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Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America

Page 32

by P. David Gaubatz

  8 “Government’s Memorandum in Opposition to Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Motion for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Instanter and Amicus Brief in Support of the Unindicted Co-Conspirators’ First and Fifth Amendment Rights,” USA v. Holy Land Foundation, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, 3:04cr240, 4 September 2007.

  9 U.S. v. Sabri Benkahla, 58.

  10 “CAIR is not a ‘front group for Hamas’ (or) ‘part of a wider conspiracy overseen by the Muslim Brotherhood,’ “the group insists (“Top Internet Disinformation About CAIR,” 1).

  11 Canceled check No. 1881, paid to the order of CAIR by Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, amount of $5,000, Bank One Texas, 5 October 1994.

  12 “There is probable cause to believe that those contributors to HLF who knew the leaders of Hamas or HLF, contributed their money to support suicide bombings and terrorism conducted by Hamas,” said federal agent David Kane in 2002 affidavit for search warrant, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, unsealed October 2003, 34.

  13 D-20 Corporation Franchise Tax Return, District of Columbia, CAIR-DC, 1995, 4 (obtained by author Sperry); Supplemental Schedule, CAIR-DC, Balance Sheet as of 30 April 1996, 2 (Sperry). See Appendix.

  14 “Senior leader of Hamas and Texas computer company indicted for conspiracy to violate U.S. ban on financial dealings with terrorists,” press release, Justice Department, 18 December 2002, 1.

  15 Indictment, U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation, et. al., U.S. Disctrict Court for the Northern District of Texas, 26 July 2004, 22. The $40,000 wire transfer was issued on Feb. 15, 1996.

  16 Government Exhibit 003-0065, 12, 13.

  17 D-20 Corporation Franchise Tax Return, 4.


  1 “Proposed Muslim Platform for 2004,” 8 March 2004, 2. The two-page document, marked “draft,” was found inside one of CAIR chief Nihad Awad’s files labeled “AMT,” which stands for the American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections. The file included notes from an “AMT Teleconference” held the same month the platform memo was drafted. See Appendix.

  2 Al-Amin faced the death penalty but was sentenced to life without parole. A close ally of CAIR adviser and fundraiser Siraj Wahhaj believes Al-Amin was “framed and railroaded” by a “racist” judge. “The incompetent racist, fascist, Zionist Jew lowlife pervert, so-called judge (Stephanie B.) Manis is an open enemy to the Muslim community,” snarls Al-Ha? Idris A. Muhammad in a publication sold at a bookstore associated with Wahhaj’s mosque in Brooklyn. He also calls Al-Amin’s victims “bootlicking” and “corrupt” cops.

  3 Letter from Al-Amin to Awad, 25 April 2007, 1. (“Re: Justice Fund Contribution.”) See Appendix. It’s worth noting that the lawyer described CAIR’s gift as an “additional” contribution, suggesting this was not the first time CAIR has financially supported the cop killer.

  4 Interoffice email from Iftikhar to Awad and Hooper, 3 January 2007, 1.

  5 Cindy George, “Pakistani found guilty of gun charge,” Houston Chronicle, 31 January 2007, B1. Ali Khalili was the CAIR cheerleader in the Taliban wannabe’s corner.

  6 CAIR National visitors register.

  7 “Case Summary,” Omar Abu Ali, et al. v. John Ashcroft, et al., U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, 16 December 2004.

  8 Ibid.

  9 “CAIR backs film praising convicted terror supporter,” WorldNetDaily, 4 December 2007.

  10 “American Brotherhood: Sami’s Our Man,” IPT News, 5 September 2008.

  11 Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant, 37-39.

  12 “Semiannual Report,” CAIR Governmental Affairs Department, Not for Distribution – for Board Members Only, 1, 2.

  13 Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant, 37-39.

  14 “Closing of CAIR MD VA Checklist,” 1. The internal spreadsheet document lists under checklist item No. D-3: “Give notice to Sterling Management, only if national decide [sic] not to continue in this office. We might have to pay an extra month rent.”

