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Ms Patriot: Wicked Witch Switch (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 20)

Page 5

by Don Ship

  Autumn wasn’t bored. She was drugged out of her mind. Utterly senseless as she stood in her full Silver Girl costume, including mask. She stood in a gilded cage, with another seven super heroines that that particular Japanese billionaire had collected. In the other seven gilded cages, seven other missing super heroines – Japan’s Silver Katana, China’s Shanghai Sister, Australia’s Aussie Girl, Russia’s Cossack Girl, America’s Glory Woman and Superior Woman, and Britain’s Stargirl – all stood with the same blank look on their lovely masked faces.

  Another spell materialized Uber Woman. She was in the Amazon jungle, putting on a sex show with Purple Avenger and Electro Girl for miners. The witch then found Uber Girl tightly bound and gagged, getting spanked by a beautiful Russian woman while the super heroine’s Russian mobster owner watched.

  “Let’s see what Ms Patriot is doing right now,” Esmeralda said. “Last time I checked on her, she was getting it hard up the ass from a Somali pirate that came down just to fuck her.”

  She cast the spell, and a hologram of a naked, sweaty Jennifer... didn’t appear. Instead, she saw a proud and defiant-looking MS PATRIOT.

  “How did she get a copy of her costume?” Esmeralda said, frowning. She'd never told the white slavers about Ms Patriot's identity at all. Then she realized that Patriot Girl was beside her mentor, also in full costume. Except, neither wore a power belt. “Great Satan! They are back in Grimme City!”

  Esmeralda pushed Erica away. She had to get to Jade Manor before Ms Patriot. Their all-important power belts were on display, as battle trophies, in the former Patriot Cave.

  “How does that brainless bimbo always manage to escape?”

  “Shhhhh, Patriot Girl,” Ms Patriot said, red-gloved finger across her glossy red lips.

  The sexy crime-fighting duo paused in the secret tunnel leading into the Patriot Cave, just shy of the cave. They listened intently for any sound that someone was there. Without their power belts, they were vulnerable.

  “No one is home,” Ms Patriot said, moving stealthily forward until she could see inside the cave. “We’ll take the elevator up and look for our power belts. I’m sure that diabolical witch has them on display somewhere prominent.”

  “You mean like right there?” Patriot Girl said, pointing.

  Ms Patriot’s baby blues locked on the glass display case, with Ms Patriot’s shiny gold power belt stretch out above Patriot Girl's matching belt. Her full red lips started to curl into a smile as her baby blues narrowed. It had taken her and Patriot Girl ten days to get back to Grimme City from the middle of Africa. They'd been forced to barter their passage, on their backs and knees. The belts wouldn’t do them much good for a few more days, even if they could finally achieve sexual abstinence.

  The elevator started coming down.

  “Esmeralda is coming!” Ms Patriot cried, starting to run toward the display case. “Hurry, Patriot Girl.”

  “Right behind you, Ms Patriot!”

  As she ran, Ms Patriot realized that the witch had removed everything. All the computers and crime-fighting lab equipment were gone. On the bare tile walls were painted mystic symbols of power that burned her eyes to look upon. The super heroine could feel the power radiating from them.

  “She’s turned the Patriot Cave into a conjuring room,” Patriot Girl said.

  “We’ll change it back,” Ms Patriot said. “Hurry!”

  They reached the display case. The elevator was only halfway down. It was a one minute ride in the high-speed elevator. Ms Patriot knew they had little time, so she picked up a statuette of a grotesque creature and smashed it into the glass case. And the glass held, the statuette bouncing off.

  “It’s protected with magic,” Ms Patriot said. She glanced nervously at the elevator. They had less than fifteen seconds. So she picked up the display, ran toward one of those power radiating mystic symbols, and threw the case at the symbol. They two magicks weren’t compatible, and the case shattered. “Quick. Grab your belt and hide.”

  The shapely pair slipped into one of the cave's many shady nooks and crannies, as they fastened their power belts around their tiny waists. Both frowned. Their sexually sated bodies weren't able to manifest super powers. Yet.

  “Dammit!” Esmeralda’s rich voice cried. “They’ve already been here.”

  Ms Patriot placed a calming hand on Patriot Girl’s shoulder. The excitable teen beauty looked ready to pounce. Without super powers they were no match for Esmeralda’s magic. But, Ms Patriot had one advantage. An ace up her sleeve. She winked at Patriot Girl, with a roguish smile.

