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The Forbidden Promise

Page 19

by Helena Rose

" No, he got married a few weeks ago and with his wife he went to live in Zacatecas."

  "I hope that your relationship will improve in the future." Responded Cristobal.

  The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Federico, who had come from the plantation and had a dazed look.

  "Good afternoon, my dear, Can I introduce you to Don Cristobal de la Vega?"

  Federico stared at the guest as if he were struggling to focus on him, "Good afternoon, it's a real pleasure to meet you, I'm Federico Navarra y Reyes."

  "The pleasure is all mine," replied Cristobal.

  Federico poured himself a generous measure of cognac and swallowed it in one gulp, then looked towards Doña Raquel.

  " Mother, I need to speak to you urgently as soon as you have time to spare."

  " Doña Raquel thank you again for your kind welcome, I would like to say goodbye,” said Cristobal, not wanting to inconvenience them.

  Doña Raquel's face reddened with a suffuse blush.

  " Don Cristobal, your visit has been very pleasant. I hope to meet you again very soon and I'll ensure that you meet the most important families in the area. A young man like you must be surrounded by worthy company."

  " I thank you again ma’am and please consider me at your service for any legal advice you may need. I’d like to be as helpful to you as my father was to your dear husband."

  "It will be a pleasure to entrust our interests to you. Good-bye."

  " Good-bye, if you’ll excuse me."

  Doña Raquel waited until Cristobal had been accompanied to the door by a maid and then turned angrily to Federico. "You should be ashamed of yourself! What kind of behavior was that? Didn’t I teach you any manners? You show up here with a disruptive air, forcing our guest to leave."

  " Mother, I know, and I ask your forgiveness, my attitude was inexcusable." Said Federico trying to appease his mother before telling her what would make her even more infuriating.

  " So what had so much urgency that you needed talk to me? I hope it is a very serious matter?” Inquired Raquel.

  " It is, mother, it really is. I need your help."

  " Well?" asked Raquel impatiently.

  " Well, you see, last night I went to Don Gonzalo’s tavern and I played cards. Mother, I was cheated and I lost a lot of money. Now I have to pay off the debt, help me please, those people are dangerous." Pleaded Federico

  " You’re a fool, stupid and irresponsible!" Said Doña Raquel looking furious at Federico, "I can’t understand how you can waste your time and my money in such an absurd way! You're just like your father, weak and useless. I'm tired of sorting out your mistakes. It's time for you to grow up and take on your own responsibilities. You'll have to find the money somewhere else. I’ll not help you."

  Federico put his head in his hands in despair. "If you don’t help me I'm finished. Mother, they’ll kill me."

  "It would be a just punishment for your stupidity." She looked at Federico, thinking. How similar you are to your spineless father, cowardly and without self-respect. "All right, I'll give you the money you need. But I swear that this is the last time. And in return I want something from you. You have to marry Marisol Vargas Rivera de Coronado."

  Federico nodded defeated. "As you want mother, I’ll get married."

  " And tell me, are you able to convince her to marry you by yourself or do I also have to arrange this?" Doña Raquel asked in a voice full of contempt.

  Federico did not respond to the humiliation. Damn witch, you'll pay for this.

  Raquel stared at him, almost with disgust.

  "I know what you're thinking, but remember that you'll never get the better of me. Whatever you do, I'll always be one step ahead. Why, I ask myself, didn’t you inherited my strengths and my unbridled ambition? Why did you have to inherit Hector’s worst defects?"

  Federico did not answer, just shrugged.

  " Mother, you know that I do my best to please you in everything"

  Raquel interrupted him with a gesture.

  "Fine, enough, I understand. The important thing is that you marry Marisol as soon as possible. I'll take care of the rest, like always."

  "It will take time for the preparations, mother. Then we have to think of a house."

  "A house?" Raquel looked at him in amazement, almost softened by Federico’s stupidity. "You’ll come to live here, in the hacienda that you could inherit thanks to me. We’ll rearrange the west wing to create separate apartments if you insist, but your and your wife’s place is here at the Navarra hacienda."

