trying to come to terms with all this. I really don’t think I’ll feel comfortable with your baby brother watching.”

  “He’s twelve and very smart for his age, but we don’t have to worry about it now. We still have four”—he looked at his watch—”make that three and a half days to prepare. That’s plenty of time to decide.”

  Sasha didn’t say anything, just shrugged. They would see.

  Gabe yawned, then got up and turned to leave. “Well, I for one am not going to worry about it tonight. I’m for bed.”

  “Me, too.” Charlie nodded. “You kids don’t stay up too much longer. Sasha needs her rest.” She gave each of her sons a hug, then Sasha. “Good night, daughter.”

  “Good night,” Sasha replied. She couldn’t call her Mother yet, but it did feel right to think it so.

  Charlie smiled knowingly at Sasha, then left as well.

  “She’s right. Sasha does need rest,” Roan agreed. “She’s done more in a day than most do in a month.”

  “You know, I am tired, but not how you would think. More like being tired from a day of accomplishments. Which is kind of funny ‘cause I haven’t really done anything.” She chuckled as they too got up and left the dining room.

  “On the contrary, you’ve accomplished a great deal,” Flynn pointed out as they walked through the foyer and up the stairs. “You’re alive, for one. The biggest accomplishment most can make in your situation.”

  “You’ve also had to hear and deal with a lot of new things that have a great impact on your life now,” Roan added.

  “In that case, I guess I should be passed out by now.” She laughed softly so as not to wake anyone when they got to the hallway, the bedrooms nearby.

  Roan walked up to her, taking her hand and patting it. “I’ve every confidence in you, my dear. You’ll be a great asset to the Pack an
d an even greater one to my brother.” He lifted her hand to his lips and lightly kissed her knuckles, said good night, then left to find his bed.

  She was speechless. Flynn wasn’t.

  “Mmm, must be that apple scent of yours.” He chuckled, ushering her into his room, then closing the door.

  “What do you mean?” She was a bit unnerved about being alone with Flynn. In his room. With the bed so close. Alone.

  “Let’s just say that Roan is your typical lone wolf. Comes with being Alpha. He doesn’t let his guard down often, especially around women. You’re one of the few.”

  “Oh.” That’s about all she could say.

  “Makes me glad you’re my True Mate. Otherwise we could have been competing for you,” Flynn said with a mischievous grin.

  “Now, Flynn, I hope you know I would never dare to come between brothers. That wouldn’t be right.” She felt a little shocked Flynn would bring it up and more than a bit uncomfortable about the conversation. Being alone with Flynn wasn’t helping, either. Since getting to know him these past few hours, sharing a great kiss, and experiencing a mind-blowing orgasm from his talented fingers, she wanted him more than she thought possible. All he had to do was smile at her, and she was creaming in her panties. But it was scary because she really didn’t know him. Nor was she used to these intense feelings he had brought out in her.

  “Don’t worry. It wouldn’t be anything like that. No coming to blows or anything. We’re too close for that. No, when we were younger, it used to be a game between us. If we found a female we both wanted, then we agreed the best man would win. No sore loser. Very civilized.”

  “Uh-huh. So who won the most?”

  “It was usually a draw until Roan became Alpha.” Then he paused, about to say something else, but looked like he thought better of it.

  Sasha could only imagine what he was thinking, but being twins, and gorgeous ones at that, well, there was only one conclusion. Yep, they probably shared said female. Not unusual, but right now, not something she wanted to dwell on. Her own thoughts were too full with one twin at the moment. Both would probably send her over the edge. And Flynn’s scent was already doing things to her body she really didn’t need right then as her thoughts zeroed in on what they shared earlier in this room.


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