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Seal of the King

Page 12

by Ralph Smith


  David was still tormented by Artemis’s death; he understood it wasn’t his fault, but he still felt responsible. Even though he had intended to harm them they weren’t in any real danger then, and David would have let him go given the choice. This time was different. These men were certainly evil, not the same kind of demons as the ones holding his father, but they surely would have killed him and Aurora, or far worse for that matter. He didn’t like the fact that he had to kill them, but he also felt he had no choice.

  He considered the way he had become filled with power. His rage at them for what they intended for Aurora had somehow allowed him to draw the power in. He didn’t understand it yet, but he knew something had changed in him the other night while he was drawn into the seal. Somehow he had been plugged into the world around him, connected to the ‘light’ in a tangible way. What happened today made it clear to him what they were facing. These men had willingly given their souls to the Dark One, and there was nothing he could do for them. They had chosen their path, and whether he liked it or not he would have to do whatever was necessary to protect himself and Aurora, or they would fail.


  Back inside their hiding place they were happy to find their things untouched. They had a meal of some dried meat and biscuits. As hungry as they were now it was like a feast. They agreed they would be safe to rest there for a little while. They packed up their gear just in case they had to move in a hurry, and gathered some brush to pull over them for cover. Once securely hidden, Aurora pulled David’s arm tight around her as she lay on her side, enjoying his warm body against hers. She rested her head on his hand, comforted by the feel of his skin on her face.

  In little more than a whisper Aurora asked “David?”

  “Yes Aurora?”

  “Do you have a woman in your world?” She waited for him to answer, and for a moment she was afraid her question had bothered him.

  “No, I don’t”

  After a few moments, she asked, “Why?”

  “I dated a few girls when I was younger, but I always had someone else in my heart.”

  Aurora’s heart sank there was someone else who had his heart, and she asked “oh is she very special?”

  “Yes she’s extraordinary. I’ve never met anyone like her, and no one else has been able to take her place.”

  Aurora was starting to feel a burning in her stomach, she knew it was foolish since they had just met, but she somehow had thought maybe they had something. Unable to hold back she asked, “Will you marry her some day?” Afraid to hear the answer she closed her eyes.

  “I don’t know, I only met her, a couple of days ago, and I haven’t asked her.”

  Aurora a bit bewildered “What do you mean?”

  “Aurora, you have been in my heart and mind my whole life. There has never been any room for anyone else, and I’ve never met anyone who could compare to you.”

  A flood of relief washed over her, and feeling a little giddy she said, “I hope I don’t disappoint you,” as she pressed closer to him wrapping herself in the comfort of his presence.

  “From what I’ve seen so far, there’s more to you than I ever dreamed.” He gave her a small squeeze “now rest your head, we’ll need our strength to survive this ordeal so that I may bring you home again someday.”

  "Yes." She said, in answer to both statements. Feeling as though the rest of the world did not exist, she drifted off to sleep.

  Friends and Foes

  David awoke and considered his situation. It was still dark, so he wasn’t sure if he had been asleep for hours or minutes. Aurora was still fast asleep in his arms, so he didn’t want to move and risk waking her. He considered the events from earlier and thought of his father. From a very young age, his dad had always taken him into the woods camping, hunting, and teaching him survival skills. Together they had studied martial arts, and his father was always testing him. It seemed all in fun at the time, but now he thought he had always been preparing him for this possibility.

  Ever since the other night though, after gazing into the seal above the mantel, something inside him had changed. He felt his connection to the world around him as he lay there in the dark. This was the first time he had a chance to be totally alone with his thoughts. He reached out with his senses to feel his surroundings. So many scents and sounds, yet, he was easily able to pick them apart, and put them back together to form a picture without seeing. He knew they were safe for the moment, and relaxed in the comfort of her touch. Aurora, her scent like the fresh outdoors, her strong body, was more vibrant than anyone he had ever known. He breathed her in and basked in the warmth of her presence. In spite of her hardships she was pure, her spirit was undamaged, and he would do anything to protect that. He knew it was the prospect of her violation that had unleashed the rage he felt earlier. And yet, it was more than just his rage, it was something outside of him that joined with his rage, amplified it, and turned it into something palpable he could have forged into a weapon.

