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The Forbidden Promise

Page 23

by Helena Rose

Hector nodded. "I couldn’t stand the separation anymore.”

  Viviana smiled ironically. "And tell me, why were you feeling the absence so poignantly?" She asked.

  "I was missing many things: Mexico, this beautiful and wild land, its people, my home. This was my home, remember?"

  " All too well, I remember this and so much more.” Replied Viviana.

  "Remember also that I loved you." Hector approached her reaching out a hand to her face.

  Viviana moved away from him. "No, I remember that I loved you and that you deceived and abandoned me.”

  Hector closed his eyes, overwhelmed by remorse. "I loved you, I said it even then, but I see you didn’t believe me, nor have you forgiven me. Viviana, I was obliged to leave, I had no choice."

  " Obliged." Viviana scoffed. Resorting to sarcasm was the only way she had to not give in to the desire to express her pain and lose control.

  "Yes. Viviana believe me, I beg you. Raquel managed to distance me from my brother, to make us rivals. She said she loved me, but then she married him. And even after her marriage to Eduardo, she never left me alone, she blackmailed and seduced me at the same time, I was imprisoned in a web from which I had no escape, except to leave here forever." Hector added earnestly.

  " You're pathetic," said Viviana with contempt.

  Hector nodded.

  " Yes, I am. I'm a coward and a weakling, I didn’t have the strength to oppose Raquel, I was like putty in her hands. But I beg you to believe me that I've always loved you and leaving you was the hardest thing in my entire life. I wasn’t myself anymore, I've never loved anyone else. "

  "Why are you back at this precise moment?" Viviana asked upset.

  " I had to, I need to fix the ... someone's coming," he said lowering his hat to cover his face. "I mustn’t be seen. Not yet." Hector walked quickly away.

  Costantino saw Viviana and joined her breathless "My dear, I've been looking for you everywhere, I was getting worried."

  "I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that I had gone so far." Said Vivian as she took Costantino’s arm, "Let’s go my dear." From the corner of her eye she followed Hector’s movements as he disappeared into the lush vegetation.

  " Who was the man you were talking to?" Asked Costantino.

  "No one, there was no one with me," said Viviana feigning surprise.

  Costantino did not reply. He was sure he had seen someone with Viviana, but insisting would be of no avail, Viviana could be very stubborn, and he trusted her blindly.

  He could not help thinking, however, that there something familiar about the man.

  Don Cristobal tried to regain control of himself. Since he had been a widower, he had not thought of another woman. Yet now, looking at Aurora Navarra y Reyes’ sweet face he had felt an indescribable feeling, a very strong emotion that stirred in his heart like a wild butterfly. The most shocking thing was that Aurora did not look like his poor wife, and yet something undefined in her eyes, in her expression, reminded him of her.

  And that something had found a way to his heart, so incisive, like a glowing blade. He realized suddenly that he could not get along without her, he had to see her, talk to her, hold her ...he suddenly shook himself. Aurora was a married woman and she was not free. The understanding of the enormity of the obstacle that stood before him, left him breathless for a moment. I have to forget her! I’ve only just met her, must I already forget that she exists? Maybe tomorrow, maybe in the next few days, with a cool head and with his typical self-control regained, but not tonight when the excitement was still alive and burning in him.

  Cristobal returned to the other guests who were watching the first couples dancing after the mariachi song. He noticed that Doña Viviana was not present anymore, but Don Costantino was still there enjoying the show. Cristobal looked around and finally he saw Aurora who was standing not far away, her face sad, intently watching the guests dancing. Her husband was next to her, serious and rigid, but not touching her. Between them, it was as if there was an invisible wall.

  Cristobal, without thinking, walked over to the couple.

  "Sorry, I needed a little air, it’s quite hot tonight," he justified himself in a confident voice.

  "Please don’t worry. I hope you feel better now.” replied Aurora.

  Cristobal nodded, smiling. Lucas shuddered, but said nothing.

  In the meantime, the orchestra began to play a waltz, at which point Cristobal spoke directly to Lucas.

