His Pet Human

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His Pet Human Page 12

by Rose St. Andrews

  “So, what do you want to do now?” Flirt said.

  “Help me slide her toward you and we’ll move on to the next bit of fun.”

  Crystal gasped. “No, please, not more, I can’t take anymore. I’m going to die of excess sex.”

  “Her chirps are so cute,” Flirt said, dragging her by her feet.

  They got her into position: face in Ibis’s lap, legs dangling over the end of the bed, and both of them controlling her. Flirt held Crystal’s hands behind her back and used her leg to pin Crystal’s against the side of the bed. Ibis put his hands on either side of her head, forced her mouth open, and thrust his rigid cock deep inside.

  “You may begin,” he said simply.

  She thought he was talking to her and began to suck and lick his massive tool, but her eyebrows shot up as something touched her warm ass.

  “Right here, you said?” Flirt replied. “I’ve never heard of such a thing, but if it gives her pleasure, I’ll do it.”

  Crystal squealed as Flirt removed her tail, and a long, massive, and thickly ribbed dildo was shoved deep into her ass. She tried to wiggle free or at least resist, maybe signal her displeasure and plea for relief, but there was no hope of any of that. Ibis and Flirt had clearly planned this out before coming in. They completely controlled and dominated her. His hands guided her, forcing her to perform, while Flirt’s efforts drove her insane with sexual delight.

  How does someone who knows nothing about anal get to be so good at it?

  On and on it went, Crystal was losing herself, and then the final straw came. First she came, then Ibis shot his hot seed, and her body shook from head to toe. If they hadn’t been holding her, she probably would have shot off the bed. She drank and drank, sucking down every drop he offered, and the whole time Flirt kept at her. Crystal’s mind shattered, she floated into subspace, and drifted on a cloud of delight.

  “Ibis, this was most exciting, even for me! When can we do it again?”

  Again? Oh, my God, I really am going to die of sex. It’s going to be like in that Jane Fonda movie Barbarella.

  He chuckled and gathered Crystal, limp and sweaty, up in his arms. “Patience, my sweet, we will have plenty of time for more such fun with our little pet. For now, she needs rest. I’ll put her away and then it’s our turn again.”

  Crystal heard Flirt’s squeal of delight and then she was carried back to her cage. She was only dimly aware of something being smeared across her tender butt, a blanket was draped over her, and then, just before sleep embraced her came the locking of her cage.

  Returning to the real world, Crystal yawned and stretched, and tried to come to life. Initially, she was weak and drained, then, as her renewed strength surged through her body, she felt invigorated and energized. Looking around, she saw Ibis asleep in bed, and no sign of Flirt. She didn’t need to see her to know what she was up to, her nose told her. A few minutes later, Flirt walked in carrying a tray. Stepping next to the bed, she released it, and Crystal almost squealed in anticipation of a crash. It just hovered there.

  Wow, is that cool or what?

  Flirt tried to wake Ibis, but he was truly out. She picked up a bowl from the tray and brought it over to the cage.

  “Here you go, little one,” she said, sliding it through a low slot. “Sorry I can’t let you out, but the system is keyed to his voiceprint. I also can’t turn on the translator, same issue. You okay?”

  Crystal held up her hand as she picked up the bowl with the other. It was true, she felt wonderful. Ibis must have put some of that healing gel on her, and their activities the night before had been the wildest sex she’d ever known.

  “That’s good. I’m going to go clean up now. I’ll check back on both of you later.”

  She sauntered off, Crystal watching her go. She was in her snug little shorts again, her pink cheeks emerging from the bottom, and an especially tight blouse that really showed off her breasts. Crystal tried to eat, but Flirt had made her some sort of mush, it was like oatmeal or Cream of Wheat, and so eating with her hands was difficult. Finally, out of frustration, she set the bowl on the floor, got on her hands and knees, and lapped it up. The humiliation, the utter degradation of being caged and fed like an animal tore through her body. It set fire to her pussy and made her hunger for her master. That he was not ten feet away and snoring only served to enflame her more.

