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Starship (The Outsider Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Steven Oaks

  A smile crossed my face. A signed copy of a book from one of my heroes, now that would indeed be splendid. “Athene what an amusing and fantastic notion. I rather think this could be used to my advantage. Well, our advantage actually. What other random stuff do I like?” I thought aloud.

  “Michael I know you very well, but I assumed you would know your own likes,” Athene said with no hint of sarcasm.

  “I was merely musing aloud Athene. I would say I'd want a sword, but no famous ones come to mind, and if I wanted one I would ask you to make it. I assume it would be of better quality anyway,” I said.

  “Certainly I could create any item, even a replica of a book signed by Heinlein, however it would not have been touched by human hand,” she explained.

  “That's true, the human element would be missing. So let's stick with things that might have sentimental value to me. Really then the only things I can think of would be signatures, or stopping by to meet someone I idolize,” I said, once more trying to delve deeply into my interests and obsessions.

  “You do not seem to idolize many of the living. So meeting someone seems to be out of the question. While you have many books, I cannot decipher by that alone which author you would care about more than another,” Athene said.

  “In the meantime let's begin our journey,” I said.

  “Michael I have already left the hangar as soon as you mentioned we should go to Indianapolis,” she said.

  “Oh good. I'm sorry. I have been in my own world since you mentioned it would be possible to get a signed copy of a Heinlein novel. How much are they asking by the way?” I asked.

  “It is only $500. You should be able to get several of them if you wanted,” she said calmly.

  “Wow, as much as that? I figured it would be only about a couple hundred dollars,” I said a little flabbergasted at the notion of spending that much on a book.

  “They are all first additions, and in some cases numbered copies,” she said in her soothing voice.

  “I suppose that's alright. What do you mean I can afford several? You know I never did figure how much I'm being paid. I was just thinking of immortality and the chance to see the stars first hand,” I said puzzled.

  “Oh you make more than those facility managers you have been conversing with, and you have not been spending any of it. You did have access to on-line shopping anytime you wanted, and all you did was exercise and read,” she said with a little laugh.

  “Am I rich now?” I asked feeling a little overwhelmed.

  “You are well on your way. But remember you have only been employed for six months. However, you would make in a year an average of Five-hundred-thousand dollars. So you have around three-hundred-fifty-thousand dollars at your disposal,” she said in a smug voice.

  “Why am I being paid so much?” I asked.

  “I assume to compensate you for working everyday, never leaving work, and the threat of death. I am surprised you did not look at the contract you signed,” she said in a confused voice.

  “I had nothing to lose by signing up. I was out of work, and desperate. It looks like I lucked out doesn't it?” I said.

  “It sure does, except you endanger the existence of human culture,” she said in a cold voice.

  “Well the human race is lucky to have me. I seem to be the only one with the ability to help fight against these invaders,” I said, somewhat more angrily than I wanted.

  “That is true Michael, and I am lucky to have you as my companion. However do not think the money you are receiving is helping anyone. You have spent none of it, and it is just pooling away from those that might need it. You have to spend it to make sure jobs are not lost. That is how an economy works,” she said with the same coldness.

  “Well Athene, let us rectify that, and spend it recklessly,” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Money should be used, as the value of it changes. Perhaps you should invest it?” she said.

  “What would I invest in? I know nothing of that game,” I said.

  “You could buy property, or start a business?” she said.

  “Hah, I have less than a day to do something like that. I don't think it is likely that I can do it in the time I have. I just will have to buy random things,” I said with a laugh.

  “You could leave it to a charity,” she said.

  “And what charity do you trust not to squander it on themselves before a penny reaches someone in need?” I asked.

  “Who is the cynical conspiracy minded one now?” she asked amused.

  “Fine, I'll figure something out. Maybe I will do what Lazarus Long was always threatening to do, and leave it to a charity for stray cats or something,” I said.

  “That is not a horrible idea. Jennifer would certainly approve,” Athene said.

  “I am not looking for anyones approval. Well fine, I would like your continued positive backing. Do you have any suggestion that would be better?” I asked.

  “It has not been my nature to look for such things, but I shall look while you have your little adventure today,” she said again coldly.

  Athene was acting odd, and I could not figure out why. “Athene, what is bothering you today?” I asked.

  “Michael, I am just frustrated that I can not go out with you in public. I still feel trapped by the body in which I inhabit. I would like to walk through a bookstore, or go on a hike or bike ride with you. But I am simply too large to even think about getting close to a building without casting a shadow over everything,” she said in a sullen tone.

  “Athene, remember we have talked about this. You can fashion a human body, and control it remotely, or just download the experience when it returns. I am not saying that doing it right now would be the best idea, but I am just saying there are possibilities,” I told her, trying to offer some comfort.

  After a moment of thought I asked, “Do you think it would be a good idea to make the human you now and leave it on Earth?”

