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The Sweetest Package (A Jake Davis Novella Book 2)

Page 10

by Leigh Lennon

  “Well, good to know you are on board with this. I was going to suggest we keep both places, that way we can visit.”

  Nodding my head, I agree, “So, why aren’t your hands playing with my clit as I suck your cock, now that this is decided?” But then I remember his harsh words to everyone. “Wait, there is more.”

  “We are getting protection, just for the next couple of months, but Sylvie wasn’t sure she could arrange it in both states. I told her I didn’t fucking care and to make it happen.”

  “Ah, glad to know you and Sylvie still are busting each other's balls,” I admit, and I’m not sure that will ever stop. “Now that conversation is put to bed, take me to bed, Mr. Davis.”

  “My pleasure, the soon to be Mrs. Davis.”

  Smiling, I only say, “I don’t remember you asking.”

  His only reply is, “Why would I? I already know the answer.”

  Truer words have never been spoken.



  Six months later

  It’s Saturday and we just arrived last week in LA, taking advantage of the beautiful beaches. But tonight, I have a surprise, something I’ve been planning since the last day we were together on the Cayman Islands. In the six months we’ve been together, it has not been hard at all becoming the family I’ve always wanted in my life.

  Putting them in the back seat of our fucking minivan, that Ginge insisted on with the impending arrival of our next baby in five months, I secure a blinder around Ginger’s face. Giggling, she whispers, “Davis, I thought this was reserved for the bedroom.”

  “Ah, don’t worry, cupcake, I’ll be using this tonight.”

  Thank fuck our minivan has tinted windows or Ginger would look funny.

  “Senior, how long?” my daughter croons but before I can say anything, she squeals. “Senior, I want to ride that!” With the cat out of the bag, so to speak, Sasha rips off her blindfold as she comes face to face with the Santa Monica Pier as I park in front of the Chinese restaurant she’d told me about three years ago in Little Cayman.

  I can’t see her, not yet, not until she’s on my arm as this trip will bring back all sorts of memories, both fond and not so fond. Opening the sliding doors and grabbing her hand, I pull her to me with Junior still secured in her car seat and I say, “When you told me about this place over three years ago, I never forgot about it. That night, I’d made plans to bring you here, you and me facing our fears together. Now, it’s the three of us.” Rubbing her belly, I laugh, “The four of us, I mean.” Wiping her tears away, I whisper, “This will be something you share with our kids, remembering the type of mother you had, in order to guide you to be the type of mother she’d be proud of.”

  Pulling me in close, it takes her awhile to form her words as I watch our very impatient daughter wiggle in her car seat. Giving Junior the “just a second” sign with my index finger, Ginger pulls me tight. “I fucking thank my lucky stars the day you tried to be Robin Hood in the airport.”

  Hearing someone clearing his throat, I turn to see Demetri. “And I invited your brother to join us.” Her smile tells me she’s happy to have him back in her life.

  Getting closer to her, I whisper, just where she can hear me, “I thank my fucking lucky stars the day you walked in my life; along with all the fire and brimstone you brought,” I say and looking at our daughter and feeling the little one kicking against my embrace, I can’t ask for anything else in this world.

  Bonus Epilogue


  Moscow - 32 years ago

  I watch her in front of the mirror, applying her make-up as I see her trying to decide between two pairs of earrings. Even in my six-year-old understanding, I hated when Mama was gone all night. I would go to sleep without her and wake up to her, as she arrived home from a night at work. I more than hated it. I loathed it.

  “Mama, why do you have to work at night?”

  My mama, with her blonde hair and light eyes, only stares at me with tears. “Oh, Sylvia, honey, I want nothing more than to be with you and your brothers. Being here to read stories before bed and make breakfast in the morning, but your Papa is sick and someone has to make some money.”

  Mama always looks so pretty leaving for work. She spends two hours getting ready after she makes us dinner. Dropping a kiss on my forehead, she smiles at me, “Sylvia, be sure to watch after Moritz. He’s a special kid. No one but you and Luchen understand him. Promise me you will always take care of him. Remember, your brothers, they are all you have.”

  Even at a young age of six, it seemed like an odd thing to say to me. I smile because for my Mama, I’d do anything. Looking at her watch, she rushes around the room, putting on some perfume.

  When the doorbell rings, I try to get to the door before Morry answers it. He’s always so cruel to my younger brother, just because he’s a little slow. “No, Moritz, I’ll get it.”

  All I see is that man’s fat belly when he yells over my head, “Irena, you are late, cow, we have to go.” Seeing my Papa on the couch, his smug smile makes my skin crawl. “Don’t worry, Mikael, I’ll take good care of your girl tonight.”

  Mama appears in the den and when she sees him, her body stiffens. Kissing all of us, including Papa, she turns, “I’m ready, Stravos.”

  I remember watching Mama leave that night. It was the last time I ever saw her beautiful smile.