  In any case, your future wife will soon learn who's boss in this house ... it will always be me who rules the roost, only me.

  Raquel smiled to herself, dismissing Federico.

  "Tomorrow morning we’ll go into town together to withdraw the money you need for Don Guadalupe. By tomorrow night, I want to be able to announce your engagement to Marisol."

  Cristobal left the Navarra estate reflecting on the meeting he had just had with Doña Raquel. From an early age, he had always had an analytical mind, which he had then developed further with his profession. Studying people’s behavior, reading their unintentional gestures and their expressions was very useful during court hearings. In Madrid, Cristobal, despite being young, had already acquired a reputation as an outstanding lawyer, capable of skillfully directing the interrogation and cross-examination of witnesses.

  Doña Raquel is definitely a very smart and strong woman. She’s certainly not the quiet country matriarch that she wants to appear. She tried to drag me where she wanted, to investigate the relationship between her husband and my father ... there must be something interesting that she didn’t want to reveal to me, probably about her husband’s legacy. Cristobal smiled.

  His attention then shifted to reflect on Federico Navarra y Reyes. A wimp. An idler who thinks only of his vices, alcohol probably and gambling.

  But even in this Cristobal was not surprised. Many times he had known descendants of noble lineage similar to Federico, raised with every possible comfort and becoming inept, incompetent and degraded. Never having had to fight to live or give up anything, they lose any impulse for personal improvement, human growth, and healthy ambition to leave their mark on the world. They are reduced, like Federico, to wrecks dominated by pride and arrogance.

  In Tampico, Cristobal dedicated more and more of his time to introducing himself to the town’s society. Helped by his manner as a perfect European gentleman, he had no difficulty in winning the acceptance of the town’s well off people.

  In the following days he managed to meet, among others, Don Miguel and Doña Clara Vargas de Coronado, Count of Rivera. Don Miguel appeared to him rather arrogant and full of himself. Natural he had gained a prominent position due to his marriage to his noble wife, and this sense of inferiority was compensated by his haughty manners. His wife was the classic noblewoman rather silly and full of mannerisms, such as moving her fan at different speeds depending on her moods. He was pleasantly surprised when he met their young daughter, Marisol. She was so different from her parents! Her beauty was almost Central European rather than Mexican, with her blond hair like wheat and blue eyes that always shone mischievously, she affected him deeply. Moreover, she was able to chat amiably about everything. She was up to date, cultured and had liberal ideas that her father did not like very much. She loved Europe passionately, convinced that the old continent had been reborn as a melting pot of every social and political innovation. She admired the first feminist movements and literature of the great poets who had lived wild lives. It was with surprise that he greeted the news of her recent engagement to Federico Navarra y Reyes. Definitely a mismatched couple, thought Cristobal, almost wistfully. This sweet girl is going to meet unhappiness, for sure. When he discovered that she would be transferring to the Navarra estate to allow the newlyweds to continue to follow the family business, he shifted uncomfortably in his chair, unable to suppress the feeling of regret that came over him. Poor girl, Doña Raquel will
crush her in a moment. She’ll have to be submissive in all respects or the Navarra matriarch will break her.

  Doña Clara loved talking and spreading rumors. So it was not difficult to find out that the Vargas de Coronado family and the Navarra y Reyes family were already united by marriage.

  " My niece Aurora married the eldest son Lucas." Doña Clara informed him with ardor. Then, lowering her voice, as if some indiscreet ear could hear her and she raised her fan to partially hide her face as she leaned towards Cristobal.

  "A union that I’d never have approved for my daughter. Lucas may be the first-born, but he was disinherited by his father, and there are doubts about the legitimacy of his birth. You understand me, don’t you?"

  So it was, that Cristobal de la Vega knew every aspect of the most talked about family crisis of Tampico and began to better understand the interest that Doña Raquel had in his father. She definitely wanted to find out if my father was aware of the matter and in what terms.

