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The Forbidden Promise

Page 11

by Helena Rose

  Aurora felt a lump in her throat. Even her beloved father, who had spoiled her, protected her, also defended her against her mother, was now joining forces, albeit with a lot of tenderness, against her. I don’t really have a choice then. I have to do something or it’ll get worse and worse. If I decide now, at least I’d have the opportunity to choose. Otherwise, I risk being trapped in an arranged marriage, with no choice.

  Without realizing, she began to cry silently.

  Costantino, upset, hugged her.

  "No, my child, don’t do that, please. You still have time! But please, at least think about it, don’t rule out anything beforehand! "

  Aurora hugged her adored father, feeling secure in his embrace, like when she was little and woke up scared at night because of the noise of thunder. But I’m no longer a child, I'm a woman. And if I don’t want to succumb, I have to act.

  Costantino left her to rest and went back downstairs.

  Aurora lay back down on her bed, confused and bewildered. On the one hand, she continued to think about the bizarre solution that had flashed into her mind last night. On the other hand, she knew that she would never have the courage to talk to Lucas. Lucas intimidated her, so self-confident, handsome, brilliant. And he’s Marisol’s lover.

  He was, they’ve left each other, remember? said the voice of madness within her. They broke up due to a fight caused by you.

  What should she do? How could she make a decision? You have to see him, here's what you must do: go and find him and you'll know if you have the courage to propose such a deal to him.

  Aurora got up from the bed, changed her creased dress and put on a better one, the color of saffron. She combed her long chestnut brown hair and went downstairs.

  "I’m going out for a walk," she said to her mother.

  "Take Carmen with you," ordered Doña Viviana.

  Aurora went out accompanied by the maid. Pretending to walk aimlessly, she went towards Lucas’ house. On reaching the house, she told Carmen that she needed to speak with an acquaintance of hers and knocked on the door. No one answered, not even the rude girl came to open it. Disappointed she decided to go to the harbor. She went directly to the shipyard where after looking in vain for a few minutes, she saw Santos Robles who was carrying planks of wood.

  When Santos saw her, he put the timber on the ground and walked towards her.

  "Miss, good afternoon, do you need something? "

  " Good afternoon. I need to talk to Don Lucas. "

  Fearing that Santos would think, who knows what, considering it was the second time that she had come looking for information about Lucas, she hastened to add a plausible explanation.

  "I need to know when he’ll complete the delivery of medicines for the convent. They are now becoming very necessary." She almost feared that she would lose her voice before finishing the sentence due to her agitation.

  But Santos did not show any signs of having noticed Aurora’s uneasiness.

  "It must be for this reason, then, that Lucas brought the trip to Veracruz forward. He embarked this morning, raising hell with his partners to change the order of the procurements."

  Aurora sighed visibly, relieved on the one hand, but on the other hand tremendously disappointed.

  She said goodbye to Santos and walked towards the beach.

  Maybe fate has willed it this way. If Lucas were to find the loan he needs in Veracruz he’ll no longer have a desperate need for money. And at that point I won’t have the opportunity to propose anything to him.

  She decided to enter the small chapel of the Virgen del Mar. Inside, away from heat, Aurora felt a pleasant sensation of freshness. She knelt in front of the little altar, where the statue of the Virgin wrapped in a blue robe and with a crown of stars stood. The inscription on the pedestal read Stella Maris.

  If Lucas were to return with the money needed for the hacienda in Zacatecas, I won’t even have to worry whether or not to talk to him about what I was thinking of. Otherwise, I'll do it whatever the cost, I swear. I'm in God’s hands and in the hands of fate. It will be what it will be!

  Almost reassured by the deal that she had made with herself, made the sign of the cross and stood up to go home.

  The next morning, Aurora arrived at the infirmary very early and found Mother Agostina with red eyes.

  " Mother, what’s happened?"

