His Pet Human

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His Pet Human Page 6

by Rose St. Andrews

  “Thanks, bye,” she said, and bolted for the door.

  “Lum, wait up,” Milt called out. “Can I get you a drink?”

  Ibis waited a moment before locking the door and turning to Crystal. “I don’t think we’ll see them anytime soon. You okay?”

  “Ohhh, that was so far beyond any sexual experience I’ve ever known. Okay? In about a year I’ll be only okay. Now, come on, let’s do this!”

  He chuckled and moved to the far corner to pull at a wall panel. Back when he’d worked in the maintenance bay, his first position at the center, Ibis had found a flaw in the building, an architectural glitch that resulted in a narrow gap between two walls. At the time, it hadn’t been a big deal, both ends were covered by panels, and besides, the opening was too narrow for anyone to get through.

  Any Marian that is.

  Crystal rubbed her throbbing bottom again, slipped on the shoes she’d had Ibis make for her, and stepped over next to him. “Ready?”

  He smiled at her. “All set, it’s a clear shot right through—whoa. Crystal, I don’t know how it’s possible, but your breasts look bigger. And so does your cute little bottom. Is that because of our intense session here tonight?”

  She grinned. “No.”

  She sighed. He hadn’t heard her. As her communicator was too big to bring along, he’d worked out a smaller handheld unit, but it had a short-lived battery, which had just proven to be very short-lived. So, there was no way for her to explain to him about high heels. She’d asked him to make them for her because of the floor in the passage, which was littered with construction debris and tall metal spikes; they were part of the pin system that held the walls up. Eight-inch heels not only kept her above that stuff, they were also narrow enough to fit the opening. As for her butt and breasts, they did jut out quite a bit, but she could bend and twist as she made her way along.

  Taking her hand, he helped her into the opening, and then held a flashlight to light her way. She began her trek, picking her steps with care as she shuffled sideways, and alternated shifting her body forward and back to avoid the occasional conduit, cable, or other utility item. It was slow going and sweaty work, made all the more difficult by her stinging bottom and fire in her pussy. Yet, she stayed focused, and finally reached the opposite wall. Using the sonic device he’d given her, she loosened the bolts, the panel slid down, and she stepped through.

  “That’s my girl,” he called out. “Now, on your right as you’re facing me there should be a security panel. Flip the center switch and the light above it will turn blue.”

  She did so, was rewarded with a click, and then footsteps approached. The door opened and Ibis entered, all smiles. Each of them set to work: he worked on the probe; she stripped down completely and then got dressed. She put on black pants and shirt, and smeared her black makeup all over her face and exposed skin. By the time she was ready, he was done, and turned to her.

  “You… you’re back to normal,” he said, the disappointment clear in his voice.

  She grinned. It’s clear you prefer me in heels. Sorry, my man, they don’t go with my escape outfit.

  He cast his eyes down. “The shoes, that’s what did it. Amazing, a simple bit of footwear heightened your beauty. Well, we can discuss that later. Come, we have to hurry before the guard starts his first inspection of the night.”

  Resetting the alarm, they closed the door, it automatically locked, and they headed back to the lab. Tucking his mini-computer and her things in his pockets, he popped the door and scanned the area.

  “All clear. Walk right behind me, stay in my shadow as much as possible, and be quiet.”

  She did so. They moved quickly down the hall, out the door, and he opened the back door of his car. Standing there, he provided cover while she slipped in and curled up on the floor behind the passenger seat. He then got in and drove off, and stopped at the gate. Despite Crystal keeping her face down, she recognized the guard’s voice.

  “Good timing, Ibis, I’m just about to lock up and walk the grounds. Everything go okay?”

  “Yeah, she’s locked up safe and secure. Well, good night.”

  “Just a minute, pal, you’re not leaving yet! Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  “I don’t recall anything,” he said slowly.

  “Last week, our bet on the Four Square tournament, you lost.”