  This damn pussy lock is the worst!

  She’d had enough and set about getting her own relief. Flipping the bowl over, she straddled it, shifting back and forth across it. Its size and shape were perfect to push and wiggle the lock. She moaned and caressed her breasts. It all felt so very good.

  Oh, yeah, this is good, this works. Ah, come on, near-nearly th-there.

  “Well, this is an interesting sight to greet a waking man’s eyes,” Ibis snapped.

  Crystal practically shot into the air and scurried off to a corner, her face red with excitement and embarrassment.

  Shit, now you wake up?

  Flirt entered. “Ah, I thought I heard our man stirring. Ibis, what’s wrong? You look upset.”

  “I am! It seems our fun of last night wasn’t enough for our little pet. A punishment is called for, after we eat. Come, let’s enjoy breakfast, and then deal with her.”

  Flirt agreed and grabbed the tray while he dressed. They left without another word to her, they didn’t even look at her, and she was left to contemplate her fate. She heard them chat and laugh together for what felt like an hour, and then came silence and footsteps. An icy tingle drove into her spine. In they came, she waited at the door, and he came to the cage.


  The door opened.

  “Ibis, wh-what are you going to do?” Crystal squeaked.

  He reached in to grab her by the ear. “You’ll see. Come.”

  She almost heaved a sigh of relief knowing that the translator was back on. He marched her into the living room. A chair was waiting there, and a stout leather paddle sat next to it. She cringed as he sat and pulled her into position.

  Flirt stepped up in front of them. “Ibis, are you really being reasonable? After all, it was only masturbation.”

  “Now, now, don’t you be making excuses for her. Remember, she is our pet, she must learn obedience, and part of that is that not merely her body is ours. Every aspect of her body, every bodily function is our property. She can’t be taking pleasure of her body without our permission.”

  “Oh, all right, I understand,” Flirt replied, although there was doubt in her voice.

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry, and don’t you worry either, Crystal, I’ll be merciful. Now, pay attention, Flirt, I want you to learn how to discipline her. This is important. If I’m away and you need to punish her, this is how you do it.”

  “Thank you,” Crystal said softly.

  “Ah, I see. So, spanking is for pleasure, a paddle is for punishment, correct?” Flirt said.

  “Well… actually, a spanking can be punishment, right, Crystal?”

  She nodded. “Oh, yes!”

  “Yes, but I don’t think you could easily distinguish between them, Flirt. I think we should focus on implements being strictly for discipline.”

  Flirt held up her hand. “I see the truth in that. Very well, proceed.”

  Crystal cringed at the tap-tap of the leather against her bare bottom. She shut her eyes when she felt it fly away, braced herself, and felt nothing.

  “Wait a minute, I’ve got an idea,” Ibis said casually.

  Crystal practically screamed as she shuddered on his lap. “Now what?”

  He chuckled. “Sorry, little pet, guess I am torturing you. However, I just realized that we should record this. Flirt, get the holo-recorder.”

  “Record?” Flirt said.

  “Yes, when we get approval to start harvesting more earthlings for pets, their new owners are going to need to know how to discipline them.”

  “Ah, I understand,” she said. “We can turn this into an instruction
al holo-projection.”


  “Don’t move,” Flirt replied, and dashed for the lab. “I’ll get everything ready in just a few minutes.”

  Crystal groaned. Not only was she getting paddled, not only was Flirt getting to watch and by extension getting permission to do the same, and not only were they recording the whole thing, but copies would be passed around to a whole bunch of other Marians. Talk about humiliation being pushed to the nth degree! She had to lie there for several minutes, still buck naked while Flirt set everything up, and then Ibis gave a detailed explanation of the entire process.

  Crack! He finally started. She yelped and squirmed, and… smack, the next swat landed. He was firm, thorough, and fair. She only got six smacks, which wasn’t too bad, and Crystal had to admit that she probably deserved at least a dozen. After that, it was off to the corner while he and Flirt processed the video and put everything away, and only then was she allowed to dress in a nice little pink dress covered in red stars.

