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Killing Me Softly

Page 6

by Lauren Firminger



  After I talked to Toby, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. He understood and I should have known that he would. While I went and had a shower after my swim, he joined Corey in a game of whatever he was playing while I made us all some lunch. I hadn’t realized until then that I hadn’t eaten much in the last twenty four hours and I doubt they had either, so I made lots of pasta and some garlic bread. It was something quick and simple but it would do the job. Later I was going to leave them and go and catch up with Hailee and Katy because it was long overdue and I needed to spend some time with my beautiful God Daughter. It would be good knowing I didn’t have to worry about Xavier popping up where ever we went.

  I pulled up in Hailee and Raven’s driveway and messaged her that I was here. Waiting for her to come out, I changed the playlist I had been listening to, to a happier one. My New Year’s Day one probably wasn’t to her taste. Although, it could have been because Katy and I had been giving her bands that she should listen to and this was one of Katy’s recommendations. The door opened beside me and I grinned as Hailee got in.

  “Girl, when you have drama, you really have drama don’t you?” I winced. Starting the car again and pulling out of the driveway, I headed for Katy’s place.

  “Is Raven mad?”

  “Not at you babe, he was pissed at Xavier though. He’s sleeping now which is why I said I would come out. The cleaners were out ‘til late then he had some other shit he needed to take care of before he came home.” I raised a brow at the tone of her voice.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. I get there is some stuff that he can’t say, but I just feel like lately he has been hiding something from me. He has been real secretive about some shit. I dunno. Maybe I am just overthinking it.”

  “I’m sure it’s just boring club business, babe. He is working on something with Toby and Corey and they have been setting that up for a while.”

  “I was wondering if you would bring him into the conversation.”

  “Who?” She just gave me a look and I shook my head. “And if I didn’t?”

  “Then Katy and I would have pumped you for information when we were together.”

  “I will wait then.” Hailee made a face at me and moved to take my iPod from the center console. Normally I hated people playing with my music, but for Hailee it was a nervous habit so I let it slide this time. I would talk to Katy and see if she knew why Raven was being so shady. If not, I would talk to Corey or play him in one of his games for the answer. That was how I got most things out of him. I knew it would just be club business and nothing to worry about but I could kinda read Hailee. “Do you want to talk about what’s going on inside your head?” She shook her head no and just kept playing with the music.

  “No, because then I would have to say this shit out loud and I’m not sure I am ready to.”

  “Babe, take it from someone who just over reacted majorly after being inside her head. Let it out.” She let out a small sigh and looked over at me.

  “What if he is done? He wants out of this but can’t tell me because he thinks I will fall apart again. I get it, I come with baggage but I don’t want someone to stay who doesn’t want to be there.”

  “Are you serious right now?” She nodded again. “Hailee, if Raven didn’t want to be with you then he would tell you. He isn’t an asshole like that but girl, I have seen the way he looks at you. He would move heaven and earth to make you smile. I haven’t seen that boy smile so much since you came into his life. Even with all the shit that has gone down. The club business can sometimes consume them. Ask Katy or me. They can go real fucking shady at times, but they can’t always tell us or don’t want us to worry about that. What does he do when he gets home? The first thing?”

  “He comes in, finds me wherever I am, wraps his arms around me and just buries his face in my neck. He’ll hold me like that for however long he needs to then kisses me and say hi.”

  “See that, right there, that is him holding on to the one thing that he gives a fuck about. You are his calm, his shelter in the storm and no matter what, he will always need that in his life so please, again take it from someone who has done a lot of damage by not speaking up, talk to him but get out of your head. It will do you more harm than good. He may not realize that he is being shady. Half the time, they don’t.”

  “And the other half?”

  “They are Xavier.”

  “If that was supposed to be comforting, you had me up until that last part.” She made a face and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Oh please, Raven is nothing like that asshole. You have nothing to worry about there. He is all about you, girl. Don’t believe me? Then ask Katy. Although she may actually slap the sense into you. I am being gentle with you.”

  “I guess you’re right. I will talk to him later about it.” We drove the rest of the way to Katy’s in silence as she continued to play with the music. I was just happy she was picking upbeat songs. I knew Raven though and I knew she had nothing to worry about. In the whole time I had known him, he had never fallen for someone like he had done with Hailee. He hadn’t been back behind the table long after being shot so I am sure he was just finding his feet. I also knew how Hailee was feeling. There was only one person who could put her at ease and that would be Raven. I doubt that she will actually talk to him about it. If it went on too long, I might see what was going on but for now, I would just watch her and try to keep her distracted. Turning into Katy’s, I drove carefully along the gravel driveway and parked on the other side of Chaos’ bike. Getting out of the car, I locked it when Hailee got out and we made our way up onto the deck. She was about to knock but was greeted by Chaos before she could. Kissing his cheek hello, I moved to find my baby girl.

  “Hey, Bug!” I felt the last few days melt away at the sight of her smiling face. Mia was the best therapy anyone could need. I hugged Katy and stole Mia from her. “How’s my little monster?”

