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Seal of the King

Page 18

by Ralph Smith

  “Alright I’ll watch for any unexpected guests.”

  David pulled the carriage to a stop then hopped down and fetched water. While the horses were drinking, he checked their harnesses, making sure they didn’t have any sores, and that they weren’t too hot. He climbed back into the driver’s bench. Aurora took her seat next to him, and they set out again.

  “The horses seem healthy. They’re exceptionally strong. The harnesses are padded, so they don’t have any sores. We can easily go for another couple of hours.”

  “I think I can make it that long too.” Aurora said with a tired smile.

  “Do you want to lie down inside the carriage?”

  “No, I want to stay up here with you. Besides someone has to keep an eye on you, so you don’t get us into trouble.”

  David chuckled a little “who better for the job than you. At least lie back here so you can rest a little.”

  Aurora smiled, and laid down across the bench, resting her head on his leg looking up at him. He put his hand on the side of her head and gently stroked her cheek with his thumb.

  “Go ahead, and rest. I’ll let you know when we get to the ridge.”

  “I won’t fall asleep. I’m enjoying looking up at the stars. I love the way during fall, the night sky is clearer, the stars seem brighter.”

  David sat quietly listening to her, and in a few minutes she was still. He tried to avoid ruts in the road as best he could in the dark, but Aurora was fast asleep. He looked down at her periodically, and it warmed his heart seeing how peaceful she looked. He thought he would give anything to spare her the difficulties he was sure would come. But he knew prophecy or not he needed her, and that she would never leave his side even if he tried to convince her to.

  He still felt shocked that just a few short days ago he was living a normal life, and how quickly everything had changed. He mused over the idea that if he told anyone he knew what had transpired, they would think he was crazy. And yet as fantastic as everything that he had learned was, he had no trouble accepting it all now. He realized that in a way he already knew life wasn’t only what he had grown up with. All the times he had seen her throughout his life, he knew her world was not like his, and he knew without a doubt it existed. It was that knowledge that made it possible for him to accept it all because he had been prepared, even if he thought it might never come.

  He could see the top of the plateau she told him about, so he began looking for cover. Seeing a large group of trees he veered off the road so he could check the area to make sure they could get back out.

  Gently moving her head a little he said, “Aurora, we’re here.”

  She stirred a little and slowly opened her eyes. “I guess I dozed off a little.”

  Smiling at her he said, “Yes a little. I’m going to check out this area behind the trees to see if we can take cover there. I’ll be right back.”

  She sat up surprisingly alert “Ok I’ll stand watch.”

  David got down, and went over to see if they could pull behind them, and then easily get out the other side when it was time to leave. He went back to the carriage and climbed back up.

  “We should be fine.” He said as he encouraged the horses forward. Once they were well hidden, he got down, took the harnesses off of the horses, and tied them to a tree. He gave them some feed and water, and covered them with the blankets then headed back to the carriage.

  He climbed inside, and found Aurora lit a small lantern. It provided just enough light to cast a warm glow. She had laid out their makeshift bedding, and gotten out a small snack since they traveled through dinner. A few pieces of fruit, some bread, and water would take the edge off, it was too late for much more. Tomorrow they would arrive in Roktah, so they needed to get some rest.

  “I see you cooked a late supper for us.”

  “Oh yes I have several delicacies, cut fruit and bread” Aurora said with a mischievous grin.

  "One of my favorites," He said as he sat down next to her on the floor.

  “Here, take a taste, but be careful. It might be hot as I just took it off the fire” Aurora said smiling broadly as she took a piece of apple, and held it up. She placed the apple to his mouth, and he took a bite. It was fresh, and crisp.

  “Oh that is delicious. Is it your own recipe?” He said teasingly.

  “It has been handed down for generations in my family.” She said then reached up turning his face towards her “You got some on your chin” she wiped the juice off his chin with her thumb then with a sly grin she put her thumb into her mouth, and said, “Mm that’s good.”

  David suddenly felt extremely warm, as his heart began to beat faster.

  "Here would you like another bite," she said her face now impassive.

  "Yes," David said looking into her eyes, lost in her gaze.

  She took the piece, and placed it in his mouth along with the tip of her finger gently pulling it across his lips as she pulled her hand back.

  Her gaze more intense now, she asked, in a husky voice, “How did that taste?”

  David swallowed the half chewed piece, and forced out the word “delicious.”

  “Did you get any on your chin this time?”

  David unable to move managed to say in a soft voice “I don’t know.”

  “Let me look.” Aurora said as she leaned closer to him.

  His heart was pounding so hard; he could hear every beat in his ears. He was getting extremely warm, and the nervousness he felt was like waves crashing on the shore. She placed her mouth on his chin, her soft wet lips then her tongue moved across his skin. The touch of her seemed to travel through his entire body like a charge of electricity.

