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The Forbidden Promise

Page 37

by Helena Rose

  "I can’t marry you," she whispered, "and you know it."

  " Not now, after the mourning, after all this is over. I'll wait. Return to Tampico as my betrothed, give me the opportunity to look after you."

  " I can’t. Try to understand me! I love you, but as a friend and also ..." Said Aurora.

  " Don’t tell me you've changed your mind about annulling your marriage!" Interrupted Cristobal.

  Aurora hesitated for a moment, sighing.

  " No, it’s not that, it’s that ... It's all a lie! It's all false!" Cried Aurora.

  Cristobal looked at her stunned, his eyes widening in surprise.

  "What are you saying? I saw the pact, your signature is there, it can’t be a fake!" exclaimed Cristobal.

  "No that's true ... It's the rest."

  Aurora looked down, embarrassed.

  "My marriage has been consummated and I think that you've always suspected it," she said finally. "Living together we discovered that we loved each other and we decided to make our bond real. Our marriage is not a pretend one!"

  Cristobal felt a tremendous blow to his chest. No can’t be ... Impulsively he hugged Aurora tightly to his chest.

  "I don’t care about Lucas. I don’t care about anything. I only care about you." he said with fervor. "I know I can make you fall in love with me. If you don’t love me at the moment, I’m sure that in time you’ll learn to love me as much as I love you."

  "No Cristobal, I wish I could say yes. You would make any woman happy, but I like and respect you too much to deceive you. Tomorrow I’ll return to Tampico and please don’t insist otherwise."

  "No, I can’t do this! I’ll continue until you have given in," he said, almost angrily, hugging her even tighter and kissing her clamped lips.

  "Cristobal, let me go you’re hurting me," cried Aurora moving away abruptly.

  He let her go taking a few steps backwards.

  "Forgive me ... I can’t control myself when I'm with you ... I need to feel that you are mine!"

  "Enough I beg you ... Let’s just stay good friends." Pleaded Aurora.

  Cristobal sighed.

  "In a few days, I'll also be back in Tampico and once the wedding has been definitively annulled we'll talk again. I’ll not give you up so easily, whatever the cost."

  Without giving her time to say anything more, he went back into the house, said goodbye curtly to Don José and Doña Viviana and left.

  Aurora stayed in the garden staring at the starry night sky. The conversation with Cristobal had distressed her.

  She had no doubt that this had been the right decision, she did not love him, she could not marry him.

  Why isn't it possible to choose the person that you fall in love with? Cristobal would be a perfect husband, but my heart belongs to another.

  Oh, Lucas! I wonder if at this moment you're also looking at the sky and thinking of me, or if it was really all a lie and you find yourself in someone else’s arms ... maybe actually in Marisol’s! She thought with a sigh.

  Very early the following morning Don José went to pick up Viviana and Aurora.

  "Goodbye Dolores, thank you so much," said Aurora, embracing her.

  "Promise you’ll come to visit us in Tampico," interjected Viviana.

  "Of course Aunt, I’ll try to come as soon as possible." Answered Dolores.

  " Thank you so much for your hospitality, we hope to see you soon!" Replied Viviana, climbing into the carriage helped by Don José.

  They arrived at the station just in time to catch the nine o’clock train on which other distinguished travelers hurried to board still sleepy while porters followed bent under the weight of their luggage.

  Aurora, sitting comfortably in her seat, waited with trepidation for the train’s departure. Looking out the window, she saw Cristobal waving goodbye to her. Cristobal was standing on the platform, impeccably dressed, his blond hair fashionably combed, he look sweet and in love.

  Aurora responded with a smile. Then, suddenly, she heard the clanging of the locomotive and the train began to move. I'm finally going back to Tampico, where it all started. What has fate got in store for me?

  Aurora did not know that in truth fate was working yet again to ensure that the paths of the two lovers would not cross: Lucas arrived in Mexico City’s crowded station on the twelve o’clock train.

  He was determined not to leave Mexico City until he had had the opportunity to clarify the misunderstandings with Aurora.