  He lay there as long as he could, then he managed to disentangle himself without waking her. He carefully slipped out from under the brush, and making sure she was hidden, walked a short distance so he could spy the moon through the trees. He saw it was still high in the sky on the receding side of its path. It was after midnight, so he decided he should wake her. Back to their shelter he removed the brush cover being careful not to startle her, then knelt down beside her. Placing a hand on her shoulder he said softly “Aurora.” Gently stroking her arm “Aurora” her head turned towards the sound of his voice, and she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing him there she suddenly sat up. “Nothing’s wrong, I’m sorry I had to wake you, but we only have a few hours before daylight, so I think we should get going.”

  She nodded sleepily, and he offered her some water. She took a drink, and her head started to clear. They picked up their packs and stepped out into the night.

  Aurora turned to him. “I’ve lost my bearing now that it’s dark. I’m not sure which way to head.”

  David said, “I think we’ll be safe if we go back to the tree line where we can walk in the open for a while.”

  She didn’t like the idea, but nodded in agreement, feeling they had no other choice. As they emerged from the forest, the plain before them was bathed in moonlight. Getting her bearings Aurora indicated the direction, and they set off with her a few steps ahead leading the way. They kept up a brisk pace until the scorched earth started to show signs of life. First some grasses then eventually it became a meadow rich with life, and a sprinkling of trees with patches of fall flowers. He could smell the fragrance on the breeze, and off in the distance heard the sound of water.

  “Can we get some water here? We’re almost out.” David said softly.

  “Yes there’s a place not too far where we won’t be exposed.”

  Making their way through a patch of trees, and down a difficult slope they found a stream of fresh water. David hadn’t thought much about what this land would be like before they left. He was encouraged to see this beautiful place in contrast to the war zone they had entered. Aurora knelt down at the water, and began filling her canteen, and David did the same.

  “Where are we?”

  “We’re near a farming village on the outskirts of the city of Kahn. I have friends there where we can seek shelter, and gain news of the war. We’ll follow this stream down to the village, and by then it will be daylight. His forces haven’t come east this far yet. But we’re afraid it won’t be long until the fighting gets here.” Aurora explained.

  “How much of the land does he control?”

  With sadness in her voice, she said, “He’s been gaining every year since I can remember. I would say that seven in ten cities have fallen, and they roam free in the wild lands. We’re losing the fight. The only advantage we have is they don’t attack in winter, which allows us time to regroup.”

  “Do you know how it started?”

  “Only a little, the war was rag
ing when I was a child, but we lived in an area untouched by the fighting until the day my parents were killed.” She paused unintentionally then went on “I was told that, many years ago, the Dark One and his forces were contained in the land of Tartaros. It is a foul and evil place that no one would dare go to. There are many stories of travelers passing the land and accidentally straying into its borders, where monstrous beasts attacked them. Then an evil ruler desperate for more power somehow formed an unholy alliance with the Dark One. In doing so opened a pathway for his army to attack. The foolish king was killed in a most brutal fashion, and his lands were seized. From there, they began to spread out like a plague taking one city at a time, and subjugating all the people into slavery. Many vile men joined with his forces, and, in exchange for their souls, were given free reign to do as they wish with the spoils of victory. Many decent men were slaughtered, their wives and children raped, and tortured. They destroy everything in their path. Those who are willing to stand and fight have been retreating further, and further, and soon there will be nowhere to go.”

  “It sounds desperate.”

  “That’s why the prophecy was so vital to us. My mission was to deliver it to our council so that we could try to figure out what it meant. A member of an ancient order of prophets gave it to me. They told me it was our only salvation, little did I know that it was about me.”

