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Capturing a Renegade's Heart

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by Nicola Jane


  A Renegade’s Heart

  A Novel by

  Nicola Jane

  Copyright 2019 @ Nicola Jane

  Published by Major Key Publishing, LLC


  Any unauthorized reprint or use of the material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the publisher.

  This is an original work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 17+

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  Neve crouched in front of her miserable five-year-old daughter, wiping her chubby wet cheeks with the pads of her thumbs. “Come on sweetie, it really isn’t so bad. You’ll be back home before you know it and I’m sure your Daddy has so much planned that you won’t even have time to miss me,” she reassured her. The little girl sniffled again, more tears rolling down her rosy cheeks.

  “He doesn’t play with me, he’s always too busy,” she cried. Neve knew her daughter was right, she doubted that Finn wanted to see Harlee, after all he never wanted her, it was just another way to get to Neve and to check up on her.

  “How about when you get home tomorrow we go out to the cinema or we can just stay home and watch movies all day? You get to choose.” Harlee nodded her head, her sad frown still marring her innocent face. Neve hated Saturdays, she hated handing her daughter over to her ex-husband, but she knew he’d make her life hell if she didn’t.

  The low sound of rumbling filled the air and Neve watched as her new neighbour rolled to a stop on his motor bike. The guy had only moved in a week ago and already he was driving Neve insane. His noisy bike had woken Harlee more than once because he’d come and go at all hours. She watched as he dismounted the large machine and removed his helmet. As annoying as he was, Neve couldn’t help but check him out at every opportunity. It wasn’t often you got to see a six-foot something biker on your doorstep. His brown shoulder length hair was pulled back into a tight man bun and even though Neve never went for guys with long hair, she felt strangely attracted to the biker. Having a six pack and a golden tan helped his cause.

  “Good morning Siren,” he said with a wink. He pulled a rose from his side of the fence and sauntered towards the pair. Bending down on one knee he held out the rose to Harlee who giggled and accepted it with a curtsy. “And good morning to you Ms Harlee. Why do you look so sad?”

  “I have to go and see my Daddy,” she muttered, looking down sadly at the rose. Griffin stood, his full height making Neve look up to him.

  “Well Siren, you kept that quiet, you’re not with the little ones Daddy?” he asked arching a brow.

  “My name is Neve,” she sighed indignantly, “And why would I tell you anything about my personal life.”

  “Because we’re neighbours. I’m old fashioned that way and I like to be able to walk in to each other’s houses and borrow a cup of sugar, yah know, that type of relationship.”

  Neve watched the black SUV stop outside of her house. “You’d better not walk into my house uninvited or I’ll put a knife in your chest,” she whispered to Griffin as she took Harlee by the hand and stepped closer to the vehicle. She watched Max step from the driver’s side and round to her. “Finnegan had better be in the back Max, I’ve already told him that he needs to be here to collect her,” she warned. Neve had had countless arguments because Finn would send a car to collect his daughter rather than turn up himself. The last time it happened Neve had refused to let Max take her resulting in a huge argument between herself and Finn.

  “Relax Neve he’s in the back,” sighed Max pulling the door to open it. Finn stepped from the SUV, casting his eyes briefly towards Griffin who remained watching the whole exchange with interest.

  Neve noticed his expensive suit and his designer shoes and rolled her eyes, coming around this area dressed like that was purely for attention. She’d never had the same interest in money as Finn had which was why she only took a small amount from him in maintenance money to help raise Harlee. Finn stepped towards her and placed his hand on her lower back, dangerously close to her ass. He placed a kiss on her head and then picked Harlee up and kissed her on the cheek. “How are my girls?” he smiled.

  “Harlee is feeling a little unsettled, please spend time with her Finn,” said Neve firmly.

  “I always do,” he replied passing their daughter to Max so that he could secure her in her car seat. “What are your plans for the evening?”

  Neve contemplated not telling him, but she knew it would end in an argument and Harlee was already unsettled. “Mya is popping over for a catch up and then I plan on an early night.” Finn placed his finger under her chin and raised her head so that she was looking at him.

  “I’ll call you later. Answer.” He placed a firm kiss against her lips and then got back into the car.

  “Let me kiss Harlee,” said Neve stepping forward. Finn opened his door indicating that Neve should lean over him to kiss their daughter. She sighed and then leant over his knee noting that he placed his hand over her ass. “Be a good girl and we’ll watch whatever movies you choose tomorrow okay.” She placed tiny kisses all over her daughter’s face making her giggle. “I love you popple,” she smiled.

  “I love you too Mommy,” she said.

  Neve watched the car drive away. “You have a kid with Finnegan Lawrence,” said Griffin stepping forward and giving her a quizzical look. It wasn’t unusual for people to recognise Finn although those that did were usually criminals.

  “Was he responsible for saving your ass or putting it away?” asked Neve turning towards her house.

  “I don’t need bent lawyers to save me, I rely on the truth.”

  Neve gave him a smile. “I have to get inside and tidy up. My friend is coming over. It was nice catching up but remember what I said Griffin, stay out of my house unless I invite you.”