  With some difficulty, he found Dolores’ home. He rang the doorbell, but no one answered.

  At that moment a maid and a woman arrived.

  " Are you looking for someone?" Asked the woman.

  " I’m looking for the family that lives in this house." Said Lucas as he turned and looked at the woman. He recognized her instantly, it was Dolores who had been Aurora’s bridesmaid at their wedding.

  "I'm Lucas Navarra y Reyes and I’ve come from Tampico to talk to Aurora."

  Dolores scanned the man in front of her for a few moments then recognized him. He was undoubtedly very attractive and with a look of a charmer. She could well imagine why her cousin was crazy about him.

  "Good afternoon, I hope you remember me." She said extending her hand towards Lucas who kissed it.

  "Of course I remember you."

  Dolores smiled, even though she had bad news for him.

  "I'm sorry that you’ve come all this way for nothing, my cousin left this morning for Tampico."

  "What? She’s already left?" A sense of sudden frustration pervaded Lucas.

  " She decided to leave after the first hearing of the annulment of your wedding." Explained Dolores as she scanned Lucas’ face, where she noticed a sudden fit of rage that made him frown.

  "Thank you very much Miss Dolores, it’s been a pleasure seeing you again!" And having said this, he left quickly.

  Lucas, livid with tension and clenching his fists in anger, walked swiftly to the Archbishop’s office.

  He failed to meet the bishop, as an audience had to be booked weeks, even months in advance, but he was able to speak with the secretary who told him he could have free access to the minutes of the hearing if he wanted to.

  He led Lucas into a small study where he kept him waiting for a few minutes. The secretary returned with an ocher folder and laid it on the table.

  "You’ll find the minutes of the hearing held in the presence of your wife in here. When you’ve finished consulting it, call me, I'll be in the next room."

  As soon as the secretary left, Lucas began to read avidly the typed pages contained in the folder. He came to the point where Aurora had declared that the marriage had never been consummated. In a fit of rage he forcefully punched the precious surface of the desk.

  "Damn!" He yelled.

  The Secretary summoned by the noise opened the door.

  " Are you alright sir?" He asked suspiciously.

  "Yes," Lucas said getting up quickly and placing the file back on the desk. "Thank you for your patience and availability. I’ve finished now. Goodbye."

  He left without giving the Secretary time to speak.

  Clanging, the train entered Tampico station in the late afternoon.

  When they had begun to see the first palm trees, a wave of happiness engulfed Aurora’s heart. She would soon be back to her old life, her work and would soon see Lucas again. This thought brought a smile to her face.

  " I see you’re happy!" Commented Don José.

  "Yes, I am, I’m glad to be back home," replied Aurora.

  They got off the train and Don José suggested they hire a carriage.

  "We’ve too much luggage, it’s useless going on foot and struggling."

  So they climbed into a small carriage, while a porter loaded their luggage.

  Aurora then turned her gaze to look out of the carriage, she wanted to enjoy every little detail of her town. The carriage set off and made its way along the road that overlooked the sea, the unmistakable salty scent
invaded carriage’s interior.

  They passed Lucas’ house and Aurora leaned out of the window so she could have a better view and see if she could see anyone she knew.

  At that moment the door to the house opened.

  Aurora called to the driver to slow down, the man pulled on the reins and the horses proceeded slowly. What Aurora saw, was not what she had expected, Marisol accompanied by Pablo was leaving Lucas’ house. Marisol lingered a moment to close the door behind her.

  If she has the keys to the house it’s clear that she lives there thought Aurora upset. So it's true ... He is reunited with his old flame...

  Neither Pablo nor Marisol noticed the carriage moving slowly down the street.

  "Let's go." Aurora ordered the coachman who urged the horses on immediately.

  Aurora sat back down in the carriage, her face pale and bewildered. There was no trace of the smile that had just lit up her beautiful face.

  "What's happened, my dear?" Doña Viviana asked worriedly, holding Aurora’s cold hand.

  "Nothing mother," Aurora replied without looking at her.

  "Nothing? A little while ago you were so cheerful and now you're trembling."

