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Seal of the King

Page 33

by Ralph Smith

  Aurora smiled at him, and said, “I like this better.” Then she put her arm on his back and rested her head against his should.

  “Hmm I like it better too.” David said, “so what are you in the mood to eat. They have fish, beef, chicken, pasta, and salads… “

  "I don't know," She said in a husky voice “why don’t you tell me what sounds good?” Then she slid her hand up his neck running her fingers under his hair.

  “Uh… Ok.”

  Then Aurora turned and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Her lips felt full and warm, and lingered on his skin. David turned to look at her, and then leaned in as she closed her eyes. She felt his skin brush against her cheek, and he whispered in her ear “you realize we’re surrounded by people don’t you.”

  At those words, Aurora sat bolt upright, and said, her face flush “I forgot, I just well … “

  David said with a smile “I didn’t mind at all, but I’m afraid if I kiss you I won’t be able to stop.”

  Aurora gave him a pleased smile, and said, “I hope so.”

  “Excuse me, but I have your soup.” Darlene said, standing there looking at them with a little smirk of her own.

  Aurora, completely red in the face, said, “Oh I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Most of the people who come in here are too stiff.”

  David got up, and went back to his seat as Darlene set the soup cups down on the table. Then he said, “thank you Darlene.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll be right back with that tea.”

  Aurora gave David an embarrassed little smile then David said, “don’t worry about it; it doesn’t matter to me what anyone else thinks. I love you, and I would be proud if the whole world knew it.”

  “I love you too, and I’m looking forward to us being alone together.”

  “So am I, and in one more day we’ll have a real wedding ceremony, and then you’ll be stuck with me forever.”

  “I can’t wait. Perhaps you should just order something for us.” She said with a grin.

  David chuckled a little, and said, “I can do that. I have a really nice place in mind for dinner so I’ll order us a small lunch. Do you like fish?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “Then fish it is. After lunch, we need to go by the bank for Rebecca, and to a few shops to get you some more clothes. Things you can wear every day. How does that sound?”

  “Ok, although I don’t know how many more shops I can handle today.” Aurora said then took a taste of her soup “Mmm. This is good. Horatio could learn a thing or two.”

  David chuckled “Horatio would have a grand time here I suppose.”

  They spent the rest of their lunch talking about many of the people they had met together over the past week or so, and how different their two worlds were. When they were done, they braved the glass elevator again, and Aurora liked it even less the second time. The other reason David had picked this place for lunch was so that they could walk to the bank and the shops, and Aurora could see the city up close. She marveled at things like streetlights and crossings. There were so many people moving about, and all the traffic was incredible to her. They had to make 3 trips back to the car with packages, and had gone to pick up her dress and his tuxedo. She had nothing to wear, so they had to get her some of everything. David waited patiently in one shop while Aurora tried on a variety of undergarments, and by the time she finished she was looking flustered.

  Walking around, David reveled in the fact that for the first time, in a long time, he didn’t feel alone in the crowd. She was what had been missing in his life. As much as his parents’ return meant to him, being with her was different. She ignited a spark in him that made everything feel as new and fresh for him as it was for her.

  By the time they finished shopping, the two of them needed a break from it. “There’s a small park over by the river. Would you like to go sit for a little while before we have dinner?”

  “That sounds like a good idea. I don’t think I could handle looking at another piece of clothing without my eyes crossing.”

  They wound their way through several streets alongside high-rise office buildings until they came out by the river. A little ways down they could see a small park with neatly manicured grounds. Several groupings of trees and benches were arranged around a jogging path. Even this late in the day, the park was alive with people enjoying the beautiful weather. The sunlight was warm on their skin and made the fall air feel refreshing. They made their way to a bench overlooking the river and sat down as pedestrians, bicyclists, skateboarders, and joggers all passed by. Since it was shortly after 5 P.M., many of the office workers were passing through to begin their journey home.

  There were ships on the river, some docked and some slowly making their way up or down stream. Aurora asked questions about everything. There were so many new things she hadn’t seen before. They sat until it was getting dark, and David was taken by her enthusiasm, not just for the things she saw, but also because of all the possibilities they represented. She was filled with life, with hope. She had always been a fighter, but now she saw the endless opportunities that lay before them. Together they could do anything, and as much as the world had changed for her, it was the fact that she would never be alone again that made dreams possible.

  Basking in her joy, David could have sat there all night. She inspired him in a way that he hadn’t thought was possible. He had a good life, but he had gone through the motions, doing what was right, making friends, being successful, all because it was in his nature and because he loved The Lord. But now here with her he wanted to be more, he never wanted to lose the looks of admiration, of affection, of love, and longing that she gave him.

  “I suppose we should make our way to dinner. The sun is setting, and I don’t want you to get cold.”

  “You’ll just have to hold me, and keep me warm then.” Aurora said flashing a grin.

  “That I can do” David said, and he stood up offering her his hand. As she pulled herself up, David gave a little extra tug, and he caught her in his arms “How’s that?”

