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The Forbidden Promise

Page 29

by Helena Rose

  "Does it mean anything to you?" asked Don Josè, showing the object to the doctor.

  Dr. Peron shook his head.

  Patience ... at least I have something to work with. Once the funeral is finished he would start questioning Costantino Vargas de Coronado’s family. The culprit of such a massacre would not escape from him.

  Chapter 17

  Costantino’s funeral was very moving, all of Tampico encircled Viviana Vargas de Coronado to offer their condolences. Don Cristobal, with a sad expression, went over to Aurora and shook her hands warmly. Lucas glared at him, but did not intervene.

  After the funeral ceremony, officiated by Father Julian, the body was accompanied to the cemetery.

  The whole time Lucas had to support Aurora who was prostrate with grief over the loss of her beloved father.

  That night Aurora decided to stay a few days in Tampico to keep Doña Viviana company while Lucas preferred to return to the hacienda.

  "Unfortunately I have to continue the silver extraction ... it is now more important than ever," he said hugging her.

  Furthermore Lucas feared that the meeting with the banker from Veracruz would come to nothing. The man had at times seemed mysterious, almost reticent, Lucas had the impression that he was being made a joke of.

  And to think that I was near here at exactly the same moment when this awful tragedy happened...

  Lucas had sincerely admired his father in law, he was the only one who had always shown him courtesy and respect and he was very sorry for the pain Aurora was feeling. The aura of mystery surrounding Costantino’s death and the presence of a stranger did nothing but increase the doubt and suffering.

  "I must go, my love. I’ll see you in a few days, I’ll send Santos to get you," Lucas said kissing Aurora. He said goodbye respectfully to his mother-in-law who responded with a nod. Aurora accompanied Lucas to the gate, and after a last kiss, Lucas mounted his horse and rode away. Aurora, left alone, went back into the house.

  "Carmen will be pleased to have you here, like when you were still unmarried," said Viviana, sadly.

  Aurora sat down next to her on the couch.

  "Mother, you really don’t have any idea who that man was? You don’t know why my father went to La Virgen del Mar chapel?"

  "I’ve already said no, my child, don’t go on about it," replied Viviana in a tone that would tolerate no further discussion. "What your father had in mind will remain a secret ... forever"

  But I won’t have peace until I find out who did this to him...

  Meanwhile Penelope and Yolanda had remained in Zacatecas .

  The two were in the kitchen and Penelope had allocated tasks to each of the other servants, while Lucas, who had just returned from Tampico, worked hard at the mine.

  Penelope had established her dominion over the rest of the servants who treated her with great awe. With Aurora absent, Penelope had a free reign to dominate the people.

  She saw Yolanda sigh sadly.

  After drying her hands with a cloth Penelope caressed Yolanda’s face and said,

  "Tell me dear, what’s bothering you? Are your thoughts still only for Lucas? I think you'd be perfect for him, not like that dead cat - Aurora ... but you'll never conquer him with that sulky air."

  "What do you want me to say aunt, she’s his wife even though I'm sure he doesn’t love her."

  "I think he needs a little help to realize the error he has made and ..." Penelope encircled Yolanda’s face with her hands. "You’re so pretty that he won’t hesitate to end up in your arms."

  "Rest assured that I haven’t lost hope that one day he might fall in love with me, aunt, I trust in fate!"

  "Sometimes, darling, hope is not enough, we could give fate a little help ourselves..." Suggested Penelope.

  "What do you mean?" said Yolanda stepping back a few paces and placing her hands on her hips.

  "I can prepare a potion that will erase from his mind the memory of Aurora for a few hours and then you will be able to be his and compromise him and ..." said Penelope with a grin.

  Yolanda was silent for a moment then said, clenching her fists,

  "No aunt! If Lucas ever falls in love with me it must be because the passion was born from a true feeling and not a deception ... also if he found out he would never forgive me and then yes, I’d lose him forever."

  Shaking her head, Penelope thought how stupid and naive Yolanda was.

