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All-In (The Gamblers Book 1)

Page 14

by Sarah Curtis

  In either case, she was going to call his bet to see the flop.

  King of clubs, six of spades, and eight of spades were dealt face up on the table. River was first to act. The king, not to mention the two spades, had her a little worried, especially since she was holding two red cards. After a minute contemplation, flicking her cards, she checked.

  Carter didn't hesitate to reach for his chips, but he did pause before taking action. Whether for dramatic effect or because he really was unsure how much he wanted to bet, River didn't know. After a few more minutes of thinking, he tossed in his bet.

  River's eyes flicked to the table to see he'd bet one grand. Her eyes snapped back to Carter. His face was stolid without even a muscle twitch. Why bet so high? Was his hand that good? Or did he just want her to think it was to get her to fold?

  Well, she had three choices. Call his bet. Raise his bet. Or fold. Instinct was telling her to take a chance. Taking a deep breath, she reached for her chips. They didn't call it gambling for nothing. "I raise one thousand."

  It was now Carter's turn to stare. She could tell she'd surprised him by the slight flaring of his nostrils, the flash she saw in his eyes, and the trace of frown lines she detected marring his otherwise smooth brow.

  She played with her chips while waiting for him to decide. She even gave him a small smile. She knew it was risky, but it just seemed to confuse him more.


  She watched him carefully, and knew she'd won the hand when she saw his shoulders faintly slump before throwing his cards face down to the dealer.


  Without showing her hold cards, River tossed them to the dealer before raking in her chips, a smile gracing her lips.

  "Nice hand." She heard mumbled from her left.

  She tilted her head in acknowledgment. "Thank you."

  "Just out of curiosity, could you beat a pair of kings?"

  She knew he wasn't admitting to having a pair of kings, he was just fishing to see whether she had them. "Now, you know a lady never tells." She gave him a small smile then went back to stacking her chips.

  Chapter Fifteen

  River stood to stretch her stiff muscles. Their twenty-minute break was just starting, and the prospect of walking around sounded like heaven. Her ass was already dreading the next few hours of sitting until they'd be able to stop for the night.

  "You never told me your name." Carter had stood, too and casually leaned a hip against the back of his chair.

  "Didn't I?" A fresh dealer arrived, and River gave her a smile in greeting.

  "I'm pretty sure I would remember if you had."

  Sighing under her breath, she said, "My name's River," while grabbing her bottle of water from a side table. She desperately wanted to cut this conversation short, not wanting to waste her precious minutes making small talk with a guy she didn't even like. "Listen, I've—"

  "River, what?" he interrupted before she could make her escape.

  "Does it really matter?" River's eyes sought out Alec's table. She saw he wasn't at it, and a scan of the area revealed he was nowhere around. A small pang squeezed her chest, and she was reluctant to acknowledge it was from disappointment he'd left without seeking her out.

  "In the short scheme," Carter shrugged, "not really. But in the long run, absolutely."

  What? This guy wasn't making sense. "I'm sorry, but I don't understand."

  "Let me speak plainer."

  River barely suppressed an eye roll at his condescending tone. "Yes, please do."

  If he noticed her sarcasm, he didn't show it. "Not knowing your last name is fine for now, but as our friendship grows, the necessity for it will arise."

  "Our friendship?"

  "Yes, the one that will start with drinks tonight after the tournament."

  "What makes you think I'm free tonight?"

  River felt a hand land on her shoulder then the gruff voice from the Prince of Poker himself. "Yes, what makes you think she's free tonight?"

  Was it pathetic a fluttering in her stomach was her first reaction to the fact he'd come looking for her?

  Of course, it was.

  Was it even more pathetic just the weight of his hand on her shoulder caused heat to ignite through her body?

  Yes, again.

  And was it the most pathetic, that the tone of his voice—harsh and demanding—directed at Carter had her clutching her thighs to alleviate the sudden ache?

  That would be another big, fat yes.

  Carter's eyes widened a fraction at Alec's arrival, but otherwise, he showed no reaction and remained mute.

  Alec was not. His arm appeared from over her shoulder, holding out a hand. The gesture was gentlemanly, his intonation was not. "Alec Throne. I don't think we've met."

  Carter stood from his slouch to meet his hand. "Carter Mills." She noticed a slight pinch to Carter's face as the men shook hands and wondered at the strength behind Alec's grip. "I didn't realize River was spoken for."

  She was floored by Carter's complete one-eighty. Gone was the cocky, arrogant ass of a moment before, his meek and timid twin taking his place. She took a small sidestep to look up at Alec. What she saw had her breath stalling in her throat, and her heart pounding out extra beats.

  Menacing. That was the only way to describe his features. Jaw locked, lips compressed, eyes narrowed with a fire blazing in their depths. No wonder Carter looked cowed. She would too with a gaze like that directed at her.

  "Well, now you know, so back the fuck off."