  “Be prepared,” she whispered, and her sexy protégé nodded.

  They watched the raging witch stomp around the cave, threatening to do vile and degrading things to Ms Patriot and Patriot Girl, and any who helped them. She really had quite a temper.

  Esmeralda was wearing one of Jennifer’s designer, short-skirted power suits. She looked very fashionable and powerful. Then she surprised them both, and spoke a familiar spell.

  “I am Esmeralda!”

  She was engulfed in crimson light, and her attire changed. The witch went from expensively dressed businesswoman to scantily clad witch. Her new outfit was a black gown that covered very little: low cut, slit skirt, barely hanging on with spaghetti-straps. The witch accessorized with bright red knee boots, red opera gloves, and diamond chandelier earrings. Her hair remained up in the same style Ms Patriot preferred when in her Jennifer persona. Ms Patriot thought her foe looked more like a vampire than a witch.

  “Stay behind me,” Ms Patriot whispered, and strutted out to confront the hated, curvaceous witch. “Esmeralda, I have come for you!”

  “Yeah, vengeance is ours,” Patriot Girl said.

  “What? You’re still here?” Esmeralda said, whirling on them and taking a defensive stance. She looked shocked. Then she began smiling. “Wow. You two really are the dumbest super heroines ever. Have you forgotten how my magic so thoroughly dominated you before?”

  “We’ve forgotten nothing,” Ms Patriot said, scowling as they began a slow circle of each other in the middle of the vast cave. Patriot Girl stayed close to her beloved mentor. “But I’ve had plenty of time to contemplate the best way to exact my vengeance, and finally put an end to your unholy reign of terror.”

  “How exciting. You thought about me,” Esmeralda said tauntingly.

  Despite her good cheer, the witch was wary. Ms Patriot could do the stupidest acts in the history of mankind, but she could also be crafty and cunning. She was a peerless escape artist; her presence in the cave proved that. The sexy super heroine had something up her sleeve. Besides, Esmeralda had no way of knowing how much strength and speed that power belt gave Ms Patriot right now, though it didn’t appear to be helping her at all. So if the power belt was neutralized, that left Ms Patriot with just one object of power – the tiara.

  Esmeralda fought the urge to laugh triumphantly. Ms Patriot was doing her best to keep their eyes locked together. For the tiara’s power to wipe minds clean to work, the witch would have to be looking at it when the heroine activated the spell. But Ms Patriot had clearly forgotten that Esmeralda knew everything about the super heroine, including the tiara.

  “Have you gained weight, witch?” Ms Patriot sneered.

  “On the contrary, I lost ten pounds from all the spectacular sex I’m having in orgies all around Grimme City,” Esmeralda sneered. “Everyone’s talking about how much you changed after all of your super heroine friends were rounded up and sold into white slavery. They are talking about what a raging slut Jennifer Jade is now.”

  “How dare you!” Ms Patriot cried, pointing a finger at the witch. Then that hand rose up beside her face, pointing at the tiara. When her finger touched it, the spell would be released. “You will pay dearly for that.”

  Esmeralda was poised and ready. Timing was everything. If she was half a heartbeat too slow, Ms Patriot would win.

  Ms Patriot smiled, seeing Esmeralda watching her hand. Looking a
t the shiny golden tiara. So she jabbed at the tiara, to release the mind-wiping spell. Esmeralda reacted at the same time, casting some spell of her own. There was a flash of light between them.

  “Ugh!” Ms Patriot cried, her spectacular body engulfed in intense, fiery pain. For a fraction of a second, she realized what had happened. The witch deflected the spell BACK. The sexy super heroine felt her mind super heat up, and memories flood AWAY. “Aaagghh.”

  It lasted only seconds. Patriot Girl had never seen the tiara’s spell work like that. Probably how it reacted to a witch or something. But then Esmeralda began cackling with laughter as Ms Patriot stiffened, and then dropped hard to her knees with a dazed look on her masked face.

  “Ms Patriot? Are you alright?” Patriot Girl said.

  “You fools can’t defeat me with magic,” Esmeralda said, her eyes glowing bright red. “I am invincible!” She stepped up to the kneeling super heroine and cupped her chin, forcing her foe to look up. Ms Patriot was still dazed, her mind virtually blank after the spell had backfired. Esmeralda smiled, and started drawing mystic symbols on her captive's forehead. "You are mine, Ms Patriot. You will be my slave for all time."

