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Capturing a Renegade's Heart

Page 4

by Nicola Jane

  “Is the happy dance because you saw me?” Neve spun around and came face to face with Griff.

  “What are you doing here, are you following me?” she gasped.

  “Nope your friend text me and asked if we fancied joining you for a drink, we were in the area so…”

  “We, what does that mean, who is we?” asked Neve suddenly panicked.

  “Me, Saul, Knox and Ryder. We had a job just up the road,” said Griff taking her by the hand and leading her back into the bar. Neve was too shocked to pull away, she was going to kill Mya for this. She was trying hard to avoid Ryder so that she didn’t end up in bed with him again which was a joke in itself because they hadn’t actually managed to make it to a bed.

  The guys were already sat at the table chatting to the girls. Neve grabbed a hold of Mya’s hand and pulled her to one side. “What the hell, you said it was a girl’s night?” she hissed.

  “Well I thought we could do with some male attention,” shrugged Mya with a wink. Neve looked around the bar which was now full. She motioned to the crowds with her hand.

  “And none of these other men would do?”

  “Not compared to these guys I mean look at them, just their sheer size alone is hot. They walked in and people actually turned to stare!” said Mya excitedly.

  “Oh Mya, I wish you hadn’t of text them. I really didn’t want to see Ryder again. I’m trying to avoid him.”

  “Why would you avoid that, look at the guy,” whispered Mya pointing at Ryder. Neve slapped Mya’s hand back down.

  “Don’t point he’ll know we are talking about him. You know this will cause problems if Finn finds out and on top of all of that, Ryder will probably think I’m a bunny boiler, I bet he thinks I made you text them to come here.” Neve groaned dramatically, “I feel like I’m back at school.”

  “It is a bit like that, look at Liss all over Ryder like a horny rash,” said Mya nodding in their direction.

  “Well that’s good isn’t it, he will fall for her charm and then I’m safe. I’ll just chat to his friends so that he doesn’t think I’m stalking him.” Neve was happy with her plan as they went back to join the group.


  Ryder liked this chick, Liss he thought she said her name was. Her hair was a dark brown and piled into some kind of messy bun on her head, it suited her. Her makeup was heavy, which made her brown eyes look almost black. She was sexy and sultry, usually the sort of girl he’d go for. She also knew what she was doing, her tactics for reeling in the opposite sex were polished and defined. She asked all the right questions to make her seem like she was interested in Ryder without prying too much. Ryder had years of practise to assess people, he watched the flicking of Liss’ eyes as she watched Neve. This girl was jealous of Neve, without a shadow of a doubt, she wanted what Neve had. “Maybe you could take me for a ride sometime, I’ve never been on a motorbike before,” she gushed enthusiastically.

  “Sorry darlin’ I don’t put a lady on the back of my bike unless she belongs to me,” drawled Ryder. He too kept an eye on Neve. Since he’d met her, he’d had an uncontrollable attraction to her and the need to pull her to him was strong.

  “So, what would a girl need to do to belong to you?” asked Liss flirtatiously.

  “That’s top secret, I’d have to have known you a lot longer than five minutes to disclose that,” he said with a wink. He turned to Neve as she passed by the table on her way to the dance floor. “Are you ignoring me darlin’?” he asked, taking her wrist and gently rubbing his thumb over her pulse.

  “I wouldn’t want to offend you with my lack of respect again,” she said coldly. Ryder smiled, he liked her sass, from anyone else he’d be pissed but from her it was different, almost like flirting.

  “You know with all that sass you’re bating a bull,” he grinned.

  “Whatever you say Ryder,” she muttered pulling free and walking away. Ryder noticed the way Liss watched the exchange. Once Neve had gone onto the dance floor Liss placed her hand on Ryders chest.

  “So where were we,” she smiled up at him and when he opened his mouth to reply she pressed her red lips onto his, flicking her tongue into his mouth and placing her well-manicured fingers on his shaved head using her nails to gently scratch against his scalp.


