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The Forbidden Promise

Page 26

by Helena Rose

Cristobal smiled to himself. Aurora, my beloved, you have given me a purpose in life, a reason that I haven’t had since the day of my beloved wife’s death.

  Aurora and Lucas’ last days in Tampico were wonderful. They spent the afternoons at the sea, having fun on the beach like two children.

  They were living the joy of loving each other, that before and immediately after their marriage they had foolishly rejected.

  Together they had gone to say goodbye to the nuns and Dr. Peron at La Virgen de la Caridad Convent, who were all very happy to see them and, Dr. Peron took the opportunity to ask some professional advice from Aurora.

  They then went to Father Julian’s church, where to their surprise, they found him busy with Cristobal de la Vega.

  Lucas and Cristobal had not met each other since the day of the fight at the Navarra hacienda. Aurora blushed, embarrassed and worried. She feared Lucas’ reaction on seeing Don Cristobal again.

  Father Julian was happy to make the introductions.

  "Have you met this young lawyer?” Asked Father Julian, “He’s just joined our congregation."

  "Yes, father, we’ve already met. How are you Don Cristobal?" Aurora replied anxiously.

  "I'm fine thank you." He replied looking at Lucas with some curiosity. He was clearly waiting for Lucas’ reaction.

  "Our good lawyer has made a donation to the church, a beautiful reliquary from the Baroque era. It will look fine on the altar dedicated to St. Joseph."

  "I'm happy to hear that," responded Aurora. "Perhaps we should go ... we just came to say goodbye before our departure."

  Lucas remained silent, but his eyes were expressive enough. He gave Cristobal an angry look and Cristobal replied with a wry smile.

  Aurora left the parish, arm in arm with Lucas.

  "That lousy dandy makes me mad with rage!" Lucas said, "You saw how he looked at you! He seemed to want to eat you with his eyes!"

  "I don’t know Lucas ... You're just jealous, when I met him at my mother’s he was very polite, he even asked me to give you his apologies."

  "He could have had the courage to come and offer his apologies to me himself! It was just a move to make an impression on you and your mother!"

  "I care nothing for Don Cristobal, I think I’ve proved this to you." Aurora said, smiling.

  Together they walked towards their house. They found Yolanda there, waiting for them. From the day she had been found out, her attitude had become blameless, but she had not yet overcome her grudge against Aurora, this was obvious. As soon as she could she addressed herself directly to Lucas.

  "Lucas, I’ve finished all my work, can I go to my aunt’s," she asked, avoiding greeting Aurora. Aurora chose, as usual, to ignore Yolanda’s rudeness. It’s better if she avoids me, rather than plays some other trickery on me.

  Lucas granted her permission and Yolanda walked away down the street. Her meetings and daily venting of her feelings with Penelope, allowed her to overcome her anger and disappointment, while she continued to work for the woman whom she most hated and that she said had robbed her of the love of her life. Although she hated to admit it, she had never seen Lucas so involved with a woman, not even with Aurora’s noble cousin.

  Absorbed in her thoughts, Yolanda did not notice the figure that was following her. Suddenly she felt herself seized by the arm. "Hey!" She shouted scared, "What do you want? Leave me alone!"

  A man with a flowing beard and a wide-brimmed hat pulled down over his head, immediately let go of his grip. Yolanda recognized him at once, it was the strange patient that she had seen outside the Vargas de Coronado’s home the day that she had accompanied Aurora.

  "I’ve a task to entrust you." The man justified hoarsely, "I’ll pay very well, even more if I can ensure a degree of discretion."

  "And why are you asking me to do this?" Yolanda asked suspiciously.

  "Because you know Doña Viviana Vargas de Coronado. Aren’t you her daughter’s maid?" The man asked.

  Yolanda made a grimace of annoyance, but she could not retort in any way, because at the end it was the truth.

  "I need you to deliver this note directly into Doña Viviana hands. I’ll pay you very handsomely as long as don’t reveal our agreement to anyone. Not even to your mistress."

  Yolanda became suspicious, but eventually curiosity overcame her. She wanted to find out what was at the bottom of this.