  “Yes, no pressure there, save the world or everyone suffers or is killed.” He said in a distant voice.

  She stopped, and turned to face him, her face set with the look of determination he so admired. “I know this task seems impossible, but for what it is worth, I believe in you, and I’ll stand with you until my last breath.”

  David lifted a hand to her face “That,” he said, “is worth everything to me.”

  She blushed, and said, “We better get on with it then”, turned, and headed off.

  He matched her pace and smiled to himself. Thinking this all seemed so impossible, that a few short days ago he was just someone living on a farm, now here he was on a fantastic, dangerous, and deadly serious journey. Everything that happened during the past few days would be too much for him to handle, if not for her. Foolish as it was, he felt, just having her believe in him was enough. If he failed, having her standing by his side would make it tolerable. But for her as much as for everyone else, he was determined not to fail. Every minute he spent with her made him long to return home so they could have a chance at a life together. He imagined that anyone looking at him from the outside would find it unbelievable that he could feel this way. That didn’t matter to him because he had never been more certain about anything else in his life.

  As they followed the stream, the rocky bottom began to smooth out, and the water slowed as they came to a bend that wove around to the right alongside a dense forest. They followed the river-bend as the water became deeper, and he could see just past the tree line as it opened up into a small lake. Off in the distance grey smoke rose from a fireplace.

  “We’re almost there.”

  “I look forward to sitting down, and resting my legs. You keep up quite a pace.”

  She looked back giving him a satisfied grin “I’ll remember that next time you suggest I need a rest, maybe that’s your way of telling me you need to rest?”

  David laughed, “I’m sure you will.”

  Just to be on the safe side, they stayed close to the tree line. Dawn was breaking, but their dark clothes would still make it hard for them to be seen. Once the farmhouse was in view, they could see candle light flickering through the window where the fireplace was burning. David assumed it might be the kitchen, and that someone was up early starting breakfast.

  “Everything looks normal to me. What do you think?” Aurora asked him. Her question was an acknowledgment of the fact, that several times, he had heard things, and sensed danger she had not.

  “It seems safe to me” David replied. With that, they moved into the open and headed to the house. Aurora stopped about 20 feet from the door and whistled, once, twice, three times. Watching carefully for any movement, she waited a few minutes then did it again. Then they saw the light moving about inside the house.

  “I didn’t want to frighten anyone. This is early for some of them, especially the children, who may be asleep.”

  David saw the slightest movement of a curtain, and then a few moments later the door opened. A woman peered out cautiously “who’s there?”

  “Jasmine, it’s me Aurora.” Aurora said.

  The door swung wide, and the woman stepped out candle in hand. She was older than the two of them but still had her looks. She also had dark hair, but her eyes were a lighter brown, and did not have the intensity that Aurora’s did. She had a strong yet, feminine appearance. David was struck by her presence. She had an air of authority about her.

  “Aurora. Is it actually you? Oh dear girl. We thought the worst.” Then she hurried up the path, to meet them, and gave Aurora a long hug.

  “Jasmine, it’s fantastic to see you. I almost didn’t make it back, several times, but David here has been my protector.” She said as she turned to face him gently placing a hand on his arm.

  David smiled, and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Jasmine.”

  Jasmine looked at him, scrutinizing his face, and everything about him. Her face was fixed in a smile that masked her thoughts. David stood patiently watching her make her assessment as Aurora fidgeted a little in silence.

  “May I please have your hands?” Jasmine asked David. She gave Aurora the candle then held her hands out to take his. Without hesitation, David placed his hands in hers. They both felt that tingling sensation that was becoming familiar to him. Now Jasmine offered a real smile.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, young man. Please do come in. Aurora is like family to us. You must tell us everything. The Council has been desperately hoping you would come back soon.” Jasmine said.

