The Forbidden Promise

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The Forbidden Promise Page 6

by Helena Rose

  Don Guadalupe wiped his bald forehead with a crumpled handkerchief that he clutched in his hand.

  “Doña Raquel, it was not my fault, on that occasion it was impossible for me to prevent the boy receiving his late mother’s legacy. That meddling priest raised hell and threatened to speak to a Judge. You understand that my bank always has a reputation to uphold."

  “My bank you mean! Don’t forget that I am the largest shareholder. And you shouldn’t forget to defend your reputation when you gamble with your customer’s money at the gaming tables in the slums of Veracruz!" Snapped Raquel

  Don Guadalupe fell silent as if he had been slapped in the face.

  “I beg you not to tell anyone, Doña Raquel, otherwise I would be ruined." Pleaded Don Guadalupe.

  “I’ll keep your secret, as I did that other time, despite the disappointment that you caused me. I had to stay in my room for almost a week until I recovered from the migraine I got.”

  Federico smiled. My mother is amazing when she dominates others, but not when she behaves like this with me.

  "I haven’t yet figured out what Lucas has done,” interrupted Federico." Would you be so kind as to explain it also to me?"

  "Your stepbrother went to Don Guadalupe’s bank to ask for a huge loan. He wants to buy an impressive estate in Zacatecas."

  " And what did you do?" Federico asked Don Guadalupe.

  "I stalled for time of course." Replied Don Guadalupe. "I said for that amount of money I would have to think about it and consult with the other members of the bank before deciding."

  "My brother is crazy. That amount, to purchase an entire hacienda? With so little starting capital what could he do! He would never be able to honor the debt repayments. "

  "Do not be so hasty son," said Doña Raquel. "According to Don Guadalupe it would be a good deal."

  "Yes," said Don Guadalupe. "The estate is quite extensive and includes a disused silver mine. If the mine was got up and running again it could yield a lot. Moreover, the current owner doesn’t have any money as he lost everything gambling so he hasn’t been able to proceed properly with the silver extraction. He now has creditors at his heels, so the price he has asked is very advantageous."

  “But Lucas doesn’t know anything about mines," exclaimed Federico. "He could never manage one!"

  “Unfortunately, we have to be realistic, dear," responded Raquel. "Much as I hate to admit it, we know that the bastard has an amazing ability to survive, as well as sheer good luck. But our good friend, Don Guadalupe, will give us a hand to resolve the matter. "

  “Don’t hesitate to speak, Doña Raquel, I’ll do whatever you command me to do. "

  "Obviously, you must not agree the loan. Lucas mustn’t have the opportunity to emerge from the poverty that I have sunk him in to. Already his mother’s legacy allows him an easy life that he doesn’t deserve."

  “All right, I'll do as you say", said Don Guadalupe reluctantly, convinced that overall it would have been a good deal for the bank.

  Doña Raquel had nothing more to add, and dismissed Don Guadalupe.

  "Of course, keep me abreast of anything that Lucas says or does. He could also approach some other banks in Veracruz. But you must succeed in isolating him." She advised before letting him go.

  Don Guadalupe nodded quickly, reassuring her that this time he would not fail her.

  Left alone, Doña Raquel turned to Federico.

  “May I know where you've been today," she asked irritated." You can’t continue to neglect your business! Remember that I had to work hard to make you owner of all this."

  Federico shrugged.

  "I had things to do. In addition, you already look after the estate with every possible efficiency. But can you answer a query for me, Mother. Where did all this hatred towards Lucas come from? The Navarra name, prestige and all the money are already all ours." Said Federico.

  "I married Eduardo only because he was the eldest son and heir to all Navarra’s fortune, while in reality I was in love with your father Hector. Eduardo always treated me with disdain and superiority. I was almost happy when he finally discovered my deception as I then had a good reason to get rid of him and take possession of all his fortune. In spite of all this, you now want to let the hacienda fall into disgrace.”