  “She is guilt tripping her daddy so hard right now.”

  “Dude, how can you say that about this little angel?”

  “Easy! I have been trying to leave the house for twenty minutes but every time I say goodbye, the bottom lip comes out and her eyes well up with tears. Like a dagger straight to my heart, I tell ya!”

  “He is just a big softie.” Katy yelled from the kitchen. Chaos shook his head and kissed Mia’s head before moving towards the kitchen. Katy came into the room with drinks and a bottle for Mia and it was a few minutes later I heard their back door close.

  “Did he really not try just leaving ten minutes ago?” Katy shook her head.

  “Nope because the sucker feels guilty if he doesn’t say goodbye to her. I get it, if I had to go back to work, saying goodbye to her would break my heart and with Chaos and some of his rides, then if something happened, he would regret it but he is just going to Raven’s. All he had to do was sneak out.” Katy handed me Mia’s bottle and I gave it to her. She looked over Katy’s shoulder through to where Chaos disappeared to then back to me. “Uh oh. Daddy is supposed to do that. Prepare for meltdown.”

  “Aww come on Bug, we don’t need him. You have your awesome Aunty Abby and Aunty Hailee. We are so much better than boys!” The eyes started to well up with tears and my heart melted. Now I understood. How could you leave that face? She laid her head against my chest and threw her bottle away. Well okay then. Kissing her head, I held her close to me while Hailee and Katy talked. I had everything I needed right here.



  It took me a bit of time to organise it and after setting everything up all week, tonight was mine and Abby’s first date, and fuck me was I as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Sure we had hung out as friends, watched movies and chilled out but that was before she decided to give us a chance. Would she like the restaurant I was taking her too? Would it be too cheesy for a first date? Maybe I should
have talked to Katy and Hailee about it. I was so out of practice at this. I wanted tonight to be perfect though and different from all the other times, to signify the new step in our relationship. Yesterday after we talked, Abby went out with the girls while Raven, Chaos, JD, Corey and I had gone to the shooting range then went for drinks. Not only had I been given the ‘hurt her in any way shape or form and no one will find your body speech’ from Corey but the guys had reinforced it. Not that I would, I had been waiting for this girl all my life. I wasn’t about to fuck it up now. After showering and getting dressed, I headed over to pick up Abby. Before I could even knock though, I came face to face with Corey.

  “Are your creepy stalker senses at work again?”

  “No, dickhead, I was on my way out.” He was looking a little nervous.

  “You okay bro?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Hey, can you do me a favor and take Abby back to yours tonight after your date or come back here with her? I have to head out of town for the night and won’t be back ‘til sometime tomorrow.”

  “Sure, I’ll get Ab’s to bring an overnight bag with her. You sure you’re okay?” He looked over his shoulder to, what I assumed was, make sure Abby wasn’t standing there.

  “It’s our fucking sperm donor. He’s been in contact. I didn’t even know he was still alive let alone gave a shit but the asshole is demanding to be seen. I don’t want Abby caught up in this before I find out what he wants so I’m heading into Vegas to meet him.”

  “Do you have backup?” He shook his head.

  “No, I didn’t want to involve the club in this shit.” Pulling out my phone, I sent a message to one of the undercover cops that lived in that area.

  “I’m calling in a favor. One of my guys lives out there. Let me know where you’ll be and he will meet you there.”

  “Thanks, bud. I appreciate that.”

  “Just be careful yeah? Just because he is blood doesn’t mean shit.”

  “Yeah, I got you. I’m gonna head off. Raven and the boys will be around if you need them.” With a wave, he left. Locking the door behind him out of habit, I went to Abby’s room and knocked on the door.

  “It’s open.” I opened the door and stuck my head in. Seeing Abby standing in front of the mirror in a red dress that hugged her curves just right, I found myself speechless. She grinned when she saw me. “Hey you! I’m almost ready.”

  “All good, I’m early.” I walked all the way into her room and moved to make myself at home on her bed, one arm behind my head as I watched her put on her makeup. Not that she needed it. Abby was naturally beautiful. “Pack a bag to bring with you. Corey had to go away for the night so you are crashing at mine.” She looked at me in the mirror and raised a brow.

  “He okay? He didn’t say anything to me earlier.”

  “Yeah, just some business he had to take care of. We can come back here if you would rather.”

  “No, your place is good. One tiny request though?”

  “Anything gorgeous.”

  “Can you not leave me alone in your bed this time?”

  “If that’s what you want, I can do that.” She finished putting on her makeup and moved to her closet. Taking out a bag, she opened her draws and put some clothes in it as well as her pajamas. When she was done, she zipped it up and sat down next to me on the bed.

  “Are you sure everything is okay with Corey?”

  “It is. Something just came up is all. It was nothing so he didn’t want to worry you.” I hoped that was the case anyway, but if Corey didn’t want her to know just yet then I wasn’t going to be the one to tell her, as much as I hated keeping shit from her. It wasn’t my place to say before he found out what their sperm donor wanted. “Come on, let’s get out of here before I rethink my plans tonight.”