  "Nothing, I'm starting to feel the fatigue of the journey." Replied Aurora.

  Doña Viviana looked puzzled, then exchanged a look of understanding with Don José who had also noticed Aurora’s sudden change of mood, but had preferred to keep quiet. Doña Viviana was limited to caressing Aurora’s hand lovingly.

  They soon reached the Vargas de Coronado’s house. As soon as she entered the house, Aurora excused herself and shut herself in her room. Doña Viviana advised her to rest and stayed in the living room for a few minutes to talk with Don José.

  As soon as she was alone, in her old room, Aurora was able to let the tears flow freely down her cheeks. So it's all true, she thought, burying her face in her pillow, Federico hadn’t lied, Marisol is living with Lucas ...Yet I believed him when he swore that he loved me and assured me that his relationship with Marisol was over! They were all lies! Of course Marisol is so beautiful and unconventional. Obviously as soon as he was free, they went back into each other's arms. But why so many lies? Not only has he broken my heart but he has taken his lover into his home even before our marriage is annulled... They’re just two shameless people, I’ve been made the laughing stock of the town ... probably at this moment they’re laughing at me between the sheets ...

  These thoughts continued to haunt her as pain paralyzed her. I'm just a poor dreamer...

  She did not even leave her room to have dinner, giving the excuse of a terrible headache. The long weep had worn her out, making her sink into a restless, dreamless sleep.

  Lucas had to wait until the next day for a train to return to Tampico. It so happened that on that same train Cristobal, his rival, was also traveling, but for a fortuitous circumstance the two did not meet, having taken seats in two different carriages.

  As soon as they set foot on Tampico soil, they were both overcome by the unstoppable desire to run to their beloved Aurora.

  Cristobal however, had thought a lot during the trip. Aurora had been very firm in rejecting his proposal again and the fact that she had openly confessed that she had consummated the marriage with Lucas, had left him disappointed and bitter. For the first time since he had learned that the two had separated (most likely due to Doña Raquel’s intervention), he was afraid of not succeeding and he had already lost the prospect of marriage. She’ll never marry me, she’s so in love with Lucas. Should I give up? But in the face of these doubts, a cold determination grew, alive and kicking inside of him, leading him to persist with his objective. No, Aurora must be mine, she brought me back to life, to love ...

  He would work out a new plan. In Mexico City he had worked as hard as he could to make her feel that he had become indispensable in her life, it was now time to prove once more of his importance in her life. He decided to make her wait and then show her how distressed and torn he was by his feelings of rejected love. With these thoughts in mind, he went to his home to leave his luggage and freshen up.

  Lucas, however, went immediately to Doña Viviana’s house. The desire to see Aurora after all the time they had been apart was too strong. He rang the bell impatiently at the gate and waited.

  Carmen as usual opened the door.

  "Is Doña Aurora here?" Lucas asked standing on the doorstep.

  Carmen looked at him hesitantly.

  "What’s wrong, didn’t you hear?" Lucas said abruptly. "I want to see Doña Aurora!"

  "It’s that ..." Said Carmen trembling, "Doña Viviana has gone to church for Mass and I don’t know ... " Carmen knew for certain that her mistress would not have wanted Lucas to meet Aurora, not even for an instant.

  "Please, I just want to see my wife for a moment," Lucas said in a sorrowful voice and added, "I owe my release to you and your courageous testimony. I can never repay you enough."

  Carmen felt honored by the praise and seeing Lucas, always so strong, deeply suffering for love, finally succumbed. “Just a moment, I’ll let her know." Carmen said, sighing and making him wait in the hall.

  With difficulty Lucas managed to dominate the uncontrollable longing that drove him to run up the stairs to reclaim Aurora.

  Carmen, meanwhile, knocked on the door of Aurora’s room.

  " Ma’am," Carmen said, poking her head into the room, "there is a visitor for you."

  " Who is it?" Aurora asked while she sat in front of the mirror and combed her long chestnut brown hair with its soft bronze highlights.

  " Don Lucas ...."

  Aurora spun around, her hazelnut eyes widening in surprise.