  She paused and half closing her eyes then she continued:"Other than the likeness, you've also inherited your true father’s character. Hector was also a coward and a time waster! I’ve done everything to ensure that my son has the best, including killing my husband and robbing Lucas of his rightful inheritance. Now I’m beginning to wonder if it was really worth it! "

  Federico, as usual, remained silent while he listened to his mother’s reproaches. It's happening far too often now, he thought with boredom, she should understand that I’m no longer a child.

  “You spend all your time with harlots and drinking rather than taking care of the family business!" Continued Raquel relentlessly. "Have you at least made progress with Marisol Vargas de Coronado?”

  "Marisol is absolutely not a problem and when I decide, I need only snap my fingers and she’ll fall at my feet ready to get married," replied Federico. ”But at the moment, I don’t want to, I prefer to enjoy myself a bit longer. '"

  “Don’t be silly. I don’t want you to wait too long, as she could get tired of waiting. Remember that we could use her noble title." Raquel looked at him suspiciously." Are you by any chance interested in someone else? Don’t tell me you really care about that silly little orphan girl who lives with her elderly aunt! "

  “But how do you know?" interrupted Federico amazed.

  Raquel snorted, annoyed by Federico’s ingenuity.

  “You think that Penelope would dare keep anything hidden from me, do you? You remember that we grew up together and she was my personal maid before you were born.”

  Federico did not dare to argue on this point. I must remember to tell that witch that it isn’t necessary to tell my mother absolutely everything. This is certainly going to cost me a lot, I'll have to pay her more than what my mother pays her to know everything.

  “Of course I’ve no particular affection for the little harlot," he hastened to reply. "I enjoy being a bachelor. Moreover in Mexico City I met Marisol’s cousin, a really lovely girl."

  “Cousin? What cousin? It wouldn’t be by any chance Dr. Costantino’s daughter?"

  "Yes, that’s her.”

  Viviana’s daughter. Raquel thought angrily, I’ll not let her ruin my plans, just as I didn’t allow her mother to do so all those years ago!

  "I don’t want to hear you mention that woman again!” She ordered categorically.

  “But mother, I…"

  “Say no more. I forbid you to see that little up-start! Is that clear?"

  "Yes, mother," he nodded. I hope this ends soon ... my throat is dry and I feel a terrible need to have a drop to drink.

  Almost as if she had read his thoughts, Raquel dismissed him with a gesture.

  “If you’ll excuse me," he said, leaving the studio.

  Left alone, Raquel felt the beginnings of a headache. Ah, my usual migraine.

  Almost without thinking, she lit the white candles that stood in the silver candlestick on the writing desk. Staring at the pale flames, she decided she would have to monitor Federico more closely.

  I must be careful, Federico alas is a real idiot, he could do something stupid and everything would be ruined. I can’t let all these years of work go to waste.

  Lucas, waiting for the bank to deliberate on his loan application, decided to contact again the seller whom he had already met through the owner of the shipyard.

  The man, Enrique Gajardo, was staying in a seedy boarding house outside Tampico.

  Lucas took him to a quiet tavern and offered him a hearty lunch. Enrique pounced on the food as if he had not eaten for some time, his emaciated look merely confirmed this impression.

  Enrique Gajardo, without any special administrative skills, was shy w
ith few qualities. He had unexpectedly inherited the vast Zacatecas hacienda from an uncle. At first, overwhelmed by his good luck, he had given in to games of risk and vices trying to make up for a youth spent in solitude and without enjoyment.

  In a short time, he had squandered his uncle’s fortune; the creditors had become insistent as had the miners that hadn’t been paid for long time.

  Enrique told his life story trying to obscure or gloss over some particularly incriminating points but Lucas had been able to read between the lines. From when he was young, Lucas had found himself, against his will, meeting all kinds of people, and he knew exactly where men like Enrique Gajardo were going to end up: in debtors’ jail or killed by a creditor with very little patience.

  On his part, Enrique could not believe his luck and tried in every way to persuade Lucas how good the deal was, convinced as he was by Lucas’ name, that money wouldn’t be a problem. Obviously, there were problems with money and Lucas fervently hoped that old Guadalupe Rodriguez did not play jokes and would grant him the damn loan.