  15 “CAIR MD-VA Opens New Office in Virginia,” CAIR interoffice memo, December 2004, 1. “Local Community Leader Yaqub Mirza, PhD (gave some encouraging words of support).”

  16 Laurie Goodstein, “U.S. Muslim Clerics Seek a Modern Middle Ground,” New York Times, 18 June 2006. Shakir’s treasonous statement is buried in the last paragraph of long story designed to rehabilitate his image to appear moderate.

  17 Zaytuna Speech Request Form, 11 September 2003, 1.

  18 “U.S. Muslim Clerics Seek a Modern Middle Ground.”

  19 Nihad Awad, “Report from CAIR National,” CAIR National Board Meeting, 29 October 2006, 2.

  20 “American Muslims: A Journalist’s Guide to Understanding Islam and Muslims,” CAIR, 21.

  21 “Obama’s Gitmo Delegation,” editorial, Investor’s Business Daily, 5 June 2008.

  22 Author (Sperry) interview via teleconference; senior Gitmo security official, U.S. military intelligence analyst; 28 March 2009.

  23 “Radical Islamic/Anti-Western Threat Within Government Intelligence Bodies,” JTF-Guantanamo, U.S. Southern Command, May 2009, 2. (High-level briefing obtained by author Sperry.)

  24 Ibid, 3.

  25 Ibid, 2.

  26 Ibid, 5.

  27 Jake Tapper, “Islam’s flawed spokesman,”, 26 September 2001.

  28 Paul Vitello, “The War on Terror: Attack consensus is elusive,” Newsday (New York), 14 October 2001, A08. Khankan also claimed that “Atta is living in the United Arab Emirates. His passport was stolen…Yet the FBI insists he was one of the hijackers.” On Oct. 7, 2001, speaking at CAIR’s 7th Annual Fundraising Dinner in Vienna, Virginia, Khankan asked: “Who is impersonating these Muslim names? Who benefits?” He implied the U.S. was trying to “cover up” the real identity of the hijackers. Also, on Oct. 5, 2001, CAIR’s New York office encouraged Muslims to write letters to the New York Times questioning the identity of the 9/11 hijackers, because Muslims “could NOT be the culprits,” it insisted in one letter it posted on the CAIR website (emphasis in original). “Who could ‘benefit’ from” the attacks? it pondered, echoing Arab conspiracy theories that Mossad orchestrated the attacks with the CIA and FBI to spark a war on Islam.

  29 Letter from Global Relief Foundation officer Khaled Diab to CAIR Research Director Mohamed Nimer.

  30 Sperry, Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington, 258.

  31 “Proposed Muslim Platform for 2004,” 1, 2. This is a rough draft of talking points found in Awad’s executive files, along with minutes of conference calls regarding the AMT Presidential Outreach Committee, which took place March 31, 2004, and April 25, 2004. The date 1948 cited in talking point No. 3 refers to the year the Israeli state was created.

  32 Joe Kaufman, “CAIR Assassination Plot?” FrontPageMagazine, 7 August 2008.

  33 Anwar Aulaqi, “44 Ways of Supporting Jihad,” January 2009.

  34 Sperry, Infiltration, 119-132. Anwar Aulaqi, aka Al-Awlaki, aka Abu Atiq, was born in Las Cruces, N.M., in 1971 to Yemeni parents. He grew up in Yemen and returned in 1991 to study engineering at Colorado State University. On October 10, 2002, Aulaqi was detained at JFK International Airport after arriving on Saudi Arabian Airlines Flight 35. He gave an address of 3159 Row Street, Falls Church, Virginia -- the Dar al-Hijrah mosque, which has been the subject of several terrorism investigations over the past 16 years. (The mosque uses the Falls Church Church of Christ parking lot across the highway for extra parking during Friday prayer and Muslim holidays. The traffic is so bad on Fridays that the Church of Christ minister has to take off work to avoid it.) At JFK, Aulaqi was referred to secondary inspection as an “anti-terrorist passenger.” Phone records suggest Aulaqi also spoke by phone several times to the hijackers, along with a Saudi intelligence agent who helped them. Aulaqi has denied knowing the hijackers.

