The Forbidden Promise

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The Forbidden Promise Page 7

by Helena Rose

  He opened the door with his shoulder and a scene that froze the blood in his veins came into his view. A big brute towered over a woman who was desperately trying to break free. Lucas dropped the basket and rushed towards the two. "Stop coward, leave her alone!"

  Lucas grabbed the man by the wrist and yanked him away from the woman, then put an end to his madness with a well-aimed blow to the man’s jaw. He turned and took Aurora into his arms.

  "Thank you, you saved me," she said in a trembling voice.

  "It’s always a pleasure young lady.” Lucas said with a wry smile. His hands moved down Aurora’s back in a slow caress, causing an unexpected thrill.

  "It seems that I’m destined to support you," He whispered.

  Aurora, feeling herself blushing, pulled quickly away from Lucas and tried to regain control of her emotions.

  “And you don’t miss an opportunity to take advantage of it, I see," she hissed in a tone sharper than she would have liked.

  Lucas, frowning, glanced at her with stern look.

  “I don’t need subterfuge when I want to hug a woman." He addressed her with a frown, "I see you’ve also recovered pretty quickly and you don’t need me anymore."

  Aurora looked down, sorry.

  “Excuse me, I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s because I was frightened. I didn’t think I would find myself in this situation."

  “And what did you think would happen coming to work as a doctor in this place? These people are poor, but mostly ignorant, and many of them are accustomed to violence because they haven’t known anything else in life. They’re certainly not gallant dandies with women. You'll run into more than one risk coming to work here. Neither the good nuns, nor Dr. Peron will always be able to protect you."

  “So you also think I shouldn’t be a doctor just because I'm a woman?"

  “I never said that, indeed, it’s right that women can also prove their worth outside the home, and if you want to be a doctor, I find your commitment and your courage admirable. Only you should be more aware of the risks you take and be careful not to underestimate them."

  Aurora was struck by Lucas’ words. Lucas smiled and turned around. He grabbed the brute, still lying on the ground, and took him to the exit.

  "Go for walk and don’t come back until you’ve learned some manners," he ordered.

  Aurora paused to look at him, when she felt someone touch her shoulder.

  "Ma’am," said the poor mother, "please excuse my husband. But, will you carry on treating my son?"

  "But of course, don’t worry," she said, and then turning to the other patients asked with a smile, "who would like to be next?”

  The day ended with Aurora taking care of the last patient, suturing a suspected stab wound of a large man of few words. Aurora had been careful to avoid asking him any questions.

  She had stopped for only a short time during the day to eat some soup cooked by the convent’s cook. Immediately after lunch Dr. Peron had arrived, bringing with him some medical supplies. He had gone to San Luis where a pharmacist friend of his had sold him the supplies at a good price.

  "You know doctor, one of the main problems here is the supply of drugs and medical supplies," he explained.

  Aurora was surprised by Dr. Peron’s attitude who was gentle, quiet, and with a perpetual look of sadness in his eyes. He had accepted her without problems, treating her as an equal and seemed honestly happy to be working with her. Aurora noticed that his hands trembled slightly as he placed the drugs in the dispensary. Poor thing, with those hands he certainly can’t operate, she immediately thought.

  In the afternoon the two worked diligently together, helped by Mother Agostina the head of the infirmary.

  "I think it’s time for you to go home," said Dr. Peron at the end of the day. "It is almost sunset."

  “Yes, you’re right," said Aurora placing the suture thread in the dispensary. "It wasn’t bad, for the first day."

  "I would say so,” agreed Dr. Peron. “Your father must be very proud of you."

  Aurora smiled and nodded.

  " Yes, my father is," she said. My mother is certainly not. Who knows what she’ll say to me, since I didn’t even go home for lunch.

  Determined not to think about it, she said goodbye to the doctor and the good nuns. Luckily Mother Superior had gone to Father Julian‘s church to talk about the girls who were to receive their first communion there shortly. Thank goodness, one meeting this morning was enough so at least I can be alone for a while. The Mother Superior would certainly have had a nun or novice escort her home.

