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Seal of the King

Page 9

by Ralph Smith

  He placed his hand on her head for comfort “it’s not your fault” he said trying to comfort her. She heaved an enormous sob and looked up at him, the pain on the verge of tearing her apart.

  “Yes it is. All they wanted was me. I stood there frozen in fear. I could’ve come out and let them take me.”

  David looked into her eyes, and in a firm voice said, “No” She was startled by his commanding tone, “they would have killed them anyway. If they had gotten you as well, your parent’s sacrifice would have been for nothing. They thought that you were the one mentioned in the prophecy, so they probably would have just killed you too. Instead, you have honored your parents with your life. You have taken their gift, and used it to help others, and to fight against the evil that made them suffer.”

  She blinked she knew he was right, but having relived it was like a fresh wound, that simple statement of fact did little to ease the pain she was feeling. She pressed her head against his chest as he continued to hold her. She could feel his warmth radiating through her. After several long minutes, her breathing slowed, and when she regained her composure enough to speak, she said, “The prophecy”.

  David still stroking her head, and holding her close asked gently, “What about the prophecy?”

  Aurora took a steadying breath then said, “It says our sacrifice will save our people. What if when the time comes I don’t have the strength to do what must be done?”

  He leaned back just slightly, enough that she knew he wanted her to look at him. She peered up into his eyes. His gaze was full of compassion, not a hint of judgment or doubt, and then he said, “I promise I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Do you remember what Aunt Molly said? Prophecies are tricky business, and you can’t be sure what the outcome is. But whatever comes remember one thing, we’ll be in it together, and no matter what I’ll be by your side.”

  Staring up into his eyes, wrapped in his strong embrace, she suddenly felt the weight on her heart lift. She managed a smile and pressed her head against him again squeezing him tighter. They stood there in silence for a little while when David finally spoke, “I guess we’d better get inside with the others. We can find some time to talk later.” With that, they let go of each other, and David asked, “Would you like to wash your face before we go?” She nodded, and went into the bath. After splashing some cold water on her face, she stood looking in the mirror, and smiled to herself. She knew without him saying it that he would still be waiting for her when she returned. She was glad she still had her hair pulled back in a braid otherwise it would be a mess, and she wanted to look pretty for him. She dried her face and turned to the door. As she reentered the room, her smile broadened seeing him standing patiently waiting. As she headed towards him, something caught her eye. There on the wall in front of her was a large close up of his mother she froze in her tracks.

  “What’s wrong” David asked.

  “Your mother” she managed in a distant voice.

  "Yes," He said, walking to meet her.

  Suddenly her memory came to the surface. She said desperately “I saw her, a few weeks ago, I saw her!”

  David looked astonished and asked, “Where?”

  “I remember now! I was traveling with a small group of fighters, and we were headed to disrupt a supply line. We unexpectedly ran into a much larger group of soldiers transporting a small group of prisoners. Each one was chained behind a wagon made to walk in shackles. Before we could get away, they saw us, so we had to stand and fight. The battle was fierce, and because we were so outnumbered I became separated from the rest of my team. Trying to gain a better position I ducked under one of the wagons, and the prisoner standing there saw me. A soldier came running up before I could move on, so I had to stay hidden. He shouted at the woman, and asked her if she had seen someone. She said she didn’t know, and he hit her hard knocking her to the ground. She held her hands up, and begged him saying ‘please, she went that way’, and pointed in the other direction. When the soldier ran off, she turned to me, and said ‘go child quickly before they return’. I thanked her, and she smiled at me through her bloodied lips saying ‘it’s alright, but please hurry’. That woman was your mother, and she saved my life. That’s why I was alone when you found me. I’ve been on the run ever since.” She added trying to offer an explanation why she hadn’t gone back for her.

  David stood for a moment in stunned silence, a mixture of joy, and horror swirling inside him. His mother was alive, but she was a prisoner. He saw Aurora looking at him nervously then reached out, and pulled her into his arms. He could feel her melt with relief. He spoke in little more than a whisper, “Thank you.” She held him tight as if to thank him for not blaming her. "We better tell the others," he said. She nodded in agreement then they headed for the door.

  The Council

  They walked into the living room, and saw no less than 20 people, most of whom David did not recognize, sitting in a semicircle around the fire. One man in the center sat facing the fire staring at the seal as David had done. He appeared to be in some sort of trance, and unaffected by the conversation around him. They had brought chairs from all over the house, and he could hear voices coming from other rooms. There were two empty seats next to his father, so he made his way to them.

  "Ah David and Aurora, we are all happy to meet you." Said, a tall handsome looking older man.

  The others all acknowledged their agreement with nods, and smiles of encouragement. He stood, and walked to meet them at the chairs they had reserved for their use.