  Neve glared from her spot on the dance floor to where Liss was locking lips with Ryder. She pushed down the feeling of jealousy because Ryder wasn’t hers, and yes, she might have had sex with the guy…twice, but that was no reason to feel jealous. It was good he’d moved on because she couldn’t be with him anyway, it would never work.

  “Wow she didn’t waste any time,” said Mya in Neves ear.

  “Well he’s hot, she was bound to go for him.”

  “Doesn’t it bother you? It’s like school all over again. What was that guy’s name again, the one that you were going out with and then she stole him?” asked Mya thoughtfully.

  “Dean,” sighed Neve, “And she didn’t steal him I let him go. Why should this bother me, it was a one-night stand,” she shrugged.

  “That happened twice,” said Mya with a smirk.

  “Look, either way I’m not interested so why shouldn’t she go for it, he’s a good-looking guy.”

  “At least he helped to break your dry spell,” added Mya and Neve laughed. Since Finn she’d avoided men because she didn’t want the hassle but something about Ryder had lured her in.

  A slower song came on and Neve smiled as Knox took Mollie by the hand and led her to a space on the dance floor. Griff then pulled Mya towards him and Neve headed back to the table so that she didn’t look like an idiot. Liss was nowhere to be seen and Ryder was alone at their table. She thought about passing him and heading to the toilet just to avoid any awkward conversation, but she didn’t want to seem like she’d been bothered by his snog fest with her friend. She took her seat and looked out over the dance floor, it was odd to see these large, scary looking men dancing romantically with her friends.

  “No one to dance with?” Ryder smirked.

  “Not following Liss to the toilet for a quickie?” she retaliated, sarcastically.

  “We both know that I don’t do quickies,” he said, swirling his ice around in his tumbler of whiskey. “Where’s your kid tonight?”

  “None of your business,” she snapped.

  “I was just wondering if you had an empty house is all,” he asked, quirking his brow suggestively.

  “Oh wow, like I’m going to go there again after the way you treated me before,” she said with a cold laugh. “Not only that, you just kissed one of my best friends.”

  “She ain’t a best friend Siren, she wants what’s yours.”

  “Liss isn’t like that and I didn’t see you complaining,” said Neve.

  “If you’d have watched for longer, you’d have seen me tell her to go to hell. I’m picky about my women and I don’t like them to throw themselves at me,” he muttered, “And she’s exactly like that. Don’t tell me I’m the first guy she’s kissed that was yours?”

  Neve didn’t feel comfortable answering that, she loved Liss and wasn’t about to cuss her behind her back to someone she hardly knew. “Well you aren’t mine, so I don’t see your point,” she said huffily, and Ryder smirked.

  “I’m right aren’t I, she’s done that before. Oh man,” he grinned leaning back in his chair and sipping his drink, “I surprise myself sometimes with my skills to read people.”

  “If you could read people well then you’d know I didn’t really want to talk to you right now,” she snapped.

  Ryder leaned forward again, a challenging glint in his eye, “Oh Siren I read you especially well. Right now you want me to lean across this table and kiss you, you want me to throw you over my shoulder again and take you into a dark corner to fuck you hard and fast and then you want me to take you home and worship that hot ass body of yours in your bed where no man has been before,” he smirked. Neve crossed her legs and pressed her thighs together
to suppress the tingling that she felt rush to her pussy. She hadn’t been thinking any of those things, but she realised that she wasn’t opposed to them either. “So, I’m gonna ask you again Siren, where is that pretty little kid of yours tonight?”

  “At her fathers,” she muttered, her face flushing with need.

  “Then what are we waiting for?” he asked standing.

  “I can’t…we aren’t…”

  “You can and we are, let’s go,” he said gripping her hand in his and hauling her to her feet. “If I don’t get you alone soon, I’m going to fuck you here, at this table,” he said, glancing back over his shoulder at her. He smiled wide, “That’s what you want isn’t it? My siren is a little exhibitionist.”

  Ryder waved to Griffin who nodded in acknowledgment and winked. Neve followed him from the bar, a million thoughts racing through her mind but not one that made her see any sense and then she was stood by his bike and he was pushing a helmet on to her head.