  Out in the street she saw that the sky was slowly becoming tinged with orange. It would be nice to see the sunset over the sea. To delay would have meant to be subjected to her mother’s reproaches, Aurora decided to go to the beach anyway. The beauty of the landscape hit her again. The lush palm trees, fine sand and the sky blazing with a huge red disc that was getting closer and closer to the expanse of turquoise sea. She started to stroll along the beach, alternately admiring the sea and trees. Among the branches, she saw the small chapel of La Virgen del Mar. She remembered that on August 15th Father Julian held a mass there and then went to the harbor to bless the boats, while the whole village celebrated the feast of the Assumption.

  She carried on walking, reflecting on the happy day. I really missed my work.

  Not that the day had begun under the best auspices. Early on, she had risked being struck by a punch, but luckily, Lucas had intervened to save her. Again Lucas Navarra y Reyes. After her stay in Mexico City, she had been impatient to get back to Tampico to see Federico. Instead, by a twist of fate, she found herself in a short space of time bumping into his brother Lucas on several occasions that she had not even known existed.

  Immersed in her thoughts she did not notice she had strayed so far. She had reached a point where the beach was narrow, with many dark rocks that further on formed an imposing cliff. Among the palms, she saw a small shack made of wood and straw.

  Suddenly Aurora saw someone sneak into the trees. It was a woman, covered with a cloak.

  Intrigued she approached. The figure took off her hood and a cascade of blond hair fell on the shoulders of a young woman. Aurora recognized her. It’s my cousin Marisol! What is she doing here, moving so stealthily?

  Then a man came out of the shack. Aurora held her breath when she saw it was Lucas Navarra y Reyes. As soon as she saw him, Marisol, ran to embrace him, the two exchanged a passionate kiss and entered, closing the broken door behind them.

  Aurora thought she was going crazy. It can’t be! My cousin Marisol? She’s always been a pure and virtuous girl and now ... that devil! It must have been his fault!

  She felt the blood in her veins boil, seething with rage she approached the door of the shack. She did not think of herself as a simpleton who did not know what went on in the world, however she was troubled that her cousin Marisol who looked so angelic, innocent and noble, had allowed herself to be led into a clandestine affair. But what made her even angrier was knowing that the man who had seduced her was Lucas. With his cheap dandy ways.

  She got to the door and knocked violently. She tried to open it, but the door was locked from the inside in some way, so she resigned herself to waiting. She heard some sudden movements, then footsteps approaching, before the door was opened by Lucas.

  When he saw her, his green eyes furrowed as he stared at her and started to question her.

  "You? What do you want? "He asked abruptly.

  “I want to see my cousin Marisol." She hissed back, struggling not to lower her eyes. It’s he who should be ashamed, not me!

  "Aurora, my God!" exclaimed Marisol frightened, while awkwardly trying to cover her breasts with the edges of her unlaced corset.

  “How could you do this?" Asked Aurora vehemently. "Let yourself be seduced by this man! You, the Countess of Rivera!"

  "I haven’t seduced anyone,” intervened Lucas.

  "Silence ! How dare you speak, you have sullied
my cousin’s good name, an honorable lady! You’ve taken advantage of a pure and innocent girl!" She turned to her cousin "Marisol, He forced you, was it blackmail?"

  “Give me a break, don’t talk nonsense, your cousin knows what she's doing and I didn’t need to take by force what she was more than willing to offer me!" Lucas interjected angrily.

  At these harsh words, the two women gasped, "Damn you, you take me for a slut?" cried Marisol who blinded by anger raised a hand and delivered a resounding slap to Lucas’ handsome and insolent face. “I’ll certainly not stay here to be insulted by a wretch like you. You're worth nothing compared to your brother Federico. He knows how to treat a lady! He lavishes me with attention and respects me!"

  Aurora gasped. Federico? What are you talking about?

  Lucas replied, "if you think that Federico is better than me go and lift your skirt for him. I don’t share anything with my brother, let alone women. Go away, marry him as well, you’re made for each other."