  ”Please do sit down, Molly has briefed us on your harrowing ordeal, and there is so much for us to talk about.” His air of authority was absolute. David saw his father give him a smile of encouragement, so the two of them sat without saying a word. “My name is Michael, and we are all members of the council of servants. We have come to help you.”

  David cleared his throat to steady his voice “Thank you.” He said. “We have just discovered something important.” He turned to his father, placed a hand on his arm, and in a consoling tone said, “Dad, Mom’s alive. Aurora saw her just a few weeks ago. She was being held prisoner, and they were taking her somewhere.”

  Gabe lowered his head slightly, and then looked up at his son, with an expression of controlled pain on his face, “As much as I would give to see your mother here again, we may not be able to save her.” With tears welling up in his eyes, at seeing the look of complete disbelief on David’s face, he said, “What you have to do is more important than anyone of us, you must remember that.” His voice failed him.

  Michael added, with a touch of sympathy “Your father is right. All of the world could be lost. What would be gained if you saved her, only to deliver her to a living hell?”

  David’s mind was racing, and without realizing it said, “It sounds like she’s already in a living hell.”

  David’s thoughts were spinning. Were these the kinds of sacrifices he would face? Sacrificing himself wouldn’t be easy, but his mother, his father, Aurora. He wasn’t sure he had the strength for that. If he succeeded, and ended up losing everything he cherished in the process, what kind of victory would that be? “Maybe I’m not the person of the prophecy then.” He said, “I wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice anyone of you given the choice, and I don’t even know most of you. How am I going to succeed?”

  Michael said to him in a reassuring voice “You were chosen to be anointed for this task. Your heart and your faithfulness will be the strengths that enable you to succeed. None of us here know what lies before you, only that when the time comes you will have to choose the right path. The path that you choose will determine the outcome. We only seek to prepare you for what may lie ahead, what you do when faced with those difficult choices we cannot predict.”

  David looked at him thoughtfully, “You’re saying I might be able to save her, and fulfill the prophecy?”

  Michael said, “I’m saying that there is no way any of us can answer that one way or the other. B
ut you need to be forewarned that, what you decide will have far-reaching consequences, and that you may have to pick between your own desires, and the fate of everyone else.”

  Aurora reached over and put a hand on his arm. He turned to her and gave her a weak smile. She gave his arm a gentle squeeze to let him know she understood, and to tell him that he wasn’t alone. He put his other hand on top of hers, so she knew he understood. Looking up, he saw Michael watching them with a somber expression of satisfaction.

  “So what’s next?” David asked.

  Michael smiled just the slightest bit, and said, “Yes, he is the one.” There was a collective look of relief amongst the entire group at these words. “And this young lady is not to be underestimated young man.”

  Not quite sure what just happened David said, “I know she isn’t, I only hope I can keep up with her.” Aurora beamed with pride.

  “Now to answer your question, we have assembled here to anoint the two of you in fulfillment of the prophecy. We have watched you both for many years to determine if you truly were the ones it referred to. Your father,” Michael said to David, “told us of your visions of a young girl from a distant land. One of our council members searched for her, and we have watched from a distance. But it was not until tonight that we were certain you were the ones.”

  “Like your namesake, King David, you do not seek glory for yourself, you are faithful, and your heart is true. Although you are not to be anointed King, you are to lead our people in battle. This battle will be more fearsome in many ways, and the outcome will affect us all. You must remember the lessons of King David. It was his faith and loyalty to the Lord that brought him victory. But you must also remember how even David was tempted with power, and in a moment of weakness was tricked into betrayal.”

  “Aurora” Michael turned to her, and said, “You have also demonstrated your pure heart and faithfulness. Even after the loss and pain you suffered, you did not turn away. You remained true. That is why the Lord has blessed you with many gifts. But you too must beware of the tricks of the evil one. He knows your fears and will use them against you.”

  “Now I ask you both to bow your heads,” Michael said as he drew a small vial from his pocket. “In the name of our Lord, and Father I anoint you both his chosen ones that his spirit would rest upon you, and strengthen you.” He poured a drop of oil on each of their heads. They could feel the warmth spreading through them as they were filled with the spirit. They lifted their heads and looked at each other understanding passing between them. There was no turning back now. They would see this through, together, to the end.

  The group stood and faced them. Solemnly they all bowed their heads acknowledging their commitment, except for the man who was fixed on the seal. He had remained seated, and without warning he spoke, “It is done.” Everyone turned to him waiting for more. He shook his head slightly, and said, “That is the only message I have.”

  A slight look of surprise came over the group then Michael spoke again “I see.” He turned back to David and Aurora, “I would suggest you eat, and get some rest so you can begin your journey tomorrow. We will prepare some things for you so that you may set out first thing.”