  He gave her a salute and a wink, “Understood Siren.”


  Later, Neve poured two glasses of Prosecco and passed one across the breakfast bar to Mya. “So, Finn rang to ask if Harlee’s allergic to fish because he tried to give her some and Harlee told him she couldn’t eat it. I mean how does he not know that she’s allergic to it?” Neve asked angrily.

  “It’s a good job you’ve taught Harlee well and that she recognises what she can and can’t have. Honestly I don’t know what you ever saw in the creep.” Mya shudders for added effect.

  “Excuse me, I believe it was you that said he was fit and that I should go over and talk to him!” said Neve laughing.

  “Well he looked like Alexander Skarsgárd, clearly I was thinking more like when he played Eric in True Blood but then you got to know him, and I realised he was more like Perry Wright from Big Little Lies and he was less attractive.” Neve laughed again at her friend’s comparison between a Vampire and a psychotic wife beater. Unfortunately, the second was much more accurate. When Neve had first saw Finn, she’d convinced herself it was love at first sight. She’d been celebrating her twentieth birthday with her friends and Mya had dragged Neve over to where Finn was sat in the VIP area of the night club. They’d hit it off in
stantly and after that she’d been swept off her feet. She saw the constant calls and text messages as him showing his love. Her friends thought it was cute that he worried. Alarm bells didn’t really ring until their wedding night. Finn had kept up a good act for almost a year. Once they’d married on her twenty first birthday, he’d shown his true colours by forcing himself on her. Turned out that Finn liked to be fought off during sex. The fighting and the forceful sex happened a lot and then Neve fell pregnant at twenty-two which pissed Finn off. He couldn’t push her about while she was carrying his child and so he looked elsewhere. Their marriage finally came to an end when Harlee was born. Finn decided that he no longer loved Neve and preferred the single life. Neve wasn’t heart broken, she was relieved, she’d been wanting to get away since the day she’d found out she was pregnant. She didn’t want a child around their volatile relationship, but she knew she’d never be able to leave him of her own choice because he wouldn’t let her. When he announced his decision, she played the heart broken wife but inside she’d been so happy.

  “Earth to Neve,” said Mya waving her hand in front of her friend’s face. “I said, what the hell is all that noise?”

  Neve listened to the rumblings of motorcycles and sighed, “That Mya, is my new neighbour and his friends.” Mya dove up from her seat and raced to the window in the living room, she carefully parted the drapes so she could peek outside. Neve had told Mya all about the sexy biker next door and Mya was single, she needed the eye candy.

  “Let me take the trash out or something,” whispered Mya.

  “Are you serious?” laughed Neve.

  “Yes,” hissed Mya, “Get me the trash bag I need an excuse for a closer look.” Neve smirked as Mya tied her T-Shirt up over her navel to show off her flat stomach. She tousled her shoulder length blond hair and wiped her fingers underneath her eyes to remove any stray eyeliner. Neve handed her the bag and followed her to the door. She had to see what the hell her crazy friend was going to do.

  Peeking through the small glass window in her door she watched the three bikers turn their heads as Mya made her way down the path towards the outdoor trash cans. Mya paid them no attention as she swayed her ass. As she walked back towards the house she yelped and then hopped, gripping one foot in her hand. One of the bikers raced over to her showing concern as he checked her foot. Mya looked up towards Neve, who was still peeking through the window, and she winked as she held on to the biker’s shoulder and he examined her foot.

  Neve opened the door, “Oh Mya, did you hurt your foot on those invisible stones that cover my path?” she asked sarcastically. Mya scowled and the biker laughed, standing up straight.

  “Siren, come and meet the guys,” shouted Griffin from his garden.

  “No,” she shouted back, “Get in here you fraudster,” she added to Mya.

  “Oh, you’re Siren,” smirked the biker letting his eyes run down Neve’s body.

  “No, I’m Neve,” she said firmly.

  “I’m Knox. Come and meet the guys, we’re having a house warming for Griff. Come and have a drink.”

  “No, I’m good. Thanks anyway.”

  “Neve,” hissed Mya, “Don’t be rude. Let’s go and meet your new neighbour.”

  “You do remember what happened the last time you introduced me to someone right?” said Neve, reminding her friend of the push she gave her towards Finn.

  “Get over it, you got a gorgeous daughter out of it,” smiled Mya hooking arms with the biker and letting him lead her over towards Neve’s neighbour. Neve sighed and glanced down at her shorts and vest. It wasn’t party attire and she really did want an early night.

  By the time she reached her neighbours garden, which was now filling up with various bikers and the odd female companion, Mya was nowhere to be seen. Neve contemplated going back home, Mya was obviously occupied but then if something bad happened to her friend she’d feel awful.

  “Siren you came,” smiled Griffin, approaching her with open arms.

  “My friend left me no choice, did you see where she went?” asked Neve.

  “She’ll be off somewhere with Knox. Don’t worry, he’ll take good care of her and return her in almost new condition,” he said with a wink. Griffin passed Neve a beer bottle, twisting the cap off in front of her, “Opened in front of you so you know I’m not a date rape kind of guy,” he said.