  " That poor woman, the old woman with the addiction to laudanum died just before dawn. Dr. Peron says her heart gave up. We have to let her niece know. Poor thing, it will be a blow to her. "

  " If you want I can go and inform her," offered Aurora.

  "Thank you my dear it would be very kind of you." Replied Mother Agostina.

  Aurora made her way to the old woman's address with a heavy heart.

  The old woman had had no serious illnesses that could have brought on her death so quickly. Her heart had been weakened by the drugs, and having lowered the levels of the drug in an attempt to detoxify her, it had killed her. She wondered what kind of person was the niece who had allowed such a sacrifice.

  Aurora reached the house and was struck by the desolation of the place. She knocked repeatedly at the door but no one answered. A street urchin who was sitting on the ground near the entrance looked at Aurora and asked, "Miss are you looking for people who live in this house? "

  "Yes, do you know where they are?"

  " I’ll tell you if you give me something to eat." Replied the boy

  "I’ve no food with me but I can give you a coin. "

  "That’s fine, this time." Said the boy.

  Aurora could not help smiling, "Tell me what you know."

  "Well, the old lady has been gone for a few days, she was kind, she always left me something to eat at the window."

  "I know this, I have to talk to her niece."

  " Another question, another penny."

  "You're a little rascal," said Aurora giving him another coin.

  " I'm an orphan, Miss, and I have to live. The niece went off yesterday with a tall man with light hair and blue eyes, she had a suitcase with her."

  "Do you know if she will return?" Asked Aurora, the child laughed and held out his hand.

  "Look little one, I'm losing my patience."

  " I don’t know, Miss, but the maid went out this morning crying, carrying a bag."

  "Thank you."

  " If you need me I'm here, Miss, at your service."

  " What's your name? Although if I have to pay I don’t want to know."

  "It's free, my name’s Paco, Miss."

  "When you're hungry go to the nuns at La Virgen de la Caridad, tell them that Aurora sent you, they’ll give you something to eat. "

  "Thank you Miss, may God bless you!"

  Aurora returned home as it was nearly time for dinner. We’ll have to take care of that poor old woman’s funeral, the niece tried to get rid of her before disappearing. I don’t even know her name, poor unfortunate woman.

  What Aurora was unaware of, was that Alma was equally unfortunate.

  Federico had picked her up the night before.

  " Alma, come, we’re going out, I want to take you to a nice place."

  " My love! Where are we going? Will we have fun?" Asked Alma

  "Of course silly we'll have fun, we’ll have dinner, we’ll drink something good, and then we’ll spend a very interesting night." Explained Federico.

  "What do you have in mind? I'm curious."

  "I know you are, but I want to surprise you, so don’t ask me any more questions."

  " How do you want me to dress? " Asked Alma.

  " Wear something very provocative, I want everyone to admire you. Then pack a suitcase with some changes of clothes because tomorrow we leave on a little trip."

  Alma clapped her hands enthusiastically. "A journey. Oh dear Federico, it’s a dream come true. Will you take me to your hacienda? "

  " You stubborn little thing, I told you not to ask me questions, don’t waste time, hurry up."

/>   Federico had the smugness of someone about to conclude a bargain.

  From the corner of his eye he saw a young maid bustling about in the living room, he strode over to her and grabbed her roughly by the arm.

  "You, collect your rags and leave, you’re not needed in this house anymore."

  " Why sir, what have I done wrong?" Asked the maid crying.

  " I told you, you’re not needed here anymore. Disappear quickly. Miss Alma doesn’t want to see you anymore, so don’t go and bother her. Lock yourself in your room and wait until we’ve gone before you leave." Ordered Federico aggressively.

  " But, sir, please don’t throw me out." She pleaded.

  " Don’t make me hit you, obey me immediately or you’ll pay for it!" Threatened Federico.

  The young maid, frightened by Federico’s threats ran to her bedroom and locked herself in, crying in terror.

  Alma and Federico left shortly afterwards.

