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Seal of the King

Page 28

by Ralph Smith

  “Mom, a couple of hours down the road is a large oak tree that may provide us some shelter. In the meantime if anything should happen, stay close to me and Aurora no matter what.”

  “I will.”

  David said playfully, “Don’t you forget that either Aurora.”

  Aurora gave him a squeeze “I’m not going anywhere.” Sitting there holding him, everything seemed right again. All the fears and doubts the Dark One had brought to the surface were gone as if he had taken them with him.

  They made their way back through the war-torn forest, and finally found the familiar oak tree. They climbed down from the horse, and stretched their legs before approaching it. David stood there for a moment looking at it until he realized something was different.

  Aurora had the water skin in her hand and was headed towards the canopy. "Wait," David said to her. She turned, and gave him a puzzled look.

  “Something’s different.” He said, “Do you feel it in the air?”

  Aurora, her senses dulled from the day’s events, shook her head. Ruth looked at him questioningly. She didn’t sense anything either.

  “Hold on a moment.” David said then he went and removed the bit from the horse’s mouth.

  “What are you doing?” Aurora asked.

  “I’m not certain yet. Mom please hold onto my arm, and whatever you do don’t let go.” He reached out for Aurora to do the same. “I could be wrong, and it may be nothing, but just to be on the safe side let’s walk under the canopy together.” They nodded in agreement.

  The three of them walked forward. Aurora and Ruth were holding David tightly, and as they stepped under the canopy of the tree there was a large boom. The air cracked and sizzled, and they were enveloped in a bright light. It wasn’t as violent as before, and when the light faded they found themselves standing in the meadow on their family farm where they first crossed the divide.

  David immediately recognized where they were. Then with a huge sigh, he said, “We’re home.”

  Ruth clutched him tightly, and through a choked voice said, “Dear God! I never thought I’d live to see the day!”

  Aurora looked up at him beaming “I can’t believe it. A few hours ago I thought our lives were lost, and now they’re just beginning.”

  David, exhilarated, said, “Come on let’s get back to the house.”

  They made their way as quickly as possible. David was still weak and in a lot of pain from his ordeal. It took them a while to get through the path in the woods where the Jeep waited for them. He helped his mother into the car, and when he turned the key the engine roared to life.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to hear that sound.” David said.

  They headed back down the road to the house, and no sooner had he stopped the car, his father, Molly, and Michael burst through the front door followed by Rusty barking wildly. His mother pushed the door open, and shouted “Gabe!”

  Gabe shouted “Dear God, Ruth! Is that really you?”

  He rushed over to her door, and she jumped into his arms. David and Aurora climbed out of the car walking over to see the two of them crying shamelessly with joy kissing each other. They were holding onto each other tightly as if they were the only two people in the world. David put his arm around Aurora and pulled her close. They were speechless at the wonderful sight. Rusty was barking, wagging his whole hindquarters. David reached down and rubbed him behind the ears.

  Molly went over to Ruth and Gabe, and Michael walked over to David and Aurora. Even he was choked up as he said, “I have no words to describe how happy I am to see all of you.”

  David said, “You have no idea how happy we are to be here. If you’d asked me this morning, I wouldn’t have thought we were going to make it back.”

  “Then you must tell us all about it.”

  “First Michael, I want to thank you for staying here to look after my father. I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

  “Dear boy, it was a privilege, and besides we had a grand time. He’s quite the story teller.”

  David chuckled, and said, “Yes he is.”

  Suddenly Gabe yanked David into a hug. “My boy, I’m so proud of you.”

  “Ouch! Thanks Dad.”

  Then Gabe let go of him, and grabbed Aurora who blushed a deep scarlet “Dear girl, oh thank you for bringing my son and wife home to me. I’m so glad you’re all right too.”

  Aurora startled by the unexpected affection said, “oh… uh…. Well you’re welcome.” She looked at David who was smiling at her, and then squeezed Gabe tightly suddenly overwhelmed with emotion.

  “Please tell me you’ll stay with us for a while.”

  Aurora looked at David pleading for help. David put his hand on his father’s shoulder, and said, “Dad Aurora, and I are married.”

  Gabe broke away from Aurora’s embrace and said, “What!”

  Aurora suddenly went ashen-faced at the tone of displeasure in his voice.

  Gabe exclaimed, “You got married! And didn’t invite me! I won’t hear of it!!”

  David started to laugh, after a second Aurora realizing what he was saying, laughed with them.

  “Now that you mention it if it’s all right with you, Aurora, I’d like us to have a proper wedding.”

  Aurora turned, and hugged David tightly, and said, “Oh yes! I’d love that.”

  Molly screeched, “A wedding! Oh how wonderful!”

  Gabe said, “On one condition. I get to give the bride away.”

  Aurora said, “That would be splendid.”

  Ruth said, “Gabe let’s get them inside. David has a wound that needs to be tended, and I don’t think I can handle any more excitement standing up.”

  Gabe put an arm around his wife and said, “of course. I got caught up with all the excitement. Are you hungry?”

  She smiled broadly, and said, “We’re all famished.”