  “Oh, of course, what was I thinking?” Ibis said with a forced laugh. “Here, let me give you those data crystals I owe you. Don’t know when I’ll be by here again.”

  It took forever, at least that’s how it felt to Crystal, but the items finally changed hands, and off they went. She waited a good long time before lifting her head, and longer still before she climbed up onto the backseat.

  He looked over his shoulder at her. “Hello, my pet, you okay? We’ll be home soon, and I think you’ve deserved a most special evening.”

  Crystal tingled. She just about floated on air the whole way home, and then sat down for a little snack while Ibis analyzed the data he’d gathered. It was clear he was very pleased. As he worked, she got an idea. Going to the bedroom, she drew back the drapes. Granted, it was evening and a low fence blocked most of the view from the neighbors, but just the thought of someone seeing her treated as his pet sent her heart laying down quite the cannon’s volley. She got undressed, everything except her collar, washed her makeup off, and waited for him.

  He smiled at the sight that greeted him as he entered. “Ah, every man should be so lucky to have such a pet. Oh, but where are your new shoes?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Really, you want me in those?”

  “It would please me greatly, which would help in me pleasing you… greatly,” he said with a grin.

  “Oh, all right.”

  She put them on. The immediate bulge in his pants made his thoughts clear. Step one was a little relief for her poor bottom: oil over his lap. Then it was off to bed for a night where neither of them got much sleep. In the morning, Crystal awoke to find herself alone, but she knew Ibis wasn’t.

  A loud and angry voice was coming from the living room and it wasn’t his. It was that bitchy cop, Officer Flirt!

  Chapter Six

  Crystal was a dynamo. Throwing on some clothes, she dove out the window, ran around the house, and peeked in through a low open window. She practically growled.

  Little bitch, who does she think she is, giving my man a hard time?

  She was too, and Crystal would have laughed if she wasn’t so mad. Here was this tiny woman, only maybe six inches taller than her, and she was laying into Ibis like there was no tomorrow.

  “Come on, ‘big’ guy, talk! I know you visited your old position, what was that all about?” she snapped.

  “Was there a complaint?” he said; his level of calm was inverse to her anger.

  She seethed. “No,” she choked out.

  “Then what’s the problem?” he replied casually. “Can I offer you someth—?”

  “No! The problem is what you biggies have been conspiring to do.”

  “My, my, aren’t we plural? And that word, Officer, really? Isn’t that a bit of a leap?”

  “Do you deny you were there?”


  “Do you deny you met with another of your… kind?”

  “Ah… there you have me. Met, kind? I don’t… oh, wait, Golan. He’s the guard. I talked to him, paid him for a bet I lost, and that was it.”

  She marched right up to him and jabbed him in the chest with her dainty little finger. “Oh, please! A bet? You were giving him something in exchange for the access code to the facility, weren’t you? Come on, confess, and I’ll see to it they go easy on you.”

  “Do you have a warrant for my arrest?”

  “No,” she growled through clenched teeth.

  “Do you have a warrant to search my home again?”

  “No,” she spat.

  He moved to the door and opened it, gesturing for her to leave. “Then you are fr
ee to leave my home, and not return until you have at least one of them.”

  Flirt ground her teeth so hard, her face was almost purple-red. Breathing through her nose for a moment, she calmed down and pulled out what looked like a pen. It was clear to Crystal it was more than that, some sort of miniature device—obviously an investigative tool. Maybe a recorder, magnifier, and who knew what else. Flirt dropped it and made a big show of bending over to pick it up.

  “Oh, silly me, I seem to have dropped my data collector. Just let me get it and I’ll be on my way.”

  Crystal’s jaw dropped. Oh… my… God, she’s flirting with him! Flirt is a flirt. Wait a minute, maybe she’s just trying to seduce him to get info from him. I remember my dad saying that spy… ah, Mata Hari did that in World War I.

  Ibis ignored her. Flirt stayed bent over for a long time, bending at the waist so as to show off her perky butt, but he never even looked in her direction. Crystal smiled. It seemed he liked what he already had, namely her!

