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Seal of the King

Page 15

by Ralph Smith

  As Lucas was gasping for breath, David stood over him, and spoke “tell us why you came here tonight.”

  Lucas coughing up blood managed to say, “He wants to know your plans.”

  David said, “You can tell Him not to worry. I’m coming to face him. You can tell him that I will be there soon enough, and then we can finish it.”

  Lucas spluttered, “He will punish me severely for my failure.”

  David said, “If you don’t want to go back you can ask for forgiveness.”

  Lucas looked at him perplexed “forgiveness, you want me to ask you for forgiveness?”

  David said, “Not me, I cannot forgive sins against the Father, only He can. But you are running out of time so you must decide.”

  Lucas looked at him for a minute then said, seething with anger, “who do you think you are to talk to me that way?”

  David looked at him sadly, and said, “goodbye Lucas, and remember my message while you are being punished perhaps it will help spare you some pain.”

  Lucas looked at him filled with hate, and when David turned, his eyes went blank, and he was gone.

  David turned to Aurora his rage gone “I’m sorry, but I think we have to leave tonight. If we stay, we’ll bring unnecessary danger here.”

  Aurora said, “I agree. As soon as you’re ready, I will be too.”

  David turned to Aaron, and asked, “Were you able to make our preparations for the disguise? It may not matter, but any trouble we can avoid would be a blessing.”

  Aaron, still reeling from the shock of what just happened, looked at David, and gathered himself “oh, yes, we found that the ruler of Southaven has been planning to send an emissary to him, to negotiate a treaty. Miles has a carriage with some horses he will give you to take, and we have some robes that should help sell the deception for the regular troops at least. We have been preparing some food, and other stores for the journey. Although I must say, after Lucas I’m terribly concerned for you both.”

  “He wants us to come, so I don’t think they’ll be trying to stop us, but there could be men who don’t know to let us pass.”

  “What do you mean He wants you to come?”

  “Before we left my world a man tried to kill Aurora. He told us that the Dark One knew we were coming. I believe he knows about the prophecy. Lucas wasn’t here to try to kill us. He only tried to attack me because he was cornered. I think the Dark One still believes that he’ll prevail when we get there. The problem I see is that, like that gang we met on our way here, not all of his men will know to leave us alone.”

  “You may be right. I’ll double check on the preparations so you can be off as soon as possible.” He turned, and left.

  Aurora was talking to Jasmine and Miles now. David walked over to them, and said, “I’m so sorry that we brought you trouble. You’ve been so kind to us, and I don’t want to put you or your family in any more danger.”

  Jasmine spoke “David, it’s not your fault. We’ve been a part of the war for a long time. Just promise me something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Please bring Aurora back to us some day.”

  “I’ll do everything I possibly can to fulfill that promise.” David said, giving her a small smile. Then he turned to Aurora and took her hand, and asked “are you ready?”

  Aurora nodded, and gave Jasmine a parting hug. Then they headed back to the house. It only took a few minutes to check their packs, gather their things, and then they went out to meet Aaron. Once outside they saw Aaron leading the horses pulling the carriage heading towards them.

  The carriage was well built, but not ornate, with a bench in the front for a driver and his companion. It was high enough to see well over the horses, but still kept the driver below the top of the carriage. David thought that could prove useful if they were approached from behind. The top was loaded with their supplies, and the main cabin appeared to be large enough for the two of them to sleep in. There were a number of windows to allow them to look out in any direction with thick curtains that could keep out the night air. The back was tapered in towards the wheels, which would make climbing up difficult, if not impossible, for would be assailants. Considering the circumstances he thought it would serve them well for as far as they could take it. The horses were large quarter horses, strong and well built for a long journey. In the event the carriage couldn’t take them all the way, these horses would.

  They walked over to Aaron, and he gave them a sad smile.

  “Not much of a wedding night, for the two of you.”

  At that, Aurora standing there keeping a watchful eye, fidgeted slightly, and David said, “Aaron, thank you for all of your help.”

  “It is my honor. I only wish that we could do more for you. There are stores of provisions, the garments we spoke of, some additional weapons behind the seat, and some blankets for you and the horses. ”

  “You’ve done more for us than you know.” He put his arm around Aurora “whatever happens you’ve given us a gift that no one can take away.”

  Aaron smiled “Like you, I’m but a humble servant. May God watch over you, always.”

  "Thank you, Aaron." Aurora said.

  Aurora and David climbed up onto the bench. David took the reins, and they set out. The moon was high in the sky; so there was just enough light to see the road. They had to travel slowly, and when he looked back he could see Aaron watching them leave. They had been through so much already, and yet they knew it paled in comparison to what lay ahead.

  Aurora nestled up next to David. He held the reins in one hand and had an arm around her. Thankfully the horses were well trained and knew the road, so there was little for him to do. Once the house was fading into the distance Aurora spoke.

  “He was right.”

  “Who was right?”