  Ibis then called both of them into his study. Crystal swallowed hard and looked at Flirt, but she was clearly clueless as to what was up. So, in they went, he sat behind his desk, Flirt sat next to him, and Crystal stood off to the side next to her.

  “All right, ladies, I have an announcement to make. I’m going on a little trip to the capitol, be gone at least a couple days, and I need you to take care of Crystal, okay?” he said, turning to Flirt.

  “Ibis, why would someone like you be allowed—I mean, want to go to the capitol?” she said.

  He grinned. “No, it’s okay, you’re right, us biggies still aren’t welcome in some places. However, this is important. Today Zenith and I are going to conduct some experiments based on our theory regarding the female mating cycle. If they turn out as we expect, and there’s no indication that they won’t, we’ll want to get to Parliament and make the results public as soon as possible.”

  “I understand. All right, I’ll do it. Do you want me to take her to my place or just move in here?”

  “You may as well move in here,” he replied. “After all, this’ll soon be your home as well!”

  He laughed, she giggled, and Crystal bit her lip. She hadn’t been parted from Ibis since she arrived here. It scared her and she wondered what life with Flirt, even briefly, would be like.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ibis and Crystal soon left for the center, and Flirt returned to her house to begin the process of moving her things into their home. That amazed Crystal.

  Holy shit, living together before you’re married? I’ve heard of people back home doing that, but it’s still pretty radical. Man, if I ever did that, Mom and Dad would disown me in a minute.

  Once they arrived, she had to go off to help with the cultural analysis, and Ibis met with Zenith. She was still too sore to sit when she saw him at lunchtime and he told her all about their experiment.

  “Finding a couple hungry to rekindle their passion was easy,” he said.

  “Lots of anxious men, eh?” she said.

  “Correct, but we didn’t want to experiment on any of them with actual young. If we did something wrong, we might injure a healthy woman. We used an old couple whose children were grown.”

  “I get it; try it on them, see if it works, and then test some young people.”

  He explained that they analyzed the man’s biochemistry, found a pheromone he was producing that wasn’t present in men without children, and they developed a blocking agent.

  “We gave it to him in his drink with lunch, and then left him and his wife alone in the lab. Now we wait.”

  “What do you expect to happen?”

  “Given sufficient time, the negative impact of the pheromone should be reversed. The question for us is when, if the female will change.”

  “Are you going to wait until then to make your trip?”

  “No, the Science Board feels we have enough data to make a preliminary report.”

  “Oh,” Crystal said without emotion.

  His brow wrinkled. “You’re troubled, my pet, what’s wrong? Ah, you fear separation.”

  “Um, yes. Can’t you take me with you?”

  “No, alien pets are forbidden in the capitol. Do not be afraid, Flirt has assured me she will take good care of you, and I won’t be gone long.”

  “I… um, okay,” she said, chewing her lip.

  “Come; let me introduce you to the test subjects. They’re a nice couple who hope to get an earthling of their own.”

  She agreed and they set off for the lab. Opening the door, they both gasped. The place looked as if a tornado had torn through it.

  “Ibis, call security! You’ve got thieves or protestors loose in the building.”

  “Calm yourself, my pet, and stay close,” he said, moving through the debris. “We need to find—ah, there they are.”

  She looked where he was gesturing. In the corner was a broken bed. A fine-looking woman was curled up in the corner, fast asleep and snoring, and a very hot guy was sitting up against the cracked headboard.

  “Iota, what happened?” Ibis said.

  The man smiled. “Seems that stuff you cooked up worked. Kicked in halfway through lunch. Haven’t seen Mica that frisky since our wedding night.”

  “You two did all this?” Crystal said. “Wow, I think your little experiment was a ringing success.”

  Introductions followed, although they let Mica sleep, as they weren’t sure how anxious she’d be upon waking, and then Crystal left. Later, on the drive home, Ibis told her the test was most definitely a success. The couple had returned home with a full bottle of the inhibitor and instructions to file weekly reports on its effectiveness. Over dinner, decisions were made.