  Still, Crystal wanted to scratch her eyes out. Then, a thought occurred to her. What if he saw her as a potential mate? After all, she was his kind, Crystal wasn’t. Despite how they felt about each other, there was the question of the future. Where could their relationship go? She was still lost in thought when Flirt left, slowing in her gait ever so slightly as she walked past him, and he quickly shut the door. When he turned for the bedroom, Crystal got to her feet and moved around to one of the large windows and waved to him. Crossing to the window, he opened it and helped her in.

  “Good morning, my pet, what are you doing out there?”

  “I heard… her, and was worried about you, but you seemed to have everything under control. Or should I say, you had things well in hand?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The little… ‘lady’ is interested in a relationship with you! What, you hadn’t figured that out? Damn, men truly are the same all over.”

  “Crystal, you must be mistaken. The officer hates me, not only as a big, but I guarantee she suspects me of being a criminal.”

  “I don’t know about your people, but back on Earth lots of women are attracted to bad boys. They find the hint of danger quite the powerful sexual enticement. Wait, criminal? What’s that all about? What’d she find out about our… visit to the lab?”

  “Fortunately, not much. It seems Golan was good enough to not give details. All she knew was what the traffic report gave her: my car going in and out of the facility. He just told her I stopped by to pay off our bet.”

  She smiled. “That was nice of him. However, I’m still worried about… her!”

  Ibis chuckled. “Calm yourself, my pet, she means nothing to me. Now, we need to eat and go.”

  “Go? Where are we going this time?”

  “Today is our big day. We’re going before the Science Board to make our presentation. So, you’ll need your strength. Come on, let’s eat.”

  “Ohhh, ah… okay,” she said softly.

  They went to the kitchen to eat. Crystal ate, but got an upset stomach. She was worried about what was going to happen today. Still, she tried to put on a brave front. Ibis seemed sure things would be okay, and she’d learned to trust him. Once they were done, it was off to the car, and off they went. She was in total awe of what she saw. Ibis took her into the center of the city. While not the capitol, it was still a major metropolitan area, and it was incredible. Their skyscrapers seemed to be glass and plastic and they stretched into the clouds, and jets and hover cars zipped every which way both high and low in the sky.

  They reached the parking garage of a huge round building, got out, and she waited as he grabbed a briefcase and her leash. Again she was embarrassed beyond all measure, but there was no option here. As an alien specimen, she was considered a simple pet. At least she had clothes. The thing was, she had her clothes. Zenith had completed his reconstruction of her garments.

  Just being in them made her feel better.

  Up the rocket-fast elevator they went, and were ushered into a large conference room by a foul-looking male secretary. She didn’t know what he was more upset by: her or Ibis. At any rate, she didn’t have time to think about it. Before them, seated behind a crescent-shaped table was the board: seven of them, four women and three men, each with a nameplate in front of them, and all of them quite small. If any were more than five-five, she’d be amazed. Most of them didn’t look very happy and she could hear the slurs being whispered about Ibis.

  It got her anger up!

  Thistle, the chairwoman, banged a small dowel on the table. “Be silent! We are all scientists here and we will show our colleague all the proper respect he is due. Ibis, this is the specimen from LV-42?”

  He held up his hand. “This is Crystal, she is from the planet Earth, and she has been my guest since her arrival. I freely admit to deceiving my coworkers as to her fate, but I suspected she possessed more than simple animal instincts and wanted to examine her, and I was proven right.”

  “So you claim,” Slump, a long-nosed man snapped.

  “I have documentation,” Ibis replied, opening his briefcase.

  “Oh, you do, do you?” Halos, quite the hot middle-aged lady said.

  Bam, the dowel struck again. “We will hear him out,” Thistle ordered.

  “Thank you,” Ibis said, and activated his hologram projector. “So, let me begin.”

  Crystal sat off to the side and watched as he presented his findings: their initial question and answer session, the footage recorded at the ‘biggie’ meeting, and (most humiliating of all) her punishment, forced climaxes via anal penetration, and sexual spankings. Then he brought her forward to talk to the board, which seemed to impress them most of all.