  "I agree, give me the money," she said, extending her hand out.

  " Naturally, I'll accompany you to the street where Mrs. Vargas de Coronado lives, so you won’t be tempted to read things that don’t concern you. That’s if you can read!" The man chuckled and a flash of light passed across his ice-colored eyes.

  Yolanda nodded and the man handed her some coins.

  "I’ll give you the note later," he said as he started to walk.

  Yolanda followed him at a good pace and just before reaching the Vargas de Coronado’s gate, the mysterious man gave her the note, which Yolanda hid in the neckline of her dress. Then she rang the bell. She turned and saw that the man had gone, probably he was just around the corner of the street.

  The door was opened by Carmen whom she had met the previous time she had come there.

  "Hello Carmen, I need to see Mrs. Vargas de Coronado. I have a note to give to her."

  Carmen let her in and Yolanda waited in the living room.

  "Doña Viviana is in her room, I’ll go and call her." Carmen said, leaving Yolanda alone.

  Yolanda looked around and saw no one. Quickly, she pulled out the note, opened it and began to read it with interest, then she heard footsteps on the stairs and hastened to fold the note up again.

  Doña Viviana approached her, curious.

  " My daughter needs something?" She asked worriedly.

  " No, I’ve just this note to give to you," said Yolanda, holding out the folded paper .

  Viviana took it.

  " Thank you!" Viviana said puzzled.

  "I'm going now if you’ll excuse me." Said Yolanda leaving the house, while Viviana opened the note and read the message.

  Yolanda would have liked to have seen Viviana's expression! The message in the note seemed to Yolanda rather unclear, but she knew it was something important. The mystery man, who apparently was called Hector, had made an appointment to meet Viviana on the beach, in the La Virgen del Mar chapel in a week’s time. A fact that was tremendously inconvenient ...

  Back in the street, she hastened to meet the man.

  "Did you do it?" asked the mysterious figure.

  Yolanda nodded.

  " Good, thank you. Now don’t say anything to anyone." Without another word, the man walked quickly away, leaving her alone in the street.

  Yolanda walked to her beloved Aunt Penelope’s home, to whom she confided everything. Today she would also have interesting news about Lucas’ mother-in-law.

  Don Cristobal, on his return from his meeting with Father Julian decided to go to Doña Raquel without waiting any longer. It was years since he had felt so alive and determined and he had his plan perfectly outlined in his mind. The first and easiest step was now accomplished. Blackmailing Raquel would be more complex and more dangerous, but risk had always encouraged rather than frightened him.

  He hired a carriage and went to the Navarra y Reyes’ hacienda, he had not sent any message to inform them of his visit, preferring to exploit the element of surprise. Catching Doña Raquel unprepared would provide him with a significant advantage.

  During the short drive he went over his speech word for word in his mind. He smiled satisfied, if all went well Aurora would change her life and make him once again a happy man. When she saw him, Doña Raquel did not hide her astonishment, nor her displeasure.

  " Don Cristobal, what a surprise, I wasn’t expecting a visit from you today."

  " I'm sorry if it seems a little inconvenient to you, but I’ve something really important to discuss with you," said Cristobal, bowing.

  " Then tell me, what could
be so important," Raquel asked curious. She breathed deeply, trying to control her irritation. Cristobal was not a man to be reckoned with, he was smart and insightful and put her in a position of disadvantage leaving her dominated by emotions that would be counterproductive. Something in Cristobal alarmed her and she was certain that what he was about to say she would not like at all.

  Don Cristobal smiled, noticing the Raquel’s discomfort. Everything was going well. He felt the adrenaline flow through his body while enjoying the tension that he always felt while addressing the council in court when people's lives were in his hands, just like now.

  After a brief smile, he began to speak and saw with satisfaction Doña Raquel go pale.

  Later, in her room Doña Raquel thought back over her meeting with Don Cristobal, she still felt angry and frustrated. That damn man dared to blackmail me! She threw a book she had on the table into the fireplace and watched the blaze that arose when it caught fire. How had he dared! Eduardo, may you burn in hell like you deserve! Even from beyond the grave you’ve come to ruin my plans! I disinherited that beggar of a son of yours to safeguard mine and behold, a letter, a stupid letter can ruin all the work I've done to date! No, I'll never permit it.