  Marisol screamed and lunged at Lucas. Lucas tried to keep her away with one arm, but could not avoid Marisol planting her nails into his cheek, leaving three long bloody red streaks. Panting, Marisol broke away from him, looked at him with eyes full of hate and said, "It’s me who doesn’t want to see you, Lucas Navarra y Reyes, ever again. Remember, you'll pay for this insult!" Marisol turned to Aurora who had watched the scene appalled she gave her a look of resentment then walked away.

  Aurora looked with apprehension at Lucas’ bloodied face. She tried to stammer a few words but was too upset by the cruel eyes that stared back at her. Lucas slowly approached her, his arms stretched out and without touching her, pinned her to the wall of the shack. "Well, well, Miss Aurora," he growled hoarsely. "Once again we meet and always less pleasantly. Do you want by any chance to take the place of your beautiful little cousin? Who knows, I might gain something in the exchange."

  Aurora shivered with fear, but somehow, she found the strength to respond. “You know that I don’t have enough physical strength to resist, but do you really want to stoop so low?"

  Lucas pulled away slightly, regaining some semblance of calm. “As I’ve already said I’m not the type to claim a woman who isn’t willing to give herself freely. However, it would be better if you left."

  Aurora reached out a hand to his wounded cheek. "Let me disinfect your cheek, you're bleeding a lot."

  Lucas gave a hint of a smile, “Yes, A rabid cat ambushed me. Come inside there’s a lamp." He gently took her hand and led her inside.

  Aurora sat down on the makeshift bed and began searching inside the medicine bag that she was carrying.

  "This will burn a little," said Aurora lifting her face to Lucas.

  He noticed tears forming on her lashes. "Why are you weeping?" He asked in amazement. "You didn’t think I would really hurt you?"

  Aurora turned her face away muttering, " No, that's not why, it’s that ... " but her words were lost in sobs.

  "Aurora, tell me, what’s happened? I'm sorry for being so rude to you." Lucas took her chin and turned her face gently towards him.

  "I'm a silly romantic, I thought he loved me, and instead he was teasing me."

  Lucas stared at her confused. "What are you talking about? I don’t understand."

  "In Mexico City, Federico was courting me, he told me that he would marry me and instead he did the same with Marisol here."

  "That bastard, he never changes!" Railed Lucas.

  Aurora gasped and jumped up. "Excuse me, I should never have talked to you about it."

  "I hope that he hasn’t taken advantage of you in addition to being cheated."

  "I'm not that kind of woman," she replied blushing violently. "I’ve got to go, I'm already very late. Goodbye." Aurora left the shack so fast that Lucas did not have time to reply.

  Why did I offend Marisol so badly? I said things that I’ve never thought before. Even threatening Aurora. What the hell came over me? It seems that that woman is able to bring out the worst in me. I’ve never been interested in what people think, but her criticism makes me lose my head.

  When Aurora arrived home it was dark. Doña Viviana came to meet her. "You're back at last. Your father was about to go looking for you. Good heavens, but what happened to you? You seem upset my dear!"

  “Nothing, I'm just very tired mother, forgive me, I’d like to go upstairs to my room, if you’ll excuse me.”

  Aurora ran up the stairs.

  "Aurora, dinner is about to be served at the table," said Doña Viviana, but Aurora didn’t hear her. She entered her room and threw herself on the bed crying. Federico why have you deceived me in this way? Why have you played with my feelings? I loved you ... I was deluded, a silly girl, just like those flirts who I despise so much. Federico, how could you do this to me?

  Chapter 4

  Aurora woke up exhausted. She had cried for a good part of the night. When she had finally fallen asleep, it had been a restless sleep and she had been tormented by the wildest dreams.

  In a smoky frame, she saw herself seized by Federico, his ice-colored eyes staring at her as he kissed her passionately. Then Federico had let her go and Aurora saw him smile at another woman, her cousin Marisol. Painfully she saw them hugging and kissing each other.

  She had run away upset as she heard the two lovers’ laughter. She found herself on the beach, watching the waves. But she was not alone, on the sand sitting close by were Lucas and Marisol caressing each other, one bare-chested, the other with her bodice unfastened,. Aurora shouted her cousin’s name. At that moment, Lucas turned to stare at her, fixing her with his emerald green eyes. He stood up and came towards her. She had not been able to move a muscle as he took her in his strong arms and kissed her passionately on the lips.

