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The Forbidden Promise

Page 5

by Helena Rose

  "My name is Lucas Navarra y Reyes, at your service." He took her hand gently, brushing the back lightly with their lips, while his green eyes stared up at her face.

  Aurora looked away, embarrassed.

  " Very pleased to meet you, I'm Aurora Vargas de Coronado."

  " Dr. Costantino’s daughter, I guess?"

  Aurora nodded.

  " And are you by any chance a relative of Federico Navarra y Reyes?" Asked Aurora

  Lucas stiffened slightly.

  "Yes," he replied curtly. "I'm his brother.”

  Aurora looked at him strangely. In Mexico City, Federico had never mentioned a brother.

  " Are you surprised?" urged Lucas." You find us so different?”

  "No. it’s that he never mentioned a brother. That's all" Replied Aurora.

  "You don’t know him very well, then. All Tampico knows about us."

  " I’ve been away for a long time and prior to going to Mexico City I hadn’t met your brother." Retorted Aurora who began to get irritated. Lucas spoke in a rather abrupt manner and forced her to justify herself over almost every word, as if she had committed a terrible deed.

  " Of course I knew who the Navarra y Reyes were, the owners of the largest hacienda in the surrounding area," Adding "I guess it's wonderful to live there.”

  A flash of fury passed across Lucas’ eyes.

  "Don’t ask me. Ask your friend. If you’ll excuse me I’ll leave." He turned away abruptly.

  Aurora opened her fan and began to fan nervously. How ill mannered! But what did I do to him?

  Aurora looked quizzically at the old priest.

  "Don’t worry, child," he said. "I'll tell you a few things about Lucas. He's a good man, but certain things irritate him enormously. This of course doesn’t exempt him from being courteous, especially to a young lady."

  " I don’t understand. What could have irritated him in what I said?" queried Aurora.

  " Really, you've never heard of the story of the two Navarra y Reyes brothers? Your parents are really praiseworthy people if they’ve never spoken of the gossip at home. Although I don’t like to gossip, I think you deserve an explanation. Furthermore, their story is not exactly a secret."

  Father Julian gave her a brief summary of the affair. Aurora looked at him dismayed.

  " Now I understand that I may have irritated him," she said disconsolately. " He must have suffered a lot, poor thing."

  "Yes, daughter, certain offenses are difficult to forget. But now, tell me about yourself. "

  Aurora spoke briefly of her life in Mexico City: her studies, the bustle of the city, her cousin Dolores.

  Father Julian listened with great attention and a deep interest.

  " You can understand now how I get bored here and would like to practice what I studied. I’d be very happy if I could offer my services as a volunteer in the infirmary for the parish’s sick destitute."

  "Your charitable mind gives you honor, my child," said Father Julian admiringly. ”Your father also works there sometimes for free. The good nuns of La Virgen de la Caridad that help in the infirmary are really enthusiastic about him. "

  "My father is a good man. If it hadn’t been for him, I’d never have had the opportunity to study medicine. As you know my mother didn’t approved at all."

  " Doña Viviana is just as good," said Father Julian. “The organization of her charity auctions is always perfect and she devotes a lot of time to them. You must understand, my daughter, she has a different view of life from yours, but what she wants more than anything else is your happiness."

  Aurora decided to skip over the thorny issue of her relationship with her mother.

  "You think I can work at the hospital? “She inquired.

  " If you really want to, I will speak with the Mother Superior," replied Father Julian.

  " Thank you so much." Aurora thanked him enthusiastically. “I can’t wait to begin."

  Aurora left the rectory very satisfied. As she didn’t want to return home immediately she walked towards the sea, followed as always by recalcitrant maid who pleaded constantly that they return home. The white beach shone under the rays of the sun, while the calm waves left a line of foam on the shore. The green palms completed the wonderful and exotic landscape. She sat down in the shade of a palm tree to admire the ocean with the sun sparkling on the surface of the blue waves.