  What I have learned

  Junior was a fun little girl to create in my mind! I love writing strong women so bringing to life a sassy and fun little girl was something I couldn’t wait to do. I needed a specific reason to make Sasha reach out to Jake after three years. I scoured the Internet for something (not cancer) that was life-threatening but could also be an illness that this little girl could bounce back from. After some of the other sad books I have written lately, I (and my readers, too) needed this cute little girl who caught all our hearts to be okay.

  This is what I found:

  HLH stands for Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis and is a life-threatening immunodeficiency. The common symptoms include fever, an enlarged spleen, a low blood count and liver issues. In my very limited medical experience, I found this to be a very scary diagnosis and could really translate the pain of any mother having to face an illness that life and death are easily exchanged.

  Unlike most of the What I Have Learned sections, this is not lighthearted but I sure hope the story did give you all closure as Sasha and Jake’s story comes to an end.

  You will see Jake and Sasha a little bit in Hannah’s Story in Unknown; the fourth book of the standalone collection that includes Unfiltered, Unacquainted and Unwanted.

  The Holiday Package

  Ten days.

  The Cayman Islands.

  A holiday trip to forget the woman I lost.

  Suddenly, I’m face to face with the sassiest and hardest of women, who may be able to make me forget all I left behind.

  And I want her!

  This vacation is about moving on.

  The saucy little ginger flaunting her perfect curvy body in her next to nothing bikinis could be the distraction I need to forget it all.

  Her fire and brimstone attitude leaves me in constant state of arousal.

  And she proposes a holiday affair, one I gladly accept knowing this is a hell of a risk to my already floundering heart.

  But in the end, will I be able to say goodbye?



  I never will get my happy ending.

  With my past threatening to ruin the possibility of love in my future, I keep every man at arm’s length.

  Nick appears out of thin air, becoming a part of my life instantly, leaving me breathless and wanting more.

  The pain that haunts me is still present, but Nick is worth the risk.

  When he promises me forever; can I trust him?


  Justine makes me see that a forever is in reach with her.

  She keeps telling me she
is hard to love; yet I find it quite easy.

  Once I break down her walls, she finally lets me in.

  But, I have a secret of my own which can expose her to the demons that destroyed me in the past.

  However, with Justine, I will do anything and everything to make her mine.

  Unfiltered Excerpt

  Justine and Nick’s Story


  If I close my eyes, my children’s empty rooms taunt me. In a split second, motherhood has been stripped from my soul. Before I have a chance to explode at my ex-husband, he opens his mouth, and my desire to seize the fire poker and rip out his eye sockets is real.

  “Justine, you’re controlling! If I don’t get our kids away from you, you’ll crush them. Your approach is pushing them away. Rose came home today crying because you called her a floozy. And did I understand you right? You called Kai a pothead?”

  “Funny how they’re suddenly our fucking kids, when for the last eight years, they’ve been my sole responsibility.” By the time I finish my sentence, I’m screaming.

  The vase near my hand beckons me to throw it at my ex-husband’s head; my hands clench against the urge to smash it against his arrogant face. My breath quickens to short gasps. Beads of sweat race down my face, and the hair on the back of my neck stands on end.

  In the midst of our showdown, his smug smile leaves me with a desire to slap him.

  “You can fight me on this, but you won’t win, not now. They’re sixteen and seventeen, and their preferences will sway a judge’s decision!” he yells.

  Fear grips me that he may be right. “And when did you graduate from law school?” I ask sardonically as the blood rushes through my head. Fury swells in my gut and anger clutches my chest. I feel as empty as my bank account was the day I left Rafe. How dare he threaten me like this? “And yes, I called Rose a floozy. She’s sleeping with Jones to get attention. Maybe she needs your fucking attention since all your effort has been focused on your new family, instead of the one we started almost eighteen years ago.”

  “Oh, this again.” Rafe unloads arrogance in the way only the president could pardon Richard Nixon. “I know, I know, Justine. You use my family as a reason for hating me more and more every time you dump on me.”

  I hate Rafe Hernandez, but I also love him in a way I can never articulate. It might have something to do with the two children who want to disown me in this moment.

  They own me, though the emptiness they’ve left in my heart mocks me.

  “Abuse is not just physical harm, you know,” he retorts.

  His vicious accusations prompt me to grab the vase and pitch it just left of his head. My aim is good, and if I’d wanted, I would have hit the son of a bitch.

  “You were an ass when we were married, but now, there’s nothing I can say.” I spin around as a single tear falls from my eye. I don’t need him thinking I’ve turned soft through the years. My voice is now raspy from all the screaming.

  “Again, this is really mature, Justine!” His arrogance is gone. In a split second, in my anger, I walk toward him. Like the wimp he is, he scurries away from me. He seems almost scared.

  Yes, be very scared of me, Rafe Hernandez. You just poked a mother bear, and now I’m fucking enraged.

  Before I retreat into my lonely house, I find eyes peeled on me. In all the excitement of Rafe, I’d forgotten a new neighbor was moving in today. Part of me should be embarrassed, as if I am being judged, but I am nothing if not transparent.