  Aurora hurried to take his arm, and briefly placed her head on his shoulder as they followed Jasmine to the house. He knew it was her way of saying thank you for respecting Jasmine’s test. David turned his head and kissed her on top of her head. She squeezed his arm a little then stood straight before Jasmine could notice.

  As they entered the house, Jasmine said in a hushed voice “everyone else is asleep so please come back with me to the kitchen so we can talk.” They nodded their agreement in silence.

  The house was warm and felt cozy after the long night of traveling in the cold. They could smell the bread baking, and it made them both feel quite hungry. Once in the kitchen, they removed their traveling coats, and Jasmine let out a gasp.

  “Aurora. Where did you get that dress? Were you married?” Jasmine exclaimed.

  Aurora blushing a deep shade of red said, “Oh no” as she lifted the dress to expose her traveling leather underneath “it was David’s mother’s, and I borrowed it to disguise myself on our journey.”

  Jasmine turned her gaze on David, and in a stern voice asked “you haven’t taken advantage of her have you?”

  Even more embarrassed now Aurora exclaimed, “Jasmine!”

  In a calm reassuring tone David said, “No, Mam, I wouldn’t dishonor her in any way.” She looked into his eyes as if daring him to blink.

  Satisfied Jasmine said, “As I said, she’s like family to us, you can’t blame me for being concerned.”

  David said, “I don’t blame you one bit Jasmine. I’m happy to see her so well loved.”

  Jasmine a little flustered after preparing for a fight that didn’t happen said, “how about some fresh bread then? I just took it out of the oven.”

  David said, “That sounds wonderful! It smelled intoxicating when we walked in.”

  Aurora added, “Yes. And last night’s meal was in the woods without a fire, so we’re a little chilled.”

  Jasmine regaining her composure said, “Then sit down, I’m sure I can come up with a good breakfast, and while I’m getting it together I want you to tell
me what happened since you left. We’ve been worried sick over you.”

  Aurora said, “you might not believe me if I do, I’m still finding a lot of it hard to believe.”

  Jasmine looked at her reproachfully, “Aurora, I’ve known you almost your entire adult life. Nothing you could tell me would surprise me. I’ve always known how remarkable you are.”

  Just then a man walked in rubbing the sleep from his eyes, “Aurora! I thought I heard voices.” Aurora and David both stood. Aurora gave the man a warm hug.

  “Miles, it’s wonderful to see you. I hope we didn’t wake you.” Aurora said, “This is David.”

  David reached out to shake Miles’ hand, Miles looked at him confused. “OH… I’m sorry. Where I come from we shake hands as a greeting.” He pulled his hand back “It’s a pleasure to meet you Miles.”

  "Thank you young man," Miles said then he gave his wife a sideways glance. She nodded, and smiled, and with a cheery voice he added, “It’s a pleasure to meet you too. A friend of Aurora’s is a friend of ours. Please sit.”

  “Aurora was just about to tell me everything that happened to her since we last saw her. “With a tone of encouragement she added “including how she met David here.”

  Miles said with a smile “sounds like my timing is perfect, breakfast, and a good story.”

  David smiled encouragingly at Aurora to tell the story. She took a deep breath, and said, “I guess I should start at the beginning then. Jasmine do you remember me telling you about the boy I’ve seen my whole life, and watched grow into a man?”

  Jasmine said, “Of course dear. You used to talk about him all the time when you were younger and...” She froze in midsentence.

  “This is him, David is the man I’ve seen my whole life, and he’s watched me in the same way.”

  Jasmine, finding her voice, said, “That’s incredible. But how did you find him? Where does he come from?”

  Aurora reaching over to take David’s hand for strength, and to reaffirm their bond continued, “As you may recall, my last mission was to retrieve the scroll from the temple. The team I was traveling with made it there without incident, and after retrieving the scroll headed back. On our way, we were alerted to a supply convoy for the Dark One’s forces. While heading to disrupt the convoy, we accidentally ran into a larger force of the Tartaros Guard. During the fighting, I became separated from the others.”


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