  Alma was in seventh heaven, convinced that all her dreams were finally coming true. Doña Penelope was right, Federico is taking me with him on a trip and tonight he’s planned a surprise. I'm sure he’s organized a wedding and tomorrow we leave for our honeymoon! It must be so! I'm so happy! I love him so much!

  Federico helped her into the carriage and sat down beside her. Immediately his hands went to Alma’s breast and she responded by panting heavily. Federico's mouth fell ravenously on Alma’s lips that greeted his rough assault with a sob.

  "I love you Federico, I love you madly."

  " Ah yes, then show me, tell me you’re my slave." He demanded as he thrust his hand into her hair tightening his grip painfully "Tell me!"

  " Yes, I’m your slave, do what you will with me." She replied.

  "Pull up your skirts and open up for me. "

  With her eyes burning with lust, Alma obeyed.

  The following week passed peacefully without any significant events that could completely distract Aurora from the thoughts that tormented her.

  She went to the convent every day to work.

  At home, her mother tried to leave her alone, perhaps noticing her anxious and agitated state. Only one night was she forced to remain in the living room for longer than usual due to a visit by the Braganza's, with their nephew Don Felipe in tow. The visit only served to strengthen her purpose.

  Finally, after a week, while she was at the infirmary and was examining a young man with an acute stomach ache, she saw Mother Consuelo come running from the gatehouse.

  "We have more medicine! We have some stock!"

  Soon after, she saw Lucas, who was struggling to carry some boxes. Dr. Peron instantly ran to help him. Together they lowered the boxes to the ground.

  Aurora went over, while her heart began to beat wildly, so much so that she looked down to make sure it wasn’t going to leap out of her chest.

  Lucas looked at her intently with his green eyes.

  "Good afternoon," he said in his usual deep voice. "I did as you asked as soon as possible, as you see."

  Aurora did not answer immediately, trying to figure out from his eyes and from his expression if things had gone well for him, and if he had found a bank willing to give him a loan. She suddenly realized that everyone was looking at her, including Mother Consuelo, who was obviously imagining at least a dozen possibilities for her reaction to Lucas’ greeting.

  Embarrassed she hurried to reply:" You’ve been very kind,” trying to sound as natural as possible.

  " Now I have to go," Lucas said. "I have to take care of the rest of the load."

  " What about the payment?"

  Lucas looked uncomfortable probably for the first time in his life.

  "There is no rush ... after all it’s for a good cause."

  Mother Consuelo hastened to chirp a plethora of compliments for this brave and honest young man who thought about the poor and the humble according to the words of our Lord.

  "This is a considerable expense," said Aurora lost. "I…don’t ... at least allow me to personally contribute to transport costs. In the end it was I who came to you to ask this favor."

  Lucas smiled, looking straight in her eyes.

  "Don’t mention it. I did it with pleasure, don’t worry."

  Saying goodbye, Lucas walked away, while Aurora stood watching him leave.

  " Doctor, I need a hand," Dr. Peron called to her.

  Aurora hastened to follow her colleague, trying to stifle the emotions that pervaded her. I need to know what happened in Veracruz. I can’t wait any longer.

  Trying not to show her agitation, she buried herself in her work for the rest of the afternoon. When she left the convent, instead of taking the route home, she walked towards Lucas’ house.

  It’s the right time to challenge myself. I've always prided myself on being a strong woman, modern and bold. Now I can prove it. I have to fight with the weapons at my disposal, to defend my choice.

  She knocked on the door and waited anxiously. Shortly after the door opened. Luckily, it was Lucas himself that answered. She would not have been able to tolerate the young girl with her rude manners.

  " Good to see you again. On your own once more?" He asked with a mischievous smile, then added, "come in, please."

  Aurora nodded, trying to hide her embarrassment and went into the living room. She sat down on the sofa and cleared her throat.

  "I would like to thank you again for your generosity," she said.

  Lucas did not answer and simply studied her for a few moments, his intense glance ran from her head to feet that greatly increased Aurora’s embarrassment. He then sat down next to her.