  35 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 3 May 2005.
r />   36 Ibid. Authorities also considered bringing a prostitution case against Aulaqi while he was in Virginia under the Mann Act, a federal statute. They had a photo of him at an ATM with a hooker he allegedly picked up in Washington, D.C. Aulaqi previously had been arrested twice for soliciting prostitutes in San Diego. Apparently the young cleric had worked himself into such a lather preaching about the carnal delights of the Islamic Hereafter that he couldn’t wait to redeem his own earthbound “dark-eyed damsels with swelling breasts.”

  37 Charles E. Allen, undersecretary of Homeland Security for intelligence and analysis, keynote address, GEOINT conference, Nashville, Tennessee, 28 October 2008.

  38 Susan Schmidt, “Imam from Va. Mosque Now Thought to Have Aided Al-Qaida,” Washington Post, 27 February 2008, A03.

  39 Paul Sperry, “Al-Qaida angle emerges in CAIR-tied terror case,” FrontPageMagazine, 22 June 2007.

  40 It’s also noteworthy that Aulaqi, like CAIR founder Awad, was chummy with the Blind Sheik and his entourage. More, Aulaqi has spoken at Islamic conferences with longtime CAIR director and fundraiser Siraj Wahhaj.

  41 Letter from CAIR’s national legislative director, Corey P. Saylor, to U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick, co-founder of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism/Jihad Caucus, 2 February 2009, 1.

  42 “MAC: Talking Points,” memo, 2004, 1. Page 2 of the memo, put out jointly by the Muslim Affairs Council and CAIR, cites the Royer and Khan cases.

  43 Ibid.

  44 Ibid.

  45 Memorandum, “Re: Proposal for Lebanon Lawsuit,” Omar T. Mohammedi, Esq., to Br. Parvez Ahmed and Br. Nihad Awad, 7 August 2006, 3.

  46 Ibid.


  1 William Gawthrop, “Islamic Investigations Issues,” Counterintelligence Field Activity, Department of Defense, unclassified briefing paper, 2.

  2 “Statement of Facts,” USA v. Weiss Rasool, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 31 January 2008, 2.

  3 “Position of the United States with Respect to Sentencing Factors,” USA v. Weiss Rasool, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 6 April 2008, 3. Prosecutors said Weiss’s NCIC security breaches undermined the Violent Crime and Terrorist Offender File, a system put in place to assist in the investigation of terrorist suspects after 9/11.

  4 “Plea Agreement,” USA v. Weiss Rasool, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 31 January 2008, 1.

  5 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 1 May 2008. Rasool also claimed not to remember tapping in to the federal database. And according to court records, “on April 14, 2008, the defendant appeared for a polygraph examination conducted by an FBI examiner but was not fully compliant with the test procedures despite warnings from the examiner to cease in his behavior. Because of the countermeasures deliberately used by the defendant during the test, the FBI examiner was unable to conduct a true polygraph examination.”

  6 Rasool resigned effective Aug. 1, 2008, according to FCPD spokeswoman Mary Ann Jennings. Insiders say the internal affairs division gave him the option of resigning or being terminated.

  7 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 16 January 2009.

  8 Letter from Saylor to U.S. Magistrate Judge Barry R. Poretz, 20 February 2008.

  9 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 1 May 2008.

  10 One entry in the CAIR National visitors register, 7 November 2005, reads as follows: Name: RASOOL, WEISS. Company: SELF. To See: NIHAD. Time Arrive: 16:16 [4:16 p.m.].” See Appendix. Rasool also appears on CAIR’s guest register for the days Dec. 8, 2007, and Jan. 4, 2008.

  11 Email from Rasool to Saylor, Awad, and other CAIR officials, 27 July 2006.

  12 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 16 January 2009. The high-level FCPD official first raised concerns about Rasool and his cozy dealings with CAIR during a 2006 phone interview.

  13 Author (Sperry) interview by email, 9 July 2008.


  1 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 27 November 2006.