  "Yes... of course."

  River's focus was still on Alec. After a few more beats of holding Carter's gaze, he tipped his head to her. "You ready, sweetheart?"

  His face had softened when he addressed her, but anger still danced in his eyes. She licked her lips, and his attention was drawn to the movement. "Yeah... sure."

  Without sparing Carter another look, he took her by the wrist, leading her through the crowd and out of the room. He took a sharp left down a deserted hall, his long strides making it impossible to keep up without jogging. Thankfully, she was in flats and not heels, allowing her to keep pace without twisting an ankle.

  He stopped in front of a closed door and tested the knob, letting the F-word fly when it didn't open.

  "What are you doing?" She'd barely gotten the sentence out when he was on the move again.

  He stopped at the next door, this time having better success. The interior was dark, but the light from the hall revealed an office of some kind. The door closed with a resounding click, shrouding them in darkness. Another small click indicated Alec had locked the door.

  "What are—" She started again, but didn't get a chance to finish before his lips crashed down on hers.

  She felt her back hit the solid wood of the door as Alec's hands dived under the hem of her dress, raising it above her waist as his hands found her breasts, squeezing and molding them to the shape of his palms. He forced a knee between her legs and ground his thigh into her, creating a delicious sensation against her clit.

  Her hands reached out blindly, finding his shoulders, but she wasn't sure whether she wanted to push him away or pull him closer.

  His tongue speared deeper into her mouth, taking total possession. Tugging down the cups of her bra, his fingers found access to her nipples, pinching and twisting without mercy. His thigh pushed into her harder, lifting her onto her toes.

  The triple assault had her coming in minutes. A whole body climax that left her weak and shaky. She clutched at his shoulders—now for support—as he trailed a line of kisses down her neck. His leg fell away as his h
ands skimmed down her torso, around to her back, and down over her ass, pressing her closer while nuzzling his face into her neck.

  Their harsh breathing was the only noise in the silence of the room until she broke it by asking, "What was that?"

  A light snapped on, and River quickly squinted as the harsh overhead glare shocked her dark-accustomed eyes. She blinked a few times, noticing Alec's hand hovering over a wall switch.

  He still looked angry. Maybe not quite as pissed as earlier, but the anger was still there. She saw it in the depths of his eyes as he intensely stared at her. Saw it in the rigid stance of his body as he caged her in with his hands flat against the door on either side of her head. Felt it like a wave of fire washing over her.

  "That," he said in a voice as sharp as his eyes, "was me reminding you."

  She adjusted her bra back into place then stood as straight as possible, making the most of her five-three stature. She refused to let Alec intimidate her. "Reminding me of what?"

  "That you belong to me."

  * * * * *

  "What?" River's cheeks were flushed, and her hair was a mess, coming loose from its ponytail. She looked ravished, and his cock swelled knowing he'd put her in that state.

  "I can't leave you alone for a minute without some guy hitting on you."

  Her nostrils flared and her eyes widened. "You know you're being irrational, right?"

  Yes, he knew he was acting irrational, but he couldn't seem to stop. He raked a hand through his hair, trying in vain to get control over his anger, but every time he envisioned that little prick inviting River out for drinks, he saw red.

  She took advantage of the opening and stepped away from the door, crossing her arms in front of her and narrowing her eyes.

  She was waiting for some kind of an answer from him, but really, he wasn't sure what to say other than to agree. "Yes."

  "Yes? That's all you have to say?"

  Alec shrugged. How could he explain his reasoning behind something he didn't understand himself? "What do you want me to say? That I acted like a possessive dick? Fine. I did. Do you want to know why? Sorry, sweetheart, but I don't know the answer to that. It's never happened to me before. I do know, I didn't like that guy hitting on you. I didn't like it. One. Fucking. Bit."

  He took a step toward her, and she took a hasty one away, keeping their distance. "We should get back, we're going to be late."

  "In a minute. You wanted me to talk so now you're going to listen to what I have to say."

  She licked her lips, and as always, his eyes were drawn to her mouth. Her sexy fucking mouth. He took another step toward her, and she took a few more back until he had her trapped against a desk, and she could go no farther.

  He cupped her face, tilting her head and forcing her to look at him. "Now, the way I see it, there's only one solution to my problem."

  "And what's that?" She licked her fucking lips again, and he knew if she did that one more time, he would need to kiss them, and then he would need to fuck her. Then they would really be late.

  "Never let you out of my sight."

  Her eyes widened. "You know that's crazy, right?"

  He shrugged. "Maybe. Ask me if I care." He saw her swallow, and he couldn't stop himself from egging her on. "Go on. Ask me... I dare you."

  "Do you care?" Her words were barely above a whisper as if she were afraid to hear the answer.

  He gave it to her anyway. "Not one fucking bit."

