His Pet Human

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His Pet Human Page 5

by Rose St. Andrews

  “Ohhh, Ibis, you-you-you’re driving me-me… ohhh, wild,” she squealed, arching her back.

  “Just from my touch? My goodness, perhaps we should move to the bed before you climax right here.”

  She literally crawled across his lap onto the bed, and spun to face him. “Come on, show me what you got!”

  Ibis licked his lips, rose, dropped his trousers, and was upon her. Their arms intertwined, they kissed, long and deep, and his hard cock easily slid into her damp pussy. His hands, those magical hands and their fingers, played across her breasts and stomach, her arms and thighs, and even her back. At every point, he knew just where to touch and how to stimulate her skin to heighten her pleasure. She almost climaxed just from his caresses.

  “You are most amorous this night, my pet,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Ohhh, you have no idea. Ahhh, so close,” she hissed. Shaking her head, she managed to clear her mind for a moment. “Wait; wait, no, not like this. The ass, my ass, you have to fuck me in the ass!”

  Squirming about under him, she lay face down on the bed, and arched her back to thrust her ass high in the air. Ibis didn’t need to be asked twice. His long rigid cock slammed into her, thrusting deep between her cheeks. Crystal squealed and threw back her head.

  “So, this is what my pet desires, eh?” he hissed, his hot breath at the back of her neck.

  Their bodies fell into sync with each other. She pushed back as he drove forward. She arched her back as far as she could, further than she’d ever known; he got up higher on his knees, and down came his body to drive his cock deep and fast into her.

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Ohhh, Ibis, I… I… more, I need… mo—I need to be… to be…”

  “Speak, my pet, speak, tell your master what you desire,” he said, his voice thick with passion.

  “Spank, spank me, I-I… I need to be… I need it, must have it, now!”

  Smack, his hand swatted her tender right cheek. Swat, a matching red handprint was added to her left. After that, a steady rain of spanks was added to their gyrations of their bodies, and Crystal’s body became truly enflamed. Yes, it was true, Ibis was an expert spanker.

  “So, it seems we are more alike than we thought,” he said with a chuckle. “So be it.”

  Crystal felt icy terror trickle along her spine as she wondered what that meant. She opened her mouth to protest, to say that she wasn’t some kinky girl, and that most definitely people on Earth weren’t into this. Her mind wanted to say all those things, but her body wouldn’t let her. She begged for more, pled for him to take her, and screamed out multiple orgasms as the spanks exploded her pussy, his thrusts drove her wild, and then his hot cum pushed her over the edge. Her ass, now hot inside and out, sent her mind and body into a subspace of pure delightful pain.

  She was gone.

  They went on to make furious love half a dozen more times before falling asleep in each other’s arms. Come the morning, Crystal could barely walk. Between the throbbing in her pussy and ass and the lingering sting to her cheeks, she ached more than she’d ever known. Once more, Ibis had the cure.

  “Come, my pet, I’ll make you feel better,” he said with a smile, holding out his hands to her.

  She smiled back, even as she grimaced. “You did that last night, but relief will be appreciated.”

  He sat and placed her across his lap. As he prepared the treatment, she looked around. His bedroom was large and the wall facing them was a series of sliding doors that gave access to his walk-in closet. They reminded her of the dance studio she attended when she was a little girl: floor-to-ceiling mirrors. She had a great view of everything he was doing, and his magnificent naked body! Behind him, across the room was the massive window, wall to wall and floor to ceiling of glass that looked out over the backyard. Crystal’s toes curled. While no one was there, just the thought, the very concept that someone might see them drove her embarrassment into overdrive, and made her heart pound with desire.

  She grunted and blushed as he inserted the healing probes into her ass and pussy. Even in profile, she could tell her poor bottom was quite red.

  “Wow, never in my life would I have thought something I got as a punishment would also give me the greatest sex ever!”

  Ibis chuckled. “You are beginning to understand our sexuality, eh, my pet? I did suspect that, properly motivated, you would learn to know the joys of sensual spankings. That huge nerve bundle in your cute little bottom includes a number of connections with your vaginal area, and thus cross stimulation is possible.”

