Book Read Free

L.A. Fire

Page 29

by Sarah Bailey

  Chapter 24

  When I got home that night, I felt like celebrating. I found Angela sprawled out on the couch, in her pajamas. She didn’t have to work Monday nights and usually ended up chilling on the couch, watching movies.

  “Get dressed, lovely,” I said. “I’m taking you out on the town tonight.”

  Angela gave me a lazy smile and said, “Can’t paint the town red tonight. I’m meeting Ziggy at Strut for drinks at ten.”

  I rolled my eyes at her and let out a long sigh. “Must it always be Strut? You’re practically chained to that bar.”

  Angela smirked at me, grabbed a glass of white wine she had sitting on the coffee table, and took a sip. “Of course I am,” she said, “it’s the hottest club in town, and for me, the drinks are free.”

  I put my hands on my hips in an exaggeratedly bossy gesture. “Listen, bitch. Drinks will be free anywhere we go, ‘cause I’m taking you out to celebrate your success.”

  A wide smile shot across Angela’s face. “I still can’t believe I scored this wicked role,” she said.

  “Well, I can. And we’re going to get seriously shit-faced one night celebrating your amazing success. Deal?”

  Angela grinned at me, her eyes twinkling. “Deal,” she said, then studied me closely. “Wait a sec,” she said, “you’re looking pretty damn ecstatic yourself. What’s up?”

  I went to the kitchen to get a wine glass. “I scored that major account,” I said.

  “Get out,” Angela said, slapping her hand on the couch. “You mean the lady Julian was having drinks with?”

  “That’s the one,” I said, coming over, grabbing the bottle of wine from the coffee table, and pouring myself a glass.

  “Well,” she said, “Cheers to that.” We clinked glasses and both downed a big gulp of wine, then laughed. Then she got to her feet and said, “it’s already nine o’clock. I’ve got to get ready to go to Strut. And you’re coming with me.”

  I shook my head. “No, girl. You know I love you, but I don’t think I can handle a whole night hanging out with Ziggy.”

  Angela let out a long sigh. “He’s harmless. And it’ll be more fun with you around. You’re coming,” she said decisively. “And I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  I thought about it for a moment, and decided to go. I really did feel like going out tonight, and Angela was on the top of my list of people I’d like to hang with. “Okay,” I said. “But hurry up in the shower okay? I’m going to need at least half an hour to get ready.”

  “Deal,” Angela said, then disappeared into the bathroom.


  Angela and I arrived at Strut in true style. She was decked out in an emerald green halter dress and strappy sandals, and I had on a cute, slinky little black Bebe dress and matching stilettos. I had blown out my hair, so it was thick and wavy, and worn my signature red lipstick. We headed straight for the VIP section, and Mandy, the waitress on duty, guided us to the couch Ziggy was camped out on, and then took our drink orders.

  “Well don’t you look hot,” Ziggy said, getting up to give Angela a kiss, and then groping her ass. He ignored me, as he had every time I ran into him at the apartment since I ditched Rob at the café on Venice Beach. When he did look at me, it was with utter disgust. I could already tell it was going to be a long night. Ziggy pulled Angela onto his lap, and she giggled, then wrapped her arms around his neck. I settled onto the opposite end of the couch they were sitting on, and contemplated how long I’d have to sit there before it was polite to leave.

  When the waitress returned, she was carrying a bottle of Cristal and three champagne glasses. I held my hand up, and shook my head. “No, you must have the wrong table. We ordered two margaritas.”

  She smiled at me patiently. “Yes, I remember your order, but this was sent over by the gentleman at the bar.” She pointed in the direction of the main bar, and I instantly spotted Julian. My pulse leaped at the sight of him, and I inhaled sharply. I felt like I was dreaming. There was no one in the world that I would have rather seen. The sight of him was too good to be true.

  “We only need two glasses then,” I said pointing to Angela and Ziggy.

  Angela pried her lips away from Ziggy, and gave me a questioning look. “It’s from Julian,” I said. “For the two of you to enjoy.”

  Angela looked thrilled, and Ziggy shrugged his shoulders. “If money bags wants to splurge on us, it’s fine with me,” he said, rubbing Angela’s back.

  I frowned at him and said, “Actually, the champagne is not for you, Zigs. It’s to celebrate Ange’s movie role. Or don’t you remember?”

  He gave me a lazy, angry look, and then shrugged again. I turned away in disgust. Angela was a big girl. She had to make her own decisions. If she thought this asshole was good for her, then that was her choice. Everyone had to make their own choices. All you could hope was that in the end the people you cared about would learn from experience and eventually find themselves on the right path.

  Right now the man of my dreams was waiting for me at the bar, and I wasn’t going to stand by watching while someone else tried to snatch him up. I grabbed my purse, and quickly made my way over to him.

  As I approached Julian, his eyes were riveted to me; it was like there was no one else in the bar. His gaze was hungry, and ferociously possessive, and it turned me on big time. I was no longer afraid of losing myself in him or being treated as a possession, so I no longer needed to put up some kind of shield between us. I could revel in the fact that he was ready to devour me, and accept that being consumed by my passion for him didn’t mean I had to give up my power. If anything, our passion for each other had made me stronger.