  The sea was perhaps the thing that she had missed most in Mexico City. She was lost in her thoughts, and didn’t notice the passage of time. She couldn’t completely banish the memory of the meetings she had had with Lucas Navarra y Reyes. It was as if from the depths of her mind the man’s irresistible eyes continually appeared to distract her. Federico isn’t to blame for what happened. He’s also much more refined and elegant. Federico, when can we see each other again?

  Suddenly she realized that the sun was slowly descending towards the horizon, assuming a pink tinge. She got up and walked back towards the town. After crossing the square, she suddenly saw Lucas coming out of the bank. She remembered the conversation she had overheard at Father Julian’s, before she had knocked on the door. He went to ask for a loan. Lucas’ face was dark. For a moment, she thought of changing direction, but it was too late and her move would have been immediately interpreted for what it was, a misguided attempt to avoid him that would have made her look irreparably rude.

  She swallowed and braced herself.

  "Good evening, Miss Vargas de Coronado," said Lucas making a small bow. "This town must be very small if in two days we meet for the third time.”

  Lucas gave her a sunny smile.

  " You’re right," said Aurora smiling back." Tampico seems like a small village. "

  Relieved, she decided to make up for the earlier unpleasant meeting.

  " I'm sorry for what I said at Father Julian’s. I didn’t know that it would irritate you. "

  She realized immediately that her words had had exactly the opposite effect.

  "You didn’t know, but you saw fit to inform yourself as soon as possible!" Retorted Lucas annoyed “I hope you didn’t have to work too hard to carry out your investigation!"

  Aurora decided to answer tartly.

  " It wasn’t difficult, as you said all Tampico is aware of it," she replied sarcastically.

  "I’m pleased that you were able to get to the bottom of your curiosity." Retorted Lucas.

  "Don’t overestimate yourself. I didn’t and I don’t have any particular curiosity in you!"

  "Oh yes. I forgot, you're more interested in my brother." Said Lucas

  " How dare you! You know nothing about me! " Aurora answered back.

  "You say that? You’re the first female doctor in Tampico, one of the few in the whole Mexico? News travels fast, young lady."

  "Having been in Mexico City for so long, I forgot how gossipy the inhabitants in the province can be. I am surprised that a man like you would devote himself to this hobby. Now I understand why you thought I’d have a morbid curiosity about your background, you’ve judged me by your own standards."

  Lucas laughed.

  " You find this funny?“ She asked angrily.

  "Yes. Maybe you don’t realize it, but we’re among the most famous and most talked-about residents of Tampico. "

  " You are impossible! "

  " Yes, maybe I am."

  "You’re self-centered! "

  " Living alone often makes you self-centered; who else should you think of otherwise?"

  Aurora looked at him dumbfounded for a few seconds, then not able to resist any longer she burst out laughing.

  Lucas stared captivated by the light that shone from Aurora’s hazel eyes while she laughed, obviously very much amused. The delicate face had taken on a joyful and charming expression.

  " Excuse me if I offended you," he said in a mellow voice, sincerely repentant. "Sometimes I can’t help myself. You’ll think that I am a boor, but I swear I do know how to behave with a girl as pretty as you."

rora was surprised by Lucas’ sudden change of mood. She saw his eyes relax and become irresistible, as if he wanted to attract her like a magnet.

  " Apology accepted, don’t worry," she replied slowly.

  "Then you won’t keep any bad memories of me? "

  " Should I keep any memories of you at all? "

  " Perhaps you want to forget me? "

  Aurora did not answer. She just smiled.

  " Now I really have to go. My parents will wonder where I am. If you’ll excuse me."

  "Of course.” Replied Lucas amused.

  Aurora continued on her way home, followed by the maid that begged her to hurry or they would both incur Doña Viviana’s ire. Aurora had her head full of other thoughts, in fact, she strove hard not to give in to the impulse to turn around to see if Lucas was still watching her.

  She returned home quickly, knowing that the servant was right and that she had been out too long.

  She found her mother sitting on the sofa, intent on her embroidery.

  "Good evening, mother. "

  "Welcome back," said her mother without another word.