  "Much better." She said, and then rested her head on his chest.

  They stood for a few moments unconcerned about the people passing by until, without a word, they started walking down the path. David put his arm around Aurora holding her close. They slowly started down the sidewalk that ran along the river’s edge, as the water on their right reflected the orange glow of the setting sun. On their left, they passed a number of buildings all with restaurants or shops busy with patrons. Up ahead, a few blocks down, was a glass dome. From inside it they could see the flicker of a number of gas lanterns.

  “Do you see that glass building up ahead? That’s where I thought we could go. In the evening, we should be able to see the stars through the roof, and watch the boats passing by on the river, and more importantly it’s on the ground.”

  Aurora laughed “thank goodness, I don’t think I have it in me to take another ride up in that glass room today.”

  David chuckled “I thought as much.”

  They made their way to the entrance, and when they walked inside the hot air in the building wrapped around them like a warm blanket. They hadn’t realized how cold it was until then, and were happy to be inside now. The hostess greeted them and found them a table on the riverside. David knew if it had been a weekend they probably would have ended up by the kitchen.

  The dining room was circular and lit by a ring of gas lanterns, and candles on the tables. There were plants all around, and the furnishings had a garden feel to them to complete the outdoor atmosphere. The sun was almost below the horizon, and the last of the orange glow glinted off the river. The boats with their lights on floated lazily along the dark water.

  The sky was clear, and the stars were starting to shine brightly overhead. In the center of the room was a platform with a piano on it. They had scarcely finished ordering their meal when the piano player began serenading the room.

  “This place is lovel

  “I thought it would be a good way to end the day.” David said, “I’ve had a couple of lunch meetings here, and always imagined it would be even nicer at night.”

  Gazing affectionately at David, Aurora said, “I almost don’t want this day ever to end.”

  "It isn't over yet." David said with a sly grin “I have one more surprise for you.”

  “You’ve done too much for me today. As much as I appreciate everything, please tell me we aren’t doing any more shopping.”

  David laughed “No that would be cruel. In fact, I have to admit I’ve never done so much shopping at one time in my life.”

  Just then the waitress brought bread and salad. They enjoyed a leisurely dinner talking about their day. David ordered some coffee. They were both too full to entertain any desert. After a couple of sips of coffee David said abruptly, “Excuse me one minute.” Then he stood up and left the table.

  Aurora watched him walk off, thinking it was a little odd that he didn’t say where he was going. He was so sensitive to the fact that she didn’t know her way around. All day he made sure to reassure her that he was always there if she needed him. He never made her feel as if he thought she wasn’t capable, just that she wasn’t alone.

  She was staring out of the window when David appeared at her side, she looked up at him smiling down at her, and he reached out a hand. She took it without question and stood. He led her to the middle of the room over by the piano, put an arm around her waist, and held her hand up in his. Then the music started.

  “This is a song by a musician I like. His name is Billy Joel.” David staring directly into her eyes began to move with her to the music.

  The piano player started to sing, “She’s got a way about her, I don’t know what it is, but I know that I can’t live without her.”

  Aurora’s face beamed as she listened to the words.

  “She’s got a smile that heals me.”

  David held her close as they danced slowly with the music still looking into her eyes.

  “But I have to laugh when she reveals me.”

  She was lost in his gaze feeling the words and sounds. It was different from any kind of music she had heard before, and filled her with emotion.

  “She’s got a way of talking, I don’t know why it is, but it lifts me up when we are walking anywhere. She comes to me when I’m feeling down; inspires me without a sound.”

  “She’s got a way of showing how I make her feel, and I find the strength to keep on going.”

  “She’s got a light around her, and everywhere she goes a million dreams of love surround her everywhere.”

  The piano player sang the last line “but I know that I can’t live without her anyway.”

  Then the music stopped. They stood still staring at each other for a moment. Aurora was speechless. Then suddenly to her surprise David got down on one knee. She didn’t know what he was doing; still holding her hand, he reached into his pocket with the other one and pulled out a ring.

  “Aurora will you marry me?”

  She knelt down in front of him, and said through tears “oh yes, of course I will”, and David slipped the ring on her finger.

  Aurora, surprised enough already, couldn’t believe it when all of the people in the restaurant started clapping. She looked around stunned. She had all but forgotten where they were. Then she threw her arms around David and kissed him. The watching crowd made noises that neither one of them could hear. They were lost in their kiss.

  They leaned back beaming at one another then stood, and headed back to their table. A few of the other patrons clapped again or said encouraging things, and David gave them a small wave.

  Once they sat down again Aurora said, with a broad smile, “It is a good thing that’s your last surprise. I don’t know that I could handle another one.”

  “Since you said yes, did I save the best for last?”

  “Yes, yes, yes.” Aurora said, “And where did you get this ring. It’s beautiful?”

  “It was my grandmother’s on my mother’s side. My mom wanted you to have it, she’s very fond of you.”

  “I like her so much. She makes me feel truly welcome. I can’t tell you how it feels to be part of a family again.”