  "I’d like to ask your permission to dance with your beautiful wife." He asked with an appealing look, "as long as you don’t want to dance yourself."

  Lucas looked at him amazed, while anger rose in his chest. How he wanted to sort out that European dandy! But he had no time to reply. Aurora, usually so reserved, intervened promptly.

  " I gladly accept.” She said, looking at Lucas defiantly. "Unfortunately my husband doesn’t dance." With a mocking expression, she held out her hand. Cristobal gave a hint of a bow and took her hand in his. Together they made their way to the dance floor and began to waltz elegantly. Aurora had learned to dance when she was in Mexico City and had attended parties with her cousin Dolores. It had been a long time since she had danced, but she soon found the rhythm, moreover her dance partner was an excellent dancer and he knew how to guide her expertly.

  During the fast pirouettes, she searched for Lucas with her eyes and saw him frowning, staring at her with green eyes dark with anger. Now he knows how it feels to be put aside, she could not help thinking. Yet, in contrast to what she had expected, she did not feel any joy for the revenge that she was undertaking instead she felt her heart contract and a veil of melancholy and sadness invaded her spirit. She looked up and saw Cristobal’s happy and excited expression as he watched and admired her adoringly. She noticed, at one point being next to Marisol and Federico. Marisol looked at her curiously at seeing her dancing with another man. Aurora noticed that Marisol’s eyes turned immediately to look for Lucas and a new twinge of jealousy swept over her. Without thinking, she leaned nearer to her dance partner, Cristobal immediately reacted, holding her closer.

  Lucas, meanwhile was beside himself with fury. He looked away from Aurora dancing. Don Costantino noticed his discomfort and cleared his throat.

  "I'm sorry Lucas, I'm going to look for my wife. If you’ll excuse me," he said, preferring to disappear.

  Lucas did not answer, feeling completely isolated among people who watched him curiously as if he were a rare beast in the place where Doña Raquel’s cruelty had made him unwelcome. He momentarily met the gaze of his stepmother, who was sitting haughty and proud on the other side of the dance floor watching the dancers. He distinctly saw a sardonic smile painted on her face. She was undoubtedly enjoying his discomfort.

  The music ended but the exchange of looks continued. Lucas did not lower his glance and allowed his pent-up anger to show, while Dona Raquel challenged him there on the same spot where she had already won once. Then Doña Raquel heard a call from Doña Clara, and against her will, she broke off her gaze.

  Disgusted, Lucas looked back at the dance floor. The music had changed, and couples dancing were mostly different from before. Even Marisol and Federico had left the dance floor to mingle among the guests. Marisol, blond and smiling like a fairy and, Federico slightly wobbly and insecure in his movements.

  Then Lucas suddenly realized that Aurora and the European dandy were no longer dancing, and Aurora had not returned to him.

  Lucas felt the blood roaring in his ears, while jealousy ate into his chest. With quick steps he began to look for Aurora among the guests dispersed in the vast garden.

  After the waltz, Cristobal held Aurora in his arms a moment too long.

  "Wait. I’d like to walk with you." Said Cristobal.

  Aurora did not have time to respond and felt herself being drawn away from the dance floor on the opposite side from where Lucas was.

  " Don Cristobal, wait." Aurora gasped, but Cristobal did not listen, he was heading tow
ards a side path.

  " Don’t be afraid, Doña Aurora, I’d just like to take a walk in your company."

  Aurora turned to look back, but chose not to protest vigorously so as not to provoke a scandal.

  "You're a good dancer," Cristobal continued. "You dance wonderfully."

  "I learned in Mexico City, while I was at college." Said Aurora, feeling uncomfortable.

  " You attended college? What did you study?" Inquired Cristobal.

  " Medicine. I’m a doctor." Replied Aurora.

  " Amazing, I’ve never personally met a woman doctor before. Even in Europe they are quite rare."

  He slowed his pace and began to look at her.

  " You are an amazing woman." He said softly.

  Aurora felt herself blush. Cristobal was afraid he had overstepped and tried to remedy the situation.

  "I mean, it’s not everybody who studies and becomes a doctor defying all social conventions. You are to be admired."