  Cristobal’s words still rang in her mind, "Your late husband," the irony was not lost on her, "before he died, sent a letter to my father." He remained silent for a moment to infuriate Raquel who was waiting, "I imagine that you were not aware of this."

  "In fact we were in the dark." Raquel had to admit reluctantly.

  " As it happens," he added walking indolent in front of her with the clear aim of making her uneasy, "I found it among my father’s papers a few days ago."

  Raquel had stared at him with ill-concealed resentment.

  " And it just so happens that in this letter your late husband declared that your son Federico is not his, but the son of your husband’s brother, he’s called Don Hector if I'm not mistaken, with whom you entertained a sinful relationship." He said menacingly approaching Doña Raquel’s face.

  "The letter also certifies Don Eduardo’s wish to disinherit Federico and leave all his possessions exclusively to his only son, Lucas."

  Doña Raquel could not deny the allegations, the existence of the letter could not be questioned. No one was aware of the truth and so no one could have informed Cristobal of these facts. For a moment Raquel thought of Penelope, she knew the truth but she was too faithful, a loyalty based on money and Raquel had always given her a lot.

  " You’re here to blackmail me?" It was a statement rather than a question." Well, tell me what you want? Money for your silence, or what? "

  "No," Cristobal said, shaking his head. "I'm here to make a pact with you. A pact that you’re certainly not in a position to refuse, but I’m sure you’ll not mind agreeing to it."

  Doña Raquel had to agree, for the first time in her life she had had to let someone else win. She had always gotten everything she wanted! Burning anger consumed her again.

  Don Cristobal had assured her that he would keep the contents of the letter secret if she helped to separate Lucas from Aurora.

  "It’s advisable that you indulge me, you understand certainly! Or would you rather lose all of your possessions in favor of your stepson Lucas? That is exactly what would happen if your husband's last wishes are made known."

  And Raquel had surrendered.

  "It’s a deal then. I’ll give you the original documents in my possession on the day that Aurora is mine." Cristobal had said, smiling.

  Cristobal now savoring the victory had added "And don’t try to steal the documents, I don’t have them anymore. I’ve put them in a safe place where they can never, ever be found."

  Damn lousy dandy! He hasn’t yet realized who he's dealing with ...

  All in all the idea of ruining Lucas and Aurora’s marriage was enticing to Raquel, but she hated having to do it on someone else’s orders, someone who now held her in the palm of his hands. It had always been her who had enforced the rules of the game! And now she was having to endure Cristobal’s vulgar blackmail.

  That stupid son of mine has just left for Mexico City on his honeymoon ... until his return I can’t tell him anything so, as usual, I'll have to deal with this myself.

  The only person she could turn to was obviously Penelope Robles. Raquel approached the fireplace, staring intensely at the fire. The destroying flames had given her inspiration.

  She heard a knock on the door of her room.

  " What do you want? I gave orders not to be disturbed." She growled nervous.

  "It’s Penelope." Replied the maid intimidated. "I told her that you didn’t want to receive visitors, but she insisted. She claims that it is a matter of life or death."

  Raquel became alarmed. Damn, what else has happened?

  She ordered the maid to let Penelope enter. Shortly after Penelope came into the room, her sharp face was paler than usual and she had a worried look.

  "What’s happened?" Asked Raquel.

  "Something terrible has happened." Gasped Penelope visibly agitated.

  "Speak, go ahead." Encouraged Raquel.

  "It’s about my niece. She told me something that I just can’t believe." Said Penelope.

  Raquel, nervous, took Penelope by the arms and began to shake her.

  "Stupid! Do you enjoy keeping me in suspense?"

  Penelope quickly told her about the note that Yolanda had handed over to Doña Viviana on behalf of a mysterious man.

  "The note was signed by Hector!" Concluded Penelope, "And gave her a time to meet him in exactly one week in La Virgen del Mar chapel, to finally clarify all the mysteries of the distant past..."