  " Is there something wrong?" He asked curiously, “your hands are shaking."

  Aurora blushed as she forced herself to relax her hands and stretch her elegant fingers on her saffron -colored skirt.

  "No, no, I'm fine," she answered with a sigh.

  Lucas looked dubious, “I’m glad about that."

  An awkward silence fell, broken finally by Lucas asking, "Have the last few days at the infirmary been quiet? "

  " Yes, but unfortunately we lost a patient, an elderly woman," said Aurora.

  "I'm sorry."

  "Thank you. And you, how was your trip to Veracruz?" She hastened to ask, thankful that Lucas had brought their struggling conversation to this point.

  " Well, in addition to the drugs for you I found everything that our customers had ordered."



  Aurora felt in a corner and resigned she decided to ask her question directly.

  " And how did the other matter go? Did you manage to find the money to buy the hacienda in Zacatecas? "

  Lucas looked at her for a moment, before lowering his eyes.

  " Unfortunately no. It seems that a report has been circulated on me that considers me a bad person, unreliable and a bad payer." He replied sadly.

  Unwittingly, Aurora closed her eyes. And now? What do I do? What left her particularly upset was the feeling of absolute confusion she felt. She could not distinguish whether what she felt was a major disappointment followed by a sense of fear or excitement full of hope. Or, more likely both.

  "You can try other banks," she suggested timidly. "Maybe in Mexico City."

  Lucas jumped up from the couch and began to pace nervously round the lounge.

  "No bank will give me a loan, I understand now. They have ruined me again!" He ran his hand through his unruly black hair. "With this reputation no bank will give me weight! I don’t know what to do! But I have to have that hacienda, I have to rebuild what they unjustly took away from me."

  " You care about this a lot?" Aurora whispered, her heart beating furiously in her chest.

  Lucas turned to face her.

  " Yes, I care a lot. Not for the wealth itself, I don’t care about that. I want to be reestablished. I want my rightful place in society and I’m willing to work hard and rebuild with my own hands the future that I was deprived of!" Lucas looked like a wounded
noble beast, a lion that had had his heart pierced. Aurora had never seen him like this before. She did not know if it was due to the expression of pain that she read in those green eyes or her own feeling of helplessness toward the social conventions that both were forced to follow and at the end, having to give up their ideals. Suddenly she behaved like she had never thought she could, not even in her wildest dreams.

  She got up from the couch and walked over to Lucas.

  "I know how it would be possible for you to buy the hacienda." She said seriously, looking at him in the face without a second thought.

  " What do you mean?" Lucas asked stunned by her determination and the energy that he saw in those beautiful brown eyes that were staring at him.

  " I said I know how it would be possible for you to buy the hacienda in Zacatecas. I can help you."

  " You perhaps want to lend me the money? Your family would never allow it. And rightly so." He replied," I thank you however for your selflessness."

  "I'm not talking about a loan," interrupted Aurora, "but of a pact between you and me."

  Lucas frowned curiously.

  " A pact, you say. A contract? "

  Aurora shook her head, overcome with agitation.

  " Not a contract. What I’m proposing is a secret pact, forbidden by God’s law and that of men."

  " I don’t understand."

  "I have access to a large dowry. Marry me and that amount will be yours. In return, I ask only for the independence that I can’t have with my parents and the freedom to do what I want, including being a doctor." Explained Aurora

  Lucas froze. For a second he thought that Aurora was joking, but her very serious expression told him it was certainly not a game.

  " You want to marry me?" He asked shocked.

  The energy that had sustained Aurora until then ceased abruptly. She was afraid of collapsing to the floor as her legs felt weaker and weaker. She returned to the couch, sat down, and began telling him everything that had been tormenting her. Her future as a doctor that was within her reach but that due to absurd social conventions were preventing her from achieving and the psychological pressure she was under from her mother, to find herself a suitable husband.


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