  “Of course I’d like to visit the property before deciding," Lucas said. “You understand that I can’t buy the place unseen.”

  “Sure, sure Don Lucas," confirmed Enrique. "That’s more than fair, more than fair."

  They organized to go two days later, Lucas would hire a cab and go with Enrique Gajardo to see Zacatecas.

  Happy and confident, Lucas walked to the harbor. One of the ships chartered by his transport company had just returned from New Orleans loaded with cotton fabrics. Unfortunately, he found out that some of the material had been damaged.

  "We met with some bad storms." Apologized the captain, "and we've had some losses."

  Lucas cut off the material ruined by salt water but still in good condition to take it to La Virgen de la Caridad convent. Once the material was well washed, the good nuns could use it as sheets or bandages.

  Then he called one of the boys who were playing near the harbor. Giving him a small tip, he sent him to Marisol’s home with a note. Could we see each other tonight, before I leave for Zacatecas.

  Satisfied, he took the material and headed for the convent.

  Aurora got up early and put on a grey dress that was a little worn but extremely comfortable. She had breakfast quickly and headed for the convent of La Virgen de la Caridad.

  Finally, I can practice as a doctor and all this thanks to Father Julian, I will always be grateful to him.

  She dismissed the servant who had accompanied her and knocked on the convent’s door. The concierge nun, a small, plump woman hurried to the door. "Dear Aurora, I’ve been waiting impatiently for you. Come in dear child. We’re all so happy to have you with us to help our patients. We know all about your mother’s opposition to you working as a doctor and we were very surprised by your offer of help." Aurora smiled, despite being enclosed for years in the convent, Mother Consuelo managed to know every rumor that was whispered in Tampico. And the strangest thing was how the rumors spread like wild fire.

  "I think the Mother Superior is expecting me, where is she, in her study?" Asked Aurora changing the subject.

  “Yes, I'll take you there,“ offered Mother Consuelo.

  "Thank you, but I know the way, don’t worry," replied Aurora as she quickened her pace and outpaced the nun, who annoyed returned to the guardhouse. Mother Consuelo had hoped to overhear some of the conversation between Aurora and the Mother Superior. Some interesting news that would have occupied her mind during the boring duty at the convent’s gate and would have given her the opportunity to exchange a few words with the visitors.

  The Mother Superior greeted Aurora warmly, "Welcome my child, Father Julian has spoken to me of your wish to help treat the unfortunate people that come to our convent. This is very commendable and only God knows how much we need help. If it weren’t for the occasional visit from your father, we would have to rely only on poor Dr. Peron." Said Mother Superior tightening her lips with disappointment. Aurora knew Dr. Peron’s name. He was a doctor, who had fallen out of favor due to alcohol problems. He was trying to rehabilitate himself while working in the shelter of the convent.

  “Although I must confess that I don’t think it’s appropriate for a woman who knows so little of the world." Resumed the Mother Superior.

  “I don’t understand you, Mother."

  “How can you provide care to men when you are a woman and aren’t even married? How can you help women give birth to their children when you don’t have any?"

  Aurora stood up from her chair in a shot. "I'm certainly not the first woman who wants to follow this profession and I hope not to be the last! A few years ago Matilde Montoya, despite the smear campaign perpetrated by her male colleagues and the enormous difficulties encountered in her path, graduated from the school "Nacional de medicina" due to the direct intervention of our President Diaz and she has subsequently proved to be an excellent physician.

  Like Matilda, I too have studied. I'm a doctor. I've already taken care of men and witnessed several difficult births. None of this scares me and I won’t be swept aside due to the mere fact of being a woman. I’m as good as any man!"

  The Mother Superior made a quick sign of the cross and answered. “Sins of a lack of humility and stubbornness, my child, be sure to talk about them to your confessor. However, Father Julian gave you permission and I must obey his will. I just hope we don’t regret it. You can go. Do you know where the infirmary is?"

  “Yes, Mother. Thank you." Replied Aurora as she gave a quick bow and left.