  “It wasn’t much of a wedding night. I hope you aren’t too disappointed.”

  “Aurora, just sitting here with you, holding you close, is a gift, and I cherish every moment of it. If we are to have a proper honeymoon I’m willing to wait for a time and place that will honor how precious you are to me.”

  She pressed up close to him, in that way that was becoming familiar, and he welcomed it never wanting to let go.

  An unwelcome bump on the road disrupted their embrace. “Oh!” She exclaimed, “It’s not like the roads we traveled on in your world.”

  “I suppose not.” He smiled.

  The lightheartedness gone from her voice, she asked “what do you think is going to happen to us?”

  David turned, and kissed her on the forehead then said, “Honestly I don’t know.”

  “It sounded as if you had some idea about our journey to Tartaros.”

  “Do you remember Artemis?”

  “Of course, he did try to kill me.”

  “I think he alerted the assassin we killed in the woods near my house. Yet he only tried to kill you. He knew about the prophecy, but he only knew about the first part. I think the Dark One also knows about the prophecy and that He wants me to come because He believes He can defeat me. I think they only tried to kill you so the ‘Lion’ would not awaken. He knows, that together we are stronger. That’s why He tried to keep us apart.”

  “Do you have any idea why He thinks He can defeat you?

  “Because of what you told me, I believe He has my mother.” David said somberly.

  “Oh David, I’m so sorry.”

  “The last part of the prophecy says that we will stand together before Him and that because of our sacrifices both houses can be saved.”

  “Do you think you’ll have to sacrifice your mother?”

  “I’m holding hope on what my father and Molly said that prophecies are tricky business, and that they are not always clear.”

  “That’s true, I only hope…“ Her voice trailed off.

  “What is it?”

  “That my sacrifice isn’t you.” She said through a choked voice.

  David pulled her closer, and
she rested her head on him. “Remember don’t borrow trouble from tomorrow. If there’s a way, we’ll find it. Besides don’t think you are getting out of that honeymoon so easily.”

  Blushing, a little, she smiled and said, “You can count on it.” She reached up, and kissed him on the check, lingering a moment as her soft full lips pressed against his cool skin, “and you’d better not try to get out of it either.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

  “How do you do it?”

  “How do I do what?”

  “One minute I feel fear or despair, and the next you have me laughing or flirting with you. You always make me feel as if there's hope for us. Hope that we can have a life together.”

  David said in a thoughtful voice “I guess it’s because I love you.” She felt weak again as her heart rose at the words. “I know I only said it for the first time today, but I think I’ve always known it. My life before this week was empty except for the small moments I saw you. Knowing that you’re here with me, I don’t feel empty anymore. I feel that anything is possible as long as we’re together. In spite of everything, I have hope that we’ll prevail. We must prevail because a life without you would be empty again, and nothing else could fill that void. So instead of worrying about tomorrow I’ll savor every moment we spend together.”

  She turned, and grabbed him, almost knocking the reins from his hand, and said, “I love you too. I was afraid to admit it to myself, afraid that you wouldn’t feel the same way. Promise you’ll never leave me, promise we can be together always.” She looked up at him with a few tears of happiness running down her cheeks, realizing she asked something that may not be up to him.

  He smiled at her, and said, “I promise, my life is yours, and with every breath I have, I’ll fight for the chance at a future together.”

  “I guess that’ll have to do then.” She said smiling back at him. She was in no hurry to move. She held onto him, her head against his chest. Listening to his heartbeat as she reveled in how alive she felt.

  “Tell me all about your life growing up. I want to know everything about you.” David said. “Remember we have a long trip ahead of us so no need to rush.”

  They spent the next several hours sharing stories of their childhood, and could have kept talking all night, but guessing it was around 2 in the morning they decided to sleep for a few hours before setting off again.

  They found a small clearing off the road to pull the carriage out of the way, and behind some trees. David unhooked the horses from the carriage, and tied them to a tree so they could rest, and graze. He pulled a couple of the blankets out to cover them for the night. According to Aurora they were still in relatively safe territory far from the enemy lines. David found some water, and gave the horses a drink to tide them over until the morning. He made his way to the door of the carriage to find Aurora had gotten some blankets organized into a makeshift bed.

  "Ah our new home," David said cheerfully “it’s even nicer than in the woods.”

  Aurora chuckled, “it’s a little small, so it is a good thing I like you.”

  ”I planned it that way so you couldn’t get away from me.”

  “Hmm I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  They pulled off their boots, and travelling coats, and climbed under the blanket curling up next to each other. It was small so that they couldn’t fully stretch out, but under the blanket they were warm, and more importantly they were together.

  David gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek and said, “Good night my love.”

  Aurora cooed, “Mmm say it again.”

  "Good night," David said teasingly.

  Aurora gave him a light tap on the arm saying, “You … don’t tease me.”

  David chuckled, then in a soft voice said, “Good night my love.”

  Aurora said, “Good night, I love you too.”