  Unable to hide his disappointment, David asked, “Is that it? I don’t mean to be rude, but don’t you have any idea of what we need to do? Where we start?”

  Michael looked at him with a hint of sadness, “I’m sorry, I honestly don’t know. We were hoping for some guidance, but this message tells us that it is entirely up to you. Only you will know what to do, and the spirit and your heart will guide you.”

  David sighed then turned to Aurora, “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. And for all I know this will be the last meal we get, so would you like to join me for dinner?” He smiled at her, and she couldn’t help, but smile back.

  “I think that sounds like a great idea.” She said.

  David turned to his father “Dad would you like to stay here and eat, or go into the kitchen?” The others began leaving the room and chatting amongst themselves.

  David’s father looking tired said, “I think I need to rest here for a while longer, you go eat.”

  David gave him a ‘don’t be silly look’. “Dad I’ll bring some food to you, and we’ll sit here together if that’s alright with you Aurora?”

  She said, “Of course, let me give you a hand.” They got up and made their way to the kitchen.

  With all the people in the house, David, was suddenly reminded that the last time it was this crowded, it was his mother’s funeral. It hit him again that she was alive, and he could be faced with a terrible choice. He pushed the thought away, there was no use tormenting himself over the unknown. When the time came he would save her if possible.

  David was happy to see that his guests had prepared food already, and plenty of it. They hadn’t eaten much since breakfast, and after a day like today he was famished. He could see the hunger in Aurora’s eyes too. They fixed 3 plates of food and headed back to the living room. His father was talking with Michael and Aunt Molly.

  “Did we miss anything?” David asked.

  “As any good father, he is concerned for his son.” Michael said, “We were discussing the possibility of sending one of our members with you. There are a few of us who can travel between the worlds. Having one of us with you would offer some protection, but it would also attract attention to you. Young Aurora here has been quite a thorn in their side, but they would not recognize you there. We know that they are aware of the prophecy, but they are not certain whom it is about. That may be your best protection.”

  David turned to Aurora, “What do you think?”

  She looked pleased that he asked her opinion first, and then taking on her confident warrior demeanor that he knew so well she said, “I think you’re right. I’ve learned to travel unseen through my land, and it will be difficult enough for the two of us alone.”

  Michael seemed satisfied, and David looked at her reassuringly. David’s father tried to raise an objection “But don’t you think” he started, and David put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, and said,

  “Dad, I agree too. The enormity of this task is overwhelming, and the added responsibility of another person’s life is more than I think I can bear.”

  His father looked at him with a slight pleading in his eyes, but conceded “David, I know this is a terrible burden, and I only wish …” Gabe’s voice trailed off.

  David replied “Remember Dad, you told me God’s will does not take us where his grace cannot sustain us.”

  Gabe looked up at him, managed a smile, and said, “Great now he’s using my own words against me.” The welcome levity made them all chuckle a little.

  “I will let you have some time alone then.” Michael said as he turned to leave.

  “Michael?” David said, and Michael turned back to face him, “How do we get back to the other world?”

  Michael said, “Ah that is a problem. Honestly I don’t know, those of us who can, do it using our gift. How the two of you accomplished it we have no idea. You will have to figure it out, and I’m sure you will. The only thing I can tell you, which may be helpful, is in some places the divide between the two worlds is smaller. You may need to find such a place.”

  David stepped close to him, looking directly into his eyes, and said, “One more thing please?”

  Michael looking curious said, “Yes?”

  David replied, in a thoughtful yet serious tone, "Please give me your word that you’ll do everything you can to protect my father while I’m gone. I need to know that he’s safe.”

  Michael reached up, clasped David’s arms, and said, “I will protect his life as if it were my own.” Then Michael turned and left.

  Gabe looked at his son with pride, and said, “Now don’t you worry about me, son. Molly is going to stay with me until I’m fully recovered. She may drive me crazy, but she’s a fantastic cook.”

  Molly pointed a finger at him and said, “Don�
�t you start with me Gabe.”

  They all chuckled again, and sat down to eat. Gabe regaled them with one story after another, Molly often interjecting to accuse him of exaggerating. It was a welcome diversion from the serious matter at hand. Aurora smiled and laughed, and David’s heart lifted to see his father so full of life again.

  After a while, Molly stood up, and said, “Alright, Gabe you need to get some rest now.” He gave her a sour look. “You’ll have some time in the morning to see your son off.”

  David stood, and said, “Come on Dad, I’ll help you back to your room. Aunt Molly, will you please keep Aurora, company until I get back?”

  Molly smiled, and responded, “I’d be delighted to.” Aurora placed a hand on him and smiled appreciating his thought for her.

  David called Rusty who trotted over happily. David helped his father to his feet, and together they walked back to his room with Rusty in tow. “I like her” his father said.

  David smiled, “Yes, I like her too, dad.”


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