  "As you wish dear ... but remember that if you ever decide to, I can help you."

  She took off her apron and walked into the living room, where from the writing desk she pulled out a pen and a sheet of paper. She wrote a brief note to her friend Don Gonzalo Sanchez asking him to send Alma to the hacienda for a few days.

  If Yolanda refuses to assist me, I’ll have to resort to that stupid girl. I’ve got a job for her and Don Gonzalo certainly won’t deny me the favor, all the more so as he’ll be handsomely rewarded for the trouble.

  She turned warily and seeing no one in the living room, went to the stables to instruct a worker to go immediately to Tampico to deliver the message to Don Gonzalo.

  She then went with her shuffling gait to the nearby wood in search of herbs that could erase a man’s resolve that she needed to implement her proposal.

  She was already imagining in her twisted mind, Aurora’s face frozen by the pain of seeing Lucas in the arms of another woman.

  When I tell Doña Raquel everything, we'll enjoy ourselves so much... I just hope that Alma arrives soon. I have to instruct her properly on what she has to do and I don’t want Aurora to arrive first. It might be a nice surprise to reserve for her on the very day of her return.

  Silently, Penelope returned to the domestic chores that she so hated, trying to make Yolanda forget as soon as possible the suggestion that she had given her. She did not want Yolanda to immediately make a connection between the impending scandal and her proposal.

  Alma did not take long to arrive at the hacienda.

  Two days later she arrived in the morning by train escorted by one of Don Gonzalo’s men, an ugly brute with garish tattoos on his arms. The two, following Penelope’s written instructions, entered the estate by a side entrance.

  "Now walk, go into the house!" The man ordered roughly. "Remember, I'll be keeping an eye on you and if you try to escape, I'll beat you up. I'll wait for you at the inn."

  Alma scared nodded and walked towards the majestic house. Cautiously she entered the back door making sure no one saw her.

  Yolanda who was busy washing vegetables turned abruptly on hearing the door closing. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" She asked.

  " Penelope sent for me," Alma answered shyly.


  Alma shrugged, frightened by Yolanda’s brusqueness. Yolanda was looking her up and down, grimacing as she recognized the flashy clothes and plunging neckline that marked Alma out as a prostitute.

  "I don’t know, in the message delivered to Don Gonzalo it only said that Penelope had an urgent need to see me," she said, uncertainly.

  At that moment Penelope entered with a bundle of firewood, " Well, well, you're already here! "

  "Aunt, what is she doing here?" Yolanda asked curiously.

  "Come now, don’t be rude dear, poor Alma needs work and to find an honest occupation," replied Penelope, while she patiently put the wood in the fireplace.

  Alma lowered her eyes shyly, she still felt dirty for having agreed to live in the brothel without having had the courage to rebel against Penelope’s threats.

  "And what kind of work is she going to do here at the hacienda? And do Lucas and his wife know about it?" Asked Yolanda with her eyes fixed on the new arrival’s face.

  Penelope's face darkened, "Lucas and his wife will know very quickly that Alma has arrived!"

  Then pulling Alma by the arm she dragged her to her room.

  "You mustn’t move from here until I come and get you and no one must see you. Is that clear?" She ordered in a firm voice.

  "Yes, but how can I be of help to you? I left my little one with the others, but I'm so scared ... when can I go back?" Asked Alma sitting on the bed and taking off her shoes now worn by time.

  Penelope ignored Alma’s requests.

  "At the appropriate time you will need to slip into the Master’s bed and do what you’re so good at with him..."

  "With Don Lucas? But was it he who asked to have this? And the Mistress?"

  "Stupid, he won’t notice anything, he’ll be drugged..." Penelope said, raising her voice slightly. "Drugged? But I ..." Alma stammered.

  " You'll do as I tell you otherwise I’ll put a curse on you that will prevent you from living even one peaceful day in your miserable life..." Penelope said approaching threateningly towards Alma.

  Alma trembling pulled her shawl around herself and lowered her head ready to receive a blow from Penelope. Penelope instead extended her hand and gave Alma’s hair a loving caress.