  She craned her neck to look at him. “Really, you weren’t worried that I’d feel turned on during one of the other spankings, and not learn my lesson?”

  “Not at all,” he said with a shake of his head. “We Marians know the difference between discipline and passion, and it has nothing to do with intensity.”

  Crystal winced as he applied some sort of oil to her tender cheeks. “Ohhh, ah, that’s for sure! Last night was the hardest, but best spanking I ever got, and I never thought I’d ever say that.”

  “You’ll say it again, my pet, sooner than you think,” he said with a chuckle.

  She felt an icy tingle ripple through her spine and swallowed hard. “Wha-what’s that supposed to mean?”

  His hands caressed her back and squeezed her sore behind. “Do you recall how the healer worked last time?”

  “I, um, sort of,” she stammered. “A, um, climax.”

  “Correct. However, this time the two usual avenues for that are unavailable to me.”

  “Wha-what are you going to do?” she squeaked.

  “Show you just how powerful a sensual spanking can be,” he said with glee.

  Her eyebrows shot up as her eyes grew large. Oh, crap, I know what’s coming!

  Chapter Five

  Crystal gasped, despite suspecting what was to come, and then squealed as his hand impacted her poor bare bottom. There was a sting, but it was not severe. Over and over he struck, yet the fire he lit did a lot more than smolder in her cheeks. No, the full effect was felt deep inside her, within both her ass and pussy. The healing rods were like a vibrator and rigid dildo stuffed deep inside her, and the smacks were the perfect trigger to set them off. Slowly, ever so slowly the twin flames built up, and she was driven wild.

  “Little pet, settle down,” he snapped. “Your squirming is making this harder.”

  “Sorry, so sorry, but I—”

  “Silence! It’s clear you need a lesson in obedience. Hands behind your back.”

  She trembled, but obeyed. “Y-y-yes, sir.”

  Pinning her wrists with his large left hand, he then shifted her over his massive left thigh, and she truly gasped as his right leg came around to pin hers between his. She was trapped and helpless, and the spanking resumed. Crystal lay there, writhing and wailing in painful pleasure, and all the while that hand just kept spanking away.

  “You are a most troublesome pet, aren’t you?” he said.


  “Say it! Tell me; tell your master what a naughty and disobedient pet you are.”

  Crystal moaned from the depths of her being. The fires within her were fanned into a raging inferno that had one destination: her mind, and they consumed the very essence of her sexuality.

  “Aaaayyeee! I bad, I naughty little pet,” she wailed. “Master spank, master spank me, spank my naughty bottom until-until-ohhh!”

  That was it, she lost it. Crystal erupted with the single greatest climax she’d ever experienced. Nothing in her entire life came close. She drifted in an ocean of total bliss, sexual energy washing over her as the seconds dragged into minutes, and after that she was consigned to the subspace of constant pleasure.

  It was little over an hour when Crystal’s head cleared. She knew that because she awoke in bed and the clock on the wall opposite her was right in view. Multiple sensations assailed her. She was well rested, refreshed, and energized—and famished. Her nose crinkled. Something incredible wa
s cooking in the kitchen. Getting to her feet, she stood in the center of the bed and twisted her lower body toward the mirrors. She was amazed not to see her bottom completely black and blue. Based on the session she’d just had, she was sure that was the sight that would have greeted her. Climbing down, she slipped on a simple dress and headed for the kitchen. Ibis was cooking some sort of pastries and he smiled and held out a chair with a booster seat for her. She climbed in and was surprised when she only felt a mild ache as she sat.

  “Are we feeling better?” he said with a smile.

  “Ibis, I am so far beyond merely ‘better,’ it’s going to be at least a week before I’m only feeling that way.”

  “I am pleased. When you climaxed for the tenth time, I knew one thing for certain: we and you have yet another thing in common. Now come, eat, you must be quite hungry.”