  She looked at him directly in the eyes, and said in barely more than a whisper “I think I see some more”. She closed her eyes as her lips met his. His mouth opened slightly as her tongue reached out to taste him, and then withdrew as their lips held each other in a gentle embrace. He was totally lost in her kiss, and he couldn’t tell if it lasted for seconds or hours.


  Aurora sat there feeling his warmth, she hadn’t planned on kissing him, but she was drawn to him. She could taste the apple juice, and feel his soft full lips on hers. She felt more alive in that moment than she ever had before. Being this close was electrifying. His strength seemed to reach into her through his touch. His fingers found her neck, and gently moved around to the back of her head pulling her close to him.

  Without thought, she found herself turning to face him her legs straddling his lap then his hands found her waist. His large strong hands were firmly pressing against her as their tongues rolled around one another, and sent a wave of passion through her. Passion she never knew she had inside her like nothing she had ever felt before. She was his to do with as he pleased she couldn’t stop him, wouldn’t stop him.


  David felt her exquisite body under his hands as he slowly moved them up her side taking in every inch of her perfection. Nothing existed outside of the feel of her against him. The longing in her kiss was consuming him with an unquenchable desire for her. His hands reaching her shoulders he pulled her closer.

  Their mouths parted as they pressed close against each other, and he whispered in her ear “I love you.”

  She said in a breathy voice “I love you too.” She leaned back to look at him, her eyes bright beaming with happiness.

  He smiled at her, and reached up to hold the side of her face. She leaned into his touch, and he said, “There’s nothing I want more in the world than to be with you, but not here, not now. This time and this place could not possibly do justice to how precious our first time will be. You are perfect, and I would wait a lifetime if I had to so that we could share this treasured gift together, and savor every moment for as long as we want.”

  They put their arms around one another and held each other close resting their heads together. They sat in silence for a while when Aurora finally leaned back.

  “I guess we should get some sl
eep then.”

  “I guess we should.”

  They lay down in their makeshift bed holding each other close, and David said, “Good night my love.”

  Aurora cooed a little, and said, “Good night my love. Sleep well.”

  David said, “you too.”


  Aurora was lying there savoring all the emotions she had just experienced. From what she had heard, and seen of men, she knew that not many would have waited. It filled her heart with joy that he loved her so much that being together was too precious to be rushed. And she knew that when the time came, the passion would be there, and with every moment they spent together it would grow just the way the love they have for each other continued to grow.


  David could still taste her on his lips; resting his head against hers he breathed her in. Feeling her back pressed up against him he thought he could lie there forever. He marveled at her. She was perfect, perfect for him. He had never dreamed he could be this happy. It didn’t matter why they were together, or what they had to do. As long as she was with him anything was bearable.

  The sunlight shining into the carriage woke them. It felt warm and inviting on their faces, and even though they were stiff from sleeping in such tight quarters, they felt well rested. They decided to eat while they traveled. For some reason, they both had the sense that time was of the essence. David fed and watered the horses, and then hooked them to the harnesses while Aurora put up the bedding, organized their meal, and checked their weapons.

  They set off, and it wasn’t long until they crested the plateau, and were headed down the road into the valley. The road was flanked on either side by patches of tree lines separated by grazing meadows, and fields of crops. A small stream was on their left, and they decided once they stopped they would replenish their water supplies.

  After a couple of hours, they entered a heavily wooded section of road that took a sweeping turn to the east. Although they could not see far ahead, they kept up a steady pace as their sense of urgency increased. As they broke through the tree line, they saw a farmhouse up ahead. In front of it had to be at least a dozen armed men.

  The gang was kicking a man on the ground. David, with a flick of the reins, sent the horses into a gallop. The men didn’t hear them yet over the hooting, yelling, and cries for mercy from the man on the ground. As they got nearer, three more men emerged from the house, dragging a woman, 2 young girls who couldn’t have been more than 10 or 12 years old, and a young boy by their hair.

  The screams were horrifying, David and Aurora shared a look, she had on her warrior face, and David was the picture of fury.

  “Get your bow and climb on top of the carriage.” David said to Aurora, she nodded and moved quickly into place. He shouted back to her “hold on.”

  Over all the commotion, the men still had not heard them approaching, they were close now, and Aurora was taking aim. David turned the carriage so that they would arrive in parallel to the men, and as Aurora started to let her arrows fly he pulled back hard on the reins. As the horses began slowing, he reached behind the seat and withdrew the short sword.

  Aurora’s shots were true. She dropped the two men who were holding the young girls with arrows to the heart. As David leapt from the carriage, he saw a third arrow hit the man dragging the woman. The men turned at seeing their comrades’ fall.

  David flew towards the men with such force that the first man he hit with the sword was practically cut in two. The rest of the men were momentarily surprised by their sudden appearance, but it didn’t last long. They began to move towards David while Aurora let arrows fly at the men headed her way.

  The air around David was crackling with the same electric charge as before, his fury palpable like a thunderstorm. Almost immediately the men went on the attack. He was constantly moving, spinning as soldiers came at him from the left and right. He thrust the sword into the man on the left while delivering a side-kick to the man on the right; so powerfully, it threw him off his feet cracking his chest plate.