  David reached across the table taking her hand, and said, “You’ll never be alone again.”

  Aurora lifted his hand up to her cheek and held it tightly as a single tear ran down her face. “If it’s all right with you I think I’m ready to go home.” She said softly.

  "Me too," David said, “I just need to pay the bill, and we can be on our way.”

  David signaled their waitress, and she hurried over. The place had begun emptying, and she was waiting for her last customers to leave. She quickly took David’s credit card, returned with the receipt, and wished them luck as they headed out. The night air was even colder now, so they huddled close as they made their way through the last couple of blocks to the building where the car was parked. Aurora was used to being outside all the time, so the cold didn’t bother her too much, but she was thankful when the car’s heater started producing warm air.

  Driving out of the city on the dimly lit streets there wasn’t much to see, so Aurora didn’t have many questions. Soon she was curiously quiet, and David realized she had fallen asleep. He was careful to avoid bumps, and not take any turns too fast, so he didn’t wake her. He was tired too, but his satisfaction with how the day turned out sustained him. He was impressed at how well she adapted to so many new things and situations. It was an emotional day for her, but it would have been for anyone.

  When he arrived at the farm, he went especially slowly up the road to the house. She was clearly out cold, but tomorrow was going to be a big day, and he wanted her to get as much rest as possible. When he pulled the car to a stop, his dad and Rusty came out the front door. David got out of the car, and pushed the door closed as quietly as he could.

  “David, is everything okay? You drove up so slowly.”

  “Everything’s fine, Dad. Aurora’s asleep, so I was trying not to wake her. Can you get the doors for me please, while I carry her inside?”

  "Sure thing." Gabe said as he headed up to the front door of the house.

  "You be quiet now, Rusty." David said as he scratched the dog behind the ears.

  David went around to the passenger door, and opened it slowly, unbuckled Aurora, and then taking her right arm, and putting it around his neck he rolled her out into his arms. She instinctively nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck but remained asleep. David carried her up to the house, and carefully maneuvered his way back to the bedroom where he gently laid her down, and pulled a blanket up over her. He would try to slip her boots off when he came to bed, but for now she was still fast asleep.

  He walked back outside with his dad to shut the car door. "That's one tired little lady."

  “She sure is, and I’m exhausted too. Where’s everyone else?”

  “They all went to bed a little while ago. I was waiting up to hear from you.”

  “Sorry I didn’t call earlier. I didn’t think of it until Aurora had fallen asleep, and I was trying not to wake her.”

  “That’s alright. I didn’t start worrying yet. You’re a grown man, and have certainly shown you can take care of yourself. Did you two have a good time today?”

  “Oh yeah. I’m really proud of Aurora too. It was a lot for her to take in, and she handled it all so well.”

  Gabe mused, “There is no doubt she’s a special girl. I’m so happy for you, son.”

  “Thanks Dad.” David said, “So how’s Mom holding up?”

  Gabe gave a little laugh “Your mom is tough as nails. She was tired at the end of the day, but if you didn’t know her as well as I do, you’d never have guessed all that she’s been through.”

  “I’m so glad. As much as I want Aurora and me to have time alone, I think moving to the cabin will give you and mom time to catch up too.”

  “Don’t worry, S
on. Your mom and I love each other very much, and we’re going to be fine.”

  “You don’t think I’m being selfish planning this wedding so soon do you?”

  “Definitely not. A wedding is a joyous event, and after all we’ve been through, it is a terrific way to focus on something good.”

  “You did always teach me to plan for the future, but live in the moment.”

  “And I thought you didn’t listen to me.” Gabe said with a chuckle “I suppose we should get to bed. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”

  David gave his father a hug and squeezed him tightly “Thanks Dad, for everything. I missed you terribly all those years. Thanks for coming home. I had a small taste of what you must have gone through. I can only imagine how hard it was to hold on.”

  “I wouldn’t have made it without you. Your faithfulness coming to see me all the time gave me the strength I needed. I am so proud of the man you’ve become.” Gabe said, “Now If we stay up too late your mom will have our heads.”

  They headed towards the bedrooms. “I hope she isn’t stressed over things.”

  “Not at all. She and Molly are enjoying themselves, and I’m just doing what they tell me.”

  “That’s terrific. Goodnight Dad, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Goodnight Son. Sleep well.”

  “You too, Dad.”

  David quietly pushed open the door to the bedroom to find Aurora sleeping exactly as he had left her. After a quick trip to the bathroom, he gently slipped her boots off and fixed the cover, then he carefully laid down next to her. He closed his eyes, and lay there, listening to her soft rhythmic breathing, and before he knew it he was asleep too.


  David found himself standing in an office. It was large with a glass wall that looked out over a city he didn’t recognize. The décor was dark and cold, and he didn’t like being there. Something was wrong, and his mind was racing trying to figure out what his options were when trouble started. He knew trouble was coming, he just wasn’t sure how and when yet. He walked over to the desk where a man sat with his back to him. He was staring out the glass, apparently completely unconcerned by David’s entrance.


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