  As I got closer to him, I quickened my pace. He stood up, his eyes searching my face. I froze for a moment, taking in his chiseled face, his broad, powerful shoulders, and then I ran up to him and threw my arms around his waist. I felt his whole body shudder with relief as he drew me into a tight embrace. “I missed you,” I said, peering up into his beautiful eyes.

  “Are you back?” he asked, stroking my hair.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “For good?” He stared at me long and hard as he stroked his finger along my jaw line.

  “Yes,” I said without the slightest hesitation.

  I felt his body shudder slightly against me as he pulled me closer. “I’m sorry about interfering with your career. I should have told you Paul called. It wasn’t my decision to make. I realize now just how important your work is to you, and I’ll never interfere with your career again.”

  I nodded, and felt relief flood through me. “Thank you for singing my praises to Sylvia Laurence. For giving up such an important client.”

  Julian shook his head and pressed his finger against my lips. “You won Sylvia over with your own hard work. I simply helped you seal the deal by advertising your talents.”

  I frowned slightly, and he caressed away the creases in my forehead. “Sarah,” he said, now tracing my lips with his finger, “I’ll always be overprotective. Possessive. It’s in my nature. But I also promise that I’ll always listen to your needs.”

  I smiled up at him as I rubbed his back with my hands. “I know,” I said. “I know that now.” Grinning crookedly, I added, “And I kind of like your possessiveness. It’s a huge turn on.”

  Julian growled, then hoisted me up into his arms. I started laughing, and threw my hands around his neck. “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “I’m taking you home,” he said, “so I can reclaim what’s mine.”


  After Julian had parked his car at the back of his beach house, he came over to my side of the car, opened the door, and lifted me into his arms again. When we reached the front door, he put me down, and tilted my chin up so my eyes met his. “Do you still have your key?” he asked.

  I nodded. It was on my keychain, in my purse.

  “This is your home too, now, baby. Show me it’s yours by using your key.”

  My breath c
aught in my throat. Julian was asking me to prove my commitment. And though I hadn’t been ready when he originally gave me the key, I was now. Overcome with strong emotion, I reached into my purse with a shaky hand, fished out the key, then put it in the lock. Right before I turned the key, I looked at Julian. His eyes were intense, and watching my every move. With one quick jerk to the right, I had the door unlocked, and then pushed the door open.

  Julian growled again, swept me up into his arms, and carried me over the threshold. “I’m taking you upstairs,” he said, shutting the door. When we got to his bedroom, he pushed me up against the wall and pulled my legs around his waist. His eyes flared with ravenous desire, and he sealed my lips with his. Then his tongue slipped between my lips, claiming my mouth. He licked me with long strokes, and I licked him back, delirious in my passion for him.

  “I missed you,” I said, pulling back. “I missed you so much I couldn’t even stand it.”

  He stroked back my hair, and ran his lips along my neck, each kiss he planted making me whimper and shiver. “We belong together, baby,” he whispered. “You’re mine. And I’m never letting you go.”

  I found his lips, and then kissed him deeply. “I’m not going anywhere,” I said. “I love you.”

  He growled again, and I felt his cock go hard through his pants. “I love you, too,” he said. Then he slid his hand up my dress, slipped his hand under my panties, and plunged his finger inside my sex. “I’m going to fuck this hot little cunt. My hot little cunt.”

  “All yours,” I murmured, throwing my head back against the wall. When his fingers found my clit, every stroke sent waves of ecstasy coursing through me. I started panting hard, squirming in his hands. I distantly registered Julian unzipping his pants, then ripping off my panties. Then tension and anticipation was pure, delicious agony. I couldn’t wait for him to take me. To reclaim me. To show me I was his.

  “Julian,” I whispered, my voice hoarse with lust.

  “I know, baby,” he said, kissing my neck tenderly, then grabbing my hips with both hands, his fingers sinking into the flesh. He pressed his cock against my sex, and his eyes filled with a desperate urgency I’d never seen before. His look screamed, ‘I have to have you right now, or I’ll go insane.’ And I felt the exact same way. He must have seen it in my eyes as well, because the next moment he plunged into me hard, and a long, delicious cry rose from my throat as a powerful, rippling pleasure coursed through my body.

  Neither of us had any patience or control tonight. He began thrusting hard and fast, and I grabbed a hold of his hips too, pulling him deeper into me. I felt his stomach muscles quiver against me, and I dug my nails into his ass. He grunted at the sensation, and quickened his pace. I flung my arms around his neck, then bit his earlobe. He snarled, then started pumping harder. His face was contorted with lust, and it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. That look sent me over the edge. I climaxed hard, pumping my hips and crying out, and Julian was right there with me. Panting, and his body quivering, he emptied himself into me. We collapsed against each other, breathing heavily, still needy for the feel of each other’s flesh. Finally Julian pulled out of me and carried me over to the bed.

  We lay there together, letting the sexual fever cool off. Then Julian pulled me up against his heated chest, and I curled into him. Lying there with him, it suddenly struck me how right this felt. We belong together. I’d never have to be someone else with Julian. And I’d never have to live in his shadow. He was a powerful man, but he would never crush me with that power. He would use it to hold me up. As I started drifting off into sleep, I heard Julian whisper, “Welcome home, baby.” I snuggled into him, and realized that his words felt right. For better or for worse, Julian now was my home. My comfort. My passion. My love. And he was here to stay.




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