  "Tell him ..." Aurora bit her lip in agitation. "Tell him I'm busy and I can’t receive him."

  Carmen closed the door and went down to Lucas.

  "She says that she can’t receive you," she announced serious.

  Lucas took two steps forward towards the stairs in the throes of a terrible fury. He was only a few feet from her, and again Aurora had erected insurmountable barriers that he could not overcome. However, he managed to calm down.

  "I urgently need to talk to her ... go and tell her," he insisted.

  "I'm sorry ... I told her it was urgent but she said no." Replied Carmen.

  At that moment Don Cristobal peered round the door that had remained open, and heard Carmen’s words.

  "Then I'll go to her!" Lucas said, breaking the stalemate. The desire to see her was stronger than any other thought.

  He did not have time to take another step when Cristobal’s voice stopped him.

  "Don’t you dare! This isn’t your house and if you’re used to dealing with another class of people, I won’t let you show disrespect to Aurora and her mother!"

  "Really! And what gives you the right to interfere?” Lucas growled approaching threateningly.

  "I am a family friend and a gentleman. I can’t let a scoundrel like you behave like a master in this house!" Retorted Cristobal.

  Lucas blinded by rage seized him by the collar.

  "What did you say?" Lucas roared.

  Aurora attracted by the shouting came down the stairs quickly.

  " Stop!" She exclaimed angrily, "What are you doing?"

  On hearing her voice Lucas released his grip and spun around.

  The sight of Aurora left him paralyzed, she was even more beautiful than he remembered.

  "Aurora ..." was the only word he could utter.

  She did not even look at him. She desperately feared those green eyes and the magic that she knew would hopelessly attract her. Looking at Cristobal she said,

  "Leave now both of you! Get out of my house! I’m not a prize to be fought over and awarded to the winner!"

  "But…" Cristobal tried to protest. However, Aurora’s resolute expression made him stop speaking and he decided to go out into the street.

  "We need to talk," insisted Lucas turning to Aurora.

  "Out, or I'm going to scr
eam!" she said, still not looking at him, but with such determination that Lucas was convinced it was not the proper time to insist.

  He went out into the street where Cristobal was waiting for him.

  Aurora shut the door firmly and went over to the curtains to try to observe the scene outside without being noticed.

  "You’d better stay away from this house and especially from Aurora and I don’t want to have to repeat myself." Shouted Lucas, completely engulfed by anger. "You’ve got in my way too many times!"

  "Who are you to stop me? As for Aurora she’ll be your wife for only a short time longer. I’m telling you all this because she’ll soon be my betrothed so please resist from trying to get close to her again!" Cristobal retorted defiantly.

  Lucas could no longer contain himself and punched Cristobal in the face. Cristobal retaliated quickly and they began to wrestle aggressively. Soon Lucas’ strength and ability prevailed and after a last violent blow, Cristobal remained on the ground unable to get up.

  Aurora who had watched the whole scene, rushed out to assist Cristobal. She knelt down beside him and gently lifted his head to rest it on her lap.

  With a cloth she wiped the blood that flowed from his cut lip. She raised her face to look at Lucas who was still standing, panting from the effort of the struggle.

  "You're just a savage ... A brute that only knows how to solve things with your fists! Go away ... I don’t want to see you anymore!" She said angrily.

  Anger prevented Lucas from talking... He turned and walked away, clenching his fists in despair.

  When he returned home he was still livid with anger, he slammed the door and sat on the sofa, his elbows on his knees, his hands in his hair.

  Marisol and Pablo who had heard him enter rushed into the living room to welcome him.

  Marisol threw her arms around his neck.

  "I'm so glad to see you ..." Lucas gave her a brotherly embrace and immediately pulled away from her to shake hands with Pablo.

  " How did it go?" Pablo asked worriedly. "Did you meet Doña Aurora?"

  Lucas took a deep breath and sat down on the sofa.

  " When I arrived in Mexico City she had already left to return here to Tampico. I returned at once and I went to speak to her at her mother's house but she wouldn’t listen ..."


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