  “Just a minute,” Slump said. “How do we know it’s really her speaking? That device could have a mini-AI unit inside of it. We’ll have to have that communicator analyzed.”

  “Ah, sir, why would I fake something like that?” Ibis said. “What is my motive, what am I after?”

  He grunted. “Who knows? You ‘biggies’ are always up to some—”

  Bam! “Slump, we do not insult a fellow scientist! However, as to motive, Ibis, there is the matter of your disagreement with your former boss, ah…”

  “Klurg,” he said with a sigh.

  “Thank you. Proving him wrong would get you your position back.”

  “And humiliate him,” Slump added.

  “I should like to point out two other key facts. First, her clothes. They are not simple plant or animal fibers woven together on a loom. Some types of primitive industrial processes were used to produce them.”

  Slump again snorted. “That is hardly proof of her intelligence. For all we know her species are kept as pets by the dominant beings of Earth.”

  Damn, he’s good. That even makes sense to me, I’ve seen plenty of people dress up their dogs and cats.

  “Very well,” Ibis said. “There’s also the matter of the probe. In reviewing the programs in its operating system, I found that one of its search parameters was audiovisual transmissions.”

  “That’s standard, Ibis,” Halos said.

  “True, but in my analysis of the scanner I noticed that it can detect frequencies beyond our range to hear. You all saw the initial eval of Crystal; we could not hear her speak. I believe the probe selected Earth because it detected some of the earthlings’ radio signals. We didn’t take note of them because, like her voice, they were the wrong frequency.”

  Slump scratched his nose. “Huh, possible. However, still not proof. Do you have any of those transmissions?”

  Ibis lowered his gaze. “Ah, no, Klurg had the files deleted.”

  Thistle sat up straight and frowned. “That is contrary to mission protocol! Why would he do that?”


  Slump finally cleared his throat. “He might have considered the files to be meaningless background static, and therefore of no value.”

  “Perhaps,” Halos said, glarin
g at him. “However, it’s still damn inappropriate, not to mention suspicious.”

  “Are you accusing him of something?” Slump snapped.

  Bam! Thistle struck the dowel again. “People, stay civil and focused. We are here to consider the disposition of this specimen. Ibis, take her outside. We will caucus and vote on what to do with both of you.”

  He held up a hand. “We trust your judgment to be fair and reasonable, and based on science.”

  Pacing the hall, Crystal had trouble keeping her body from shaking from head to toe. Ibis tried to calm her, but his words were little comfort. She couldn’t stop thinking of her possible fate. When the short little double doors opened, she almost jumped into his lap. Taking her by the hand, he practically had to drag her back into the room. Nothing about their expressions gave her any hint as to their decision. They were like the Mount Rushmore quartet plus three.

  Tap-tap, the dowel sounded.

  “Ibis, we will get right to the point,” Thistle said. “First, no charges will be filed against you. The board will grant you a pardon for your crimes as you were motivated by a desire for truth and not personal gain. Second, we grant you ownership of the subject. She is your pet from this day forward. Finally, we will take the specimen and conduct our own experiments on it to determine its true nature.”

  “Most generous and acceptable,” he said. “One question: you said ‘take.’ For how long?”

  “Until we’re satisfied,” Slump shot back.

  “That is vague, which is not acceptable! May I be permitted to stay with her or at least visit?”

  “No,” Slump growled.

  Thistle shot him a foul glance that made him shrink, then turned to Ibis. “I’m sorry, but to ensure untainted results, she must be isolated from you. It’s this or the zoo.”

  He turned to Crystal, grief written across his face.

  She forced a smile on her face. “It’s okay, I’ll be fine.”

  “Very well, but I’ll be thinking of you every day. May you draw strength from my spirit.”

  Thistle escorted Ibis out and Crystal was turned over to Slump and Halos; they would oversee her evaluation.


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