  “You know, you just saying that makes you creepy,” she pointed out, taking the beer.

  “You need to chill a little Siren, you’re so uptight and snappy all of the time, anyone ever tell you that?” asked Griffin, drinking back his own beer. Neve kept a neutral expression on her face, she’d been told that a lot and she hated to admit that it bothered her. She couldn’t help but be guarded, the last time she let her hair down she fell in love with a sadist. She watched Griffin walk off towards a group of women and she suddenly felt alone and like a total bitch. Griffin was always nice to her and yet she was so rude back.

  She made her way through the house, pushing through the crowd of people and headed out to the garden at the back of Griff’s house. It was quieter out there, just a few people chatting near the patio. She sat down on the small wall that had been built to surround the patio area and took a sip of her beer. Looking around she could feel eyes on her, but everyone seemed busy chatting.

  Griffin came bounding out of the house and glanced around, “Anyone seen Ryder?” he shouted out and a guy nearby pointed down to the bottom of the garden. Neve watched Griffin head in that direction and sure enough, she could just about make out a shadowy figure sitting under the large tree. Griffin stayed to chat with the shadow for a few minutes and then headed back towards the house, he caught sight of Neve and smirked, “You should go sit with Ryder, he’s up tight like you.”

  Neve stood abruptly, “I am not up tight, you don’t even know me!”

  Griffin approached her, a cocky smile on his face. “Prove it.” He raised his pierced eyebrow, “I dare you to kiss Ryder.”

  Neve laughed, shaking her head, “What are you twelve?”

  “Told yah, uptight.” Neve scowled at Griffins retreating back. What an ass.

  She glanced back at the shadow under the tree, she may as well head down there and see if Ryder was uptight, he was probably just as nice as her and it was actually just Griffin being a complete ass. Neve could make out his large frame as she drew closer, his shoulders were wide and muscly, as was his chest. The tight white T-shirt clung to each toned pec and she had to force her eyes to move to his face. His arms were hung over his knees which were raised, and he held a beer bottle loosely in his large hands. She caught sight of his electric blue eyes and almost sighed aloud.

  “I’m Neve,” she said, keeping her tone low. His expression remained the same, his eyes pinned to hers. “I live next door to Griffin,” she added, shifting uncomfortably under his intense stare. She waited for a few seconds but again, he didn’t speak. “So, Griffin is an ass, he called me up tight,” she said, lowering herself to the ground to sit beside him. “I’m not uptight, I just find him over the top, like a bouncy puppy dog that doesn’t stop,” she continued. “My ex called me uptight, so Griffin saying it kind of pissed me off. Then he said you were uptight so I thought I’d come and say hi, maybe we could rename this the uptight tree?” she said with a small laugh. “The last thing I wanted tonight was to come to a party. Does that make me uptight? I’d rather sit in and wait for my ex to call so that I can hear my daughters voice, than hang out with a gang of criminals getting drunk. My friend dragged me here because she’s been single for at least a month, that’s way too long in Mya’s eyes. I’d rather stay single for the rest of my life, it’s easier like that.” Neve realised she was going on, her words pouring from her mouth one after the other with hardly a breath in between, but the guy still didn’t chip in or speak, and she found herself desperate to know what his voice sounded like. She half hoped it would be high pitched and squeaky, somewhat like pee wee Herman’s, at least then he woul
dn’t be so perfect, because right now, sitting there with a brooding silence around him, he was coming across as hot. “Anyway, sorry to have bothered you. I don’t usually talk to strangers, I’ve only had two drinks and I’m talking complete bollocks.” She stood and brushed the back of her shorts. His eyes followed her action but he remained silent and so she headed back to the house.

  Neve made her way upstairs; Griffin’s house was the same layout as her own, so she found the bathroom with no problem and was pleased to find it empty. Once she’d finished, she stepped out on to the landing. The lights were now off which was bizarre because she’d definitely turned them on when she came upstairs. She felt her way along the landing and yelped when her hand pressed against a hard chest. “Sorry,” she squeaked out. A large hand wrapped around her wrist and spun her around so that she was facing the wall. An arm came around her tiny waist and lifted her effortlessly, holding her against a body tightly and another hand pressed against her mouth. They moved forward and she heard a door open before she was carried into a dark room. She was lowered to the ground, but the hand remained over her mouth. “You come across as uptight, but actually you aren’t, you have the same needs as every woman you just don’t know how to ask for it. If you want to fuck me, you have to ask me straight.” The low voice rumbled in her ear. Instead of fear swallowing her, she felt a shiver of pleasure. “Your body gave me all of the right signals, the lip chewing, the hair fiddling, the legs pressing together to ease the throbbing.”

  Neve sucked in a breath, “I didn’t mean…” she trailed off when he pressed his lips against her neck and ran little kisses against her soft skin.

  “Don’t insult me by saying I imagined it,” he growled low, sucking her skin into his mouth. His hands ran down her arms and then trailed under the hem of her T-Shirt. When she didn’t stop him, he ran them up under her top and cupped her breasts. “Enough talking,” he added spinning her to face him.


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