  The interview with the Mother Superior had greatly demoralized Aurora. I can’t understand why women are the strongest opponents to those of us who want to lead a life different from the one that society dictates. How much talent is wasted? How many women have to settle for living their lives in the shadows of mediocre and dull husbands, without ever being able to make a real contribution with their work to the benefit of everybody?

  I hope that one day women will be able to free themselves from the simple roles of wives and mothers.

  “Strength and courage Aurora, don’t be downhearted, show them what you're worth," she muttered to herself, and with a sigh she entered the infirmary.

  A strong smell of disinfectant assaulted Aurora’s nostrils, which was not annoying but rather familiar. Soft voices and moans of suffering rose from the makeshift beds that were against the walls and from a group of people who were waiting, the strongest standing, others sitting on the ground.

  She was used to seeing pain, but what struck her was the poverty and squalor of these poor folks and the despair in their eyes.

  Only the unfortunate come here, those who can’t afford to pay for care and must rely on the mercy of the sisters. Now that I'm here, I hope I can make a difference to some of them.

  Smiling she walked over to the waiting people and said "Hello, I'm Dr. Aurora Vargas de Coronado, I'm here to take care of you. Who would like to be seen first?"

  A murmur of surprise arose from the group. "Behold, I knew it couldn’t be true! We’re not even worthy to have a real doctor. They’ve deceived us by saying that a doctor would come today, instead we are facing a slut!" Barked a dirty and dangerous-looking man. "What a dirty joke to play right on us, we who are poor and sick! I'm going, let's go Rosaria!" He grabbed a woman who was slumped on the ground and rudely yanked her up by the arm.

  "Wait, it’s not a joke. I'm a real doctor and I can treat you!" Aurora eagerly replied.

  "I want to stay, leave me!" Cried the woman, as she broke free from the cruel man and reached out a hand towards Aurora who took it with kindness. "Please, help my child, he doesn’t even have the strength to cry." Only then did Aurora see that a bundle of rags that the woman was holding actually contained a child so small and thin that he had disappeared into the folds the fabric.

  “Come, I’ll see him right away, tell me what's wrong." said Aurora as she headed for an empty bed and laid the child down. "He has a very high fever, is weak
and dehydrated and he is having trouble breathing. When did he last eat?" She asked

  “A few days ago Ma’am, I don’t know what to do, he keeps vomiting and ...”

  “Yes, I see. He’s drunk some dirty water that has made him sick." Aurora replied

  Aurora called a nun who was bustling around the beds and explained, “The child needs to drink, even just a small sip at a time but frequently, water with sugar or salt for now, but you must always boil the water first, only in this way the child will get better. We'll keep him here and hope that we are in time to save him."

  It was at this moment that the woman's husband intervened violently. "No, come on, she's a witch, I prefer that he dies rather than see him healed with the devil’s arts!" With an inhuman scream, he pounced on Aurora, who stepped back in horror.

  “Leave me alone, I'm not a witch!" cried Aurora. The man's heavy fist was about to make contact with her face when a hand grabbed the fist, blocking it. Free from the brute’s hold Aurora fell to the ground, the impact with the floor took her breath away. Suddenly she felt herself being lifted up, frightened she let out a scream. Two gentle hands passed behind her back holding her gently and a warm voice whispered in her ear "Quiet, calm down, it's all over now." Aurora looked up and was lost in a pair of deep emerald eyes.

  Lucas snorted irritably, Mother Consuelo is the most gossipy woman that I know, and to think that she’s been locked up in the convent since she was a child, I don’t care to know what the very distinct Miss Aurora Vargas de Coronado has been up to. It's strange, it seems that everywhere I go I meet her.

  "Oh, Don Lucas, how kind you are to bring this material for the infirmary, heaven knows we need all the help we can get." Thanked Mother Consuelo as she trotted after Lucas who strode towards the infirmary carrying a large basket full of fabric.

  “It was ruined during the voyage on my ship and is unsaleable, I’m glad that at least it will serve some purpose.” Explained Lucas.


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