  * * * * *

  They were late. River took her seat, noticing the hand was already in progress. A few of the players gave her questioning looks, but she just smiled politely before turning her attention back to the game. She forced herself to block out all thoughts of the past twenty minutes and the devilishly handsome man who had filled that time.

  But fate was making that difficult as Alec was moved to the feature table, thus putting him back in her sights. He was a distraction she could ill afford. With his recent odd behavior and the affect he had on her, along with the past night and today's activities still fresh in her mind, she was finding, for the first time in her life, difficulty maintaining complete concentration during a game of poker.

  And it couldn't have come at a worse time. Having to do well, she knew she needed to get her priorities back in order. She couldn't let her brother down. He was all she had left in this world.

  Reaching a decision, she knew whatever was happening between her and Alec had to end, as all good things must. And it was good.

  Too good.

  A fact that made her decision that much easier. As addicting as Alec was, she knew it would be too easy for her to become attached. Vacation flings were meant to be just that... a fling. Nothing more. Hearts weren't supposed to get involved, and she knew at the rate they were going, hers would. Then she would be really screwed.

  River felt the tension drain from her shoulders when she heard the tournament director announce the elimination of the fifty-first player, thus ending play for the night leaving a field of fifty.

  After a shaky start, she'd been able to regroup and play well. Not great but good enough to end the night with a sizable chip count. She wasn't at the top of the leader board, but she was solidly in the middle, and if she continued making good decisions along with getting some playable hands, she felt she should be able to survive tomorrow, as well.

  She bagged up her chips, marking the amount before making her way to the turn-in desk. Although only ten o'clock, she was tired in mind as well as body and knew a good night's rest was a priority to be in top form tomorrow. With the field size cut in half, sleep was imperative if she wanted to make it to day three and the final table.

  She looked over at the feature table and saw Alec still in a hand. Dealing with him tonight seemed almost too much to bear in her fatigued state. He had such a powerful aura and commanding personality, she didn't have the strength to go toe-to-toe with him until she got some rest. But she didn't feel comfortable just slipping away either. Pulling out her phone, she scrolled to his number, figuring a text would be the easiest way to get her desired result—guilt-free peace.

  Her stomach rumbled as she passed a restaurant on the way to the elevators, reminding her she'd never eaten a full meal, and the few snacks she'd had, were nothing but junk. But as hungry as she was, the thought of food didn't appeal nearly as much as her soft, comfortable bed. Pushing the elevator up button, she promised herself she would set her alarm for an hour earlier the next morning and treat herself to a good breakfast.

  She let herself into her room and deposited her purse and room key on the dresser. Kicking off her shoes, she stripped out of her clothes, letting them fall where they may as she made her way to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

  She'd just turned on the shower when a heavy banging reverberated against her door. With a longing sigh at the steam already rising from the shower stall, she threw on her robe knowing it could only be one person at her door and also knowing he would never go away until she answered it.

  * * * * *

  Alec read River's text three times on his way up to her room, growing more agitated each time he did. For the past two hours as he watched her from across the room, all he could think about was sliding into her slick, tight pussy. And she brushed him off with a text? He didn't fucking think so.

  She answered the door in a robe, and hearing the sound of the shower in the background, he assumed she wore nothing beneath it. His dick swelled at the thought. Going a little crazy remembering she'd thought to dodge him, he pushed through the door, grabbed her around the waist, and backed her into the wall with his lips finding hers all in one smooth move.

  Her hands pressed against his shou
lders, feebly trying to gain his attention. What she didn't realize was she had it.

  All of it.

  He nibbled kisses down her neck while deftly untying the knot at her waist.


  "Hmm?" Her robe fell open, and his hand greedily explored her bare skin.

  "Stop. Wait, please."

  It was the pleading tone more than her words that drew his attention. With his hands full of her tits, and his cock so hard it ached, he raised his head.

  "We need to talk." With flushed cheeks and misty eyes, her words were a total contradiction to the desire he saw written all over her face.

  He steeled himself for more of her uncertainty that he would have to combat to get what he wanted. What he knew deep down, she wanted, too.

  He moved his hands to her back, pulling her flush against him, but she shook her head. "No. You can't touch me, or I'll never say what I need to."

  He smirked. "And that's a bad thing?"

  "No. Yes. I meant, yes. We need to talk."

  She looked determined, and with a quiet sigh, he stepped back, giving her space. "Okay, sweetheart, let's talk."

  She retied her robe then slipped into the bathroom, turning off the water before coming back out and making her way slowly to him on the couch. She sat at the far end, and he smirked, thinking it cute she thought that would make a difference.

  It wouldn't.

  She took a breath and opened her mouth to speak, but he interrupted before she could get any words out. "We'll have our talk, but know this, we're ending it in bed."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Well that took the wind out of her sails. River's shoulders sagged with the weight of her exhaustion, reminding her of why she hadn't wanted to do this with him now. But he needed to understand the tournament was her first priority, and his continued attention—for lack of a better word—was a distraction.


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