  “Jump on,” he said pointing to the space behind him. Neve pointed to the short skirt that Mya had made her wear, it wasn’t practical for riding that beast of a bike. A sound clicked inside of her helmet making her jump and then Ryders voice was there, “Get on, no one will see up your skirt, I’ll be blocking their view.”

  Not wanting to cause a fuss, Neve held onto the front part of her skirt to stop it riding up as she climbed on behind Ryder. Once on, he gripped her hands and pulled her closer so that her legs were either side of his and then he wrapped her arms around his waist and started the engine. A loud rumble filled the air and the vibration ran through her causing her to gasp. Ryder squeezed her bare leg, “Don’t make those little noises Neve, it does things to me,” he growled.

  Neve almost let out a squeal as he steered the bike out of the parking lot and onto the road. She’d never been on a motor bike and she felt a thrill of excitement as he weaved in and out of cars. “I can feel the heat of your pussy on my back Neve,” he growled, “Are you wet for me or the bike?”

  Neve wasn’t used to dirty talk and she felt her face flush, “I’ve never been on a bike,” she said meekly.

  “I’ve never had a woman on this bike, it’s a first for both of us,” he said moving a hand behind his back and working his way between them until his fingers brushed over her pussy. She hissed, the contact was unexpected and knowing he was controlling this thing one handed terrified her. Mixed with the desire and the rumbling of the bike she was close to an orgasm right there.

  “One day I’m going to fuck you over my bike,” he said, moving his fingers in a circle over her swollen clit. He slowed down as they reached her house.

  “Park outside Griff’s place,” she said. Ryder hesitated but did as she instructed. He placed both feet on the ground and then slid an arm around Neve, pulling her around him so that she was sitting facing him on the front of his bike. He moved his fingers back to her pussy and began to rub her again. “Ryder people might see,” she panted, gripping on to his shoulders.

  “You have a helmet on, who will know it’s you. They’ll think Griff’s a dog which he is so…” he trailed off pushing a finger into her opening. She groaned with pleasure, “You don’t want me to stop now,” he added moving faster. She began to shudder and as an orgasm ripped through her she moved against his hand suddenly not caring who could see. When she came back to earth she fell forward onto his broad chest, panting hard.

  “I can’t believe we just did that,” she whispered.

  “You wait and see what I’ve got planned for you siren,” he said lifting her from the bike and placing her feet onto the ground beside the bike.


  Neve glanced around nervously, she was pretty sure that Finn wouldn’t turn up to her house, but he was so unpredictable and with the phone call she’d had earlier with him she wanted to be sure he wasn’t lurking around. Ryder slapped her on the ass as they rushed towards her house. As she fumbled with the keys, he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled the side of her neck. Once inside she made sure to lock the door and bolt it just in case.

  Ryder pushed her against the wall, not even making it more than a few feet into the passage way before his lips attacked hers in a frenzied kiss. Neve felt sexy, he made her feel that way with each glance, each touch, this huge, badass looking biker wanted her, and he made no secret of it. She unfastened his belt and then released his erection from his jeans. Neve didn’t get the chance before to really feel him and so she took her time to wrap her hand around the thickness and move it up and down the length. Ryder closed his eyes and sucked in a few deep breaths. Neve needed to see him come apart, she wanted to watch him fall and to hold that power over a man that was used to being in charge. She sank to her knees and he looked down at her in surprise. Darting her tongue out she licked the bead of salty fluid that sat at the head of his cock. Ryder hissed and fisted his hands by his sides. She ran her tongue up the underside of his erection making sure to keep eye contact as she did. “Fuck that’s the sexiest thing I’ve seen in a long time Siren,” he groaned.

  Neve took him into her mouth, forcing as much of him down as she could without gagging. Forming a tight vacuum around his cock, she began moving her head back and forth. Ryder ran his large hands through her hair and then gripped it, guiding her at the speed he needed. Within minutes he was panting and then she felt his release hit the back of her throat. Ryder stilled, his eyes closed and his legs shaking as he released everything he had into her mouth. Neve pulled back, smiling as she swallowed him down. He groaned again, “Fuck, what are you doing to me. I want to know where you learnt to suck cock like that but then I’ll get pissed off, so I’ll pretend that I taught you,” he said with a grin. He took her hand and helped her to her feet.