  They made their way into the house and went straight to the kitchen. The prospect of a good meal was exciting, to say the least. Gabe immediately began getting things out of the refrigerator, and piling food in front of them. Michael redressed David’s arm under Molly’s close supervision. After a week of very little to eat, David and Aurora almost didn’t know what to do. Ruth had endured years getting barely enough to survive, and all she could handle were small bites.

  After they had a few morsels David asked, “Mom, what did they do to you all those years?” He had not wanted to imagine it, but needed to know. If it was horrible he wanted to get it over with.

  Ruth gave him a sad smile, and said, “Thankfully nothing more than hold me prisoner in unpleasant conditions. I heard them say from time to time that he wanted me unharmed. That was the only thing that spared me the brutal treatment that I heard many of the other prisoners get.” She lowered her eyes trying to push the memories away.

  “I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories.”

  “It’s all right. I’m just glad it’s all over.” She paused a moment, then in a firm voice said, “Now what I want is to hear all about what happened to the two of you. Every detail of it, so don’t leave anything out.”

  “Yes Mom.” David replied and smiled.

  Gabe said, “Yes, and start at the very beginning I want to hear it again. You’ll like it, Ruthie.”

  Ruth flashed Gabe a grin when he called her Ruthie. He was the only one who ever called her that.

  Michael said, “Now you don’t have to embellish it like your father. I’m sure it’s a good story all on its own.”

  Gabe said, “What, me embellish?”

  Ruth said, “Only when you’re speaking, dear.” And they all laughed.

  They sat for hours recounting every detail of their journey. When they told them about their marriage ceremony, Molly said, “That just won’t do. We’ll have to have a proper wedding to welcome this wonderful young woman to our family.” Aurora smiled brightly.

  When they recounted their final
battle David said, “I lost track of the second dagger.”

  Aurora reached down to her boot, and pulled out the gold dagger placing it on the table “do you mean this one?” She asked, with a smile.

  David looked at her with admiration “just another reason I love you.”

  Aurora smiled, and said, “He dropped it when you stabbed him, and when we were blasted back before he fell into the chasm, I landed next to it. You have become fond of pulling knives out of my boot, so I thought I’d better put it back.”

  Gabe laughed, “The two of you make quite a pair I must say.” Looking at the fatigue showing on their faces he said, “I think we should let you get some sleep though. You all look like you desperately need it. And tomorrow we have to start planning a wedding!”

  Molly said, “Oh, that sounds wonderful.”

  David turned to Michael “will you stay for the wedding?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Gabe said, “Good, we can talk about it all tomorrow. Michael is staying in the guest room he’s been a devoted friend, and comfort. Now you three need to go to bed.”

  David said, “That sounds like a great idea. I’m exhausted.”

  Gabe said, “come on Ruthie, I’ll tuck you in.”

  Ruth turned to her son, and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and a hug “Good night my son, I love you so much. Goodnight dear Aurora. I’m truly looking forward to spending more time together.”

  They all said goodnight to Ruth.

  Gabe turned to them, “I’ll be back in a little bit to clean up.”

  Molly replied “Don’t worry Gabe, I’ll look after it.”

  Gabe gave her a look, and said, “I’ll be back. Ruth needs her sleep, not to have me talk her ear off.” And they headed out of the room.

  Molly and Michael stood up, and started clearing the table. David said, “I’ll give you a hand” as he stood up he staggered a bit, and had to lean on the table for support.

  Aurora jumped to her feet to help him “are you all right?”

  “Yeah. I guess I just sat too long. I’m still pretty sore from my visit with Festus.”

  Michael said, “We need to get you to bed. Let me help.”

  David straightened up, and said, “thank you Michael I think I can make it.”

  Molly placed a hand on him, and closing her eyes said, “Yes, he needs some rest.”

  Aurora putting his arm around her shoulder said, “come on let’s get you to bed.”

  Michael followed them to the living room just in case. Seeing they were going to make it, he said, “good night you two. Come get me if you need anything.”

  “Thank you Michael, good night.”

  When they entered the hallway David stopped, and Aurora asked, “What is it?”

  “I just realized… Should I sleep on the couch, so you can have my room?”

  Aurora pulled him forward, and said, “Don’t be stupid, I’m not leaving you alone tonight, and it isn’t like we haven’t been spending the night together.”

  “All right, I was just checking.”

  “I know. Now shut up and get in there.”

  David chuckled, “ok… ok.”

  David went in to wash up, and then lay down on the bed. Then Aurora went in to wash up, and when she came back she pulled off his boots.

  “Thank you.”

  Aurora pulled off her boots, and lay down next to him putting her arm around him. She reached up and kissed him on the cheek “you’re welcome. Now get some rest, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  David groggily said, “Good night. I love you Aurora.”

  Aurora said, “I love you too. Sleep well.”

  They were both asleep in a matter of moments. Again David and Aurora found themselves standing in the light. They could feel the warmth wash over them as the wave of sound approached from the distance.

  “You have done well, and I am pleased with you. Your willingness to sacrifice everything has restored your houses. You honor me with your plans to marry, and I will bless you.”