  “Ravenous,” she said, reaching for a huge blueberry muffin. “Wait, ten? Holy cow, I don’t think I’ve come ten times in a week! How did you do that without leaving me a mass of blisters?”

  “First, the healing oil I applied before we started helped. Second, I was not nearly as severe as last night.”

  “Really? Man, it sure seemed like it.”

  “Perception is often different from reality, my pet, especially during the heat of passion. Finally, I applied some very powerful healing gel after you… eh, left for a while. Normally we only use it for extreme cases, usually following the night of a wedding, as it causes intense itching, but I suspected that would not be an issue for you.”

  Crystal giggled. “Most definitely not! Hey, where’d you get blueberries?”

  “Blue… berries? Ah, the fruit. Something else we reverse engineered from your food residue. Is it tasty?”

  She almost moaned in sexual delight. “The best! So, Ibis, this… sensual spanking, it’s really what gets you in the mood for sex? This is your foreplay?”

  He raised his hand as he sat and grabbed some fruit. “It is, and I am most happy to see that your race shares this trait with us.”

  “Whoa, wait a minute; one time with one girl is hardly… representative of all of us. I doubt there are many more like me back home.”

  “Oh, don’t be so sure about that,” he said with a grin. “The reason our probes only take one life form from a world is because that’s all it takes to get a good idea as to how all such beings are. With the right… stimulus, I’m sure many earthlings will be the same.”

  “Wow, amazing. Well, to be honest, if the girls back home knew what sort of teeth-rattling, toe-curling good times were to be had here, I think a bunch of them would be standing in a field with a sign saying: ‘Take me to your planet.’ Maybe that’s something to think of for the future.”

  Ibis chuckled. “Perhaps it is. For now, we have the Science Board to convince.”

  “Yeah, so what’s up with that? What’s our next move?”

  “Well, my initial thought was to schedule a presentation right away, but I keep thinking about the probe. I’d really like to get a look at its programming and data.”

  “What’s stopping you?”

  “The loss of my position,” he said with a sigh.

  Crystal hung her head. “Which was my fault.”

  He cupped her chin in his large hand, forcing her to look up at him. “Ah-ah, none of that. I made my choice and have no regrets. I’m thinking that getting that probe data would be a big help for our presentation.”

  “Wait a minute, are you talking about breaking in?”

  Ibis grinned. “That’s such a nasty term. I prefer to think of it as a creative means of obtaining necessary data.”


  “Crystal, will you help me?”

  “H-help? M-m-me?” she said, then looked into his soft red eyes. “Yes,” she added, barely above a whisper.

  “That’s my precious pet. Now, don’t you worry, I have a plan.”

  * * *

  A few days later, late in the day, Ibis drove right up to the front of the Alien Collection Center, and stopped at the main gate. The guard moved to his window. He was quite the tall guy, clearly another ‘biggie’ like Ibis and his friends.

  “Ah, Ibis, good to see you again,” he said. “But, you’re no longer on the cleared list. I’m sorry, I can’t let you in.”

  “It’s okay, Golan, I have official business in here,” Ibis replied.

  His brow wrinkled. “You do?”

  Ibis gestured at the backseat. “Take a look. I caught our little runaway specimen.”

  Golan shifted his gaze to the rear window, and Crystal did just like they discussed. She hurled herself at the glass, snapping and growling at the poor man as he staggered back in surprise.

  “Whoa, she really is the little savage, isn’t she? Okay, I’ll buzz you in.”

  He moved to the guard house, a moment later the gate opened, and they moved through. Crystal waited until they were out of sight of the guard before putting her ‘costume’ on. She was embarrassed to be naked, but Ibis had explained that it would add to the image of her vicious nature in dealing with the guard.

  Once they parked came phase two, which was even more embarrassing. Ibis snapped her leash on and walked her through the storage wing. As he’d explained, it was the one area they could traverse without causing suspicion. A scientist or technician walking a specimen around there was perfectly normal. Crystal just kept her head down and acted completely submissive. That she had to crawl on all fours buck naked sent her humiliation through the roof, and her ‘accessories’ only added to it.