  “Coffee?” she asked, and he laughed.

  “Fuck no, whiskey,” he said, and she shook her head.

  “I don’t have alcohol in the house. Long story. So, coffee or water?” she asked. Finn drank a lot during their relationship, she wasn’t sure if he still drank but back then he would get so drunk that he’d either pass out or force himself on her. She hated him drunk, almost as much as she hated him sober. Neve could tell that Ryder wanted to ask her more, but he chose not to, and she liked him for that. Instead he placed a gentle kiss on her lips and took her hand.

  “Why don’t we forget the drinks and head up to bed?” he asked.

  As if he’d read her mind she yawned and then laughed. “Sounds like a plan,” she said. She felt nervous, she’d not had a man sleep in her bed since Finn and she’d certainly not had a man in this house to sleep over. It was her sanctuary, hers and Harlee’s.

  Ryder stood in Neve’s bedroom and looked around. It was the girliest room he’d ever seen. Neve had let Harlee help to choose the décor which consisted of lots of pink, butterflies and fairy lights. Neve loved it and it was solely for her, so she didn’t have to worry if a man liked it or not. She laughed at his horrified face. His buzz cut, his beard and the tattoo’s that crawled all over his body looked so out of place in this bedroom. “You should have gone home with Liss, she has a gothic theme going on in her room,” said Neve with a smile.

  Ryder laughed and then rugby tackled Neve onto the bed. She let out a scream and another laugh. “My eyes were drawn to you all evening. Bars are not my scene, I have my own bar at the clubhouse so I don’t need to venture out to drink overpriced watered down whiskey in dirty glasses; but tonight I couldn’t not come because the thought of you being dressed in…” he trailed off and glanced down at her outfit, “Well, in not much at all, had my blood pumping. I had to be where you were.” Neve let his words sink in, did he feel the same pull that she did. Before she could reply her cell buzzed to life. She froze and Ryder smiled, “You okay?” he asked.

  He sat up and reached for the cell that she’d placed on the bedside table. Glancing at the screen before passing it to her. His smile had faded to a scowl. “You’re not going to understand this Ryder, but I have to take
the call and he can’t know that you’re here,” she said, hating herself with each word. He nodded his head once and sat at the end of her bed with his elbows resting on his knees, leaning forward and looking down at the pink carpet.

  Neve took off her vest top, raced to the bathroom and wiped off her make-up with a face wipe and then got into bed and pulled the cover up over her bra. Ryder gave her a side glance before shaking his head and resuming his position of staring at the carpet. Neve pressed the call back button. Finn answered straight away. “So, you’re home then?” he snapped angrily. Neve nodded. “Show me,” he added. Neve swept the phone to the side to show that her bed was empty before bringing the screen back to her. “So, you want to explain what the fuck earlier was about?” he asked.

  “Sorry. I’d had a couple of drinks with friends, I lost my mind.”

  “When are you going to realise that that gaggle of witches are not friends. You were so much better when you cut them from your life.”

  “I didn’t cut them Finn you stopped me seeing them,” she reminded him.

  “And you were a much nicer person for it. Your daughter was a bitch tonight,” he snapped. Neve sat up slightly, concern on her face.

  “What do you mean? And don’t call her that, she’s five-years-old.”

  “She threw a tantrum for an hour straight at bedtime because she wanted you, have you poisoned my daughter against me?” he asked.

  “No of course not. Is she okay? Why didn’t you call me so I could speak to her?” The thought of Harlee going to bed upset broke Neves heart.

  “Yeah, I slapped her ass and left her to cry in her room. She soon got tired and went to sleep. You baby her too much it needs to stop.”

  “Finn, you hit her?” gasped Neve, alarmed.

  “A good smack on the legs never hurt anyone. My mother did it to me and I’m sure your mother did it to you.”

  “Finn, I don’t ever hit Harlee, she’s five for goodness sake. You should know better than anyone that it’s frowned upon these days. I think I should come and get her,” she suggested.


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