  “Well, that was the welcoming party. Sorry, I guess he doesn’t want to celebrate with us.” It’s rude, but the climate of our relationship should be established right now. If my snippy words fail, maybe slamming the door will work. Sooner rather than later, my neighbor needs to know what a bitch I am. I certainly don’t want him borrowing sugar from me at all hours or trying to be neighborly.


  “Do you want to tell me what’s on your mind now or can I get dressed first?” I ask my strong-minded daughter as I lean against the back of the couch. I am glad Justine has become acquainted with the number one lady in my life. I have loved her without fault since the day they placed this bundle of sweetness in my arms, but she is a bit challenging to say the least.

  “Dad, you just moved here. How can you know her well enough to let her come in here and help herself as she pleases?”

  “Emma, I am the dad here. You forget sometimes.” My tone is playfully stern. “But if you have to know, there is something about this woman. It may sound cliché but I would like to see where this can go.” I don’t owe her an explanation, but she may act better with one. At least, I can hope.

  “I walked in and she’s having a shot of your expensive whisky and it’s not even noon.”

  “Well, good, I’m glad. She had a bad dream, so awful I had to wake her up. She apparently needs to calm her nerves.”

  “She slept here?” Her eyes bug out, as though they are about to pop from her sockets.

  “Look outside, my dear. Do you think she can sleep over there? Tyler, am I going to get any help from you, son?”

  “Well, babe, she’s an attractive lady. Your dad has needs.”

  Clearing my throat, I laugh. “Son, that is not really what I was talking about.” I can’t fault Ty. He obviously has great taste in women, he married my daughter after all, but Tyler adds humor to all situations. Looking at Emma, her hands are now firmly placed on her hips, trying to show authority in this relationship. “Listen, Ems, you have always been a grade-A bitch to every woman I have dated. I ask you to cut this woman some slack. I can tell she’s different, and if I'm being honest, I think she might give you a run for your money in the bitch department.” Most may fault me for referring to my daughter as a bitch but it is more a fact than a put down.

  “Is that possible?” Tyler asks.

  Emma looks from side to side as if she’s at a tennis match. Finally throwing in the towel to this argument, she looks at us. “You both are assholes, but I’m stuck with you,” she grumbles, turning to Tyler. “Let’s go.” Being the strong-minded girl I am so proud of, she stomps away without another word to me.

  As they walk out, Tyler looks back at me, gives me two thumbs up, and shouts enthusiastically, “Way to go, Nick!”

  Want to get caught up on Justine and Nick?

  Unfiltered is available now on Amazon



  One night was all I could offer to a man I barely knew. I intended to return to my perfectly planned life, but now he is back and with him the reminder of the irrefutable connection we shared.

  It’s still there.

  I crave him.

  One night may unravel my perfect plans as I find myself at a crossroad between security and desire.


  One night, that was all she could give me. Yet here I am back in her life as fate has intervened. When I first saw her in that form-fitting red silky dress,

  I was captivated.

  She owns my heart.

  As I set out to make her mine, she has to choose between her past and future. I don’t think I will survive if her choice isn't me.

  Unacquainted Excerpt


  “Really, Brody? I’m going to look hideous in this. I’m not this Skinny Minnie like Jane or Lila.” I’m tall, taking after my dad and not my mom. A size two would not look right on my five-foot-ten frame. Brody looks at me with an amused look on his face.

  “Rose, you forget I have seen you naked, I think you can pull it off just fine.”

  “You are telling me this was all they had?”

  “It’s February, slim pickings.” Pleading the fifth, his smile is not fooling me.

  “Oh, sure, whatever. Let me hop in the shower. I should have made you wear a speedo.”

  “Sorry, they certainly didn’t have any of those, either.” Giving me the rest of what I have asked for, he continues with a cocky grin. “Listen, I will wait for you and we can go down togethe
r. When we are done we can get cleaned up and order a pizza and some beer, or sorry, OJ.”

  When we near the pool, I take my jacket off and Brody stops in his tracks. I see he is technically walking forward, but is turned around watching me. When he gets closer to the pool, I don’t say a word and just stand there, waiting for him to fall in the pool, which he does. I can’t stop laughing at him when he’s standing in the pool, shaking the excess water out of his hair. He swims over to the side where I am standing, places his hands on the cement and looks at me. “Never doubt how good you look, you single-handedly are responsible for my fall in this water.”

  “Are you all right?” I’m still laughing.

  “Yes, the ego is just a tad bruised.” Pulling himself out of the water, he comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist, touching my stomach. “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to find a way to touch your belly. Rose, I feel close to you and very comfortable with you.”

  I see him watching every move I make when I walk down the steps to the pool. “Hey, Brody, this is the way you get in the pool,” I tease.

  I see something on his face and kidding time is over. He jumps in, swimming next to me, pulling me in for a hug. “The second I found out you were carrying my baby, I realized how that bond could connect two people.”

  “I know what you mean,” I say as he backs away from me, giving me the space he has promised.

  After swimming for a little bit, we sit on the steps of the pool as Brody watches me with an intense longing. I do want him.


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