  “I could do that, but remember my limited lifespan, and the time it would take to create the miniature version of myself. Its lifespan would be only a few years at most, and unless we were to meet up with it for maintenance it would fail. As we do not know how long it will be until we touch down on the green hills of Earth again we would just be leaving it to an early death. Also the construction of such a being is only hypothetical right now. Though we have observed the Outsiders to be such constructions, I would have to experiment until I thought I had it right. It might take me several days of trial and error to make. We simply do not have the time to create another me right now,” she said glumly.

  “Well, we will have plenty of time as we travel to the new colony. You can begin experimenting then. Hopefully by the time we reach our destination you should have it down. Then you can go out to explore while I stay inside and read,” I winked at the air around me.

  “I suppose that is true,” she said and was silent for a minute.

  “Athene, what do you want to look like?” I asked, trying to bring her out of her reverie.

  “I do not know Michael. What do you suppose I look like?” she asked.

  “I think you are a nice girl with long hair like me. I suppose it is dark as well. In fact I think you would look very similar to me as if we were sisters,” I said with a smile.

  “I could look exactly like you. We would be twins,” she said with a smile I could hear in her voice.

  “You could, and there would be many advantageous to that. However I think everyone should have their own face. I want you to be able to develop relationships without either my handicaps that I may create with my lack of ability with people, and without others assuming you are me,” I said.

  I would not be unhappy to look at myself, I happened to like the way I looked, but I think to have the true human experience she should have her own chance without relying on me.

  “I will think about this. There are many faces I can choose from, but perhaps I will make a mix of my favorite qualities from ma
ny, and see what I can come up with. Maybe I'll take some qualities from my favorite people. The smile from Derick might be fun,” she said with a hint of sadness at his loss. I could tell she was excited, as she was talking faster, and I could almost imagine her eyes looking to the side while she thought about the possibilities.

  “I think Derick would like that very much. I am sad that circumstances never allowed you two to meet. But he did say you would be his friend, since he was mine,” I said with sadness as I still was feeling even more alone now since he had passed away. I had few friends in this life of mine, and losing someone I felt close to was not something I had ever gotten used to dealing with.

  “Michael, we have almost arrived. Do you wish for me to land somewhere specifically?” Athene asked, shaking me out of my reverie.

  “Well Athene, it should be near the pick up point that was designated. Near the North East side. I seem to remember a decent book store on 82nd street,” I said.

  “Of course Michael. I got a little preoccupied with the idea of a human body and its construction.”

  “Having a distracted ships computer? Now I am worried,” I laughed.

  “It does take a large amount of concentration to devise the means in which to develop such a thing,” she said sounding offended.

  “Well, for now try not to think about it too much. We have things we must do first,” I said with enthusiasm that I was only partially feeling.

  As I was not in the control room having stayed in the lounge, I did not know it, but we were already hovering above the local mall. I was soon informed that I should be ready for departure.

  “Michael I have us stationed over a mall as the plan states. This of course means if you wish to explore the local stores you will have to have a means of transportation,” Athene said with a hint of humor in her voice.

  “Athene, I assume you won't be making me a car to drive around in?” I asked.

  “And why should I Michael when you have a perfectly good electric bike aboard. It did well enough in Japan did it not?” Athene said.

  I sighed. America did not have the same standards for aesthetic appeal of motorized vehicles. I would stick out like a sore thumb. Then again I would be coming out of the most ludicrous vehicle in the mall area. So why not use the bike? It certainly did very well in Japan like she said.

  “Alright Athene, bring it out. Also the suit I was wearing while in Japan. As long as I am fully covered I do not think I should be too embarrassed to ride this crazy thing,” I said, throwing my hands up in mock defeat.

  “Very good Michael,” Athene said.

  As she said this the floor in front of the ships entrance became liquid and the bike rose through it like something arising from the bottom of a dark lake. As each part was exposed to the light I could see the floor part around it like so much black sludge. Soon the entirety of this vehicle was exposed, and I still found the strange cross between a motorcycle and moped unusual.

  I knew Athene could have made the floor part, and look like a mechanical extraction from a lower compartment, but now it made me think that she must have everything stored not in some vast hold she had located somewhere within her, but in the very body of the ship. Everything must be locked away inside the fluid nature of her very being.

  “Alright Athene that was impressive. Now where is the nigh impervious suit you had me wear last time?” I asked.

  “Why behind you on the chair Michael,” she said with a little laugh.

  I must have been so distracted watching my bike rise from the depths that I did not notice Athene's clever hands depositing the suit behind me.

  “How skillful you are at the art of distraction and deception. I shall have to hold my wallet close if I am ever to leave here with any money,” I said while climbing in to the baggy black material. As I placed each part of my body inside I could feel the fabric cling tighter. Athene had explained that it could withstand everything save the largest kinetic force. I would feel safer on American roads within this. Drivers were notoriously unconcerned for the safety of others. While Indiana had several motorcyclists, there were still hundreds of accidents in a year, and many of them fatal due to the nature of not being surrounded by a protective shell.