  Costantino having finished the last patient’s visit, joined Viviana and Aurora and shortly after Carmen served dinner.

  " Aurora, have you spoken with Father Julian?" He asked calmly.

  Aurora, looked at her mother before answering, but Doña Viviana remained silent, moving her fork elegantly to her mouth and continued to eat.

  " Yes, he told me that he would help me," she said.

  Viviana looked up staring at her for a few seconds. Then she turned to speak to Costantino.

  " I saw that you had a visit from Rev. Luis Antonio Braganza," she said. “I hope he’s all right and there is nothing to worry about."

  Costantino replied that it was just common ailments of old age. Aurora was distracted and did not participate in the conversation. She reflected on the happy events of the afternoon, that Father Julian had promise to help her, that she had met Lucas again. What a hassle. I seem to be destined to find myself in front of him wherever I go.

  She finished dinner and immediately retired to her room. That evening she had trouble getting to sleep. When she finally drifted off, Federico and Lucas’ faces flashed before her closed eyes, alternating and overlapping. The Navarra y Reyes brothers, it’ll be them that decide my destiny.

  Chapter 3

  Alma entered the pokey house, leaving behind the warmth and light of the sun. The room was a mess, with numerous containers filled with foul-smelling water and strange plants. Bunches of dried herbs tied with string hung from the ceiling and colored candles lay on dusty shelves.

  " Come in child," a voice called out from behind a heavy, dark curtain.

  "Hello Penelope," replied Alma, "I’ve come for a consultation." She drew back the curtain and found herself in a sort of a small study where she found Penelope sitting at a round table with three legs.

  "Sit down my dear and let’s see what my tarot cards have to say." Smiled Penelope, while her hands quickly shuffled a worn deck of cards.

  Alma watched her fascinated. What an extraordinary woman! She thought.

  Penelope closed her eyes, chanting in a low voice. She frowned in concentration. Her hair plaited in two braids, gathered at the base of her head, the small wrinkles around her mouth and eyes and the slightly pronounced nose, gave Penelope an austere and mysterious look. Her face was pale, only her lips had a little color. Her hands stopped shuffling the cards and she cut the deck. She then quickly turned over three cards that she placed in front of Alma.

  "The Lovers, surrounded by the Four of Cups and the Magician," pronounced Penelope. “Your love is blossoming. The cup of love smiles on you and sees a sweet future for you, if you follow my advice."

  Alma smiled happily.

  Penelope pretended not to notice Alma’s happiness. Poor fool, she believes every word I say. She turned three other cards over that partially overlapped the previous ones.

  “The Emperor, flanked by the Seven of Swords and the Three of Wands. It means that your lover will fight against everybody and everything to have you, overcoming all obstacles."

  “The main obstacle is my aunt,” interrupted Alma. "She would certainly object! Oh, if only I were free!"

  A sardonic smile crossed Penelope’s face as she turned over another three other cards.

  "The Ace of Wands with the Devil and the Empress. A woman will be the cause of your unhappiness unless you escape from her negative influence. And now the last turn."

  The last cards turned over were the Tower, flanked by the Five of Swords and the Wheel of Fortune.

  "If you don’t do what I tell you, you’ll be in grave danger my dear and all your dreams will be shattered. Follow my advice and the Wheel of Fortune will bring you joy and well-being."

  Alma clapped her hands, as happy as a child in front of a delicious candy.

  “What must I do? I want to marry Federico!"

  “For now, continue to administer the laudanum to your aunt that I have given you, increase the dose slightly, just to be sure you can leave the house whenever you want."

  “Won’t it be dangerous?" Questioned Alma anxiously. “After all, she did raise me after my parents died. Now that she is so old and sick, shouldn’t I take better care of her?"

  "Remember that she’s only your great-aunt, and that she was obliged to take care of you. Now she’s old, she can’t tolerate that you, young and beautiful as you are, should live your life as you deserve. Isn’t this true? You mustn’t have any qualms, my dear."

  "You’re right as always, Penelope. But ever since I started administering the laudanum, she spends most of the day just sitting staring into space. Sometimes I find it hard to follow what she says." Said Alma worried.