  “Are you going to let me in on your plans yet?” I shook my head.

  “Where’s the fun in that, when surprising you is driving you crazy!”

  “I hate not knowing!” She huffed. Abby stood up and moved to slip her shoes on while I got off her bed. Moving up behind her, I brushed the hair off her neck and pressed my lips against her skin.

  “You will find out very soon. I promise though, you are going to love it.” I felt her body relax as she leant back into me, my arm snaking around her waist. If she wasn’t careful, I really would rethink my plans and just take her back to my house. I picked up her bag from where she sat it on the floor while she moved away to grab her clutch. Leaving her bedroom, I crossed over to the front door and opened it for her. She grabbed her keys and locked up while I made my way down to my car. Opening up the passenger side door for her, she got in and put her belt on. Shutting the door behind her, I moved around and got in the driver’s side.

  “Ready?” She took my hand in hers and nodded.

  “Let’s go! I’m dying here!” Bringing her hand to my lips, I kissed her knuckles before starting the car up and pulling out of the driveway.



  Lying in bed with Abby after our date, watching a movie, with her wearing the biggest smile I had seen in a while, it was a good sign that I did well. After I picked her up, our first stop of the night was the airstrip just outside of town where we were met by a helicopter. It was owned by a good buddy of mine. I was probably going to owe him for eternity for this, but that didn’t matter. Once Abby got over the shock that we were actually going up in it, we headed for Vegas. With their sperm donor walking around out there, I was nervous, but it was too late for me to organize something else for us so I stuck to my plans, just called in some help from the Las Vegas PD to look out for us, subtly. Not even I knew where they were.

  Once we were in Vegas, I took her to her favorite restaurant, Antonio’s, that was near impossible to get into. After we finished our main course, we went into the kitchen and she got to meet Antonio and watch as he made the chocolate mousse that she would kill for. Her love for this was like nothing else. Anytime she was here, Abby would not leave unless she’d had some of this. Tonight though, she not only got to watch as he made it, but he gave her the step-by-step instructions on how to make it. I thought she was going to explode from excitement. After that, we came home where she opted for the movie in bed.

  “You okay?” Her voice pulls me from my thoughts.

  “Perfect, you?”

  “I’m great!” Leaning down, I pressed my lips against hers.

  “I’m so glad to hear that.”

  “Thank you for tonight, everything was perfect. I can’t believe I got to meet the great Antonio and learn his most popular dessert. He’s never done that with anyone! How did you manage to pull that off?”

  “I called in a couple of favors. He is the cousin of one of the guys I worked with in Vegas. Seeing the look on your face was so worth it! I was a little worried you would explode with excitement though!”

  “I wasn’t sure how to feel at first. I had to see if it was real because it honestly felt like a dream. The whole night did. No one has ever done anything like that for me before. You have ruined me for other guys!”

  “Oh babe, it’s cute that you think there are gonna be others after me. You are stuck with me now. I’m not going anywhere.” Our conversation was interrupted by my phone ringing. I kissed Abby quickly before getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen where my phone was on charge. If I could help it, I didn’t like bringing my phone to bed so that I wouldn’t be distracted through the night and could actually sleep. Seeing Corey’s name, I swiped my thumb over the screen. “Brother.”

  “Dude, what the fuck?! I tell you I am going to Vegas to meet with the fucking sperm donor and you take her there. Are you fucking crazy?!”

  “Woah, hold up. Yes you told me, but you also knew what I was planning to do. Your thing came up last minute where as I have had this organized all week. Why the fuck would you agree to meet him in Vegas of all fucking places?”

  “I wasn’t bringing him anywhere near home. You are lucky that he didn
’t see her!”

  “So what the fuck are you wigging out about?! You knew where I was going and what area to avoid! He didn’t see her and she didn’t see him. What is the problem?”

  “He could have seen her!” I groaned. I hated conversations that would go around in circles and clearly Corey had something he had to get him off his chest.

  “Corey, what is going on? What happened with your meeting?” He let out a sigh.

  “I’m sorry, I am just freaking the fuck out right now. That was way to close.”

  “It was fine though, nothing happened. Talk to me bro, what’s going on? This is more than just a case of what could have happened.”

  “I need to know that you have her. If something ever happens to me, I need her safe. Be there for her when she breaks down and talk her down when she goes to her crazy place. She needs someone if she doesn’t have me.”

  “You know you don’t even need to ask, but you are scaring the fuck out of me right now. Please tell me what is going on. Maybe I can help…”

  “This is something I need to do on my own. I don’t know if the information I have been given is right and until I know more, I can’t say anything, but I am headed over to Ireland for a bit and it will be as soon as I clear it with Raven. Just promise me she can count of you?”

  “I promise, you have my word on that. Just take care of yourself and check in so that I know you are okay. Abby will want to know, she’ll worry otherwise.”

  “I will when I can. I gotta go, I’ll chat to you when you bring her home.” We said goodbye and I hung up the phone. Putting it back on charge, I headed back for the bedroom. Getting back into bed, Abby curled back into me.

  “Is everything okay?”


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