  "No!" Patriot Girl cried, and attacked.

  Chapter 8

  Esmeralda glanced at the charging sidekick. She was in the middle of a spell, and it would hurt quite a bit to be interrupted. Mystic backfire was a bitch, and might leave her helplessly writhing in pain and at Patriot Girl's mercy. No choice in the matter, she took the extra seconds to stop the spell safely so that she didn't suffer the consequences, knowing that Patriot Girl would reach her before she could mount a defense.

  The sexy sidekick reached the wicked witch just as Esmeralda was able to finally turn to face her. One red-booted foot streaked up and connected with the witch's chin, sending her stumbling back into the side of the Patriot Mobile. Patriot Girl followed, and kicked straight out at her chest. Esmeralda just managed to dodge out of the way, and the sidekick's booted foot shattered the driver's side window.

  "I'm going to put a Spell of Obedience on you again, and never release you from it," Esmeralda snarled.

  "You better do it before I put an ass-whooping on you that you'll never recover from!"

  Patriot Girl charged the witch. Esmeralda quickly conjured a fireball and threw it, but the sexy sidekick dropped to the floor, rolled under it, and was back on her feet in no time. She punched the witch in the stomach, doubling her over. Patriot Girl kneed her in the face, and then kicked her in the butt.

  Esmeralda was thrust forward, stumbling up to the still-dazed Ms Patriot before falling. She glanced back at Patriot Girl, who was striding towards her with a satisfied smile. The witch was aching all over, feeling weak, and her mind was too jumbled to cast a spell. She was in a bad spot, until she glanced at Ms Patriot, and her eyes locked onto the shiny golden power belt around the super heroine's waist.

  That belt gives me super strength and healing, she thought as she reached for the fastenings in the back of the belt. And I'll be able to kick that little blonde bimbo's ass.

  "No!" Patriot Girl cried. "Leave that alone."

  "Screw that, Stupid Girl," Esmeralda said, pulling the power belt off Ms Patriot and quickly fastening it around her own narrow waist. She was immediately engulfed in a sense of power, of strength and invulnerability. "Ha! I'm like a super heroine now. No, a super-powered witch."

  "No you don't," Patriot Girl cried, attacking with a flying kick aimed at the witch's head.

  Using her newly acquired super strength and speed, Esmeralda ducked under that vicious kick even as her right hand reached out and seized Patriot Girl's ankle as the sidekick's foot flashed overhead. She twisted and yanked, and Patriot Girl's body flipped headfirst to the floor.

  "Ugh! Ooooooh," Patriot Girl said, sprawled out next to Ms Patriot. "Dammit."

  Esmeralda laughed. It felt so good, so heady, to have such strength. And the super-fast healing the belt gave her had already taken away all of her aches and pains. She felt revitalized, and ready for anything.

  "Ms Patriot, we have to get out of here," Patriot Girl said, struggling to her wobbly feet. But her power belt was working, too, and her pains were fading fast. She took hold of Ms Patriot's red-gloved hands, trying to get her mentor to focus and stand up. "Let's go. Hurry."

  "I don't think so," Esmeralda said. She smiled smugly at the two super heroines. "You both belong to me now. You will be my slaves forever."

  "Like hell we will," Patriot Girl said.

  "Exactly, it'll be like hell for you both," the wicked witch said, grinning. She held one hand up high as she spoke a spell. Patriot Girl's eyes widened as a glowing ball grew in the witch's palm until it was the size of a basketball. "Let's see how you like this!"

  Patriot Girl leapt in front of her mentor as Esmeralda threw the glowing ball at them. She watched with fierce and joyous eyes as the spell flew straight at Patriot Girl's chest, and started to unravel into thick glowing orange-yellow tendrils of energy. The foolish sidekick threw her hands out before her in a warding gesture, as if that would save her.

  "Hey! What the…?" Patriot Girl cried.

  The glowing ball hit her outstretched hands, and almost seemed to splash apart into multiple tendrils. Those tendrils immediately wrapped all around her, writhing and slithering like a bundle of snakes. Of boa constrictors. They wrapped around her arms and legs, around her neck, pulling and squeezing as she struggled.