  "I'm going crazy," she said to herself, as she got out of bed.

  She got ready quickly and went down to breakfast. In the dining room she found her parents already there, sipping coffee.

  " Good morning, my child," said Costantino.

  "Good morning, Father." She replied

  Viviana cleared her throat.

  " Your mother and I have had a talk," continued Costantino, thus preventing Viviana from intervening. "And I must admit that although I gave you permission to go to work at the convent’s infirmary, you still have to abide by the rules. I don’t want a repeat of a day like yesterday. You must return home for lunch and you must be back in the evening before dark."

  " And remember,” interrupted Viviana. "That it’s your duty to maintain your reputation and thus you must always be accompanied by a nun or a novice all the way home."

  Aurora nodded

  "I'm sorry about yesterday ... it was the first day and I lost track of time." She apologized.

  “You’re sure that you’re getting on well with the nuns?" Said Viviana looking carefully at her. "Yesterday when you came back you seemed upset."

  “Absolutely, mother. The nuns are so good to me and Dr. Peron couldn’t have treated me better. Last night I was just out of breath because I hadn’t realized it was so late."

  Vivian looked at her suspiciously, but decided not to reply. Aurora noticed however, that she was not at all convinced by her response.

  She was silent for the rest of the meal, after which she got up and hurried out of the house to go to the convent.

  She dismissed the maid when she reached the infirmary, where she found Dr. Peron who was seeing the first patients. She put on a white apron and began to work hard, trying not to think about what had happened the night before. Mother Agostina helped her look after two pregnant women, one whose water had just broken and the other who was about to give birth.

  "I fear that the baby is in the breech position." Mother Agostina warned her. Aurora checked the woman and confirmed the nun’s diagnosis. She called Dr. Peron and together they decided that the best way to proceed was to perform a cesarean delivery.

  " It would be better if you did it." Dr. Peron said sadly, looking at his hands.

  Aurora nodded agitated. I'm a doctor, aren’t I? What can I be afraid of? Mother Agostina prepared the operating table, while Dr. Peron took care of administering chloroform to the patient. After having thoroughly washed her hands, Aurora took the scalpel. She was immediately filled with a coldness that she always felt when she was about to operate. She operated on the patient with accuracy and confidence. The child was a beautiful baby boy.

  At lunch time she returned home, where she found a guest.

  " Your cousin Marisol has come to see us." Doña Viviana announced. "She is going to stay and lunch with us."

  Marisol sat politely on the sofa, wearing a beautiful coral-colored dress, her blonde hair in soft curls and her blue eyes serene and peaceful.

  " Good afternoon, Aurora," she said amiably.

  "Good afternoon," said Aurora shocked. How can she be so calm after what happened last night?

  Shortly after Costantino arrived, having just finished his morning visits.

  Viviana gave the order to serve lunch.

  " I hope you like chicken," she said to Marisol.

  "Certainly aunt, thank you," replied Marisol.

  At the table, Marisol spoke casually of fashion and politics. She was a committed feminist.

  "I admire Aurora so much for her decision to become a doctor," she exclaimed suddenly.

  Viviana preferred not to argue and gave her a half-smile. Marisol launched into a vigorous defense of the European suffragettes, convinced that such a movement should also take off in Mexico. Aurora listened idly to the chatter between her parents and Marisol. She’s so sweet and smart ... like I’ll never be. She’s not at all shy, doesn’t blush, can talk about everything ... No wonder Federico prefers her.

  "Don’t forget that women also need to get married and have a family." Doña Viviana was saying. "You and Aurora are of marriageable age."

  Aurora decided to interrupt.

  "Excuse me," she said, standing up. "I’m rather tired and would like to withdraw to my room for a while before returning to the convent. If you’ll excuse me."

  “Wait," chirped Marisol. "Let me come with you. Since you left for Mexico City we haven’t had time to speak alone together."


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