  He and Zenith would leave in two days. They had six more couples lined up for tomorrow and if they reacted the same as the couple today, they’d pretty much have proven their theory. Next, Crystal was admonished to behave while he was away. Flirt was in charge and Crystal would obey her as she did him, and Flirt had authority to punish her. As she was still assigned to watch Ibis, she would stay home and finish settling in, and Crystal was ordered to help.

  “Do you think Parliament will change the birthing laws?” Flirt said.

  “In time, but don’t expect it to happen quickly. The Anti-Big Party still carries a lot of weight and they will demand verification of our results.”

  She sighed. “I suppose this is a touch of ironic justice. I’ve been quite the vocal critic of bigs, and now that I hunger for a child, I’m being delayed by that same attitude.”

  “Do not worry, my sweet, we will have a baby soon enough,” he said with a sly grin as he eyed Crystal. “Our pet is entering her fertile period. By the time I return from my trip, she’ll be ripe for me.”

  Crystal trembled. “How—how do you know that?”

  “Your vaginal lock,” he said. “It has a bio-sensor in it that keeps me updated as to your cycles. So, let’s have a nice relaxing evening, and then some hot time later.”

  Flirt readily agreed. Crystal was in a cold sweat most of the evening wondering what the future held for her. The immediate future was simple: they sang and danced, then she was locked in her cage naked and with her tail in again until Ibis was done with Flirt, and then she got the full measure of fun that they’d done the night before. The next day, he took care of the tests, and they were even better than the first one. So it was that the day after that he departed on some sort of hovering train for the capitol, and she was left with Flirt.

  “You mustn’t be afraid, little one, I’ll take good care of you,” she said. “Come on, I have an idea for some fun we can have.”

  She put Crystal’s harness and leash on, and then guided her to the car. Driving off, Crystal felt a sudden surge of fear. She was going out without her master! Spinning in her seat, she looked at Flirt with fear in her eyes.

  Flirt grinned. “Ah, I know what’s troubling you, and don’t worry. Ibis added me to your ownership documents, so I c
an take you out in public.”

  She heaved a sigh of relief. “Ohhh, thank goodness.”

  Crystal didn’t have to be a genius to know where they were: a police station. It was the Marian equivalent of one and probably the one Flirt worked out of; she seemed very familiar with the parking lot.

  Taking ahold of the leash, she smiled. “Don’t be afraid, sweetness, I just want to show you off to all my friends. This is my last day as an enforcer and they’ve heard so much about you.”

  “Um, okay,” Crystal said, getting out. “Wait, last day, why?”

  “Now that I’m with Ibis and we are to marry, I must prepare to be his mate and partner.”

  “So, what, you just cook and clean?”

  “Not at all. He cooks, and the house is self-cleaning. No, my duties are to ensure he interacts properly with his neighbors via acceptable social activities. In his case, this will be a bit difficult as he is a big, but attitudes are changing, and his discovery will help with that. Now, best behavior, my pet.”

  They entered the building and it quickly became clear how many friends Flirt had. Just about the whole department swarmed around to chat, congratulate and tease her, and ask about Crystal.

  Social activities? Oh, I get it, she’ll throw parties and stuff, get him on the bowling team, or whatever it is they do for fun, and in general make sure he acts like a regular guy. Just like my parents. Huh, these people really are a lot like us.

  “So, marrying a big, eh?” someone said. “Always knew you’d go for a bad boy.”

  “He keeping you on your toes?” another said. “Giving you his big hand right where you want it every night?”

  “Well, I am standing,” she said smugly.

  Everyone roared with laughter.

  “All right, enough about boring old Flirt,” the commander said. “Tell us about the earthling; she’s the big news.”

  They all gathered around and Crystal felt a little intimidated, although not as much as at her first meeting with the bigs. These people were at least closer to her size; Vortex, the commander, was only five-five. Flirt told them all about her; the intimate details of anal sex made her blush, but then she moved on to her singing and dancing.


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