  David said, “Thank you Lord. Has He been defeated?”

  “No, you vanquished him from one world, and now he makes plans to corrupt the other.”

  Aurora asked, “Lord, what do we need to do?”

  “I have given you each other in marriage, honor me with your love for one another, and at the appointed time I will reveal my plans to you.”

  David said, “We will Lord.”

  They felt his presence receding, and suddenly found themselves awake in bed with sunlight flooding the room.

  Aurora rolled onto her back, and said, “I guess we have more work to do.”

  “Yes, but not until after we get married.”

  Aurora rolled back and kissed his cheek “yes indeed. We aren’t going to have to wait long are we?”

  “Not a chance. Besides aunt Molly may have gotten everything ready last night, she’s so excited.”

  “I knew I liked her.” Then she got up from the bed and asked, “How are you feeling this morning?”

  David sat up and said, “Good, no more aches and pains.” He felt his arm under the bandage, and noticed it didn’t hurt at all. Then peeling the bandage back, he saw his arm was fully healed. “Look at that.”

  Aurora looked at his arm, and said with a smile, “It’s a good thing too. I don’t want you to have any excuses not to dance at our wedding.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Aurora turned and headed to the bathroom. “If you want to take a shower there should be towels and soap in there.”

  “That sounds like a grand idea.” Aurora said as she headed into the bath.

  David was lying there considering what he had been told. What would they face next? He thought it was naïve of him to think they would defeat the Dark One. They vanquished him from that world, and now he was trying to corrupt this world. That was a worrisome prospect. He couldn’t very well run around brandishing a sword here to easily.

  Then he remembered that all would be revealed at the appropriate time. He wasn’t going to waste whatever time they had between now and then worrying about what was to come. He was going to marry the woman he loved, and enjoy every moment they had together. Just then the bathroom door opened, and Aurora stuck her head out.

  “David, I’m not sure how to turn the shower on.” She said a little embarrassed.

  David hopped up smiling, and said, “I’ll be happy to show you.”

  He walked over, and Aurora stepped back out of the way to let him into the room. He went over to the shower faucet, and leaned down as she watched him carefully.

  “You turn this to make it warmer, this to add cold water, and then turn the one in the middle” as he turned it, the water shot out of the shower head startling Aurora, and she laughed. “I think you know what that one does now.”

  Then as he stood up, and turned they were face to face in the small room. Aurora looking into his eyes said in a husky voice “thank you.”

  David suddenly felt extremely warm and said, “You’re welcome.”

  Aurora placed her hand on his chest, and said, “I suppose there are a lot of things you are going to have to teach me.”

  The gentle touch of her hand sent a tingling sensation running up his back “I imagine you’ll catch on very fast.”

  David leaned in towards her. He could feel her warm breath on his lips when a knock on the bedroom door startled the two of them. They looked at each other and laughed.

  "I guess I'd better get the door."

  “I’ll come find you after I bathe.”


  He made his way to the door, and when he pulled it open, his Dad was standing there with a big grin on his face.

  “I hope I didn’t wake you, but Michael told us you were a bit under the weather last night, and I wanted to make sure you were ok.”

  David held out his arm “right as rain.”

  “How did you do that?”

  “Come on, I’ll tell you all about it.
Aurora’s taking a shower, I thought I’d give her some privacy.”

  Gabe put his arm around him, and said, “sure come on, you must be hungry too. By the way, you could use a shower as well.”

  “Thanks Dad, believe me I’m well aware of that.”

  “Only a true friend will tell you that. You don’t want to scare off that young lady now do you?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  They made their way into the kitchen, and as he entered the room, he saw his mother looking worlds better, sitting with Molly and Michael at the table.

  “Good morning, how are you feeling today, Mom?”

  “Much better, I haven’t had such a good night’s sleep in ages.”

  “Good Morning Aunt Molly and Michael.”

  “I see you’re looking a lot better too. I have to admit I was a little worried about you last night.” Michael said.

  David held out his arm for them to see “all better now.”

  Molly asked, “And where is your lovely young bride to be?”

  “Taking a shower.”

  Molly whispered, “You might want to do that too dear.”

  “Thanks I knew that. It was a rather eventful journey, and not a lot of amenities.”

  “Of course dear. Just thinking of that young lady, you know.”

  “David come sit next to me, I could use some time with my son.”

  “Sure Mom and I have to tell you all what happened last night.”

  Gabe exclaimed, “What! Something happened after you went to bed.”

  “Yes, Aurora and I had another vision.”

  Suddenly everyone was silent. Then after David was seated Michael said, “another vision, that is extraordinary.”

  “The Lord came to us and told us he was pleased, and that our willingness to sacrifice ourselves has restored our houses. Then he told us that we honored him with our plan to marry, and he would bless us. He also told us that even though we vanquished the Dark One from that world, he was working on corrupting this one. We asked him what we needed to do, and he wants us to go ahead with our plans to marry, and he will reveal his plan to us at the appointed time.”

  They sat staring at him, their mouths all slightly open. Even Molly was speechless.


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