  "I thank you, you're very gracious, but I’ve not done anything extraordinary, it’s just a passion. My father was generous in allowing me to pursue my dream.” Explained Aurora.

  Cristobal took her hand and said, "Your husband is a very lucky man."

  Aurora, embarrassed, could not answer. Lucas' face flashed before her eyes and her heart softened immediately. Why am I doing this to him? He'll be looking for me. Then, all of a sudden, she remembered Yolanda’s biting and cruel words. A single woman is not enough for him, you have to get used to it, it will happen more and more often. No, she would never get used to it, not after having given him all of herself, not having exceeded the limits of the pact that she had created, the same secret pact that he had not hesitated to disclose to the four winds.

  Cristobal moved closer, letting go of her hand and taking hold of her shoulders.

  " I don’t know what's happening to me, Doña Aurora, but I can’t stay away from you."

  Aurora tried to pull away.

  "I beg you, let's go back to the others."

  "Just a minute." Cristobal whispered, looking at her entranced.

  Then a voice in an icy tone interrupted Cristobal.

  "Leave my wife alone." Shouted Lucas.

  Lucas quickly reached them and grabbed Cristobal by the arm pulling him away. Aurora moved immediately away from Lucas, terrified by his furious expression.

  " Lucas I beg you, don’t make a scene." Aurora pleaded, but Lucas just glared at her, without bothering to answer.

  " Let me go immediately." Cristobal ordered, while looking at his rival with disgust. "I'm not doing anything improper."

  " Oh no?" Lucas started to laugh, a laugh that was not amused, but rather threatening. "And what do you think courting someone else’s wife is? You’re despicable!"

  "I’ll not allow you!" Said Cristobal, freeing himself from Lucas’ grasp.

  "You don’t have the power to forbid me anything," Lucas hissed.

  Aurora, frightened, tried to intervene.

  " Lucas, please, let's go, it's all a misunderstanding." but Lucas did not hear her.

  " You’re rude and vulgar." Said Cristobal, staring at Lucas scornfully, "A beggar that by chance alone has managed to gain a respected name."

  The last barriers that were holding back the tide of anger inside Lucas gave way with this insult. Lucas pulled back his arm and punched Cristobal in the face.

  Aurora cried out in terror, while Cristobal lost his balance and fell to the ground. Almost immediately Cristobal stood up and launched himself at Lucas who was waiting for him on guard.

  The disturbance, and Aurora’s cries, drew other guests. From among them Federico pushed through.

  " What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Federico said as he got between the two men who were continuing to fight. With some effort Federico managed to pull Cristobal away that continued to tug Lucas by his arm.

  " I’ll not be insulted by a barbarian," cried Cristobal.

  " You shouldn’t stoop to the same level." The comment in a mellifluous tone came from Doña Raquel. The woman stepped forward from the crowd and her stern gaze rested on Lucas.

  " Don Cristobal, I beg you to forget about the incident," Doña Raquel continued.

  "If you ask me to, Doña Raquel." Cristobal gasped, as he wiped a drop of blood coming from his split lip.

  Aurora, upset, had been petrified, unable to speak. She suddenly felt a touch on her shoulder.

  "Daughter, what happened?" Asked Don Costantino who had attracted her attention and placed a hand on her arm.

  Aurora turned and saw her parents. With difficulty, she briefly told them that due to a misunderstanding, Lucas had hit Cristobal.

  Aurora was afraid of her mother’s stern expression, but Doña Viviana seemed disoriented and gave almost no sign that she had been listening carefully to what Aurora had been saying.

  "Go back to the party, please." Said Doña Raquel, "There is absolutely nothing to see here."

  Her authoritative tone left no room for replies and all the guests returned towards the orchestra.

  Lucas overtook Doña Raquel without even looking at her and went over to Aurora.

  "Let's go home." He said to her quietly "For us, the party is over."

  Aurora nodded wordlessly and started to follow him. Soon after they bumped into Marisol, her face serious and upset. Marisol approached Aurora.