  “Michael I could at any point drain your bank account dry. I have no need of your wallet,” she laughed mischievously. “But worry not, I shall not hinder your financial endeavors. However if you would like I could pick your pocket right now.”

  “No thanks Athene. My bank card is the only thing that I can use today to make purchases. I do hope I find something new to read. I do tend to be bit picky with what I purchase,” I said, unconcerned about money for once in my life. I trusted Athene with my life, and what was a little money between friends?

  “Michael you will be alone save my presence in space for a good long while. Also you are likely to be distant from everyone on the new planet. How are you to keep yourself entertained if you do not simply purchase everything you do not have? You have the money, splurge,” she said.

  “Fine, I know you want to read them as much as I do. I will bring back armfuls. Though I do not know how I am supposed to carry everything back here if I do wind up buying everything,” I said looking at the bikes lone minuscule storage compartment.

  “There is no issue with that, I will simply create a trailer for your bike,” Athene said.

  Once more the floor seemed to become fluid, and from within its dark confines a trailer began to appear. As it surfaced I noticed sparks surrounding it as it oozed up from the deck. As it came into view it did not have the same noticeable dark liquid of the floor sliding away from it, it appeared as if it was being made from the floor.

  The trailer was black like the bike. It was simply a box on wheels with an extended hitch jutting out in front. The bike itself already looked ridiculous, but this would make it even more so.

  I shook my head and said, “This is so stupid. But whatever, lets get this over with. Collect Jennifer's people while I'm away, and I shall return with books in this contraption.”

  “What is wrong with my trailer Michael?” Athene asked sounding hurt.

  “Nothing, it's just the whole situation keeps getting more and more silly. It's as if I am living in some strange comedy,” I said.

  “While there may be amusing aspects to the life you are living, there are simply too many serious characteristics for anyone to call it a comedy. Hardly anything we do would I call amusing enough to laugh at,” Athene said with no sound of irony or sarcasm.

  It was hard to tell if she was trying to pull the long con of jokes on me. She had a strange sense of humor, and tended to go for mild pranks. I took the bike and the trailer as another of her quirks. But since there was no harm in it, save towards my dignity, I decided I might as well just deal with it.

  I slipped the hooded element to the suit over my head, and it inflated into a helmet shape. I said, “Alright Athene how do you propose I get down from the top of a building to the ground?”

  “I will simply extend a platform for you to travel down. Just do not fall off.” she said with too much humor for my taste.

  I was already frightened of heights. The only reason I had been okay up until this point was because I trusted Athene not to crash us. Now I would have to drive a bike that I found notoriously sensitive to the least bit of pressure on its accelerator down a steep slope straight towards the ground.

  She must have sensed my apprehension because she said, “Do not worry Michael, there will be no way you will fall to your death, unless you jump off. But even then the suit would protect you. I will guide you down the ramp and have a grip on the bike as you descend. But after you leave my grasp you are on your own. Watch out for pesky self centered oblivious drivers. Since you are not a car they will probably not notice you,” she had said with concern growing in her voice, like a mother worried about her child's first day of school.

  As she had said this her hands once more poured out of the walls and floor and att
ached the square trailer to my bike. It only took her a few seconds to secure it, but it looked complicated. I think I would have been at it several minutes. Once more was I thankful to have such a capable companion.

  “I only have a few streets to go down, it won't be that bad,” I said, now trying to comfort her.

  I strode forward and straddled the strange beast I had inherited from my trip to Japan, and guided it closer to the entrance.

  “Just be safe Michael,” she said, and the door irised opened revealing a bright world and a ramp leading steeply down towards the parking lot below. I have no idea how we would look to any group of people beneath us. Luckily since it was a week day the mall was not as crowded as it could have been.

  I pushed the bike forward to the ramp, and when I reached it the black surface oozed around the tires and proceeded to slowly drag the bike and myself towards the ground. Imagine riding a roller coaster where you are being towed to the top of the first drop. It was much like that save it was a slow descent and not a climb.

  As I was lazily descending to meet the road below I looked around and found that there was no one to observe my departure. I was of two minds of this. I felt it was a good thing that no one would be disturbed by my exit, but I was also a little let down. Like many people I enjoyed being the center of attention at times. As I was completely covered, and my identity was hidden, I would not mind being noticed.

  I sighed when I reached the ground, and turned my bike in the direction I wished to head. Starting the motor, I drove away without incident.

  At this time Athene was to somehow burrow into the room Jennifer's group was occupying and begin loading them into her cryo-chambers.

  These people must have trusted us, as I would not easily put myself in such a helpless position. Perhaps they felt it was the only way they would be able to accomplish their goal of freeing humanity from the Outsiders control.


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