  Crystal was still considered a runaway animal, which meant people were on the lookout for her. So, a disguise was called for, and it was a humdinger: cat ears and whiskers, fur gloves, and black and white stripes around her body like a barber pole. The final element was a tail, the holder for it seated deep in her ass.

  She just died.

  “Nearly there, my pet,” he whispered.

  She managed a small smile. The sexual evaluation lab would give them access to the probe maintenance bay. They approached the door, Ibis put his hand on the scanner, and it hummed for a moment before the door opened. He was right. While the facility had deleted his main gate security clearance, they’d neglected to wipe his ID from the labs. Why bother? If he couldn’t get onsite, he couldn’t access any labs. Crystal truly smiled; they were almost there.

  “Hold on there, friend,” a voice behind them called out. “Where you going with that critter?”

  They turned. Even with her head down, she could see a man and woman approaching them.

  “Just taking this little female in for an eval before I head home,” Ibis said.

  “Why so late?” Luminous, the woman (they both had name tags) said.

  “Klurg’s orders, he—”

  Milt snorted. “Say no more. Yeah, he can be a real black hole, can’t he?”

  Ibis held up a hand. “Thanks for understanding. Now, if you’ll excuse me?”

  “Just a minute there,” Luminous said, moving to kneel next to Crystal. “You can’t take her in there. Look at her; she’s got some sort of dermal rash on her flank. She needs to go to the vet for evaluation. I go right by it on the way to my car. Here, I’ll drop her off for you.”

  She rose and snatched the leash from him without another word.

  Crystal shuddered with fear. Damn, why did we have to be so… intense last night?

  She whimpered as Luminous led her away, images of her in some sort of dog pound, caged and poked and prodded filled her mind.

  “Oh, hold on, I just remembered,” Ibis said. “Klurg told me this isn’t her initial eval, it’s a follow-up to check her responses.”

  Luminous stopped and turned to him. “Really? So, she exhibited sexual reactions to normal foreplay? Interstellar!”

  “Hey, can we wat—help? We haven’t seen a subject like that in two years.”

  Crystal bit her lip.

  “Certainly, I appreciate anything you can do to assist me.”
  “Great, let’s do this,” Milt said happily.

  Crystal felt goosebumps race across every inch of her naked body as she was led inside. Ibis sat in a chair, over his lap she went, and the others set up all manner of machines to document everything. A rather large probe was stuffed in her pussy, smaller ones clamped onto her nipples, and other bio-monitors were placed about her body: forehead, fingertip, over her heart.

  “Goodness, would you look at the size of her milk sacs?” Luminous said, positioning a camera right in front of Crystal’s face. “She must have a whole litter of young. Anyway, all set here. Milt, recorder ready?”

  He held up a hand. “You got it. You can start whenever you want.”

  Ibis did. Smack, his hand landed. Crystal yelped and squirmed. The machine in her pussy was humming, which added to her excitement. He proceeded to give her the most incredible sensual spanking she’d ever got. He chose his spots carefully, held her tail out of the way, and changed the pattern regularly. Sometimes she got a wild flurry of solid smacks all to one spot. Then he alternated cheeks and mixed in some rubs and caresses, and then he spread the swats out so as to cover every inch of her tender flesh. On top of that, there were the devices teasing and tormenting her body, the audience, and, most especially, the machines recording everything. When she turned her head, she saw her face, a huge hologram hovering above them all, and could see every grimace, every moan of delight, and knew that she was building toward a climax.

  The complete and utter humiliation of it all broke her. She bawled like a baby and exploded; her orgasm was the topper, it was a quantum leap beyond her previous great one, and was truly more than anything she’d ever experienced. Milt and Luminous were blown away and even Ibis was amazed.

  “Is it hot in here?” Milt said.

  Luminous took a long slow breath. “Wow, I have got to get me one of these animals, whatever it is! We good here, my friend?”

  Ibis nodded. “Sure, I can clean up here and get her back to her cage, you two can run along.”


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