  2 Letter from Leitner to FCPD Chief David Rohrer, 24 April 2008, 1.

  3 Paul Sperry, “CAIR’s Traitorous Cop Ally,” FrontPageMagazine, 25 Jue 2008.

  4 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 16 January 2009. The high-level FCPD official first raised concerns about Rasool and his cozy dealings with CAIR during a 2006 phone interview.

  5 Steven Emerson, “Fairfax Cop Who Tipped Terror Suspect Helped Kill Training Program,” IPT News, 9 May 2008.

  6 “Sources of Dawah Training Material,” undated document found in CAIR headquarters files. Maududi’s book “Towards Undersanding Islam” is one of seven books recommended.

  7 Letter of support for defendant Weiss from Sgt. Butt to U.S. Magistrate Judge Barry R. Poretz, 12 February 2008.

  8 CAIR’s national guest registry shows Butt entered the building with Rasool on Dec. 8, 2007, and Jan. 4, 2008.

  9 “Activity Report: Meeting with FF County Police Department at Criminal Justice Academy Re: FFPD Training of Employees on Bias-Related Incidents,” CAIR, 15 August 2005, 1, 2.

  10 Ibid, 1, 3. FAITH also approached the Justice Department about educating law enforcement regarding Islamic law and domestic violence. Meanwhile, CAIR has conducted “diversity and sensitivity” training for the staff of the Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, which has jurisdiction over cases of “spousal abuse family violence/domestic violence.”

  11 Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant, 99.

  12 “Activity Report: Meeting with FF County Police Department at Criminal Justice Academy,” 1. Sgt. Butt could not be reached for comment.

  13 Council on American-Islamic Relations MD/VA Chapter newsletter,” March/April 2007, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2. Days filed his complaint with the FCPD Internal Affairs Bureau on Jan. 31, 2007.

  14 CAIR’s national legal director continues to threaten and intimidate the FCPD. “We have noticed what may be a pattern and practice of the Fairfax County Police Department to discriminate against persons of the Islamic faith,” wrote CAIR’s Nadhira Al-Khalili in an April 2008 letter to FCPD chief Rohrer (in spite of his groveling speeches and accommodations). “We are bringing this issue to the attention of the United States Department of Justice and are requesting a full investigation of the Fairfax County Police Department’s repeated and relentless attacks on American Muslims.”

  15 The one-page letter to Nimer was dated 12 August 2007.

  16 Interoffice memo marked “CONFIDENTIAL: PLEASE DON’T DISCLOSE” from Faiza N. Ali, community affairs director, CAIR-NY, November 2007, 1.

  17 “’Mapping’ A Danger,” editorial, Investor’s Business Daily, 12 November 2007.

  18 Ibid.

  19 Ibid.

  20 “U.S. Muslim Coalition Considers Suspending Relations With FBI,” press release, American Muslim Taskforce, 17 March 2009.

  21 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 22 March 2009.

  22 Letter from Saylor to Rep. Myrick, 1.

  23 Transcript of lecture by Imam Zaid Shakir, “Jihad or Terrorism?” CD recording, Rumi Productions, 2001.

  24 Muhammad, What Should You Do If You Are Arrested or Framed by the Racist, Fascist, Criminal Police? Or the Racist, Fascist, Criminal FBI? 39.


  26 Sperry, Infiltration, 323.

  27 Author (Sperry) interview in person, 19 April 2005.

  28 Michael McAuliff, “Rudy Backs King in Mosque Flap,” Daily News (New York), 21 September 2007, 7.

  29 Memo from Shama Farooq to Dr. Sayeed Ahmed, 1 September 2004, 1.

  30 Ibid.

  31 Shama Farooq, “Report on Meeting Between FBI Agents and Dr. Ahmed,” DO NOT RELEASE, 27 September 2004, 1-6.

  32 Ibid, 5.

  33 “Law Enforcement Official’s Guide to the Muslim Community,” CAIR, 2003, 6.

  34 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 27 November 2006.

  35 David Harrison, “
Federal Agents Raid Merrifield Muslim Center,” Fairfax Connection, 8-14 July 2004, 3.

  36 “CAIR Maryland and Virginia Chapter 1st Leadership and Empowerment Conference,” agenda, 29-30 March 2008, 22.

  37 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 27 November 2006.


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