  Aurora had dropped the man holding the boy, and 2 more coming her way.

  David pulled the sword out of the soldier only to spin around, and decapitate another one coming up behind him. Two men were heading for him, and David spun into a roundhouse kick catching both of them in the head each in turn with such strength he could hear their jaws break as blood gushed from their mouths.

  Aurora had jumped down from the carriage, and 3 men were headed towards her. She reached into her coat, and pulled out a dagger throwing it into one man’s heart. The other two were almost upon her one raising his sword. Aurora ducked under it as he swung coming up to drive an arrow up under his chin into his skull. The third man got a hand on her arm, and pulled up a dagger to stab her.

  David turned to the three men coming at him and threw 2 knives. The first hit one of the men so hard it went in through his face and stuck out the back of his skull. The second appeared to miss, but landed in the back of the man who had grabbed Aurora. As he yelled, she shoved the palm of her hand up into his nose so hard she shattered the bone, and he dropped to the ground.

  The last two men were upon David now both with swords, and clubs drawn. David stepped back and turned to his left, missing the swing of one sword, but caught the tip of the second blade with his left arm. His right arm swung around with the momentum of his turn, and caught the man on the back of his neck severing his spine. The other man caught David hard in the back with a club dropping him to his knees. David turned to look up at the last man; his sword rose to strike, when an arrow hit the soldier in the back, and pushed its way out through his stomach. He toppled over, a look of shock on his face.

  They were all dead.

  David, still pulsing with the energy he had drawn in, went over to the man who was badly beaten; bent down, and placing his hands on him released the healing energy into him.

  Instantly Aurora was at his side and said urgently “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m Ok. Let’s check on these people first.” David said then turned to the man on the ground, and asked, “Are you alright?”

  The man, in shock at what just happened, said, “yes, I … who are you?”

  “I’m David, and this is Aurora, let’s check on your family.”

  Aurora was already checking them as David and the man got there. She looked at David, and said, “Other than some scrapes they seem fine.”

  The family was hugging each other crying. David put his arm around Aurora. She returned the gesture, and said, “You need to let me look at your arm.”

  "In a minute," He said softly looking at the relief on the faces of the family in front of them.

  After a few moments, the husband and wife turned, he stepped forward, and said, “Dear God, thank you for saving us from those men. What they would have done to us if you hadn’t arrived, I can’t bear the thought.”

  “We’re happy that we could help you.” David said.

  “I would ask you to come, and let us prepare a meal for you, but they’ve already taken all that we had. They came today, and when they found nothing they decided they would take us instead.” The man’s eyes fell to the ground in the hope of not seeing what might have been.

  “We have food, come let us share a meal together.” Aurora said.

  David suddenly realized how thin they were, these people were on the verge of starvation.

  “Yes,” David said, “we have more than enough.”

  The woman and her children’s eyes brightened, and she asked, “How can we ever thank you?”

  Aurora stepped forward, and said, “No thanks are necessary. Take your family and clean up, and we’ll prepare the food.”

  The man and the woman turned, and ushered their children to the house as David and Aurora walked off to the wagon, their hearts aching for the suffering of this family.

  “We have to help these people.” Aurora said with a trace of anguish in her voice.

  “I know.” David said gently
putting his arm around her.

  David brought the carriage around to the front of the house and tethered the horses to a post. Then he and Aurora began unloading supplies from the roof. They had enough food for a long journey, and they had plenty to give these people a decent meal. They picked out some of the best food they had, the fresh bread, dried meats, fruit, cheese, and carrots. They decided these people were too hungry to wait for them to cook anything. Bringing it inside, they found a table in the front room to set everything out, and began cutting it up for them to share.

  The family entered the room looking much better with freshly washed faces, and clean clothes. They looked extremely hungry, and David saw the children’s eyes fixed longingly on the food before them.

  “I apologize for not introducing myself.” The man said, “I’m Jotham, this is my wife Aida, my oldest Daughter Serena, my other daughter Ruth, and my son, Samuel.”

  David looked at him with a warm smile, and said, “Please, there’s no need to apologize. We’re honored to meet you. Now let us give you some food, and then we can talk.” The children, who were showing such restraint waiting for permission to eat, impressed David. They looked up at their father, and he gave them a small nod and a smile, and they rushed forward.

  As David and Aurora quickly handed them pieces of everything, the children gave them a small “thank you.” The three of them retreated to some chairs, and began eating, looking at each other smiling. Just the act of eating brought color back to their faces.

  Jotham and Aida came forward, and sat at the table. David and Aurora placed large helpings in front of them, and then joined them. They sat quietly for a moment allowing the couple to eat. They were so hungry it took all of their self-control not to stuff their mouths full. David took Aurora’s hand in his, and looked to see her with a single tear running down her face. He knew the significance of having saved these people from suffering her loss.

  Once David saw the couple begin to relax he asked them “can you tell us what’s been happening to you?”


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