  The energy tendrils were almost as strong as the sexy sidekick, and there were way too many of them. She could move her arms, but the tendrils gave a little so that she'd almost get her hands on another tendril, and then they pulled her hands away again. Quite frustrating for the super heroine.

  "Oh shit," Patriot Girl cried when one tendril wrapped around her left ankle, and yanked that foot off the floor. Before she could decide on a tactic to counter, it securely bound her ankle to her upper thigh and left her precariously balanced atop one stiletto-heeled foot. "Ms Patriot, help."

  "Timber!" Esmeralda said, stepping up close and pushing the sexy sidekick over.

  As Patriot Girl fell, one of the tendrils pulled her top up, exposing her naked boobs. Another tendril wrapped around her right tit, squeezing it so tightly she winced and gasped. But two others stole her attention when they slithered up under and through her costume bottoms' leg openings, and then began pulling fiercely in different directions.

  "You are so going to pay for this," Patriot Girl cried as her bottoms were ripped to shreds and left her exposed and vulnerable in a much scarier way. Both offending tendrils returned, with one pushing up past her pussy lips, plunging in deep, while the other started probing her butt crack. "Uugggh. I can't believe… it's… ugh… fucking me."

  It was worse than a big cock inside her, too. Patriot Girl had never felt anything like it. That tendril was pure energy, and it sizzled inside her. Not hot and burning, but stimulatingly hot and wicked. It sent the most delicious waves of pleasure radiating throughout her young, teenage body. Her back arched, her head rolled back, and she let out a long, shuddering groan.

  Esmeralda's eyes brightened when two tendrils forced their way into the perky blonde's mouth, and then the tendril probing her butt found what it was looking for, and forced its way up her ass. Patriot Girl froze, the most profound look of shock on her beautiful face.

  "Hahahahaha! Victory is sweet! But it looks like you're having much more fun than I am, Patriot Cunt," Esmeralda crowed. Then her eyes fell on Ms Patriot. The curvy super heroine was starting to recover. She was still dazed, but was starting to become conscious of herself and her surroundings. "Oooh, such potential."

  Esmeralda ran a hand over her own hefty bust, and down her rock-hard abs. Ms Patriot had the same rocking body. Exactly the same. And Patriot Girl's trials and tribulations were really turning the witch on.

  "We can't let you recover and help that little twit," Esmeralda said, stepping up to Ms Patriot. She placed her right index finger on Ms Pat
riot's tiara. Then she started a spell. A special spell. Since she was enchanting the tiara, the super heroine wearing it wasn't affected at all. And she was getting dangerously coherent. "Ha! Done!"

  Esmeralda stepped back to watch the transformation. Ms Patriot's baby blues widened, as her discombobulated mind finally figured out that something was wrong. Her body tensed up. Hands curled into tight fists. Jaw dropped and she let out a low moan. The witch grinned when Ms Patriot's eyes crossed, then rolled up. A violent shudder consumed the legendary super heroine, and then her body went completely limp.

  "Ms Patriot," Esmeralda said. The shapely heroine's eyes came down and focused on the witch. Her beautiful masked face was blank, her glossy red lips slightly parted. The sight of her like that stirred something deep and sexy within the witch. "You belong to me now. You are my slave."

  "I am yours, Esmeralda." Her tongue quickly glided across her lips. "Command me, Mistress."

  Ripples of intense pleasure filled Esmeralda's body. She looked deep into her new slave's baby blues as she rubbed her lips together.

  "Stand up, slave," the witch commanded. Ms Patriot rose up sensuously and struck a sexy pose, while maintaining eye contact. "Now take off your top."

  The sexy super heroine's red-gloved hands reached back to unzip the red and white bustier. She smiled wickedly at her mistress, while holding the top up by cupping her tits. Then she pulled the strapless top away, letting her boobs drop. Despite their size and weight, they were firm enough that they didn't droop much.

  "Better, mistress?"

  "Much better," Esmeralda said, stepping up to Ms Patriot and caressing the heroine's masked face. "Kiss me. Let me feel your passion."

  They pressed into each other, two sets of ginormous tits squishing together as their arms encircled each other. As their lips grew closer, they tilted their heads and parted their lips. When their lips finally met, they closed their eyes and pushed into that greasy, sexy lipstick kiss with long, low moans.


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