  "Fear not," she said in a voice full of tenderness. "Everything will be fine and if you do exactly as I say, I’ll help you to win Federico’s love forever."

  Alma looked up at her with frightened eyes.

  "Really you’d do this for me?" Asked Alma

  "Of course, trust me, Federico will soon be yours."

  Alma closed her eyes hearing the echo in her mind of her beloved’s name.

  Looking at her with contempt, Penelope left Alma in her room and went back into the kitchen where she found Yolanda and Santos.

  She asked if there was any news about Aurora.

  "No, The mistress will come back the day after tomorrow, I myself will go to Zacatecs station to pick her up." said Santos biting into an apple he had taken from the centerpiece.

  "In two days you say?” Penelope asked curiously "And at what time?"

  " We'll be back after dinner."

  Yolanda, frowningly, looked at Penelope but chose not to say anything.

  " Well dear, I’ll make sure that everything and everyone is ready to receive our Mistress!" And smiling she grabbed a jug of water and left.

  "Sometimes our aunt seems very strange, I hope she isn’t plotting anything suspicious..." Santos said, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

  Yolanda was silent and Santos went over to her and kissed her on the forehead.

  "I'm going, keep an eye on our aunt, I’m ready to personally kick her out if I find anything!"

  He went out, leaving Yolanda alone in the kitchen. Yolanda felt a strange sense of unease. What if my brother is right? What if Aunt Penelope is really an evil woman who I must watch out for?

  Two days later, Yolanda was busy preparing dinner.

  "The Master has just returned from the mine..." said Penelope entering.

  Yolanda was overcome by a shiver that ran down her spine, Penelope came over and taking the spoon from Yolanda’s hand said,

  " Go, I’ll carry on here. He’s in his office."

  Yolanda quickly ran her hand through her long chestnut hair, straightened her skirt and camisole in order to highlight her generous cleavage and went out.

  Penelope, taking advantage of the moment of solitude, quickly drew a vial from the pocket of her apron and with a grin, she poured the contents into the carafe of wine destined for Lucas. The potion has turned out very well ... that bastard won’t escape.

  Meanwhile, Yolanda knocked on the study door.

  "Come in..." Responded Lucas’ voice from the inside.

  "Good evening, Lucas," said Yolanda entering the room "Dinner's almost ready."

  Without looking up from the correspondence that was passing quickly through his hands, Lucas said,

  "Thank you I'll be there in a minute. Has Santos told you what time Aurora will arrive?"

  " He only said that she’ll arrive in the evening." Replied Yolanda.

  " Good, thank you."

  " Lucas ... "

  " Yes?"

  "Are you happy that today that woman will arrive?" Yolanda asked.

  " That woman is my wife and the mistress of this house! I've already warned you many times, if you're not willing to treat her with respect, as much as I love you and your brother, I’ll be forced to kick you out...” said Lucas jumping up and walking over to her.

  His piercing green eyes stared at her hard and feeling him so close made her breathless.

  "You can’t be in love with her, until a few months ago you were going with her cousin and then with the others... and now all of a sudden there is only her."

  Her voice was broken by tears that she was still trying to hold back.

  "She doesn’t love you, she’s making fun of you!"

  Lucas stood still.

  " Only I really love you Lucas, only I can make you happy because we are alike, real people, different from those fake, hypocritical and perverse aristocrats." Tears fell copiously down her cheeks that burned red.

  Lucas pulled her into a hug and kissed her on the head. He did not feel rage any more, Yolanda so decisive, coarse but also so vulnerable that it made him feel an infinite tenderness.

  "One day, when you get over this absurd crush on me you’ll realize that there are other men out there and among them you’ll find the right companion for your life."

  "I ... I can’t ever love anyone as I love you." she said hugging his wide chest, hoping that the magic moment would never end.

  "Yes you can ... true love is always returned!"

  Lucas moved slightly away from her continuing to hold her wrists with his strong hands.

  " I love you but as a sister, I’m in love with someone else."