  Don Cristobal noted that Marisol showed signs of discomfort when the much-talked about firstborn Navarra was mentioned. Don Miguel, irritated by the behavior of his gossipy wife interrupted Cristobal’s soliloquy.

  Cristobal thanked them for their hospitality and cordially bid the noble family goodbye.

  He did not fail in the following days to visit the banker, Don Guadalupe and the priest, Father Julian. Then he went to the town’s doctor, Don Costantino Vargas de Coronado, Don Miguel’s brother.

  Don Costantino appeared extremely friendly with an open smile, polite and well mannered. Definitely more pleasant than his brother, without a complex and clearly satisfied with the existence he led. More puzzlement was aroused in Cristobal on meeting the doctor's wife, Doña Viviana, so beautiful and haughty. Gentle and polite, but with a deep sadness. She was undoubtedly a strong woman, without knowing why Cristobal found himself comparing her to another woman who had struck him, Doña Raquel Navarra y Reyes. Both were pretty, one dominated by black hair and stern eyes, the other with lovely bronze hair and brown eyes. One, strict, strong and determined to impose her personality, even unknowingly, the other cautious, gentle but with a hidden hardness, that was ready to emerge when needed. Similar, but at the same time completely different, like chalk and cheese.

  Costantino and Viviana Vargas de Coronado were very friendly but spoke little of their daughter’s marriage to Lucas Navarra y Reyes. Not known for gossiping, they did not show their approval or disapproval for such a union.

  He bid them good bye and left. He was now satisfied, he was pretty well integrated in the small local community. He would soon start working and he would make a name for himself. Not a bad start, not bad.

  Chapter 10

  At the silver mine in Zacatecas there was a lot of hard work going on. Aurora’s dowry and the proceeds of the sale of the shipping company shares had allowed the purchase of the estate, but all the equipment, improvements to the house and mine and the furnishings, had been purchased on credit from various suppliers, won over by Lucas’ gentle and convincing manner that inspired confidence in people.

  The wages of the peones and miners who currently enjoyed food and accommodation that Lucas provided for them were also an issue, but their work agreements guaranteed that they would receive a wage when the first load of silver was sold.

  Aurora on her part, had not been idle. The clinic, as she liked to call it, was functioning perfectly. Luckily, she had not yet found herself having to treat any severe cases, but inevitably in the mine there was always someone who got hurt due to carelessness. Lucas would then personally come running with the wounded. I don’t want anyone on my conscience as I get rich. They work for me and I am responsible.

  Aurora found Lucas’ attitude commendable and she did everything she could to not disappoint him. With what he experienced during his youth, he could have hated the whole world and someone else in his shoes would have stepped over a thousand corpses in order to regain their position.

  But not Lucas, he was not like that. He was the first person to be there when there were problems, tireless and strong. Then before dinner, he returned to the house to devote himself to administrative problems in his study. If Aurora had no patients to visit in the clinic or in the workers’ huts, she would hurry to help him. A certain complicity had grown between them. One look was now enough for them to understand each other.

  They were perfectly aware of the difficulties they were facing, but they were certain of being able to overcome them all. The fact that they were not really husband and wife was definitely a disadvantage, a couple seriously connected by love would have had perhaps a greater force with which to face life's obstacles. But for this reason and to compensate for this absence they tried in every way, with their determination to succeed in overcoming the challenge.

  Since their trip to Zacatecas, Lucas had been more and more courteous. Gently courting Aurora, offering her flowers and paying her compliments. Aurora was very flattered and, on her part she sought his support, confiding in him every aspect of her working day. Yolanda had also been quieter recently. Lucas had scolded her on other occasions when she had behaved excessively rudely. She’s jealous of me, because she loves him. And me! What do I feel for my husband? Wondered Aurora.

  Aurora carefully avoided thinking about and questioning her feelings too much. I mustn’t be fooled by appearances ... Lucas is a womanizer, it’s natural for him to court me, it's just a hobby. I asked him to marry me, I proposed the pact. He doesn’t love me, I mustn’t forget this. He’s just a friend.