  In no time at all, and they were asleep.


  They found themselves standing together, they were holding hands, he liked feeling her hand in his, and she liked it too. They didn’t know where they were, but that didn’t trouble them, they were together. The surroundings were hard to make out, the only thing they could see was each other. They smiled at one another. They knew they were safe, in fact, they felt at peace. Off in the distance they heard a sound, and turned to look, but didn’t see anything. The sound was moving towards them like a warm breeze off the water, they welcomed its embrace. When it reached them it was comforting, and strong, and filled their hearts with joy.

  “My children you have done well. Your faithfulness and purity pleases me. Travel to the valley of Roktah then north to Tartaros, I will watch over you on your journey. Seek my will in all things, and I will be with you always.”

  “Lord, what of my mother?” David asked.

  “She is one of my faithful children, and awaits your arrival.”

  “What will we have to sacrifice?” David asked.

  “At the appointed time all will be revealed. Be wary of fear, and temptation those are His most dangerous weapons.”

  “Lord, what of my parents?” Asked Aurora.

  As his voice began to fade they heard “They watch over you filled with pride, and joy.”

  They woke still laying next to each other, stiff from not moving during the night. They sat up and looked at one another.

  Aurora asked, “Where you there too or was it just a dream?”

  “It was just like, when I stared into the Seal.”

  Aurora’s eyes were glistening with emotion. David could imagine how much it meant to her to hear what He said about her parents. He put his arms around her, and she welcomed his embrace. The sun was up and bathed the inside of the coach. It was warm, and comforting after the cool night. They sat in silence for a little while listening to the sounds of the morning, the birds, crickets, and the slight rustling of the trees from the breeze.

  “I guess we should get up, I need to check on the horses. They’re bound to be hungry after such a long night.”

  Aurora squeezed him a little then let go “I’ll see what we have for breakfast.”

  David busied himself feeding, and watering the horses while Aurora put the bedding away, and found some bread and fruit for them to eat. They decided not to bother with a fire for coffee so they could get moving sooner. Once the horses were bridled to the carriage, and everything was packed back into place, they set off. It was a beautiful day. The warm sun was keeping them comfortable, and the clear blue sky filled them with a feeling of hope.

  "Would you like breakfast?" Aurora asked.

  “That sounds good. What did you find?”

  “Well there’s some fresh bread, cheese, and some Apple I cut up for us.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  They began eating, Aurora handed David small pieces so he could manage the reins while he ate.

  “What do you think it all means, what we were told last night?” Aurora asked a little hesitantly.

  “I’m not entirely sure, but I have a feeling there’s more to come.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. Roktah is not on the direct route. We will be going further east before we head north. Perhaps there’s something there we need to do?”

  “Please, tell me about Roktah.”

  “As you know I’m from Roktah, and the valley is where our forefathers settled. It’s a small city surrounded by farming communities. My parents and I lived well outside the city until it was overrun, I fled the area after that, and it’s been under their control ever since.”

  “What’s in the city?”

  “I remember a marketplace where people from all around would come, and sell their crops, and other goods, a town square, a meeting hall, all kinds of shops for everything you could need. I didn’t travel to the city often. I spent most of my time in our village.”

  “Is your village south of the city?”

  “Yes it is. How did you know th

  “Just a hunch, I have a feeling we need to go there first.”

  “I don’t know what we’ll find. Many of the houses were burned. It was….. Horrible.” She said sadly.

  “How many days do you think it will take us to get there?”

  “We should cross into their territory in another day or so then it’s another day or two depending on what kind of trouble we have.” She gave him a slight look of concern.

  “Us have trouble? Every day since we met has been a picnic.”

  She laughed a little “If all of our adventures so far have been a picnic I have to wonder what your idea of trouble is?”

  David laughed “Getting on your bad side. Now that sounds like trouble.”

  “And don’t forget it, I’ve been taking it easy on you so far.” She said with a smile.

  “Since we don’t expect to see much today, would you like to get some rest inside the carriage while we travel?”

  “No, I feel fine.” She said as she laid herself across him looking up at the sky. “Why don’t you tell me more about what your life was like growing up? I’m sure you caused all sorts of trouble.”

  David said teasingly “No more than you I suppose.”

  David went on to tell her all about his life on the farm, school, tractors, all sorts of things, and she asked questions about everything. His life compared to hers was much simpler, and a whole lot less scary. She was fascinated by everything he told her about his world, and told him about how different hers was. They effortlessly talked for hours, and after a short break for the horses around midday they continued on. Late in the day, the air started to cool as the sun set.

  “A little way ahead there’s a small village. It’s the only one between here, and the border. Do you think we should stop there for the night? I found a small supply of gold so we could pay to stable the horses, and get a room.”

  “Do you think it’s far enough away to be safe?”

  “I’ve stayed there in the past. Occasionally they get some thugs passing through, but troops haven’t ventured this far yet.”


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