  “The laudanum only serves to make her sleep peacefully. I'm sorry to tell you, my dear, but what you’re describing to me is a clear symptom of mental decline due to old age. This makes her even more dangerous to your happiness: Federico won’t want to have a poor idiot around the house when he marries you. Think what people would say! He has a reputation to uphold!" Replied Penelope.

  "All right, I’ll increase the laudanum dose."

  "Good girl. I’d also go and have a talk with the Mother Superior at La Virgen de la Caridad convent.. If she gets worse, they could certainly take care of her, giving her all the help that she needs." Advised Penelope.

  If my aunt were admitted to the convent and looked after by the nuns, I would be completely free to live with my love Federico.

  " Now you must go, dear," said Penelope interrupting Alma’s dreaming. "I'll give you some more laudanum so you’ll have enough."

  Penelope accompanied Alma to the door, then went back into her study.

  " You were magnificent Penelope," said a voice from behind a dusty screen.

  "I'm glad you enjoyed the show, Don Federico."

  Federico Navarra came out from his hiding place, and approached the round table.

  “At times I really struggled to stop myself from bursting out laughing. How is it possible to believe in this nonsense? Reading the future in a deck of cards…"

  Penelope sat down again.

  “My tarot cards never lie." Said Penelope angrily. "I lie, but they always tell the truth." She pointed at the cards on the table.

  “Look, the Lovers did appear, but they’re upside down: the love that hurts and destroys. The Emperor, or in other words you, is armed with swords and wands that eliminate everyone and everything. The Ace of Wands, one of the worst omens, the Empress, is not enough protection to defeat the Devil. “Penelope sighed," And finally the Tower, total destruction, with the Wheel of Fortune upside down, the disgrace. "

  Federico gave Penelope some money as a reward.

  "Once her great-aunt is enclosed with the nuns, I’ll wheedle a bit of money out of Alma, as lately my mother has tightened the purse strings. Then we could get a lot more from her. And you, will you give me a hand?"

"What do you mean?" asked Penelope.

  "You of course know Gonzalo Sancez and his venta?"

  Penelope burst out laughing.

  “You want to lock her in a brothel? You’re intricately evil."

  “Will you help me? " Asked Federico.

  “Of course. However, we'll divide the profits in half. This task will require a lot more effort."

  " Done! I’m magnanimous! And furthermore things have recently been going just right.”

  Replied Federico smiling, he then left Penelope on her own.

  Penelope's eyes landed on the deck of cards that lay abandoned on the table. On impulse, she took a card and turned it over.

  An upside down Death card. A sudden chill ran down her spine.

  Federico left Penelope’s house, mounted his horse and rode off to pay his respects to Marisol. Doña Clara was, as usual, effusively kind to him. Marisol’s father, Count Miguel Rivera Vargas de Coronado, was also at home. The count, tall, still dark-haired, albeit with numerous white streaks, shook Federico’s hand firmly and offered him a cigar.

  After he had exchanged pleasantries with Marisol’s parents, pretending to have an interest in the conversation, he only managed to spend a few moments with Marisol in which to continuing his chivalrous courtship.

  So he decided to go back to the hacienda. On his arrival, he learned from a servant that his mother was in the study that had once belonged to Don Eduardo, with a guest.

  Intrigued, he decided to knock and enter.

  "Come in, my son," said Doña Raquel. "I'm here with Don Guadalupe, our devoted banker."

  Don Guadalupe stood up to greet Federico, holding out a sweaty hand that Federico reluctantly shook, before seating himself in front of the desk.

  “Don Guadalupe came to tell us a very interesting story," continued Raquel. "I'm sure that you too will be intrigued."

  “I gave myself permission to come and see you, Doña Raquel, because I know the interest you have for everything related to your stepson." Don Guadalupe said in a smarmy voice, eager to please Doña Raquel.

  “You did well to remember my wishes. I haven’t forgotten the little joke that you played on me a few year ago," recalled Raquel bitterly.


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