  Raquel suddenly let go of Penelope’s arms. She sat down on her bed, staring into space.

  "No, it can’t be ... not now." She murmured scared.

  Penelope came and knelt before Raquel.

  "We’ve got to do something and now. It's definitely Don Hector Navarra y Reyes and he wants to tell Doña Viviana everything, including the true paternity of your child."

  "Shut up!" Raquel said, standing up. She began to pace nervously around the room, rubbing her temples.

  " I can handle it if you want." Offered Penelope.

  " No, I need you somewhere else." Raquel stared at the fire. The magical flames of the hot tongues of light enchanted her for a moment. She felt instantly relaxed, while her mind began to work feverishly to devise a perfect plan. The sacred purifying fire will give me a hand in getting rid of my enemies.

  I’ll put everything in its rightful place. It would be a risk and a gamble, but she had always liked risks as they made her feel wonderfully alive, especially when she was about to put an end to the existence of those who were obstructing her path.

  She quickly told Penelope of the meeting she had had that afternoon with Cristobal and the wicked plot she had agreed to with him.

  " That's why I need you to go to that bastard’s hacienda in Zacatecas." Continued Raquel "There you’ll make his marriage fall apart as quickly as possible. I have to get hold of my husband’s real will as soon as possible."

  " But how am I going to make Lucas accept me?" Protested Penelope.

  " Do not bother me with your stupid questions!" Raquel retorted, "You should remember that your niece and nephew are his close friends and work for him in Zacatecas. Invent some excuse, idiot, and make them take you with them."

  " And what about Don Hector?"

  " I'll personally deal with him, although your help will be very valuable to me."

  " What are you going to do?" Penelope asked, intrigued and excited.

  "I’m going to go to Hector’s meeting with that woman ... and I’ll sort them out once and for all. You’ll give me a helping hand from Zacatecas."

  Doña Raquel went to the jewelry box on her dressing table and opened it. She pulled out a small piece of gold jewelry and handed it to Penelope. It was the lost cufflink from Lucas’ shirt. Raquel smiled with extreme complacency.

/>   "Fate wanted to give me this wonderful gift ... I found it on the lawn on the evening of my son's wedding after the brawl that beggar had with Don Cristobal."

  Penelope looked at her quizzically.

  " You’ll lure Lucas away from Zacatecas, so that on the evening of the meeting he’ll be in Tampico. Tomorrow you’ll get someone to pretend to be a banker from Mexico City. You’ll also send an invitation to Lucas so he’ll go to an appointment with this person at my family’s old home. I'll take care of the rest."

  Raquel was already looking forward to the pleasure of framing Lucas.

  "I’m thinking of leaving this nice trinket where it’ll be most appropriate." She continued.

  Penelope approached Raquel and gently caressed her shoulder.

  " You’re evil." She whispered in Raquel’s ear.

  "However, it will be better if you prepare one of your sacrificial rituals. Your adored infernal powers must also help us this time, I absolutely mustn’t fail." Said Raquel.

  "I’ll do it with great pleasure, ma’am." Penelope replied with satisfaction "And as far as the reward for my efforts?"

  "If everything goes through as I’ve planned, you’ll earn a fat wage, fear not."

  "I’ll do whatever you command me, Doña Raquel, don’t I always?" Penelope concluded in a persuasive voice.

  Chapter 15

  Aurora went to say goodbye to her parents before leaving for Zacatecas. Viviana and Costantino were sad to see her go.

  " I hope you can come back and see us again soon," Costantino said, hugging her.

  " I hope that the next time you can come to Zacatecas ... you'd be enchanted, I'm sure," replied Aurora with enthusiasm.

  Viviana hugged Aurora, but said nothing.

  " Mother, are you well? You look worried... is there something troubling you?" Asked Aurora.

  Viviana replied sharply.

  "Of course not, I'm fine ... it's just like your father said, I’m already very sad to see you go."

  Aurora looked at her puzzled. She knew her mother very well, something was really bothering her.

  She decided not to further the discussion, as she clearly saw that Viviana was uncomfortable, so she just kissed her.


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