  "Dear Cousin, congratulations for having created this scandal at my wedding." She hissed haughtily. Then she raised her eyes to look at Lucas, but said nothing. She turned and walked back to the dance floor to resume dancing.

  Cristobal and Federico had also decided to go back near the orchestra, and pretend that nothing had happened.

  Viviana was able to observe Federico closely, and was shocked. My God, how much he looks like Hector at the same age ... The memory burst into her mind, even more vivid due to the meeting she had just had with Hector. She had never believed that she would see him again, yet here he was in Tampico.

  She saw, almost in passing, Doña Raquel, the only person still remaining at the site of the fight. She looked like a statue, so still and dressed in black, looking down observing the lawn. Then suddenly she saw her bend down and pick something up from the ground.

  "Let’s go, Viviana?" Don Costantino said to her, distracting her immediately from her thoughts.

  Viviana nodded.

  "Let's get out of this place, immediately." She said, shuddering. She pulled her elegant shawl around her and with Don Costantino walked towards the exit.

  Chapter 13

  Alma's labor was long and painful. The contractions started getting more frequent only towards evening, meanwhile Penelope tried to help her by cooling her forehead with a damp cloth.

  When at last the spasms became closer together, Penelope stood up from her chair and went to check between Alma’s legs.

  "Here we are child. Now you have to push with all the strength you have in your body."

  Alma, crying, tried to obey and bit her lips, while a sharp pain gripped her lower abdomen.

  After a few pushes the baby’s head began to appear. Penelope assisted its passage and soon the baby came into the world. Immediately the newborn’s loud cries filled the room.

  Penelope took the baby by the feet and cut the umbilical cord.

  "It’s a boy." she informed Alma.

  Alma wept with joy.

  "Let me see him, please." She pleaded.

  Penelope quickly cleaned the baby up, then wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to Alma. "Have you decided what to call him?" Penelope asked.

  " Matteo, after my father," Alma replied, smiling at the little one, who continued to wail. "You're my little darling. You're my consolation."

  "Try to attach him to your breast soon." Advised Penelope, "See if your milk comes."

  Penelope cleaned her hands and without saying goodbye went downstairs.

  " How did it go?" Asked Don Gonzalo. Some customers were already arriving at the inn and the girl
s had begun to get busy flattering them.

  " The birth went well," said Penelope.

  " Perfect." Said Don Gonzalo as he spat into a spitting bowl. "And when can she return to work?"

  "In ten days she can begin to perform some light tasks." Replied Penelope.

  "Good. And what shall we do with the brat?" Inquired Don Gonzalo

  " For now, keep it here. It could be very useful."

  Don Gonzalo began to laugh maliciously.

  At the hacienda, the wedding party carried on for a few more hours. It ended as dawn was about to appear as in the best tradition.

  Doña Raquel, however, retired before the end and locked herself in her bedroom. She had her fist tightly clenched, she had not dared to open it before being alone in her room.

  She slowly opened her hand. In the palm of her hand shone one of Lucas’ gold cufflinks. The initials LNR were engraved in the metal to form a single frieze. Lucas must have lost it during the scuffle with Cristobal.

  Raquel smiled. He’s remained the savage that he’s always been.

  Standing on the lawn among the chaos of guests, she had noticed something shining in the grass. As soon as she had been left alone, she had bent to pick up the shiny object and knew immediately what it was.

  For a moment she had thought of throwing it away into the dark. Nothing that belonged to that bastard could interest her, except perhaps his life. But then she had changed her mind and had decided to keep the little trinket for herself.

  I'm definitely getting old, she thought, looking at herself in the mirror, once I’d never have thought of destroying something so useful. It could be valuable to me for some purpose.

  She smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. Lucas had dared to challenge her right here, in her own home. He had entered into her life once again, arrogant and proud, ready to reclaim a role in high society.

  You’ll always be a failure, a wretch, a loser. She looked out of the window, observing the park lit by dozens of candles. She paused to admire them, fascinated by the myriads of small flickering lights.

  Yes, I’ll certainly find a way for this small gift of fate to be useful to me...


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