  " With her ..." Yolanda said, wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

  " Yes, her..."

  Yolanda broke free from his firm grip and went out without looking at him saying,

  "Dinner will be served in a few minutes."

  Lucas remained alone in the room sighing puzzled. Then he went to the dining room.

  It was Penelope who served him dinner and poured the wine in his goblet. Unaware, Lucas took the goblet and drank it down in one gulp, oblivious of Penelope who stood smirking behind him.

  Immediately after drinking, Lucas felt a great wave of heat, his head spun and he had blurred vision. He could not even finish his meal, he let go of his knife and fork that fell clattering to the floor as he tried to focus on the room, shaking his head.

  He struggled to get up from the table and went to his bedroom where he could lie down and close his eyes. Penelope followed him silently, then ran to get Alma.

  Alma was lying down, her face pale, her hand on her forehead, she had fainted. Penelope yanked her to a sitting position.

  "What's wrong with you?" Penelope asked acidly .

  "I don’t feel well!" Alma replied, "I just want to be with my baby ..."

  Penelope stared at her intensely "It's nothing, go to Lucas’ room, he’s already on the bed ready to receive you!"

  I'm afraid that stupid girl has contracted some serious venereal disease, she could give it to Lucas. What does it matter? My mistress will be even happier if this happens, she thought as she watched Alma walking away quickly.

  The unfortunate Alma entered, unbuttoned her bodice and although a bit hesitant, she went to lay by the side of Lucas’ helpless body. She unbuttoned his shirt and caressed his broad chest while her lips searched for his mouth.

  Lucas, unable to open his eyes, feeling the heat on her body embraced her in his arms and began to kiss her passionately.

  "Aurora, love, you're back." he sighed, searching eagerly for her breasts. Alma was startled to hear the strange name, but said nothing and continued to guide his strong hand.

  Neither of them noticed the steps that approached from the corridor, the door to the room opened and Aurora came in, she had her hat in her hands and was tired from the trip, happy to finally be reunited with her beloved husband.

  She stood frozen in front of the scene before her. Her smile faded from her face, her hazel eyes wide with surprise and horror, as p
ain hit her in the chest like a hot blade.

  She felt as if her legs would no longer support her and her knees were trembling. The hat slipped from her hands and fell to the ground while copious tears streamed down her cheeks.

  Alma lifted her face and saw Aurora, still immobile by the door. She tried to move away from Lucas but unaware of what was happening he pulled her back to him and kissed her while his eager hands slid under her dress.

  Aurora did not have the strength to open her mouth, her world had collapsed in an instant. She felt as if someone had ripped her heart out of her chest. She stood there for a moment, unable to tear her eyes from the lovers lying on the bed.

  She took a deep breath and managed to recover some of her senses, she look around disoriented in search of an escape route. She ran out of the house and towards the stables.

  After a few moments, the powerful drug left Lucas with no strength or will and he fell asleep, while Alma, with deep anguish in her chest, ran quickly out of the room gripping the edges of her bodice in her hands. In her room she found Penelope.

  " How did it go?" Penelope asked, grabbing her by the arms. "Tell me everything quickly!"

  "A terrible thing happened ... the poor Mistress surprised us ... she was upset, she had a terrible face ..." Cried Alma.

  "Well done, my dear! Well done!" Penelope‘s smug tone disgusted Alma.

  " You’re cruel ... evil ... you care nothing of the suffering you’ve caused others!" Alma was close to tears " And you’ve forced me to become your accomplice!"

  "I’ve no time for your nonsense and scruples of conscience now! Remember that thanks to my intervention this small service will allow you to get near to Federico again. Now we have to go, though. Gonzalo’s man is waiting for us, we can go straight back to Tampico."

  Penelope pushed Alma towards the exit of the house, taking care not to be seen. They took a route across the lawn and after a while they came to the boundary of the property.

  "It’s evening and we’ve got to get to the inn by ourselves, I'm afraid ..." Alma said weakly, "I don’t feel well, I’ve lost my strength ..."


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