  Sometimes, at night, she laid awake thinking about what Lucas was doing at that moment. Alone in her room, she was gnawed with the suspicion that perhaps Lucas was not in his room, but was with some other woman, perhaps even with Yolanda.

  And in the morning she observed Lucas furtively, and also watched the impudent maid, to see if her suspicions were well founded, if between the two of them there was a different attitude, a particularly look.

  Ah, if we were married like everyone else! If he was really in love with me and he had asked me to marry him without any secret agreements ...

  She banished these thoughts from her head, like a troublesome insect. It’s stupid to think about this now. Be content with what you have, isn’t it what you wanted?

  Yes, it was what she wanted. But it was not enough, now it was no longer enough.

  She tried to banish these thoughts from her mind that had become an obsession. But the thoughts resumed while she was returning to the clinic from one of the huts after having examined a pregnant woman. She had discussed the birth as usual with the midwife who looked suspicious of her scientific methods. Once again, she tried to focus on something else so as not to torment herself.

  Outside the clinic, however, she saw a laborer who usually worked in the kitchen garden waiting for her.

  "Mistress, come quickly!" The man exclaimed when he saw her. "Pablo has been hurt in the kitchen! A pan of boiling water fell on him!"

  Aurora quickly went into the clinic to get what she needed. She also had a small stock of products in the villa, but it was better not to risk not having the right supplies.

  She then went quickly to the house accompanied by the laborer.

  There was bedlam in the large kitchen. The cook, who was worried, was yelling and Yolanda was trying to comfort Pablo who was lying on the ground complaining of the pain.

  "What are you doing? Take off his clothes that are soaked in boiling water immediately, they will only worsen the burns! "

  Pablo embarrassed waved a feeble protest, but at Aurora’s order, the laborer who had accompanied her, immediately snapped into action.

  " Take it slowly ... slowly." Aurora advised moving Yolanda roughly aside and kneeling down beside Pablo. She immediately took some soft gauze and asked for clean cold water. She then started to delicately sponge Pablo’s chest and part of his legs, trying to see the severity of the burns.

  "Mistress, please." Pablo protested weakly. "What w
ould the master say if he saw you?"

  Yolanda made a grimace of displeasure. It really annoyed her that anyone, including Pablo, reminded her that Lucas was Aurora’s husband and that Aurora could claim all rights to him, including the right to be jealous. For Yolanda, Aurora was just an interloper, someone who had been put between her and Lucas and was not noteworthy.

  "The master is here and he’s not angry, don’t worry." Said Lucas, who had meantime arrived in the kitchen..

  "Fortunately, it’s not a very serious burn." said Aurora, "but it should be properly looked after. Take him to his room, so I can treat him."

  Aurora followed the men, and once they were in Pablo’s room she continued to cool the burned parts with cold water. Then very gently she applied a refreshing ointment containing calendula oil. She then bandaged Pablo’s chest and thighs, while he desperately tried to overcome his embarrassment.

  "Close your eyes and imagine that I’m just a doctor.” said Aurora to calm him. "Don’t think of me as being a woman, nor the lady of this house."

  When she had finished the job, she washed her hands in the basin of water in the corner of the room.

  " I recommend complete rest. I’ll tell them to bring your meals here to your room for the next few days. You have many blisters, especially on the stomach, so you must be careful not to burst them but to let them dry out by themselves."

  Pablo could not stop thanking her and Aurora smiled as she left the room. Outside, waiting, she saw Yolanda, with her usual miserable and arrogant face.

  " Can I go in?" She asked rudely.

  " As long as he stays quiet," said Aurora, annoyed. She left the servants' wing and returned to the main wing where Lucas was waiting for her in his study.

  "How is Pablo?" He asked when he saw her enter.

  "Luckily it's not as bad as I expected, but he will have to rest for a few days." Replied Aurora as she sat down across the desk from Lucas.

  Lucas looked at her, worried.

  "You look very tired, Aurora, you should rest more."


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